�-� '' �` '�,-�-�-' � ' ` ' �'s`
<br /> - j } 1h'' `�' '.�F.: �� . --,_._—.
<br /> �- 1'y ..y: '+ '_ :.,�_ -' - - — _ - _ —=--..
<br /> �3. -k '� " _.---•, .. —'- — - — —'.—_'_---'.f'� ' " -
<br />� � t . +' a . _' ..C•' ..' x " _ 4: � i. `a L ' .� .-. = .
<br /> .. __.'i��Q 4' . . . ' ' _� . ` . . � . ' ' . ` n - . ' ;� . e .
<br /> .. , , • y� xE .• . . (. . , .. - .` . _ ' . . . � . . � `. . ` �` �'� `�a/�if�, . ', ..
<br /> - - _ .L.�. '' < $C1tY!�WCi 8l1IIu'��,�!W�Cri dilE t�DB�D�t Atid j1tt�'I�St�il,
<br /> t�Ct1C���� QIBtiQ YI(�r OtlIi C� 0 Q. —T — .A._ -
<br /> _ a.,t+���a�en�of'�,rasuran�e.na o�r�es.Botraswes ehatl irtclnQe in eash moottii�y puymtn�� .^ .��
<br /> � toget�sr vs�th o��q�aa!amd"intesr�as see'farfti in the l�io�t� tnta chazg•s:;ai�insta1lmeat ttY iu�y�Is)c�ea�; • .
<br /> } �ny
<br /> -- ': sp�ctil�ess¢�ea1�s toj►Ied�t��e lesvied agatnst tGe�EaPeK3►�tD)k.u�tnoFd�ayments or giroiued crnt��tl�a�t�ee�Y:and .
<br /> � ,(s3�miimns fc�tnsurance calutind 1ry patagc�ph4.� . .. ; � .
<br />�----- � BacA mcasNy�ta;�eeut for items t�iQ)�(�)�a'11 eqaai ane�twelfth o�the annua1 amauet�,as�bly --.
<br /> � . , esdinated by I�eader. pips aa emoim�auffccteW to m�int03n an addlaonal aaIs+noe af na mase t�n aRe-skth-of ELe
<br /> estimtud amounts: `I�e fatt aim�i amaint�faz eaem items�1�a�aw��tatecl Dy j.e�es�rit�n s{�ics!�g os�e. .. _ ---
<br /> — — amntn before ew Item�vautd becmme delinqueat� 1f..enndcr @�iall hold the a�ounts cuuected in uust w pay items,(a).(b�artd
<br /> ---- - -t�16sf�e.;heyr��eliattu�t.-,. - - - -� --_ � � -- _.._- - __.._.
<br /> .
<br /> If at tiuy amo the tata!of tLe paymeu�is t►eld by Lendsr for items(a).(ti)ead(c).�to��e witfi�tlte f�itrue nsiatUlrly -- —
<br /> _ -- - �payments for s�ch tteaas PaYabia w Leades prior to tltx�e dar�s og such iter�s.ex�ds Dyf moze tDan ane►sfxth�tbe
<br /> estimated amuunt.pf Payments�equued w sQCb ioems wflen due.and if paymeats oa tQe No�s ate cut:ent.dren tRttder
<br />_ ` s�all either teflmd the exoess oves oa�ayof the estimated payments ur�s�edit d�e exoess avp��of�$aaowa
<br /> paymeats ta subseqaent�ayments by�iortawer.at the opdon of Bomnwer. If tLe wtal of t�e
<br /> - �oritaa(aA(bh or(c3�s ur.�c�t c�pay t�e itan ahen dn$.th�Sotmvrer s�aUpay m Lendzr any mnn�aR�y to
<br /> ---- makc up the de�'ici�tcy oa or beface the date the item becomes due. ' - , ■�
<br /> - As use8 in ttia iastruinen�'SeaeasuY"�t�SeQetary of Housing aad Uiban Uevet�o �Paym�t ,
<br /> i
<br /> -_-=-== des��cce. In any.year'ut�a.h�cL We Leader mast pay a mort�e ins�aanoe premium tfl the Secretary,
<br /> - - - shal}also ittclude either.� (i)�instaUmenti af tAe arinua�t uioitgage Ins�usace p�nliu�co�be Qaid by L:�der to�the-
<br /> ---_=-=_� 5ectetaiy,or(ii)a aronthty c[�e instead of a mortgage insuraqce premiaat if thts Sec�vity Iast�at is heYd by t�+e
<br /> _��,�F.�'_-- Seaoetary,. Facb montWy jns�llment of the mo�gag�msu�azsce pzemium sha116e ia an amount suf�'ccient to�ei1a�tIIe
<br /> --_---�--=�� full aanual mait�ige insu�anoe piemium with �ender one mantb pnor w the date We ful�emwal e iss�uanse
<br /> v�;::.�.�,T�;_- � psemium is dae ta the Sec�etary;or if tius Seau�r Instrumeat is held b�r the SecretazY,esch manthty dmrg�a I l be in an
<br /> a r �,. .
<br /> F;�':;:;�.'';=:.;'t.: .: amouat�ua!w Qu�tweifth of oa�half percent of tae outstanding Princ�Put halaace due on the Note. —
<br /> ;:-��ti��;::..--�z tf Barcower oe�ndeis to l.eader t6e faU p�yzuent of aH sums sectnrd.by d�is Seauity jast�ntt�tt.B�s�Is ac��mt -
<br /> ^;?��'��' sbaU 6a credite�F w�h the balance remaiaing fa�all ins�lIments for i�:is(a�,N)an�(c)sada�y tnongage ins�aanc,e
<br /> _'--+4:�'t'�� •`. ' Premitm►instailment Wat Lender has aot b0oome obligated w pay to dte Secnetary.and l.ender stiaU promptly aefimd any
<br /> ��>�' �; raccess fuads to Bomnwer. Ia�diatety prior ro a foie�ctosiue sate of the Plnpeny or its asquisition by�.ender,Hmmwer'§
<br /> ���'=�':� ,:�;,�:� . . aco�mnt shatl be ccod[ted witb�baIance remaining for ati installa�ems for item4(a).N)and(�).
<br /> :',.�,... ,.. . `. �. , �Appl3cattoa of P�ynt�s:All paymeats tmder Paragrap5s i and 2 shall be applied by Lenderas follaws:
<br /> ,t:.�.� :. .,u .. ,
<br /> '> �. °:; , ,: �,�,to the mortgage iasm�nce pn�mium to be paid by I.ender w the Seaetatyr or to the atant6Iy charge by 11�e
<br /> .m�;.�, ` • � .- . Seaetuy insoead of the monthty moftgage insucance pnewpm; _
<br /> �.,.� �.. , SECOND.w any�ces.rp�c+al as�essments.leasehold payments or ground rents,and fue.flaod aa�other haiarA
<br />�' �Y�',�_• .� _ inc�nanc.+�i�lllmS.85 T�C�: .
<br />_ t�. .J=;'' ` �; � . .� . �D,to interest due�mderd►e Noce:
<br /> ���,��;��`�.,;r:;'`r ,,...`;, � � U�O RTH,�amorti7ation of the principal of the Note;
<br /> ..i:,'.:, "• � - .:••... �.. ��,w[a1�charges due under the Note.
<br />- ';.,rr.: . .:'��;��` . :..�'� F3ar��and Oit�er Razard Iasuranoe. Borrower shalt inswe aIt improvements oa the Propeity,whether aow
<br /> :::�.`; i���ist�ttce os sa�q uendy e�ected,against anY 6azards,ca5ualties.and tomingertcias.inclnding fue.for which L�der
<br /> = {... • �insmaitce. Tius insut�.noe shalt 6e maintained in tne aataunts and for ihc�that Lender requites. �wer
<br /> ��`'�"�"��-���- sflaSF aTso insu�aU im rove�ri�an the Pro
<br /> .���. p perty.whethar now in existence or subse�uer�ly etected..egainst 1�3t•�iqods
<br />_ ".. � .: .; to tite extent�+eyuued by the��tacy. Al!insuraace shall be carried with compsuues�roved by Lertder. 'ihe imv�anee
<br /> ,�.�.:��°' � ,,�'�` pollcies aad any renewals sha�be held by Lender and shall inolude loss payAbic ctauses ia favar of end in a fom�
<br /> ;.:._-..:::. '.. .
<br /> ; •• ,,-` :�. acxeptaDte to.Lender. _
<br /> , .'�; ';•° Ia the event of loss,Borrower shall give Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make pmof of ioss if aot
<br /> made promptly by Borrowe�'�-sh insurauce company cortcemed is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for _
<br /> � ' � such loss dicectly to Lender.ir►ssead of to Boaower and to Lender joindy. All or any part of the insurance p�s may be =_
<br /> ��' �' � app Ued b l.ender,at its either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Secutity lastnunen� R_-
<br /> 3� .�,_ •:•. �;. . ' Y aP�'� --
<br /> - � fust to any delinquent amou�e¢s applied m tha order in Paragraph 3.and then to prepayment af priACipal, or(b)to the —
<br /> '• {:' •. ' '�� restoration or r�r�r af tbe damaged prope.rtY. Ar�y apptication of the praceeds to lhe pnnc�pal shaU not extead or postpone ;
<br />-* '�,•. : ; �: ' tha due date of[�c,���l4ty Fayments wh�ch are referred to in Paragraph 2.or chaago ihe amount of such payments. Aay • ,:�;�-
<br /> ''• ,.t:;�..' �' " eacess msur�ce prvcc�ecTs osiee an amount required to pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note and tlds Securiry �,;�.�
<br /> - "'''",�,: :,, ��-^ Inss�nent shall be pa�d ta t5ae erc�ity legally enutled themto. .�-
<br /> . :,�:,.�1�a:� ���;s �_.:y�,v::�..
<br /> �:�;y�,;,,,,r,t,, Qn the event of fosect�s�of this Security Insuument or other transfer of dtle to uhe Hvperey that extinguist�°s the ._
<br /> ' �' • � . .•,r. indebieQness.all righ�title ard ia;erest of Bortower in and to insurance policies in farce�all pass to the purchaser. �'`"�°?_
<br /> . c� . . ,� '� 5. Octupancy. Frese�a¢;on, Matnteaance and Protection oT Clhe Propertgz Borrower's Loan Appficatton; - _=. -_
<br /> ����_
<br /> LeaseQoids. Boirower shall occupy.esta0+lish, and use the Property as l�rvwer�pricicipa!residercce within s�aty days :' . ,_-� �-
<br /> •' �, . after the eaecution of this Se�,.�rry Insduaer,t and shall rnnGnue to occ�y the P.ropert-s as Borr��rer s principal rrsidence ,. . , "`� ��= ,_
<br /> . ,� ,.>.. : , � . �_._
<br /> ��__;•�� <<yy t�,.,, for at teast one yeaz after tEte c£�,te vf vecupa�ciry.unless the Secretary determines ttas rc�rirement wilt cause undue ttardship ,
<br /> + ;,},,4,� �y fjr : �ia.' �
<br /> _ - .�,:•.?,..;. for Borrower. or un less ex�ec,Bating cinaerasiances exi s t w hic h are a n d D o rr o w e r"s c o n t ro l. B o r ro w e r s h�I F a o t i • '��.` �:�' �r.•'.. :
<br /> s
<br /> S -:€'yfi}�� •" Lenders of any exrgrtuating ciccumsiances� Borrower shall not commit v:a�e or des[ro .dama e cr�bstantiall chartge �'�.�`°�� ' -
<br /> t, . Y S Y •, c : .. .�.,a:,
<br /> •• �� the Property or alTncsr the Ptcrperty to detericrate.reasonable weur and teai excepted Lender may msprxi the Progerty if the . ••• :s;�;
<br /> �,.�. : �' � . Pmperty is vac�rn r_-r ab�dar�ed or the toan is in defaWt. l.ender may tatce reasonabte action to prorect and p[�e�er�e such ''"' � �-,� ::_
<br /> s._ ; . ._ vacaut or abandorceA Roperty. Boirower shall atso be in default if Borro;ver,durin�tha loan apptication pmcess.gava ••'';�'�•,: �' . '''�
<br /> �•�, .: '���,�';.. materlally false or inaccurate ,nformation or statements to Lender (ar failed to provide Lender with �y rr�enal �''�:
<br /> ' < :.;���;_� infotmutton)in connection with the toan evidenced by the l�ote.including:but rtot limrced to,representations carcerning �v,� . .
<br /> �° . ��':�' Botrower's occupancy of the Property ac a princip�l residence. If this Secunty Insmrmer�c.is on a leasehold,Boaower shalt . �,'
<br /> ,_ ....•. ' .. .
<br /> . comply with the pruvisions of the lease. If So�mwer acyuires fee title to the Pcopert}�.thc leaschold and fee tide shall not .
<br /> �i. . . ' be merged anless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. s . �;'::
<br /> " +:� � " 6. Cbarges to Borrower and Proiection of Lender's RigAts in the Property. Borrower shall pay all govemmental . . ,,
<br /> �� �� or municipal chazges,fines and impositions that ore not included in Paragrnph Z. Borrower shall day these obl�g3tions on . . . •
<br /> .'.�`�`,• •�, . time d'uecdy to the entiry which is owed the paymerit. If failun to pay would adversely ssffect Lxnder§inte�est in the ".'`
<br /> • Ptoperty.upon Lendet�s mquest Bosower s?n�ll promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencin�these payments. .
<br />_ • �. If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments requirod 6y Psrugruph 2,or fails to perForm any other
<br /> : .. . coveaants and agreements contained in this Security[nswment.ot there is a legal proceedin�thnt may significnntty effect
<br /> .� Lendet's rights in the Property(such as a proceeding in banktuptcy.for condemnatian or to enfacce iaws or reguls�tIons),
<br /> �� . then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to pmtect the v�iue of Ne Property nnd Lender's righty in the Ptoperty.
<br /> : � .F including payment of taxes.hazard inswance and othct items mentioned in Fnragaph 2. . �
<br /> . . � Any amounts disbutsed by Lender under this Par�$taph shult hecome an additianal debt of Borrower and 6e secumd , .
<br /> � • ; by this 5ecurity instrument. These amounts shall bear�ntetest from the date of disbursemem,at the Note rate.and at the , , .
<br /> opdon of Lender.shail be immediatety due and payabte.
<br /> ' . . 7. Condemnadon. The pmceeds oP any award or claim for damages.direct or conseq�tential,in¢ontiection with any
<br /> � ' cattdertufntion or other taking of any patt of the iRoperty.or for conveyance in place of condemnation.are Aeteby s+ssigned .
<br /> �. �.. �• ' and shall be paid w Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedness that remains unpaid under the Note and thGS . '
<br /> . „ ' Senuity InsWmen� Lender shall apply sacA proceeds to the mduction of the indebtednesc under the Note nnd this Securiry ,
<br /> � , _ ' Instnunen�first W any delinqueat tunounts npplied in�he order provided in Ruagrapfi 3.and then top�epayment of �
<br /> � p r i n c i p a l. M y�e F p l t c a t t u n of the proceeds to the p r it►ci pa! si�all not estend or pos t pone the due date of the monthly
<br /> F . .• . .. Ipu�e���f4pu,Qte1
<br /> ,.. .. '
<br /> ' - �:{ . .
<br /> � � :
<br />