;�'.�� y _ ;'e�°s-`�': `s` � . � :� �:
<br /> .� _ - --�+,1`"'�; a�i.Hr��t �` _�os�Y -t.. �- -. - _ — -. :_ - - y� //� e r �'- —k � -.
<br /> �i._ qY a c �� ��v _�ic.. i L. c �ct-. � �i__
<br /> :t.x.� �' _ . ` —,""'"s `��`c.vcY� x`-�._ . -F �.`___.� 4.
<br /> �, ' }' __ —-- ��',�itis+rb� �'-—, ��� :'t� ` . `j` ' tir _.
<br /> — `.�{ -l.` s*OC.-_. .- ' , . .- . ` , . . . . ` ` . ' `S . ` ..c ` ' .��/i��1w�� �_ ��'.
<br /> —__— ' c � ` t , . � � � ' . ` ' '- .� , �4�Ov� . . . `�� ` <�'c;; .f�
<br /> _ -- �-�l�-�aa����c_far�nt�.betb�sate af tbe Ptop�wn�t�t to sm►onaisr�sAta oeypi��a Tn��6 �-.���-
<br /> = Secueit�t L�CUmtn�ca(b)enbY af e�iiQgmsnt -_� t�e� cns u+e � ' . . �.,��
<br /> _ --• ' ` P�9b Lcrtder atl swns whicA th�n,atttuld be dua un�r t h i s�e�i u itY.i n s�n t�t a�t�e•N o t d+ts.��aa i a�'t�,::• t .:� �
<br /> ocFwme�ta3 cuc+es any defautt oi+�na�ar oav�am ur e,�ts:taj��rs�l��iaa�th�s Sacuricyr � �� ;�,.-
<br /> _- - _ �Iast�ument.inrtudtn8►dutmot limited na�son�k�&a�ys'f�x and.(d3 Wm sucD�iaa aa m�p"rta�adsbt�- - . ;` `
<br /> t�
<br /> -- , r�utta`�assute th�t.the ltm of dtft S�►tnsuument;#rendett�tights in tat F4o�ty ind Bot3avsra� toyia�t6e: " «�.'
<br /> _ . � sams sa�u�0 by tNs Sa�tt�r Iustnumest shall anotin�a �n�nged. Upun�tdnsaLemeut D�► 8a�ro��tais &a�nit�r��,�_� _���';�:
<br /> --- I��1 t�a��ons s�sure�l.AeneD�r a2�U�+eana9a fuliy e�e�aive as it�v acx��rttioin Dac4 o�c+�cL Ho�rcvcr,dr�a . '____
<br /> -- - ri�to.���t�ssPDdy iattiec�seofaooe2eratiaa�der�19. • : . � � ,`
<br /> I9� Sa�e atNol�;•GDu�ge uf i.a�n SevioCes 'Citc Nate or a inter�st in tII�Nota(tegeti�er amtb t$is�So�t _
<br />�� -- .� �. . . _ ---
<br /> - — -- - --. _ � .. . . . . `
<br /> - --- - - -
<br /> �n�st�ume���Y�e:s�3 om o�a�re times wc'�o�1t P�ar�oe�o - - . -A�ata��ay�tc+$cESSUga,u�cr�r
<br />_ �tt�iown�s�te"Loaa'S�etviee�j dtat coftec�mv�y,paY�dtu nuderth��o�e a�cl,stu�Se�ricg�ument-��e aLsd �',. �. ::� .
<br /> m�y Da one at anare cnanges,�ef tite Loaa Seatvitet�nutaslated t�a sal�of the Nate.'If th�n�s a ctm�ge oS`t�a.��xvioar.' .°.. � .
<br /> — — Baaawer will be g�ven writ�m natia�of t�ebangt in a000rdm�arit6�a�graph 14 aDoae�rrd appiicab�e Isw, �rin�:. . � - � -
<br /> wIlistaie lAename aadaddcess oflhRnewLowSsvioer8md@teaddcess W wbIc�psymeatsshout�6t.mid'e.�te t�faaa�ll�� ;
<br />- — -- aL�a owotain�othsr Infolmat�tequired by�cabk`G►w.' � r• - : . ; �• .
<br />- - -- _ �0. Aasardoas SaD�Lnoe�. Bonower a,�t�ause ar pe�mit ti�P�'�us��isl�at*soota8�oc t�of ya�•: �` .°�.,`,:;
<br /> — �S�on�ran t�pt�e:ty. B�qw�ehall aot dqy nar a�ow anyon�else to do�et+y�i�-�ag�e: , .. -.,
<br /> �.,�.�. Pbperty that is ia xlolatd�o!aQy Bb�Imam�ral Law '!be preoeding tao scntenoes shall�nt apply'to�e p�s.seri�*,a�$�;:�'��,"
<br /> sW at t�e of smati of I�T�Subsianc�s that ece reqo to be W ''�"s- �
<br /> — � �P�► � 48� � �� ��$t�,; =�'�.
<br /> ,.<�-,�
<br /> - - , res;deniiai�ses aaa m mainr�anoe of tne Rapaty. . ° . :• .,.,,;��,���:':• :�
<br /> _- ,v� saROSVer seal�wmmpdy givalren�a►riueA no�of any InvestF�,cta�,aem_ancl:tawsuic or other a�o�`�,�..�:_ -
<br /> -- — O! IIv8t8 ` . i s��.=.'-., :
<br /> -- BoV���'�S��Y 88�!! F P�Y iavolving the Propc�ty and ang Narazd�s Substaax oe ;:5>�.. �.
<br /> - _.._-_,�_��•� Laar of,whicit Bouower has e,cxust tc�awl� If Baaawer Ieams.ar is n�&ed Ay ae►y gav�nmt ..��:� :�F;,,} .
<br /> _ �:±���� � suthorit!►�ttutt eary�qtoval or att�r reme�tt�nlof uny Hazardaus Stibstaaoe nffectiag`the P r�p a n y i s a�- �owat � `
<br /> - -`- sha}Ifttap�elYtaYeallaoce.�ai�► ecku�sinao�or�a�wititEnvemnmea�taiLsw. � � --...-. '-------
<br /> ----- -- As tts�ia ttis parag�ap6 2Q��'R�a�a t+d ous Snbstaac.�s"ate those sahst�mmes�H as t�of��s4aa.a by� :'
<br /> - Favi�uaeatal Law sad the fol�wi;ag suhsma�es: •gasoline.hetosen�other fla�nmable ar toxic peuoteum�ucts,toxfc .
<br /> _=�=���.� pesti c i d e s a a d h e r D I c��s,vo l a t�e so iv e n t s,m az e ri a l s ca n t a i n i n g a s D e s t o s ar f o i u o a l d e h y d�a n d t a d i�c t i v e m t i U'a i a L� A s �
<br /> -- __- usod in tLia paza�aph 20,"Fnvir�nental Law°means fedezal iaws aad(enrs of the juiisdictFoa afiese Sie Pto�is WcaYed.._<
<br /> �-�,����`� tbut trlate to hea�(ta.safety(�envitoamental pmtection "
<br /> �=%�;E:�;�t :;`�:=:�, NQN•11NIFORM�QY�NAN't5. BmmaaandLenderPorth�cov�antandag�eeasfoftows: .` � � .
<br /> ^KY.\.�f�'.,1�t �
<br />=�;xs �'�-�=�- Zl. AmekratJon:Rtmedies. Lender s�ii gtve notioe to B�mw�prFor to aeedei�t�toRaw6�g Bormwar��,�,
<br /> �r`��t:;;r:'�.``. oresc�i ot any oovenant�f qg�eemeat tn 44E�securtcy Ia�am�t(hm na priar rn aoa�n ande�p�pe a?.
<br /> 'C'i_��.:Y,S 4
<br />��",' =>�;.,.` -�� ..� untes�ayp2icaDte ta�t psovides ot�eewise�'I'h�nattoe sh�l1 spedfy: E�?tl►e d�ut�(6)the acHoa,requ�,�cmre tne
<br /> —:.,,�.yy,
<br />�T'i.i='! i�7•�,: ��•
<br />_�,'�`sc;,��-�:�Y-_�_s� def�f t�)n daLe.oAt�tlmn 3Q d�ys lt+om_the date the natioe.ig givea to Ba�er,Dy wt�ic6 th� most�6t.
<br /> `� ;`...t c v r e d;wtd(�t�at t�Qare to cane the defaatE oa or befare We date s p e c i�e d in tHe aotioe m a�'�utt in�ot�:
<br /> ��.�:�(::r34`+�:�� .�.-
<br />_ ��rsau 3;."._-: x��,. tbe sums securee 6y thts Secarity Iastrument ead saie ot ttie Yroperlr .7'de aotke�It�drs�tri�.i�tor+a�oreow�ai
<br /> �..,"�;���:�� � • ' the etgpt aa reinstate aR�aace[eratioa and t6e rigbt to bri�g a conrt action to assert the��ai�ddadt or
<br /> - ::: - .' .� aug atR�r detease of B�rrowe�to aaoeleratton a�d s� It fae defaWt is aot ct�red ou or Defaa'e ttie��e,dfkd ta
<br /> 's;>�,_: ����. . the not�se.LeaQer at Qts o�4ion may require immediate pQ,yment ia foD of aD sa�rs seca�+ed Dy fnis Sa�r��t�nt
<br /> ;;':;z=r? : ' wttRauD�tlurt6er deman�and mey invoke the power ot saie and aoy other�nedles perm.ilted by ep�eabk Istw.
<br />- =:�,T�-::.��_=--=- Lenders�all be entitted to mltect att expenses incurred in pursvtng the remedies provt��a!in this p►�ragrapb t.� _
<br />- � ' incladtng,dut not limited to,reaconabie auoraeys'fees and oosts o!ttt[e evideac�
<br /> �`• V tdepower of sute.is fnvu&ed,71�ustee shaU record e notice oP defautt in eacd ooaaty in w9�fcb anq part ot t6e
<br /> '� � � Pro e Is tocated tutds�luillmaU coptes of suc6 nott�in the maaner prescrtU�Ay appl�CaDte taw to 8osrower an�ao
<br /> ,�;:� . '� ' � .� tae at$@r persons prescriEed 6y applicabie la�. After We time required by a��ataNe taw,'llrustee sRal1 g[ve pnbfit
<br /> - aotke of sale to We persoffi a�in the manner pmscrtbed Dy appUcable taw. 'fl4�ste�wF�boyt demand on Borrower,
<br /> ���`'. �, � shalt�lPtIIe P�opxrty at pu�9�¢ancttoa ta tke highest 6Idde�at ttte tIme ana piaie anduarf��the term�desfgasted tp
<br /> � � �� t�e notbce of sa�e in one or more pazoels and tn aay order 7lrustee determines. �maYT p'�tpnae sate of atl or aniq
<br /> :�'::: � �� .
<br /> �°r-: . � ' pareel af the Peoperry by pubac anaouncement at the time and place of any���t�sly�di�led sale. Lender or its
<br />- , designee may pa�chase tLe Property at any sai�
<br /> ' � Upon receipt of paytnent of the prtce bid,7tivstee shall deliver to the�un-Wrase�7Yastee's dee��mveyL�g the
<br /> ��°"�'� = =- Property The redtats jp the 7frustee's deed shall be pelma facte evidence of the huth oY tt�e'statemeats made thereie. -
<br /> Y=��'•�� 1lrustee shaU a,pply the psocecds of the sale In the fol�o�ring order: (a)to sll costs and esp�srs oY exercLsing the power
<br />� �'�•. �
<br /> ': � ':; -
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