<br /> 1 B. Mlecellenaous Provlelona r ��r ��o.4 2 5
<br /> ' 4; ^i ! � : .
<br /> ' (a) Borrowsr Not Rsloa�ed. Extanelon ot the tlme for payment or m�R Ea?lon of the euma eecured by thla Deed ot Trust pranted
<br /> by Lander to any suoceseor In Intereet of Borrower eiial! not aperate to relaaae, In eny manner, the IIablNty of tha orleinel Borrower
<br /> and Borrowar'e eucceeeore In Intareet. Lendar shall not be ra ulred to commence proceadinga agalnat auch succesaor or refusa to
<br /> extend tlma for payment or otherwlee modlfy emortlzetlon the eums sacurad by thle Deed of Truat by reaeo� of eny damends
<br /> made by the orlglnal Borrower end Bo Wer' uc eae r ntereet.
<br /> (b) Lander's Powe�s.Without af�b�t���pt�jty other peraon Ilable for the peyment of eny obligetio�herein mentfoned,
<br /> and without affecting the Ilen or cherga of thls Deed of Trust upon any portlon of the Property not then or theretofore released as
<br /> security fo� the full amount of eil u�paid obligatlona, Lender may, from time to tima end without notice Ii1 release any person so
<br /> Ilable, ((i) extend the meturlty or alter any of the terma of eny such obligations, (iii) grent other Indulgences, (iv) release or reconvey,
<br /> or cause to be released o�reconveyed at any time et Lender's optlon any parcel, portion or all of the Property, (v) take or release any
<br /> other edditional aecurity for eny obllgatlon hereln mentloned, or (vf! make compositlons or other ar�angements with debtors in
<br /> relatton thereto.
<br /> (c) Forbesrence by Lander Not a Walver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or otherw(se
<br /> afforded by appUceble lew, shall not be e walver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. The procurement of
<br /> insurance or the payme�t of taxes or othar Uena or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the
<br /> meturity of the Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> (d) Successors and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and Several Ueblllty; Ceptlons. The covenants and agreements herein contained shall
<br /> bind, and the rights hereunder shall Inure to, tha respactiva successors and assigns of Lender and Trustor. Ail covenanta and
<br /> agreements of T�ustor shall be Jolnt and saverel. The captions and headinga of the paragraphs of thia peed of Trust are for �
<br /> convenience only and are no ts bo�u�d�iaJpte�rp[at,,p�p,�,�j�,a provislona hereof.
<br /> (e) Requsst for Noticss. 1�P"tldf�'�i':'��a� cop� oC eny`notice of defnutt hereunder and a copy of any nodce of
<br /> � aela heraunder be mailed to each perty td L141e'[�feed of TNs4 at the addresa set forth above In the manner prescribed by applicable �
<br /> law. Except for any othe�no Ic�req�irbd�Adar app#kebtb lew to be given In another manner, any notice provided for in this Deed of
<br /> Trust shall be gfven by mali ng euch notlCe by certlfled mall addressad to the other partles, at the address set forth above. Any
<br /> notice provided for In thla Deed of Trust shall be effective upon malling In the manner designated herein. If Trustor is more than one
<br /> person,notica aent to the address aet forth above ahall be notice to all such peraons.
<br /> (f) Inspectlon. Lender mey make or cause to be made reasonable entr(ea upon and Inspections of the Property, provided that
<br /> Lender shall give Trustor notice prlor to any such In'spection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's interest in the
<br /> , Property.
<br /> (g1 Reconveyance. Upon�payment of all sums secured by thls Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> Property a�d shall surrende� this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to Trustee.
<br /> Trustee sha�l reconvey the Property without warranty end without charge to the peraon or persons legally entitled thereto. Truator
<br /> shall pay all costa of reco�detlon,If any.
<br /> � (h) Parsonal Proparty;Secu�lty Agraement. Aa additlonal eecurity for the payment of the Note, Trustor hereby grants Lender under
<br /> the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a security inte�est in alt fixtures, equipment, and other personal property used in connection `
<br /> with the real estate or Imp�ovements located thereon, and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part of the real estate secured �
<br /> hereby, Thfs Instrument shall be construed as a Security Agreement under sald Code, and the Lender shall have all the rights and i
<br /> remedies of a secured perty under safd Code (n eddition to the riphts and remedies created under and accorded the Lender pursuant
<br /> to th(s Deed of Trust; provtded that Lender's rights and remedles under this paragraph shall be cumulative with, and in no way a
<br /> Iimltatfon on, Lender's�ights and remedies under any other security agreement s(gned by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> Q) Uens and Encumbrances. Trustor here6y warrants and represents that there is no default under the provisions of any
<br /> mortgage, dqed of trust, lease or purchase contract describing all or any part of the Property, or other contract, instrument or
<br /> ag�eement constituting a Ile� or encumbrence agafnst all or any part of the Property (collective, "Liens"), existing as of the date of
<br /> this Deed of Trust, end that any and all existing Liens remain unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Trusto�'s written
<br /> disclosure of Ilens end ancumbrences provided for harein. Trustor shall timely perform ell of Trustor's obligatfons, covenants,
<br /> represantations e�d werrentlas under any and all existing and future Liena, shall promptly forwerd to Lender copies of all notices of
<br /> default sent fn connection w(th any and ail existing or future Liens, and shall not without Lender's prior writtan consent in any -
<br /> manne�modify the provisions of or allow any future advances under any existing or future Liens.
<br /> (j) Applicatlon of Paymeqts. Unless otherwise required by law, sums paid to Lender hereunder, including without Iimitatlon
<br /> peyments of principal and interest, Insurance proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and profits, shall be applied by Lender to
<br /> the amounts due and owing from Trustor and borrower in such order as Lender in its sole discretion deems desirable.
<br /> (K) Severabllity, if any provision of this Deed of Trust conflicts with applicable law or is declared invalid or otherwise
<br /> unenforceable, such conflfct or invelidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given
<br /> effect without the confiicting provislon, end to th(s end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be
<br /> ' severable. . ......,.�,..... , ,
<br /> ' (1) Terms.The terma."T�ustor" and "Borrower" shall include both singular and plural, and when the Trustor and Borrower are the
<br /> same personls�,those terme as used in this Deed of 7rust shall be Interchangeable.
<br /> (m) (iovaming Lew.Thla Deed of Trust shell be governed by the laws of the State of Nebreska.
<br /> Trustor has executed th�a Deed of Trust ae of the dete written above.
<br /> , ,� ,
<br /> ./, , ,
<br /> l
<br /> Trustor Trustor
<br /> Trustor ' Trustor
<br /> Trusior Trustor
<br /> . i
<br /> NBC 9467C(Non�prloulturel Dssd)Rav,8/88 .
<br /> � 1988 hfstlonel Benk of Commeroe Tru�t end Seving�Aeeociatlon,Llnooln,Nebreske
<br />