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<br /> qu��.
<br /> ` ,� °. ' _ _._ � o - — --
<br /> .-�_r •. , r _ . . . . _ __.. _._ .
<br /> _ _i.T '_ a} '' �1 �7; ' - .� 4 t:1- -
<br /> `v {��. .�v,o�'i G t ^-�'-°�-----.�•.co -c--r'°-:" -
<br /> �- ._..s�_...�n..�r..�- � n � , ' ' �,L. . � , ' , � � '� `" . ` ` . . . .-- � � 1 `b������� - . . —
<br /> �: .
<br /> , ,`S.�Bt�or•�iap�iy��or�i��r e�it.i�:t��nng�ov�`ea�r�datia���Eaa`�r�ct�d ua tj�e�•
<br /> _ �
<br /> �_ _ — �_��!.I4mt�e�..�a�:ta�-b�t�► Wfthin the ta�"_ext od�v�ge`�a3+taY o�'�au�s�f�ch�d�°. ` _
<br /> ftaods ar��Iopdin�g.for wbtc�.I�e�cf�i�t�c•. s� ' ^� iar aa�•pe�i�
<br /> . i t�a't I.eucter a+�'tit�s.1'Ebz ln�renaa c�rFet�m�i�g tha inst�tanee st,�lf ha d�Dlc Bbrcotv�enb,�act to I.esLdrt'g tpprav�ot" " '
<br /> --. ;wt�fich�sh�lmoc tio�inira�sa�Bly'withbetd�Si�oicu�r fifts to.nniatain wvcnaea�Ibed.�va:L�Ba m�y;o�I�'s,� � :.:�
<br /> .�optioa,o�ain�vensge t�►�+otect Leadsr'a sigt�ts L4�6e�rope�ty eu reoardanoe�cvit�•�sa$�'.ph T. '` . ': `:�<. , ..
<br /> - ` ', All-iasuia�e polict�a snd��ewaia shatl�nocept�Dt�.ta Lender and s�atL�na�3de�:at�da�a�ot�clsusr. YcBder. � _:
<br /> _ , . shall I�aire We�t tn hoI+d ttie polid�s�drenEwats:If Ltadet�quimes,Bottower sh��roc�ps�y g[ve to.LendC�att i+eceipt�of .
<br /> i _— ° ,.. gda pmmiums aaed ra�l�ottas:�Is�t�e eve�e o�ios�:�+oacr s�e pra�pf�a to�ie-�is�ut�ia�t�rt�?�r.==_� ,:
<br /> ---- -� _--_ I�ndtr ma�___matm�rnof of lass iFaot aoade�rua�ti�by Snanms. �:_ : ,. � .� �
<br /> --- --- --���_- ------.--.�__._ _.. .. _-----
<br /> _ � • ilntess Lender end Bornawer othe�ise agcne in�vriting,inszuauca pmae�ts slw��re appl�ed m test�ralton ar�of tLe� -
<br /> — -` ProAert�damugad;if sD�re,ata�attoa or i�epalr i��oouomical�y fe�ibls a�d Le�der's sa�sW is nut lessened,If tbe teston�ton es �� .
<br /> ' c+epair ia aot eooaomicalty feaslbY�e or Y.euder's sewiity wonl�be tessened.tte ins�t�tti�pmoeads shall.6e.appllas�to pti+e�ums , . .
<br /> ' se�ue�d try ttis Sec��Ity Insu�ment,whether az,aot�tt�a du�wiW aay.eaaess�asdzJ�Boimwer. If�amower abu�ns the ' _ :
<br /> , Froperty. ar daGS not answes aritbia 3Q days a u�zice fmm Lender t�at the ias�ttmtae:�ier Aas offein�w.scttl�a eIaiai.tL�n .
<br /> � t�ende,r may oolloa et�ia�uran�e prooceds..Le�td�may ase the psno�e�s w rep�ir:�x nsto�the:Propeny or w pay stmss �
<br /> . soc�ed D3►tMa Security Instnuaaeat.cvhe�es arnot tB�due.T�34day perioct witP Begin when tBe�tiae is gtvcn. `
<br /> .._'_. _: .- -.-Unless I.e�der aaa Borrow+er othen�Ise.sgree-in wtiting;any-�oa-:of,g�a�oads W psint�gal s6ait�t ext�d or -
<br /> postpoae the�ie date of the ma�htY FaJ+��ieffeaad w m p�gaphs 1 and 2�p�d.ia�e tt�mmam�t of thc.paym�s.I£:
<br /> �1�8�21�t�s�m�erty►is�q�u�d bY I�Boanwer's dgT�t tm m�r$ns�raaoe po�i�s a�Pmo�ds.t�v�ti�',�m
<br /> -- dauiage to the Pcope�ty prinr to t�'�on sb�t�gr�s m t.en�ta t�e��#�e s�n.s seauect tr}�ibag�un3y��S�at. -
<br /> �,,� immedi�telyPno=tothsacq� �.:::.�•..=•. � � �: � . f� '> �: -...:; '
<br /> . .
<br /> - ,.��s e6�ancy,�r�as�n����n��"u��a a�l�����'�#€.�°�ip�a'�hi*.�• -
<br /> _ . — �F� ___ �
<br /> _ ti•i�v �P.ESDaiY°lf�100C1�,EStBb�{S�t.?�$.11'�Et�E��_s'L��t?`37.'lD'R�kY'3��02'�5II��2�r'88�w�����
<br /> _ —i , ,*1�.�"�►.�.'�S�1�AZIE�il Q��8�E''i�fjr�:s^S��'�?�g�ICSIS�IICC fUl.E2�R�1QPZ fG�'$�23' . ..\ '
<br /> --- �'.. . :'t��a"i����^ .,,�C�4 I+CDdCI O�1C111f188 E�1�5 i�SYC1ClII$s A�,AL��H�''�AOZ bC QOIC850IIE�`}*��;�.41T�S5:�-
<br /> -=,,,,,�� -.. .: eatenua�zig ci�exist whicl►are 6eyoa�.Bo•rrower's ca�f: �n+s�r shall not desu+oy, d�age ur iat�.��t�e .
<br /> __���.�;�.'. � Pcoperty. allow t�e&1c�pesty to deteriorer�or commit waste on the Pregest�:�8otrower sLall be in defaWt ff aay furfeimre � .
<br /> � � - actioa or pmceeding;�ether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's gao�.�'aitl�j�dgment oould�satt ia forfeituie of dte
<br /> : ! Froperty or other�vise�tedally impa3r the lien c�ated by this Security Insaument or•Leader's security interest.Boimwer may
<br /> _ � � - i cure such a defautt end refnstate.as provMed in partigraph 18,by cansing the aaion or proceeding w be dismi�sed witb a mling
<br /> ��. 1 tt�at. in Lender's good•faitb determinatIoa Preclv�dea fodeiwt�a of the Borrower's interest iA the Propeny or other materlal
<br />�•�;r��:. I tmgaim�ent of the Uen created by tbis Security IASUUment or Lender's security iateresi. Barrower st�atl elsa be in default if
<br /> � � j Borrower.dudng tbe toaz►appllcatton pm�ess.gava matc�riaUy false or inaocurata infotmatIoa or etatements ta Lender(or fafied ,
<br /> � i to provide Lender with auy m�terial infamtiation)in oonaecdon wIth tho loan evldonr.ed by the Note,includfna.but not limited
<br /> . . '. �� f to.�epieseatetions oanoeming Bomnwe�s occupancy of tha Propeny as a principaf c�sfdenee.If thia SecvrIry Instrumeat is aa a
<br /> Y leasehotd. Borrower s�aU oomply wltb dl th�pmvisfons oi the lease. If Borrower acquires fee utle to the Pcopeny. the
<br /> � '�'�'=;.;;:`"` ` � leaschqld and tlie fee tltle ehsiU not me e un3ess[Rnde� _
<br /> ��Z*�����.�,:.�.� h U tg ogrees to tfte merger in writing.
<br />_ : ..�-:__s;_.��,_ � 7.Pt�otestton ol LeaQrr'e P�Ig6ts In ttt4 Pt+up�hy.If Bo�mwer fatis m perfar�uthe ooveaams and�eements caatained in �--_ ---
<br /> � �.: .
<br /> this Security insteumeat.or thec�e is a legal ptoreedtng that may significanuy affea[.ender•s righ[s in�he Property(such aa e
<br /> ,,�;��� :�. � ��;;.�� , proceeding in banIauptcy,pmbate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce ta+vs or irgWations),then Lender may do and =-4��-�
<br /> � . � •�, � pay for whatever is necessary to pmtect th:value of the Property end Leader's rights in the Prnperty.Lender's actions may �__`°°°"�
<br /> � ,:�'�`.��`"� �''� inciude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over thls Security.Insuumen� appeaiing lu oourt, paying ,�:��-___-
<br /> .:'�`• : , ;. � reasonable attomeys' fees and eatering oa th�Prope�ty to make repairs.Aithough Lender may take aCtioa under this paragiaph ,;.�=�t=y--
<br /> ,�,,. ti
<br /> ;:�;�`;� ' . 7.Lender does ttot have to do so. '�:f::�-=
<br /> .....'',_.�:-";. <., ��_=°=_-
<br /> � My amounts disbwsed by Lender urndec this paragraph 7 shall become addl�+onat debt of Bomower secured by Wis
<br />