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<br /> , � . ,of iunk,or �t� t�t�riats. , `, �`,:��'"" _ ' , � � � .
<br /> ' � -.` q �r�.{i 4t��.• s�moMd Lr3ai� Lin�s� CA�ai,II fas�Mnt� '
<br /> � . ar� i�stablf��d for 3.astal�a�ion aad aafatas���.:o�,a�3.1fLf�s, �incb � .
<br /> � �_ ... . � , . - ` ' �
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<br /> suAcif.vief.oa. sll.cls�s for-da�sg�ta. if a�,::. ,a��i.�u3.out of th4 . _ .
<br /> < ` -� conatr.u�tio�. x�si.n,t�aanco aad ropsir of ut�l�;tfes�o� on accouat Qf .
<br /> , , . : tiea�orary or otbor inconv�ai�o c�tusad th��,,,ag�t Fon�d�rQSa ` � .
<br /> I.alc� Estat�g, �owaera �lleaocfatioa or aA�.,�o�,;ti�ei.r a9�ats�` or
<br /> ssrvants, ar4 horaby �iaiv� by all the aw�er�s,.- g��'ic� �inQa for ��
<br /> iridivid�al resfdsnts for aIl public utili�p .s�:�v��s xhich ara „
<br /> . available to a Iat fros aa wWergraund �sowC.Ce�,:;eh�7.1 be kept . .
<br /> . - und�rgrovnd. Esposed taisvisfoa asrials s�.� ;n�s�,.;�oe used oa aay . :
<br /> . , lot or Estata BlacJcs 3, ,�4�� 5, and 6, a��.n�,,radi�o. aQrfal. o� .
<br /> apgsratus are �llo�red. l�a clotheslines, s�a,ll ;b�t';vfsfble on the
<br /> ' �outside of any buildi.�g. 1to satell.ite d�s�,�,,ds$1.�:;and receiviag
<br /> - . - - eqezipieat shall, he placed on aay residential. lo�,,4r�: estate black. �. :
<br /> ; � a satsiiite clish, disks aad receiviaq equip�eu� m��be Placed oa an •
<br />. ` � op�3ot bp the Ponderosa 7,aTc� Sasao�ners �soc#�1,�.am. 1►11 cable -
<br /> tei�visian lines. shall be und�rgrow�d where..avatf���le. ,
<br /> �. . . .,,,:��10. 4etback R�_r__Q�ata• LI.l build3�tt�.s��l be Plstced oa
<br />`i-� . � the �,ot ist accordance with the setbaak r�t�m#,�.af the Citp of � .
<br /> ..�,;. Gzaad� Islaaci. The dupleu housing lots, Lot:.sevan'�e�n tl�) �hrou9�► -
<br /> t�enty-two (22), shall have all buildinge; plac�d back fros the
<br />- center of the froat lawn of tha lot a mf.af�nw�,.d�.Stance of twenty-�
<br /> � five feet (25�), and the�duples housing l�s sh�tl�:l hs�ve a miaiaum
<br />