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<br /> .`',�`v?��:T�.�-�- OOHYEYQI!4LTc�1{D GRAHT. FOf Y�Ota61s eonaldeatlaR.7h�aLor ea�g m ThLSEe�Q1�ua�Ylfli@t Pr31NER CF SAtE►tGt�tb OBdetlt Ot :••� —
<br />��i "��R����`'� lendar a9�l.e0 ot Tnistofa rigM 69a, and trQe�es4(n and ts the taQowln9 A�r�ed�1 A+oP�.��a9�g or .; ', .
<br /> +�4�:.:. ._.�:"=`;?�''�'::`_� su6sequemly ececced or�aced 6w7�ngs.trnprovamertb and�aue�e7��r!�of xray,end�uc�ar�o�a7 u��w�a rt�s and �'�_ ;.�= .s }..
<br /> ,";a ���-�, � d'ttch dgN�pnctuding stt�c trt u661tes wSh dmdt ur tr►(ga�oa�is}:�rtd�f aitt� �#. and co�cete�6ng ta tha�ea1 pro inc�d�$
<br /> ..,�,�sa�'��tt�� � • without Ihnitatlon aD rtunaais,oR 9�SeoffiBm�al and sirta7�r mat�s.�L@d (t1 (�1 UR�/, StBtA O! I1T�$R2Slt8 (�4'�°R@8r ��` .
<br />��:' . • ����
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<br /> T.,::;a�•�'. �� . ' . -
<br /> �,i�_.'. _ �,:";'�',:._
<br /> '� .,�� �� Lot NTne��,�tock Stxteen(t8),in Packer and Bat�s Addi���to the cfty o!�f�rt�Nal1 Coam3y, L:
<br /> �.l`:-:r: ' Nebraske. :�=
<br /> ;'. . %: `�';. . :. . �
<br /> ' , �,.-. �.'�';��'s;�"`:u<<�, �he Real Praperty ov�fs eddre�s te oommonry known as 307 N Whi4a SL,Qr�4lt�artd.[�� �86ua , . . -
<br /> ' ' ;��v`�l�i�:i Tni86Rr�rt�+ily�st�s t0 Lendet(8Ba I'atpwn e9 88neAdetf►In Ws Qet#a4'Eh�s1I eA of TtusLOt's cfgE.;�a,^.d i�!ip on0 ta eD pcesettt and :..`,.,`l; . �.
<br /> . �',, tlitura ie�aes of tl�e Property end aU Rerrts from the Property. tn ad�r�t�¢granb tender e UNf6ms Qs.�Cade seeu�lf►im�st tn the • , . . ..
<br /> • .. . . ReMS and tAe Persona!Property deftned below. .
<br /> �. '.�.� , OEFINIiION&Ttietoaowing words sha0 have thatollowtng rreaNngs whem as�hs rY,i�FJc�do1 TiusL Tem�s nototherw�de�ned tn Ws Oeed ot :
<br /> i _,. . .. Tcuat oAaII have the meantng9�trlbumd to sueh Uazms tn the UnNorm Cs�vr�t Coda� f,o�anoa9 to do�amw�sha?meam m�ouMe in
<br /> a . (awtulmoney0ltl�elJnftedSlet�otAmerfca "
<br /> `� BanaRduy. TAa word'BeneflcieN'means Sherman Caunty Bard4 t�atia�essots and a�sigre. Sherman Oourdy BanX aL�o b ceferted to es .�__}:
<br /> • .� . 'Lender In tht9 Oeed of TrusL �•,`"'' • '
<br /> ..��.
<br /> �t:.:;,' � . . Qeed af Tntst The words'Oeed o!Trust'mean thb Oeed of Truat mnong ltustor.Lender.and Trus�ae.and Indudes wnhout timitalton M •�,�;�; ' �
<br /> '',: : ;- • essignmern and searftY(rrterest provisfons relatlng to the P�etsonal ProPer�l and ReMS. ' .;
<br /> ' ''�'�''- Qeara�or. The word Ytuerentor eneans and tndudes wNhout UrrJtallon.eny and all guaranto�s.sureUaq. and a000mmodeQan parttes in ��`.;:�: ,
<br /> t i: '�+;��}',:;y,. CCrtnmctlon wtth the Indebfedness. ; �
<br /> ' , ��k.,ir:. (is�saremeMa The word'tmprovemenmr means and inctudes�out umitalton aU existlng and�+rr.�improv�nerns. ftxture�bo�da�rgs, i
<br />- ;,�,i�;,:, ; .
<br /> "�`i�� ;�,,�ti'�.'... ; soucdues.maDUS homes atfDced on tho Rea1 Property�facifiUes.eQdt�ans and other oonswctlon on trte Real Raperty. :
<br />-' I"{; . ';�:>?'. � .. .
<br /> � Rrde�f�tcs9. Tt�e word'Indebtednesa�mearts a4�tr�dpai end iMetest DBYeble unQ�tlte Note end atry artwutt�wended or adwanoad by `
<br /> �: �`s ' `,t�;.�-_:., I,e.�a to diseharga obQgattons ol Tiustor or e�eroes E.xurted 6y f instae o�Lender L�e�Karae obQga�to�of Ttu�r under fhb Oeed ot TrusL
<br /> ;.•: :.� . ;•`�, with Irrterast on such amour�as p�ovtded in Ws Oeed o4 Ttu�t. SpeciflcaQy.wltlwul Ort�on.lhTS Oeed ot Tcust seaires,in add'iflon �.
<br /> � •..��V';i;`����. 5 t��ums ed In the Note.a�Mure amouMS lender in Ib�retlon may toan m Trusmr.togelher witf�c�hrtaest thereon. �i
<br /> S,•,..,: =-`-a,��: i�.,� sP�fl
<br /> J# .1�?'�H�;�;��'�.
<br /> ti. -,,:::�'.;t�+;;�.��� I.ert�r.The word'Lendef inea�Shem�an Caunty Bank.its sucoes�cts and assigrts. t
<br /> ��'�:i":- t�ote. The worQ�'means ffio Note dated Oetoeer 15.1s9D,(rt ihe pr1r�C0�31 emOUM o!$34. �,
<br /> y;t:: `:`4�t��,'i`, . 647.56tromTmstortolender.
<br /> i .1'�. -;:• ..: `
<br /> T`;:.;��SJ�=�i, together with ell�enou,�.extensions,modiflcatlora,reflnancings,en0 substiMians for the Note. �
<br /> ;, :.� yF.•,l'`,.- Patsonal Properly. 'Yite words'Personal Property'mean e0 equtpmet��ctutes.and other aAides of pmsono!property nmv or�ereaRer
<br /> ''�1;r;:•>".- •
<br /> . �';. �. V��4;.;, owned by Trustor,ontl naw or hereafter attaehed or e6fixed to ttie Real P�operry;together wfth all ao�slons.P�.�d additlons to,eU �
<br /> ;a � replacemems of.and eU substlw�ians tar.an1►of sueb proPerM.and together witlr a�praaseds Q�iudu►9 uhth�ut�rdmlton ad traurana ;
<br /> � prooeeds and reNn�of premturro}ltnm anyl sate or other�spost6on otthe Fropety. f
<br /> -4 .., .' . Otop�tly.�ewnrd�Pbpe�ly'meat�souQect�rehl9mRe�PtopatyondlhaPa�sonalRaperry.
<br /> �. • Reat Prop�tty.The xrorda'Real Prop�t�/'meantf�e Dmperry.Uro�b end t�Ab desai0ed above tn thEi'Com�eyta►tae and Granf see�on. !
<br /> � • Rebdsa Qoannenb. The wor�'Ret�ad Oocume�mean end ir�iu�without QmtEatlon eD pron�ory no�aed�t egreeme�toan
<br /> � � � . ags�nsr►b,�srantles�seauiry�Feemer+ts.mortg�9e9.dead9 W tn�at end oU other tt�vmarns,e�eamenb end dowmer�wt�athm nmv ot �
<br /> � � �� • hmeaft��ds8ng,e�mwmd in oonnectlon�Yiththe Indebfladness.
<br /> � � R�m. The+xord'Re�maan9 eD p�esent and NOUe re�.revewe�tnoarre.t�es,[oyatGe�profiLA and mlua benel'bi deAved hom tha
<br /> Propetty.
<br /> � , . Tntstes Tha word'Tlustea'mean�Shertnan Caur�ty Bank end atry su�or suooessor trusUees. _
<br /> , f � . . . ' TntsDor.The ward'�nuLaf inea►�any and a9 pe�sore end et�Ces ezeeultng tAb Qeed o1 TrusL ir�mrg v�tfaut�t�ta�on�CI Tn►smrs rtmrred
<br /> . • obovs �
<br /> '�:�' ' +
<br /> . ':F' � ' r
<br /> . �
<br />