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<br /> n��
<br /> . tM�t�lee� �air�)�+uvidad�y�in t�ner.a�prova�iiy�.�r�ps��:.�vaLtid�o.�ta obtafn�Bi�'+[o�ec�rtd�r;. k
<br /> - — _ •r z - ° � � _ `z
<br /> - . � ' `I�e��n�p�a�oa wIth inl+'w€it���stwaen�or�iwes�t�d�.or�licabfeiaw�:. _ .. �,�:--_ �Y��; -
<br /> � � � ���.ri�4�ter�:t�ea�6et':br.�s�.intY,m�tpao�wbk�`t�t�ud�Qf.�O Propc�t�r'i�de���'ifiv�;'.
<br /> Bcnr�iier noticp�tHe3im��of�r pr�or Oor an i�o�an spedfyl��c�.a.for t�c � ' ; �� >•.. ` .. � -
<br /> �t
<br /> � � ., i0.�.'t�pt�aceods of�ay awat�i�o�ds�m`fl�u damRBes.d�+ecs cr�ansequeadt3.�!'�a�witlt a�y:. . . .
<br /> ` � ��onde:�tioa`�r otnerf�dP$of tny�att oY the.P�o�ttty.or for c�m�ayaioos iq 2i�pf ooiidema�idon!+►ca 1�,►�r�footf_ood` �
<br /> — __ . '_�����—__�-..� _ _.�.____ .-,.. _ _ .�' .,��• • , � . ,. + .. . . . . '` � ' a�S>�___�` — — . .
<br /> � � . --._ .. ._.__ _ --
<br /> .. _ �n Ql�ev'e.at OY�t�Wtgl tBitlqg Of tRe PrOpCtays die�receo�s 8h81i ba epplIsc�t0 t�0 St�1S�ur�d`�}I t�8 S�ctlfTty ta3�, '
<br /> --- - -- - _ __ _ _ __-�-r..^_ T- - -
<br /> -- whetl�or�uot t�esa��e�►e.iioess p�fd to-ff�rc�a�er:Tn iTte eveo�of a pai�ta�n8:���rty�wnira wc nir � :
<br /> ��vsl�of t�Propc�tyr immvdlaicJ,Y Defaro t1�te8ing is aq�ai m.oF grraus.t�a�th��amauat of the�ns sas�d.iiyF�dris
<br /> . �eatritY tngoeqnoent i�ety'befm+a th¢taI�RB,m�icss Borro�c aad Len�ditr otheiwise s$�in wtefiag.the sa�as�edue�t�y. ; :``�:�
<br /> this SecvrIty�eat shall��e reduce6 b�ttM amou�of tha-proaods�Idp�d by tIIe following�Ction:(a�j t�e.tot�l � . ;
<br /> smount of t�s s�ras s�ed imm�diatdy btfane the mking,divIded by„(D).;t8�t faxr matic�t vatoe of the Pnopeety Immnodi�eljr ` :
<br /> _ 6cfore the t�tg.Aa�:�alan�e;�ba paid Lo Bormw�r.Ia the ev�t of a�puttal tatdn8 af tit�Pmpect�!in wYsicb 8ie fair. `
<br /> marYet val�of the Pnip�rty.�eSy befo�+e t�tat3ng is less ti�an dbs amonut of th�sums secured immedisuiy�betbm t�
<br />- - �....... .�g,.uate�cBmtai�.and'L�er.othe�rtsesgree-inmriting:oruatess.egglicablelawoth�cwiseprovi�,.tfieg�g;studl .� �
<br /> _ be appuad ta th�s�s�ued byst►iss 5ecutity Insm�a�tnt wII�er or not tt�sum4 aie thr�dne. =:::;�-�,:, ��•_,�.'' , .
<br />- ' If the Praperty�is abaadoaed 6y Bumower,or if,eftea notioe try��a Boirow�r tLat ti�e��fft��st�tsiatoe an
<br />-- awat+3.nr se,ttie a claim for dam�s,Borcaw�fails to respond to L�.i�+afhiu 30 days aRer th�:�;Q�te:-��fs��i�t►e4; .
<br /> �,�,�. �#s�rthoii�od to ooUect sr�.$spiy the pmoeeds,at its optio�s:ei��a aiesto�tioa or iepair of'���+ty or e��avAt9- ".
<br />- �.�� s�#Y��Y,���:whether or not then due. � .��. '� '� ; -*" • sfi � .
<br /> - - _ -- • -�ntess E.�'�.�ariot�erwis�eg�eeza writis�g,ai!Y �uii�"�oiu of piuoeed3 its��'_,,,�smi.Exts�.0.r,� .
<br /> � . posqwne the du�d�g�� `��`a9ity payments�tn in�ag�aphs t;a�i��or chaage the emmu�ciF'F��. �`'`
<br />- - � li.Borrower Not Itele�i�orLea�anoe By Lender Not a Waiverr t�5ctension of the dme f� �t or madiScatlon °"�"
<br />_ � of�@oa of the svms secur�ei,;�y this Secnriry Instnm�eat gramted by Lender W a�+sueoessor in i�l of Borrower shall
<br /> � uot age�ate to ietease the IiabilIty;a�t�e origiaai Bor�rower or Borruaer's succ�so�s in iaterest.Le�er slm]!not be nqaited w
<br /> ::, oommeaoe Praccedings agaiast e�'saccessor in inter�t or�efiva to extead time for payaient or omerar(se:aaodify emo�tian
<br />- ;� of the s�mos secaned by this Socqrity Insaum�nt by reasoa of any d�e�st'made by the orlgiaal BA�ower or Bomnwda
<br />- . � stioc�ssors in interest.Anyr fo:b�oe by Leuder in exerdsi�any rcgt�¢,zr;�eateQy sLall not be a w�zs`�i of or p�¢Iude the
<br /> , e�of anyr aght or�y. � �` . : ;.:, �•�. ' . ..•:� .. '.::�..::t
<br /> � . �,. �E,Saa�sois and A���and;doiat aztd Sev�:�tg;C�si,gnes.�'Gl�r�ooveaa�s and�of dils
<br /> `:.:
<br /> : Se�ai�y Instrument aball 6ind arai�benefit the suocessors an►��i8ns af�t€ler ead�truower,sub}ect w the'� • ...� of
<br /> . paragiaph 1�. Bomuwer's ooveaaats arW egreements shalf be joiat and sec'zisl. Any Bumnaer w�o oo-siSos ` 5eauity
<br /> _ �-�"� ��' - Iastrument but daes not execut@ tl�°.��Jote: (a) is casigning this Securtry Iasteument oWy to mortgage,gcatit sud c�pyey that
<br /> ,�ti�;�:. . Boaowaz's interest in the Property icnder the terms of this Ses�nrity Inswaaent;(b)is not pezsonally oDli�ated tu �s sums
<br /> r t p�,.. .
<br /> �•". �` sewred by dns SoauIty Insmune�¢;`aad(o)agrees that I.eadea and any oWer Bmcuwer may agree to exterW,modify.fx�ear or
<br /> -�-.�'.��;:4-;.�•s�., make anY pcao�dations witb regan2 to the terms of tLis Security IastNment or the Note tvidtout that Boaower's oonseat. �----- -------
<br /> 13.Loan Ct�eg.ff the loan secvrod by ti�iis Security Iastrument is subject to a law whic6 sets maximum loan cfiarges. --
<br /> .`�-�{: :�``�' :.�� t�'� aad that law is fiaa�ly uuerpreted so that the interest or other toan charges oollected ar to be oottoctod in oonaection wItD the _
<br /> .,.•. .. . .. . . . ---
<br /> •.:;�� -, �.;;ti``'`` lQau eaeeed the pennitted llmits.tl�n: (a)aay such losu cbarge shall be reduoed by the amount necessary to�duc�i�chalge �--
<br /> � ;4 � to the pe¢mitted timit;and(b)aa3r sums already collected&om 1�rrawer whicd exc�eded pennitted limiu wi116e.�'uaded to � _-_
<br /> - ' ti�'��,_. Bor�a�eu. Lender may choose to make Wis tefund by �du:� the psincipal owod under the Note o:by �tiag:a di:ec� � �.
<br /> ' '���''ts`��`�`' PaYmer.a to Barrower. If a zefund reduces priw.��aJ, the red�cc6on +�et[ �e treated as a pardal pre�raf�+��ishout any �,.,�--�.�
<br /> ,«5�, k,.: . �_�
<br /> , ,��`��r. c`-:� PiepaYmeat charge nader the Note. ` �;� -
<br />_ : ` � t �;��`��u':''`�:': 14.Nottces.An notice to Ba�rrower rovided for in this Srv�ri Instruineat shal!be g+ven b �A.:iw �o�T 4 �
<br /> "! LS�:y�QISC ' .. : �„__
<br /> �r�st� •, Y P �3+ � Y �' ��8 � = t;.--
<br /> .����f • it by�rst class mail unless applicable law requires use of uao�.`s� eaethad.7'he notice s�.z.l be disect�i�t��r n�Addr�s --
<br /> ,�
<br /> '��' ,�. �� • or any vther addresc Borrower designates by nodee tv Lr.u�c. Any notioe to Leaciea sosall be gi�e�s by fisst,d.a..�mail to �'• �;"�-�+�=
<br /> ' �� �:` • l.ender's address sea.�herein or any other ad�ress Lender designates by notice to Borrower.My ao�r provided for in this ', "`��`-- -
<br /> � =����;----�-
<br />_'.-i, ',:ni��.- � :, - ';r�_ '-:
<br />__ . Security Tastnumecc st��be deeme�to have heea given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided i�t5ls paregtaph. . :<.-:_- _'
<br /> . ',_:. ... �.���.=.
<br /> - �.� ,: �;. `' IIy.Cove�'aua�;J[..aw; SeverabWty. This Securiry II�s�aiment shall be governed by federal law and the Iaw of the ��-;. ��`.�•,�:..
<br /> a .�?'Csi�: �.-,
<br />- �� � • juris�is�on in wi�ich the Properry is tocated.I»the event t6�t any prorision or clause of�is Security insuuuieat�che Nate ,- �?•�� ��;
<br /> .:i'.`'�`:t'�`� •''�, . �' conflicts with appDicabte law.such conflip shalD not affect o�:es provlsions of this Securirer Instrument or the Note aitic$can be :•`:��`t�t1;`.�':-`.�;ti::.',•'.�
<br /> '� •f�1 . • �a . .
<br /> ''• ...�'' .: � given effect without the contlicting provision.ko this end th:provisions of this Securiry Instnunent acd die Note are declarod • � "••�� "
<br /> .,' j:. � . to De severable. .: .. ��, � , . ,
<br /> � i'n �`•.� . �.' ... ' ' �
<br /> • ,;_.�•�. � 16.Bonvwer's Copy.Borrower shall be gi�•err orre confanned copy of the Note and of this Se�ricy��nsnumerc. :•;���?;it�;�.: , .. �
<br /> s',$ ` rlq�;;�:,.' ;l�:e'�tc;'�. � : ,
<br /> " ;�<<.• Fafm� 9/90 ;;;.�°
<br /> "' '. �eor e '.�;.�:t<�. �, .
<br /> �.', . c,_ , . ,
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