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<br /> . � < auCf�suncwol`orc��exbendti�ttotpaym�►tcrotherytt�smoQH�►�otthsiu�nss�etx�dbYtl�.O� Tw! . ..
<br /> .. Qy i�uan ot wY��by Ms originti�ottowNr and BonowN'�ducewsor�tn tnlw�t � '�
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<br /> ____
<br /> � cate�osedesaeaulbtortt�4u11amcwitatatlunpetdcl�t�6aa.��iiay.tt�tftt�to�meaMvrto�s�ca(�3ro��- --. _. _ _ - - . ---
<br /> - pera�n�t�(�extertdM��fluiryotateeranl►aftrtetermaotar�yeue��obi�ttonAtt�t�ls�tl��n orn�P�oA�►.
<br /> • ot�onVaY.oe�ause to be re�aeaed or�econveyted at anY @ina at Len�'s a�ttais snY D�4 0�
<br /> - (�taka er ratease anY ott�r ar aQditlonat secudiy tor any oWlpation haset�meattona�or(v!)mske can�Wons or otAer
<br />=' arrafl�.�A debtora tn cetation therata�
<br />_� {c�l,F�O�eaRet�y L,mdw NaR s VY�tt�r MY tor4earanee by Lendec in exeretsinp any�t or remsdy Rerouridar.a
<br /> a9�ar�►tao.atta�dad bY apWcaate I�w.shai!not be a wahrer ot ar preduQe the exerct�e ot erql a��t cr cemsd�r.Tlts
<br />`= pr¢G�tre+t�anfolinsuraneaorthepaymeMO1tax+�sorothe:lie�orchargesbyLenderMa11notbe8wat�erofLendar'srtst�tto
<br />-�� BC�eterata tl�e mat�triry/of 9te ittdebtmdtte�s aeeu�ed Dy thLs Qe�ad of iltusi
<br /> (��s iaid K����tan+d Ssr�ral Wh�t�p�i�et.Ttteeovenanffi and�a�eem�ts t�eretn e�rt-.
<br /> - tat�d ahs110ind.mtd th8 d�hereurtler 8hali inure t�.tAe�esP�suee�ssore 4nd esatsns o1 lBnQer and 7ruaEor.IW
<br /> ' covena�lo end agr�mertffi ot Truator enal Ee jolr�t and aevaraf.Tlte c�p�Ons ar►�t�eadtr�gs ot Ne P��Ahs ot tAis Osed af
<br /> - Trust er�tar cenv�Carce only artd are not to be ased to Inte�Pset or dsftne ths Rravistons hereot
<br /> (e)R�tor�.TheP��hereDyre4u�lthatacoAyotarryaotloeofdetautthereunderertdacopYote�►Ynotice
<br /> : . . oi sale Aereunder Qrs�tlsa to eseh PartY ta thts Oeed ot Tiust at tha addresst Bst tartA ebove in YAe menrtar preseriEed Dy
<br /> •.: . 3
<br /> �`�' �� p��licaDlstaw Excs�lit¢en7l other nattce requit�dtand8�eppticabie law to be given p►enother mafltter.astj/�nottee provFded
<br />--_ ..
<br /> _ •�,- - -
<br /> : Por[nMleDeedolTr�disiibegtvenbyma[Itrtgs�naticeby�rtifieomaiie��'•ss�sltathaa�s��a �a -- --
<br />- toM above.My no�ce Pravlded tao Ict thts Oeed ot Ttust shalt De effecttve upon mailing In the manner destQneied hBtein.Ii
<br /> - ,� �_ Ttuscar is more than one person.+uriic�sent ta tt�address set eorth above ahali be no�ce to�it aucb persons. --
<br /> - � �� (fl t�Rendar may.m�icv a�cause to tra made reasonabte entrtes upon and taspe�tf�ns m trte Propo►ry.Rtcvided =--- -
<br /> tAat Lender Malt give TntstOr aoti0s p�ior to arry suCh(nspecHon spedfying r+aesAnabte cause theretor retated to Lender'8
<br />_- .. ,�..- tntereat In�e t�opt�rty. .
<br /> �,n.�� }7- '� c° �g)R�n�raya�atipon payment ot all sums e+acur�d hy Mis Oeed of Trust�ender ehatl requestTrusteato reconvey the . - -
<br /> � ''�� � Propertyendshatisurrestdertl�tsQeedotTrustandallnoteoevtden�In�indebtednesssecuredbyMtsDaedefTtusltoTn�atee�
<br /> - a. a�. S�. �r� .
<br /> � .�~.: . ;'� Trutc�e�eAall recotnreyr Me Propsrty without wartanty and wfthout charge to the person or pe�sons fegalry er►lltted thoreta
<br /> �'�.�''--�<". Tniator sAalt pay eli exsts M recordatio►�H eny.
<br /> � ��`,...�r4�'°°��°�`#='� (A)pl��sona�Pr�jT:S�cur[i�i�Q�Nment As addittonal securKy b�Uie payment of the[�o�.tnssLor heteby gremts `�
<br /> � Y„e*,�t.�s.�-i.�:: . ��
<br />- �`�b,•;,,,.?s;;'.' _ LenderundertheN�raUnftormCommerciaiCadeasecudrytnteresttnaliti�raAequiprt�entenOa�Q�esona�proD�h �;.,�
<br /> � t • �;.;� `� ' '� . usedinconnectionwtffitt�erealeststeortmprovementstocatedthereon.andnototAetwtsedeclare0ord�sui�mDeapartot �_�_
<br /> . � r � ' ` f�;,�: tAe reel eatate secured Aereby.Thfs instrument eAail he construed a9a Secudry Agreement�dor seid Cod�end Ne tender z,��_
<br /> '�'�;± -<:�'�'�•: shallQ�evaatithedghtsandreme�d"cesofasecuredpartyurtdersaEdCodeinadditiontofhedgt+t��ndremediescreatedun�sr •.
<br /> . a: 4.. Y:K�. ``r .�F. _
<br /> :.�•��:•.�•:.+.'���:�?: endsaarQedtheLenderpursesartl4sttt1s0eedotTrusCProvidedthatFendersNghtsand�sunderMisparegrepb�lssii �;� '���;,;f�� ,.�
<br /> �'c-' -
<br /> y ..`:F�rf�-?:'-.:r.,�,`,_+:.�Y'r:> pe�mutativu with.and in no way a r��mUon on.Lenders rights end remedies under any oHr�s security agreementsigne�t¢y� ��,����.� � _
<br /> m �-
<br /> '" �•F `';`. RcrrowerorT�ustor. i� `!�•��' -_
<br />- - -- m�q an�EnpmsOciu�ce�.TNSto►hereby warrants and represertcs t�at there Is no asiauR under the pro�tslons ot eny �%f._:_-��d�:;, t�
<br /> � � '•4 �� mortgagC�deed oi trust Iease or purChas9 conVact desCribing all or any part o1 the Property.or cther contract inatrument or ,,._.�,- .• ,�-:`�� -
<br /> . . . ' • e�reemen2 conatltudng e lien or encumbrance aga(nat all or any part ot the Property(coi►ectivety."Uena'�.extstlng as ot tt�e ;
<br /> _ .�;�`" date of Wts Qeed of Trust and that any artd ail extstlrtg Uens remaln unmoCified except es disdosed to Lender in TrusOo�s . �,, . ` :�,_
<br /> � w�itten disttasure o!Itens and encumbrances provtded to►herein.Trustor ehall Umery pe�form atl of TrusOOrs oDtigattom.� �,1 ,:•;;_,- . � `�5• ,
<br /> - covenents.repteser��mnsandwananUesunderanyandailexisitirtgandtuNretiens,shallprompttytonhrBMtoLeadercoPies 4,��,;' ;' . _
<br /> • ',l' � .,'� of all noUces oi deta�r�M In connecHOn with any and ail existing or tuwre Ltens.and shall not witt►out lender's pdor written .��.; ;._ _
<br /> 8
<br /> '• � �' • ConseM t�any manrteT��vdil7l Mo prov(sfons ot o�altow any tuture advances under any existlng or tuture Uena ,�F. _ �~
<br /> � � ''•`� � Q)App1[eaHonOf�+syn��n�t.Vn�asaotherv+iiserequiredbylaw.aumspaidtolenderhereunder.t�Gudtngwithoutlimiffiflon `;:;:;;;{. „ :.
<br /> ��� � paymertts ot pr(ncipal and InM_res��-�urance proceeds,condemnat[on proceeda and rertls and protits.s�atl be apA�ied 4y
<br /> . ` LendertotAeamountsdueandowi�ytiYomTrustorandBorrowerinsuchorderasLanderinits�utediscretbndeemsdesfrn�:a ,.`��t�����'�� ``
<br /> ' ' ��
<br /> . � �•� �:-.'!"� (i�g�wraWtity.lt any provisian of thls Deed of Trust confltcts wiM applicable law or is deClared t�vaiid or others�e •,���u�;•• •
<br /> S -
<br /> � unentorceabl�sucb aanflict or invalidiry shatl not aNect the other provisons ol 4hia Oeed ot Trust or tAe Hpte which can fDe i'.�� ,.; . �
<br /> 1• ,�����,�..'_� .:'„�� ; givenefteclwitho�att6neconflicUngprovision.andtothfsendtheprovlslonsofth;sOeedotTrustendtheMotaBredeclaredto0e � ,� ', . :
<br /> .,T
<br /> �;::. ,.•e�-�.; . severabt9 � f: •: .;.'.'
<br /> ��,��..�', ,_ �, t:__.�, (Q a�.The Lerms"Tivato�"and"Borrower"shaU Include baih singuiac artd piural.and when the T►uetor end Borr�
<br /> . . *:,,. • ere 14�e�person(s),those terms as used in thia Deed ot Trust shall be inccrchangeabte. . ,
<br /> �. ' :i:;;.:�-, _�
<br />- �;t�,;.: , ::.•..;. �:`�•. (m1.G�}�Law.Thi9 Oeed o1 Trust ahall be govemed bY�e tawa ot the State of Nebras ,�,�'�,:�
<br /> '� �':a;;;:�. �. . � TnasWr has eneCUteO t�h�is Oeed of Truat as ot the date written above. f • � . .�
<br />- : ��{a�.�..- _ ��� � . .,... ., . .
<br /> ,��.:.
<br /> . S :{'. . ome K. Sel , Truszar Huaband) . `;�e`,,,: �
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