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<br /> -------- � ``.per�.t3t�t Lcnder,t�quires. -'ft�a•it6ursuca c�rtzr vidirt8�a insurattce sh�}b�chOSL�t_iz�8ortto��er subje�t ta Lsadcl�
<br /> _ __ _� �.�_. ��u��tidtat�t�« ' '� `��A�nai�A.,�aM_vn i rlrs{e=;it�V�R,t _; _- -
<br /> � . L!!t$L7�O�Il01t.d�t3�Q CA1t8Y�R�R(�i!0�4K�•CII�Cl�4.1��tLS !�C�ft�f!I!QCCO�+t�BltC@ 13��F3ifl$t'�jI�1� � .
<br /> ` '� � '' l���11CL2S��1L�E1��8}28n 53 aCi"�p��S�O�t1a0T$IIi�&�IIiC�$S1flii�3ta IIWIt$:f$B CIfl115C. �t(�Ct �<: � �
<br /> � sball hnve tIIe r�g�t to�ofd�tiiq;8ol�cEcs'and isn�wa�s.If 1Riider nquire�.BQtro�wcr�Ii l��F S�ve ta i�ider ai!taxfpts - .
<br /> ° rof�id pr�t►tums end renew�nbtices. tn the e�rent o��tos��omowers�giva pramgt nodce to the ir�waria car�ies�s�-�� - .
<br /> — � Lender.�l.ender may make pmof o��oss if not made pmmptly by�armv�er. � ' � .
<br /> - - � Uat�ss Lender and�onower ot�env'sss agre�ia wnpng,iasurat�se proceeds sha�De egpllei�m restcuattan or cepain of�
<br />_ -_ — ,- tIIe Ft+�er�ty�amsg�d.-i�ttte�on or rr�is ecattoauca�ly frss's@le aad l.eader�seaudry is nnt t�ssened. .tf�-ttis -- --, - _
<br /> - • resComdun rn iepair is nut ecanomically feas�'ble os Leitdet�sertuity would be lessened,tke iqsuma�e praoeeds sha11 be:
<br /> T --- ------- - - - - �- appli�t t6-the s�sec�d-�t�is Smrity t�teitt�-wheti�e�or�ti��te.�it��g cxces4 p�-ta
<br /> _ BQmDw�-�t=— ----:. - -__..____ _ .
<br />= � @orrower aband�s the Property.or does nflt aas�ver wttt►in 30 days a aodce ftnm l�ender tHat tfte Iasurance ca�rier t�c
<br />- � offened to sealz,a ciaim,taen I.eader may coltect the insarar►ce pmceeds. Lender may ase dce pioc�eds to,lepair or restoce ,
<br /> �_ `'- t�Propeaty cn ao gay eums secum.d by Ws Sec+uity Iasuv�nent.whether ar aat taen due. The 30day periad wii�begir►when
<br />- � the naHce is given ' -
<br />= = tJntess Leade��snd Somower othemtse age�ee ia writing,aaY aPPUcation of prvceeds to priacipal sbal�aot eaaead or
<br /> postpone tRe due datc of the�aonthIy�ayments teferred oo in paragrap�s 1 aad 2 or cAange tRe amount of the paymeu�s. If
<br /> _ � nnder pazag�ap�21 tlte Propeity is arqu�red by 1.ender,Rorrower+s right tn a�y insurance policies aad proceeds�esWang
<br />�'� ' •from damage to the_Pt°Pe!i�'Pn°��a tDe acquisition shali pass to Lender to tZte extent of the sums secuned by ttns Securiry
<br /> �. - tns�niaent iuuned�ately pnot��utlte.acquis�tion. . . . . . .,..---. ._ ._
<br /> � 6. UauPaacR Pr�vatlua, Maf�eaance ead P�tecNon ot the Peoperty; Bormvgcr's I.oan Applicatton;
<br /> � Lea,esotdv.Borrower shat}occvpy.establish,aud use the Progetty as Boirowerh pfencipal e+esidence wit�in suty days after �
<br /> - ti�eaecution of this Security.tnstrument and sl�all continue to a�xupy the Property as Borcawer�principal residenoe for at �
<br /> least one year after the date of accupancy. uniess l.ertder othe�vvise agtees ia writing, whicD oonseut shal} not 6e.
<br /> - :,�ti: : ,_ unreasonabtYwitliltetd,or uniess estemiating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower�s conwl. Sorrower shali noi
<br />_ — -- deatroy:�Iaivaga vr impair tne Fropertg,attow the Fr�perty w det2riorate.ar cc►mntit w�stc ca ske Plug�,•. Bor.e:�rec s�a!! _ •� _r�_..
<br /> ' 6�in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal.is bei,*un t�at in Lcaderts gaod faitt►,{udgment
<br /> � evul�,tesult in forfeiture of Ne Ptoperty or otherwise materially��npair the lien cmated by this Security Inswment or
<br /> h 1 b caasin the action
<br /> -. an r+einstate as vided in 8.
<br /> ' te B wet ma cure suctt n de�slt d . y �
<br /> _ der§securi tn rest. osro Pr'o P�B�P
<br /> I.en
<br /> x� Y
<br /> :a " or prooeeding to be dismissed witb a nilin$that�in Lemder's gond faith detertninarion,precl�des forfeiture of the Batmwer�s
<br /> � � inoerest in the Property or other material u�airmem of the lien created by this Security Inswment or Lender�s sec�rity
<br /> R �, �:
<br /> ` a. _._:,�.: inuarest. Borrower shali olso be in def�aF�.i'f Boriower. during the loan application process, gave materialIy false or
<br /> Y �e
<br /> ;?� 's"`� inucxurate informatioa ar sta�ments tol��•�or faiTed to provide Lender with any material infomiadon)in connecaon witb
<br /> � :., .,, ..p u�.. �.,- o
<br /> -,�?� the Ioan evidenced by t5e�:i�e,,iu"�:��:;;hut rco�iiulited to, repnesentadons concemtng Bomower's occupancy of the
<br /> i,3� '�t';?;f':<;';.:��` PmPertY as a principal resi�.`kf tt3is S�y Insu�ent is on a Ieasehold.Borrower shaU comply with all the pmvisions --
<br /> ....,..-,: —
<br />=� :�Q�'.u�=�;,:;•R_: �w:'�, o€t he lease.�i i Horrower acqu�res fee t�4��h e•P ro p e t t y:'t h e l e u s e h a I d a n d t h e f e e t i t l e s h a l l n a t m e r g e u n l e s s L e n d e r a g e e s . _-
<br /> �� ,� �- to the merger.iaaa�'riting. •. :
<br /> ��� ;.,,,*....r `�` 7. Prot�tEon of Lender's Rights ia the Pirogerty. If Hoirower faila ro Perfonn the covenants and agreements .
<br />. �n_i":�, t•..�..� � .
<br /> .�; :',;>���f.;�,����,;. .: oo3lained in this Security.lnsuumen�or thene is�[e�aF Pmceeding that may sigt�ificandy affect Lender'�rigMs in the
<br /> �.�s.�,�_ " � .:�-. Prqoeny(such av a procc�ed�,-L in bankruptcy,probate.fo�oondemnarion or forfeitun pr to enforc�Iuws or regulat�oas).then
<br /> ;,,�''•�����r�`� ���' :�.Lenaer may dp and pay�r afi�atever is necessary to pr�;eet the value of the Propecty arid Lende�'§dghts in ti�,[�+nge�ty.
<br /> � '��'�� ��� �` � �Y:endei's actlon ma include yin an sx�.�s secumd b n lien which has riod averdus Securi instrument,
<br /> `�` ' � � Y i� 8 Y Y P IY t3+ �S
<br /> ....., .ci .. .. . . —
<br />�'' �'`:,��`�:�:.`::::;��`�ti. .ui eourt,paying ceasonable attomeys'fees aoid enteting on[he Property to make repairs.Afthough Lertder may take aciion _
<br /> -";'�, ;•";- ---�' -�• vnder this pazagraph 7.Lender does not Aave m do so. �:�__
<br /> `..'.��.i.�.�Y:•" 6 ....:.: . . . • . _
<br /> �+• �{' My amounts disbursed.�g Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become addivana[debt of Botrower secured by this q:z.
<br /> `•.._�'',;i;•.,..:::�•.� .., .
<br /> , ;•° �� •�•"�.- Secwrit Instrument. Unless�c�sower and l.ender a to other tertns of a ment.dies�amounts shall bear interest from the ����
<br /> , •��:,. Y � P Y �.:;-�-;_:,�.
<br /> � t. : - , dat�r of disbuisement at the rote rate and shall be payable.with interest,upon notice from Lender to Bomower requesting •� :
<br /> ,� : � pay�xnt. . . , -
<br /> '' � � S. AYaa�a,age Insuran��e. If Lendea'r�yui�ed mortgage insurance as a rondiuon of making the loan secured by this ��,��
<br /> .:i �.. ,. � .
<br />-�:, ' , ',:•,.;: � S�curity Instr�:.^�ant,BoROwer shall pay�.�e pre�niums mquired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any .i�,•:'.• �;:.��_-
<br />_ �: ,�t s�,��= � ` .' reasa�,. the mongage insu��^.�ce coverage required by Lender lap�es or ceayc� to (x in effect. BoROwer shall pay the � >•.����_-
<br /> -.•'. �'' ��'�°�+> � �r.s�ms uired to ohtain covera e substantiall e u�vulent to the mort a e insur��..c�ce revioust m effect�at n cost �s'^�-
<br /> �> ;��••.: �. .�:�.:': P- re9 S Y 4 S S P Y � :s,:,-.,:,__
<br /> � �_.�,;r�;�
<br /> ,`..;. , •� • s�seantially equivatent to t,�cost to Borcower of the r.;ortgage insurance previously ira effect,fmm an aftemate mortgage . . r.:
<br /> .�Ys� ` • ' insurer approved by l.endec lf substanr'a[tj equivalent�nortgage insurance caverage is not availubte.Bonower shull pay to ,•� �•�� ' _
<br />=�',t;� �;r.•��•�;� �•�. �' :� Lender each month a sum equal to arre-twe�f,h of the yearly�mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the .��;Y',_
<br />--��; :��;�,t::::;�°� ` .. . . insurance coverage lap.�r:d or ceased ta Ix im effect. Lender will accept,uxe und retain these paymena as a loss reserve in lieu :;`�:� ..
<br /> , ,::�:�r;r;.::. : :,: oF mortgage insurance. l.�ss merve payments may no longer be required,ut the optian of Lender,it'mortgage insurance ;y;;h�;;,�.;; ,, �f`'�`�'�
<br /> 1 • ccsverage(in the amount a�d u ar the period that Lend�r n�uirex)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becames � ,��.�• � ,
<br /> ,�, • ' �: a��ailable and'es obtained.Scmower shall pay the pmmiums required to mnintain mon�age insurance in effect.or to provide a '}��,��• ��'•. �
<br />;.I i � ' . ' toss reserve.ar41 the reyuirement for rr.�rc�e insuranre ends in a�:aln�Jance with any written agrcement between 8orrower ��r�'�'.?{,� .- ::l;�';;:
<br /> _,f' 1:'`. ., :., and Lender ar applicable law. i�'�'��„ ; ,.'• � .
<br /> 9. lasge�k�omi. Lender or its agent may muke rc:.�nable entri�,a�an and inspections of the Propen�r. Lendcr shail ': ,� �
<br /> �� '• ` � gfve Bosr+nwer no�,:e ac rt�f:ne of or priar to an intipecti�r►.pecifyiRg rea�on:8ie cause for the inspection. `': � �
<br /> c�'•., . ...� ' ' �.u�: . .
<br /> 10 Con¢Ee�t�fi�c� li�'�a proceeds of any uward�e ctsim for dartta�e,.d;r�:r or con,equential,in connectlon with any 7<<.;.
<br /> },,� ., ;�;i,tit�. . �
<br /> , ��',:�' " . • Siri�::Famit�--�annleMue�Frcddie'N�el:�ItORtdHST[tL'biF�'F--UnifurmCuvc�uvit. 9l90 lpqee3njbpaFes� �
<br /> �'1t:i. . ,. .
<br /> ! t '' .. l�eal Idita8iulRSS Pmm��� �.•.'• . �,�.;j_•�',
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