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<br /> __ ��eSt0�,4 d,��Cnder�e 1i�e.�:°'11���c�rc er pmvl��tns�rast4�!�h$�.�Q�_�SY �_�.�i� ��`�__� `. - -
<br /> -- - — - - _—_._._ �
<br /> : . . Y �Y � :
<br /> _. �t.eadct9option.o6t�cave�»ga to�naiectL.e�dat�t3g�ts ia dx�Pco in�oo �p�ra�ad�h�.�
<br /> ta ..
<br /> - ` ` �� A!1 iastua�poltcFas an�t t+enewaia shatt De�o�yt�6Ia to ead shali tncluAa a at�nQatd mottg�e clausa:Len� ..
<br /> , s6at1 have t�rtg�t ta�old the poUctes aad cmewals. �f t.end�r.s'e�itts.Bo.trawer sbait P��Y 8��e�QLea�r�l�ecefpfa .
<br /> ' • �oY p�id�maai�end rea�ewal�attc�s. ta fAe avms ofdass,Boimwei`e6a1i give pcoatpi natice ta�a insuraaoo ca�ber aad
<br /> � �'I.eader. Lender Nay ma�ce�oof of tass ifnot m�d��xom�ttY b]►Botmarer. � •� : .
<br /> �= U�Ias Lensteer aad�omawer ot�a►is�ag�pAC�!�g.�asuruace sAati�e eppliad to i�e,qtoradon ar se�r of -
<br /> Le pp
<br /> -- -�`' th�Ptop��y-itaatag��if m�res�ratfon ai � f� I�b e�d Lcad�9 se�uriry is aar Ia��if�lte^- �-- -
<br />_ ra�tF�sfia�4��9 .
<br /> _ ,�-------_----.-=_ ---.t+esceratienm.��,r�gn4L.�G4fl4IIti�f�4�4�!d0!��l�L�_�YwmlWhe_lcs5ent�theiQSLLAIICCpt�OC6idS.6�AlibQ--.--- ------------
<br />_ - �lied to tha sums seaimd by tina�Sec►uii�!,Iirstotiil�i'�`whether m�not tReo d�a,wlih eny eiccess paid io�omawer. i�
<br />-__ ,Sorrowrr amando�s the P�operty.os due�nat,e�sa�t��itin 30 days u aotice&+om Ixnder that ttte insturaaCe carcier has
<br /> affered to seuto a ciaun,then Lendes at�ys�oUoct�thA int�ae pmceeds. Lender may usa tha prnoeeds iortpFur vr cestoro
<br /> the Ptuperty or t�i pays swaa se�wedi�,4lti�Smtwrit�,;btstt�in�t;ahether os not tIlen dtta. The 30�y pesiu3 w3ll begin when
<br /> ` _' t�cauaqe is gitren. � `'
<br /> _ �� Untess Lepd�and Bmrqtitir�arcfit�viaet s�i��w�31i�anF�BPD�ceoion of pmceeds w.principal shaU nut:ea�ad or
<br />-_ pastpone tAe dae date of th�mtt�thb�Pa,ym��fcz�?cd M ia;patag:aPhs 1 aud 2 or change the amovnt of the paymema. If
<br />�. -° under pazagraplr 21 the Ifiopetty��is�uttad bK�Lendr��.auimn�tr�s rigtu to any ias�uance policies and grooeeQs resnldng �_:
<br /> �, . . .. , fcom damage to`We Pwperty-prtar wshti s�qquitstitm-�tuil;p�ss.to I.eader to the extent.of the sums secu�ed by.this Secwaty._ . ...
<br />� Insaument immed'�aiely prior to W��c�ui�ttiaa�.
<br /> � b� Qompa�cy. �Servattoa,,.M,stiptmnnoa t�nd�:1'1+ntedtan o!the Pe+operty; Borroaer's�Lonn ApplIc$tF�a: --
<br /> l.easehotds: Boimwer s�ll aecypy�es�bli�b:.and tise tbp:Pmperty as Bomowerk piincIgat resideace within siuty days aRer
<br /> � the e�cution of this Security,Ltt4um�nt and st�afl'aantiq�i4.to oavpy the Prape�tyr as Borrower�principal Rsideace for at
<br /> Ieast one year after tAe date� of,:ara�upsa►qy. unle�ss 1�der otherwise agi+ees in writing. wh{c6 coaseat s�all not Qe ---
<br /> � wueasanabiy withheld.or uniass euct�nuadng ciccums�tt�aa�s exist which aie beyond Bomuwer�oonunl. Bomower s�a11 aot
<br /> - � destroy:Q�mage or impairtbqiPrnpwtlr,a11aw:tha Frop�it�m deteriocate.as commit wssce on the Frag�ty. Boaawcs sh�all - - _ -
<br /> be in defaWt if any forfeitwa.actinn un proo�ding;.a�i�ti�r civIi or criminal,is begua that in Lender�a gaod faith,'rydgment
<br /> - coutd tesuit in fuifeit�ue uf�ihA�PtoPatY:un otl�kau'tc�raateiiaUy impair the lien cma�d by t6is Secutity Iastnuaent ot
<br /> Lender�secutity�nterest. Bmrq��rm�y�ura sut�:���uit aad reinstate.as provided i�►patag[aph 18.by causin�We action -
<br /> or praoeeding to be dismissed+ivflh-a�ntling thsta:ip�f;cnder�gaod faitb detcrmination.Piectudes fotfeitme of the Bomnwerh
<br /> - intetest in t@e Property ar o8rar m�tpiFtl�imp�i�ie�nt of the tIen cicated by this Secauity Iasuument or IRnder*s secmrity .
<br /> . �.. •
<br /> �;,��: inte�est Bo�awEC,s6all ako�be.in�dc�ilti'�`.tBmmwer,d�uing the ioan application process.gave mate�ially faise or
<br /> :,,,R� ima�c�ape mfa�s.�m1 ar stzi�tktp L'e�t�.�(n fa�ed to p�ovide I.ender with any material infomiation)in conaecuon aritb
<br /> •:��� �te ia��vide.�ad by d�e Nat�ifk3t►�iii�=;but not limited m,rep�esenlations conceming Boirower�oocapat►r9 of the --
<br /> �'�"``:���r F�.¢y as a�at msidHim: IfittqrS�i�►mty Instcument is on a IeasehaTd.Bomnwer shall wmplp a+ith all the gauvisions _
<br /> - ' �`' of the tease. If iRa?nower acquiies fq�.�ifI�ttp the Property.the[easehotd aud�tlte fee 6tle s6aU noi m�e�zss Lender agrees
<br /> :,
<br /> =��; `-��•° to the merger in writing. , _—
<br /> '.`-'� � 7. ProtedIon of 1Rad�a's Rig6ta in the Propertpi. If Boimwer fails to pe�fomm the wvcaacc,s and a�eements -
<br /> � �4.f�i!r,�,. ' __—__—__—
<br />_- ' . r� o¢�ifaiaed in this Security tastes�ntent,or theie is a legal p�ding that may sig 'nfficandy affea Le�cder�rights in tha '•�4;•Y�•,'-.
<br /> '`r �;�:` � �t�ertY(sucd as a ptvoeediag i¢�baaktuptcy.probate,for ca�ation or forfeitune ar Dvenforce laws or iegulations),dten 'l��;;`�!'d::�3'�"��:
<br /> ' .��.�. � � ��Y
<br /> • % ' �:ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value af.the Pm�peRy a�d I.ender�s rights in We Propetty.
<br /> :,�••ti�i:' ° ,� txnder�s actions may include paying any sums secured by a iien wi�ieh tras pxiority over this Security Insuument,appearing � 4���'�
<br /> --�'=''---=-'' ' u rt,p a y i n g re o s o n a h l e a t t o m e ys'fees and enteria g ort the P r o p e i t y c�Er.ake n e p a i r s.Althou g b l.ender ma y take acnion ` '
<br /> � ;=-r. ..,..�,•1;.;-�-:;•;,.� inw � ��_
<br /> .�� ° j ���' under this paiagiaph 7,Lender does not have to do so. . �,',.� --
<br /> ` a
<br /> ,�,�� ` : .Any amounu disbwsed 6y Lender under this pamg�s3�9 shall�ecome addidonal debt of Bormwer secuted by tLIs , •��_
<br />- ,,� ,,�°�;_. .... ,. �ecurity Insuument Un�ess Bomnwer and Lender agree to ottier tc�ms of paymeat.these amounts shall bear inoerest from the .� ,,:. •��-
<br /> .•.-�;:�;;;.''•'J 1 d a t e o f d i s b u t s e m e n t a t t h e N o t e r a t e a n d sha116e pa yabte with i n t e n�u p on notice fmm Lxnder to Bomower z e questin g � __
<br /> .;, �_ �,E` : , �a 8.n�Mor��Insttrance. If Lender requited mortgage inswanoe as a condidon of making the loan secured by this � ` -
<br /> . � `,H�Y;�� �Y��'_� Secm�ity Insmrmeri�Botrower shall pay the premiums reqtrired to mairuam the mortgage insurance in at�ecK. If.for any . ''�`�4.•
<br /> e ' •
<br /> .,;o,:��,`;�4,�;��.;,..., reasnn, the mortgage insur�nce coverage required by &.��er lapses or ceases to be in e f fect. Bomower s h a l l pay t he (. .;f�,..'.:..;.' .:^;.
<br /> ��{���s �: � �niums required to obiain covemge substandally eq,ui��,�at to the mongage irtsru-�,.rcce previously in effec� at a cost ,,. ��ti�_ •. . ••,. „ ;�,
<br /> : ,�k..,y .:i�.�_ s u b�a n t i a l l y e�{u i v a l e n t t o t h e c o s t t o B o r r o w e s o f t h e r�a r��e i n s u r a n c�ptev�ousl y.in eff e c t.from an altemate mort ga ge . ..�s�;. ,« �:,
<br /> insurer approve�3 by l.ender. If substantially equivalent martgage in.,uraace coverage�s not available.Bomower shaU pay to ,�,,.�;,,k��, :,._•�: „ ..
<br /> ' L�nder each month a sum equal to one•twelfth of the yearty mortgage ins�ce premium being paid by Borrower when the � , •
<br /> � ��.+� r nnrurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accep6 usr�td retain these paymenis as a loss neseive in lieu ,., � ,� � ,
<br /> - •�'�'^�� . flf anortgage insurance. Loss teserve payments may no iaoger be required.at the o�tion of Lender.if mottgag ins:uanoe . ��#�\+ �:
<br /> . . �,,�•. .�.4..�. ' , .. , .
<br /> . :.�;,�_�; ��,� , �oyerage(in t he amount en d for t he peri a d t h at L ender requires)provided by an insurer approved b y l.ender a g a i r c be�omes -�•�;Y,:�p': :.;.' ; . .
<br /> ' `�� � ��,:' P Y P �9 �° 1� . . �';..�..;.
<br /> ='..-E,.s,a;:,,., ,. available and is obtained.Bornsaer shall a the remiums uimd to ma9ntain mort e insurance in effec�or ta � vide a � ,�,-
<br /> - , �;;k�:.`,s:�r loss reserve.until the requirement for mo�e insurance ends tn accordanec with any written agreen;ent between Borrower - � ,,„�.�'��y»:.
<br /> s '� �� :' andLenderorappticablelaw. .�, '., ���.;`•'�'°`�
<br /> •-_� `.�t;;y,,:<.::.. . . ` ti=;�.�:.�•::..
<br /> �.,:'i,'.�v�xy,
<br /> � .;;;�,;k` �.-.'. ��.` 9 Inspect[oa. txrsder ar its agent may make reasanable enuies upon and inspections of tlre�i,isperty. Lender sha11 ,...;;�;;�;;,+a,;,�;y`?5�,��?t�
<br /> ec
<br /> _=�:t� r��'r�•�� ,° give Bormwer notice at the time of or pnor to an inspectian specifying reasonable cause foc the inspestian. ':'r"�,;��;s�'l;;L;�'';•�:•
<br /> � '�.t i��'' ' 10 Coademnation. The proceeds of any award ar ciairn for dumages,direct or consequential.�n connectian with any ,';�h�';`�;�,��•�,'t;
<br /> ' i �. ;i;".,,> s �?J,r,;��,
<br /> � SingieFrmity—BaaaletiCme/FeeddL�eUNIFOAI►lII�Sf[tUMBM--UniformCove�'s 9M0 lPa8�3nIhP�+Res1 �;+:•'�,.;�:s:,,,:�. :
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