. ,
<br />. �� _. `�� r��F �. . "' r� l`� .. . '-r�4� _
<br /> � �_i�- .t'c s- r: C . : . ae _.::_. --- - - - - c`- �--�� - '� - - �-
<br /> _ —^- -1-..� : �� ,-,' � - " -.}_ _ . _ - -- - --
<br /> _ � " _ �
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<br /> .. . - . y ,� � ^ . , . _ ..
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<br /> '� .�'2`. -�1�_..( _ ' .�t-� .. . • . ' - ' .. .. . � .. . �:.0 ` � .,k �_ • _—_
<br /> . • - ', ' .., o H ` � ♦ [i • /.�`` . ' � ` . _ ��, � . �.• . -O `"_ �\
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<br /> ,: .
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<br /> --- - • geriocSs thu�Leader�i�qui�es.`7lte it�snse car�Iea�ra,vl�ag tl�c Iasaraaca s&aU.D�chosesr by s�b�erx to L�tder§ �
<br /> — - 5�:_.___�,.�aaE�fiici�s�t-s���i 7stamaintainr�_ � _��Y.� _ _ _ _
<br /> — —= Lender�opiton.obtnin ooverage to prate�t Le�lerts righta in tiee Ptapexty ic a�+daaoc - -para�raph?-- � .
<br /> All:iasaFaaoa po}lcles and r�mvvals sIlall ba�coeptablo toLeudsX and s13a11 imtud�a saAdatd marig,age c�ausk 1.tader
<br /> - � ' shat��ave�e dgM 1�hold'thepo3ictes anc�iraewats: Tf Lender�.Bmrnwetshall gi�Ruigtly�ve co L�aderatt teoeipta `� °
<br /> � � � a�pai�prtmiums ead n�wal no@as. Lm tfle e`'veat,oft tass.Bmmwer's�U�give prauspt�atloe to the ins�nanca�trier snd ..
<br /> � Lender.Lendei mLy mage pmof ofIass if not madeP�P�3+�Y Bo�'� : . .. . . .
<br /> m
<br /> � • tTafes9 Lendtr aad Boaz►wer otherwise ag�oe in wiiting,�ce pr��shall i�e ayplied ta cestarad6a or re�xiirr ot ,
<br /> � - � -tl�Ptogezty da�na,t;ed.if the�asiaa os rep�is eoenami<�1Iy f�62�attd I.enderh srkurity.3s not t�eaed. if ti� -
<br /> —_` c' restoraatian or repair is uat ecoaomicalty fe�'b2e or Lender�s secunty wonld be lessened.the�insuxance�roeoeds sbaD be ��.
<br />_ --�._
<br />_ --
<br /> -�---�: -- - -- --agp}ie�to-t3ie s�s seeu�d b�thi�Saauity�.r�t�er-.or rioi.theadue,�anY_e�cc�ss�id_ta Bot�n_- .-,--'---
<br /> ---
<br /> - � Bmtower aDaadoas the Propecty,or does not aaswer vv�tHin 30 days a uot�ce from Lender�as the insu�suce carrier tias . _
<br /> ---- offe�ed w setde a claim,then Lender may collecc the insiusace pmceed.s. l.eader may use the pmceeda ta regair ar cestore . .
<br /> - the Aropecty or to gay eums secured by this 5ecurity Insnn�ent.whether or nns then due. The 3Q�day per�od will begin wneA
<br />__ � the notice is given. .
<br /> Unless Lender end Bomower oiherwise ag�ee in arita�.$aY SPPI�catioa of proceeds to principal shall nat ext,�d or _
<br /> postpoiae We due daze of the�tY P87+menta zefemect tq'��agapt�s•1�d 2 or ck�ange the amouat uf the If
<br /> under pazagraph 21 t�e Prag�r��.s.soquired by Lender.���:zi�t:ta anY insuraace poficies aad�Frc�e���� .
<br /> --_---- fivm damage ta the ProgeYty p�ar tn the aoquisition shall��ss�a�i�e?�a�e eateat of the sUms secuzed by tt��+
<br /> _ Inst�u�i�arifii�tli�rp�itjrWtUeacqvisidan. ' '`�:'': -•�:;r::',ti;�.� . . . . . .-. ... .
<br /> __.---------�— 6.'Ooc�paus�, �vatier�, Mainteuance and Protectioqi�::'�t P�operty; Borrower's I.osn Appllcation; `
<br />--=�"°'� Lcase4o2ds. BormQVer shalt ace�'�Y��stablish.and we the PZoperty a�Bti�sver�s princ�pai residence.within sixty da}is after
<br /> _. �pr�:���� dee ex�ution of tius Securi�,r•�,is�uent and sLall oomiaue{�i pocapy the PropeYty as BmmwerIs principal reside�;�n at�
<br /> � � least one year aftec the da.�a �$'�xugaacy.�mless l�tskr othe� ag�ees in writing, w6ich consznt sl�axvt b� .
<br /> � � .
<br /> y:°" �,,,� nnreasonably withLe7.crt.�,tn�ex��uatu'ug.�mstances 8xist which a,!+e.beyond Bomnwer's wntm}. Bonbare�`�nbt ,
<br /> ' if;e• �sna s'��Rv to deteiiora�t r�s commit waste on tAe Bn���'�aU
<br /> _ ' desu+oy.dainaSe aar i�apau �, .. . . P�1+ . : _ _ _ _ - - - -
<br /> = �� be in default if any�L�ed��ar�n of.�.g whether civil or c�l,is'beguu fhat m�Lender�ga�ad fait�;�i�meUt-
<br /> _ ��-3K coutd r�sWt in for4'eirue�o��he�Irgperty c3r°-ri�erwise materially impair the lien created by this�e,�s�ity t�nt or ` --
<br /> � r?;'�:.: t;:.
<br /> — �.`�'...•:.�.._.o,�. ,.,� LeIIdetk seCUTity Iriie[est. BOS�CS�S.tltey Cl�ie suC1l 8 def2uEt dIId I+ei0si2le.es pmvlded iI1 paTB$r'dph 18.6Y ca �e.�ction
<br /> - ,�'t°�.�k�.�:�r �.�; or pmceeding w be dismissed u�.�niling that,in I.ender's gaod faitt�detennination,lsiecIudes forfeiwre of tAe ��; wer'�
<br /> �- Y,n�,'. �2,� interest in the Pmp�rty or otb�a+aterial imp�aaaaent of the liea c�eated by this Secutity Iustrumeat or L�nderS��iry
<br /> °:i.'t-,;' `-" iaterest Botrower slrall aiso t�e in default�if Bomnwer, during the Ioan application pincess, gave maLeriatly faLse or
<br />- -,�.: - �:i�
<br />_ �:�_�:�-: . . �:•'v . inace�uate infomnation or statem�ants'�o l.cad��vr fa�7ed to pravide Lender with any material infiom�ation)in ooanecicon wi13�
<br /> ..>• : -�
<br /> '�1�.�:` .: u • the loan evidenced by the Niot�,ansluding.�sat not liAUm3•to, zepresentations conceming Borrower�s occupancy of the-
<br />_ °�:'-�`. . .-`r ' ProFenY as a principal msidenoe..�€�is S�Instn��:s.on a LeasehoId.Bomower shall comply with all the ptovis�oas ,
<br /> t..:;� -
<br /> ;:�:•�����,�.�1;�.,; of the tease. If Borrower acqvit��e ritle to B�Roperty�,'•�ae t�asehold and the fee dde shaU aot merge ualess Lender agcees
<br /> ``� �•`r '•�:r to the merger in writing. _ . � .•.
<br /> :':`,�, ''::'� .°<�-{:�"� 7. Protection of Lender's Righ�[n tiie Pmpei�tq.� If Bomnwer fails to perform the cayerr�ts aad agreeQlents
<br /> •�: '"-Z`�`..;�. oontained in this Security Listtument,or there is a legal groceediitg t&ai may significandy a�crt i:i�der�dghts ia the
<br /> - ..�':`"s`��`�'`':,`"�' prop�ty(such as a pmceeding in bankmptcy,Probace,for co�una�on ar forfeituie va eo enfo�e Yaws or regulations).ttieb
<br /> 'a: y.... S�S�v�t,7�';�'.i�
<br /> � :`���;��,>>'-,�=�':; Lead�r may do aad pay for w6anwer is neoessary to pmtect dxc vaiue of the Prnpercy aad Lender�a rights in the Roperty.
<br /> '•°�::�:,�:t�•� � Lender�actions may iactude paying any sums sectupd by a lien which 6as psiority over this Seauity Instiumea�appearing
<br /> , >: .. :�_ .
<br /> - ;,>:°�:.�:=..�.« :: � : • in coun.paying reasonable attomeys'fees artd entering on the P�opetty to make zepairs.Ahhough Lender may take action — _
<br /> - `�Y7��'='"�-`-'�--'� under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. -- - -
<br /> I'',r'i�''- �� � ; � Any amounu disbuised by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become addiHonal debt of Borrower secured by ttns ''•��_
<br /> i.'�F;,.P�. '_ ,
<br /> } .�,,��;.�i.f�;.. �•. �''���-
<br /> -'n . Securiry Instrumen� Unless Borrower and Ixnder agree to other temts of payment.these amounts shall bear intetest fcnm the „��r. —
<br /> 1 . �� 5 H9. . _
<br /> ' �, ��';
<br /> date of d'u6wsement at the Note rate and shall be payab2e,with interest.upon norice ftnm Lender to Borrower reqnesting ��w�,��
<br /> a.� �ay�.,t`�,.� ' . payitien� `"a =
<br /> � ��r��� , .
<br /> - •.'': �• � •� . . •. 8. Mort�e Insurance If Lender required mortgage ins�rance as a condition of making the loan secu�d by this � L�r�:�� ��-
<br /> : .� .. �, ��}l•�� ��.-� _
<br /> Securi In.mument.Borrower shall a the remiams uired to maintain the mort a e insuTance in effecK. I�for an � �'��;`��' ���°�`==�--�
<br /> .��:';��:;'�`.:�,.., .' ry P Y P re9 g 8 y �� �+.��:; �-�av��_
<br /> ii.�.-.:. • - reason,the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses ot ceases to be in effect, Horrower shali pay the ���V�,j-,.� �
<br /> y�.a, .5�=;,=c-
<br /> ��;; �:;''�.i�,;�y��: :�• .. premiums requimd co obtain coverage substanfiaUy equivalent to the mortgage insurance previousty in effect,at a wst ;'`,�,��s,�:�;'�_+�.�__
<br /> •�':�*'��{�$�::.. ,. ; substantialty equivatent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance prevwusly in effect.from an altemate mortgage ; ��+;i, ���
<br /> = ��•�►=;;�,, ;�'• insurer a pmved 6 Lender. If substanuall wvatent mort ge is not available.Bormwer shaU '• ��`��'"���`� ��=�_
<br /> • � P Y Y�l � gage insniance covera PaY�o �a��:;:
<br /> -.; ,..:.;:,,-.. �`¢=.r;
<br /> Lender euch month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the � �,r';�;,,,,.
<br /> ;s � �::� ., ,i`:•.':.: , -,.•�.
<br /> _�i� ;,_`,�.;�. ' insurance coverage lnpsed or ceased to be in effec� Lender will accept.use and retain these paymenu as a loss reserve in lieu ,, . .., �<_
<br /> ,. ; ;��-.>. of mortgage insucance. Loss n�serve payments may no longer be required.at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance �, ,�� ,� �"'�
<br /> �, �: . .••.,,:;:�;.., � c ov e r a g e(in the amount and for the p eriod that Lender rc quires)provided b y an insurer a p proved b y Lender again 6ecomes ,....�n�;�°... ,•.-._,..: :'.
<br /> :��:+�
<br /> : �- "-''t j����;� available and is obtained.Borr¢��er shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortg�e cnsurance In effec�or to provide a �:,.::L�k?�t. . �''',,.,. ...
<br /> . �Y_ : Ioss reserve.unul the requirerr_er�t for mong,age insurance ends in accordance with any�sria�n agreement benveen Borrower .
<br /> : `F`�,.� . �� :.. . and Lendes or applicable law. •, � :.' . �, -
<br /> '�� *��' '-`'"'�• � �� 9. Inspeetton Lender or its agent may make ceasonable entries upon and inspections of tite Property. Lender shall �
<br /> .�' {'��� �' �':- ve Horrower notice at the time of or rlor to an ins flon s if ing reasonable cause for the ins don ;;. •�'� " `� �t..• `
<br /> � g► P P� P� Y � � ;
<br /> T,�,.
<br /> '-�. �'�N`;� 10. Condemnatioa. The proceeds of any award or claim for dsimages.direct or conseqaenual.in connectlon with any ;';�a�?;� .� � ..
<br /> k' . '�.,, m ,,.t���)k . .
<br /> - ;�. � :. Sin e Fami »Faaale Mae/Freddlr Mac UNiFORM I1�Sf RUMENT—L'n:fortn Covenanu 9l90 fpaRe 3 of 6 pageal J��,,��.t�:� '
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