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LEGAL OfSCR/PTION DED/CAT/ON 98 110 4�e <br /> A irac/ of%nd comprising o part o/Lof Two (2), Ross Acres Subdivision, ond o part of KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, lhat lhe TH/RD C/TY CHRIST/AN CNURCH, a <br /> 1he Southeasi Qua�ler(Sf1/4) o/Seciion f/even (11), Townshlp Eleven (11) No�fh, Range Nebrasko Non-Profi} Corporation, ond GRAND WEST L.L.G, o Nebraska Limiled <br /> Ten (10J Wesl of 1he 6/h P.,N., in ihe Cily of Grand lsland, Ha!l Couniy, Nebroska, more Liabiliiy Company, being lhe owners o(lhe land desc�ibed hereon, have coused <br /> porticulorly described as fol%ws: some lo be surveyed, subdivided, plalied and designaled as 'GRAND W£ST <br /> Beginning al lhe soulhwesi comer o/said Southeasl Qua�ler(SEl/4f,• thence running eas/eMy SUBDIVISION; in the City o/Crand lslond, Nebrasko, as shown on ihe <br /> along lhe souih line ol said Souiheost Quo�le�(SEf/4J on on Assumed Beoring ol occomponying plal ihe�eof, and do hereby dedicaie ihe slreeis os shown the�eon <br /> N90'00'00°£, a dislance o/Fo�iy ond One Hundredih (40.01J feei lo lhe ACTUAL POINT OF io the public for iheir use forever, and lhe easemenls as shown lhereon for the <br /> BEGINN/NG,• lhence coniinuing N90'00'00"E olong ihe souih line o/said Souiheasl Quarter locotion, construction and mainienance of public service utiliiies, iogelher with <br /> (Sff/4), a dislance of One Thousand Two Hundred Sevenly(1270.00J fee/fo ihe soufheast lhe �ighl o/ingress ond egress lherelo, and hereby prohibiiing lhe plonting of <br /> come�of/he Wesl Ha/f ol ihe Soulheos/ Quarier(Wf/2SE1/4),• lhence running NOl'04'1B"W, /rees, bushes and sh�ubs, o�p/acing oiher obsiruc/ions upon, over, a/ong or <br /> a dlstance of Th�ee Nundred Twenty Nine and Nine/y Hund�edihs (329.90J leel fo /he undemea/h ihe su�lace ot such easements; ond tho/ /he fo�egcrng subdivision <br /> southwesl comer of said Lof Two (1), Ross Acres,Subdivision; lhence running S89'S8'S6"E os more pariiculorly described in ihe descripfion herean as appears on fhis plol <br /> is made wiih ihe free consent and in accordance wilh ihe desires of 1he <br /> o%ng /he souih /ine of said Loi Two (2), Ross Acies Subdivision, o dislance o/figh/y undersigned owneis and proprieJors. <br /> (80.00) (ee% ihence running N00'0>04"E, a dis/ance of One Hundred Nineiy(190.00) /eet,• /N WITNESS WHERfOf, we have a/fixed our signotures herelo ol Crond lsland, <br /> ihence running NB9'S8'S6"W, a disionce of Thirly Six and Ihi�ty fou�Hundred/hs (36.34J Nebraska, ihis /2� day of_A ,1999. <br /> feel lo o poini of curvalure; ibence running southwesledy o%ng lhe orc of a curve lo lhe <br /> 1e/1 whose �adius is Two Hundred(100.0) /eet, lhe /ong chord o/which bears S89'f8'06"W, , <br /> a long chord disfonce ol Five (5.0J feei,• lhence running N0175'04"W, a disionce o/One THIRD CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH <br /> Hundred fifly Two and Six Nundredlhs (152.06) /eei thence running N89'SB'S6"W, a distonce <br /> o(for/y Eighi and Thirly One Hundredlhs (48.31) /eei,• /hence running N45'03'26"W, a <br /> disionce of fighl Hundied Tweniy Five (825.00) fee% ihence iunning SBB'S6'>3°W, o dis/ance C �Jn L_ <br /> of N/nely Six and Ninety four Hundredihs (96.94) feei,� lhence ronning SOl'03'47 f, a en lexon er, £lde� Kei Monn, e� <br /> distonce of One Hundred Filly Two ond Thirty four Hundied/hs (152.34J 7eei,• ihence <br /> iunning N89'S2'11°W, o disfance al five Hund�ed Ninely Two ond Fn�ty Seven Hundrodlhs <br /> (592.47) feel 10 o poinf foify (40.0J feei easl o/the wesi line of said Souiheasl Quar/er <br /> (S£1/4),• lhence running SOf'03'18°£on o line Forty(40.0) /eef east of ond parallel to lhe Larry 6�des, £lde� er� Rultmon, Elder <br /> wesl line o/said Sou�heast Quorte�(SEl/4), o dislance of One Thousond One Nundred One <br /> and Sixfy One Hundredihs (1101.61) feel lo the ACTUAL PDINT OF BE6/NNlN6 and conlaining � <br /> 31.052 acres more or less. Roy H�mon, £lder -��/'d�-E <br /> � E�7� <br /> � , _ � � <br /> SI�VEYORS CERT/f/CATE <br /> I hereby ceriify lhal on July 22, 1999, l completed an occura�e survey of 'GRAND WES7 K Lic ller, £lder Dennis Wing, Eldei <br /> ; SUBDlVISION; in lhe Ci1y ol G�and lslond, Nebraska, os shown on lhe accompanying plai lhereof,• <br /> thai lhe lols, blocks, streefs, ovenues, ol%ys, parks, commons and othe�grounds as conlained in GRAND WEST L.L.C. <br /> , soid subdivision as shown on 1he occomponying plal lhereof are well and occurafely siaked off <br /> and marked,• lhat iron morkers were ploced ol all lot corne�r, thal 1he dimensions of each lot are <br /> are shown on lhe plal,• thoi each lol beors ils own number,• and that soid survey wos made wilh � <br /> �e%�ence io known ond recorded monumenls. �� � <br /> .� , Sleven D. Craig, Mo ge� <br /> ��; " ���`;� <br /> � � �� 0 Q�U ACl(NOWLEDGEMENT <br /> � x ` ��4g � r S}a/e o/Nebrasko <br /> �� �S£ALJ ; Ronol�ll�g. Lond Surveyo�No. 349 ss <br /> �.'°yo sil �l�` Counly of Hall� <br /> '�7,!_�,,,_- On the_L�day of .QiTf f 1999, be%re me,' �y�D•�Oi'►en�nu� <br /> a Nolary Public within and for soid Counly, personolly appeared KEN AIEXANDER, <br /> LARRY 6ERDES, RAY NAR,UON, KENT LICHTENWALTER, KENT MANN, GERRY RUTTMAN, <br /> MIKE WAGNER, and DENNIS WING, flders of rHIRD CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH, a <br /> f�ROV,�s Nebraska Non-Profii Corporalion, ond ST£�EN D. CRAlf, Manager of GRAND WfST <br /> L.L.C., o Nebrasko Limiled Liabilily Compony, lo me personally known io be ihe <br /> SubmiNed 10 ond opproved by /he Regiono/P/onning Commission of Ho// Caunly, identica/persons whose signa/ures o�e ollrxed the�e% ond ihai each did <br /> Grond lslond, Wood Biver ond lhe �illoges o/Aldo, Cairo ond Doniphan, Neb�osko, acknow/edge the execution ihe�eal lo be his volunlary oct ond deed and lhe <br /> voluntary acl and deed of said Corpo�alion or Compony ond thol ihey were <br /> empowe�ed lo moke lhe above dedicotion for and behalf of soid Co�poralion or <br /> C����-- F ,P•r,�.r o���c �/-9� Company. <br /> Chairmon Do1e !N WITNESS WNEREOF, l have hereunto subscribed my name ond olfixed my <br /> oflicial seal ol Grand lsland, Nebrasko, on the dale lost above wriNen. <br /> M commission ex ires � L� 2aer� <br /> Approv on occepled by 1he Cify af Grond lslond, Neb�oska, fhis��doy 1' P �� <br /> of , >999. <br /> � ,,/� l' . a's'+����% <br /> �,�.^""`7 Si/"`-� No ry Public * ''� ir <br /> Moyor -�fy Cle�k � <br /> ��rf OF NEBa''a� <br /> ,OYGRAryp1S` . <br /> ��SG99L�rF�t92* <br /> �OES 141l1M1 <br /> 4 <br /> NfBRAS�`P <br /> BD l / N <br /> �RAND WEST SU /V S 0 <br /> //V THE C/lY OF GR,4N0 /SLQND, NEBR,4S/f,4 <br /> ROCKWELL AND ASSOCIATES, - ENG/NEERING'AND SUR�EYING, - GR4N0/SLAND, NEBR4SKA Sheet 7 of 2 <br />� I <br />