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<br /> _—_ ---- �.��tan�,N�Dt�b,�ad i!s atacdra�e u�o�dit�,ffie foltaste�ta�3 e�G dtu�ed la. HAtL ;i ,
<br />� ---- �.�� NEBRASKA� . .� -
<br /> - � HAlL t�1UNTY, NEBRilSKA.
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<br />������.� :�'c�;�' R�o�ethet witn am tne aDD�ana�t�e�reaato belongtn�aad all caveaiunts ia a]!tae litte deeds�ai�i;wiCti eatd resl eatabc� �
<br />� a �,. �.:. . aad aII t�e re�i�aes anA DmoSts e�iaia8��r de.fanit in�famman�e oi eaY��camdi�toa IIereta eaa
<br /> _ t��:i�1' � K . �
<br /> �,-,�:�..'.� mned;and w�ra�s tIIe tftle�+eto p�aad cleas e�oe�t far this ms�aSe-
<br /> ..k��e.x.r�:r'= �8�ID9�!��D�A f0lC8 m8��QB A�� —r-
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<br /> 't�`�{.:��F`'���`� ,�' upnn tLia mo�os tIIe de8t seeured Dy tIIte mo�Se- aad tmnado ia so� `
<br />- ;f�:��,,,,- :::'''�,',`�;, 8esoaa. Rb I�eep in ��88-tneteon in.s�+ed a�tugt Ia�fi��IiBMata�B Cb�tDaRY.W De�. - —
<br /> . r��i._,��;�:;,-,. . . � 16� �4it10 -
<br /> xyL��� __ �.f::. , f ��_ ..
<br /> r�: , p�oved by tde said 8ome ffederal8avinge dc Loan A�odatioa o�Graud�stand in ffie saut oi�i
<br /> ,��:�s`.,;°,:,--',;,. . _ — -
<br /> -„�,�3.,,-:.-.,:,:_ thg 1�€ne8s af t�e sata nasocraZam.and�ise snoce�ms�r as�n� ana to 8�t easa relides wtch aa3aAUsactai�,pr�ana abalt a�t'� --_-
<br /> = aad sh�1t�and�p eaid seat¢�a�o baIIdla�aaa imT�rp�'v��b ia ga�' -_--�-•
<br /> .����'���t-•�S:• t ce�aii�t�satfer ans► wast�m�said paemtsesy ,. , , . _�-:__:-
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<br />=1, .. ..,.• �. �. -- - -----° -__,.,�-- - -
<br /> _ ;.,,,. : :�•., �:. ._ ,�,sna��� ONE HUNORED SIXTY 7H�USAIUQ A1VQ�0[�/�QQ--- DorsASS;� °,�----
<br /> �:.�:,•;::;t.�:,�� �_ . _—
<br /> �i-=�� - - p�hta�as tafi�a�v� _-=- --
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<br />-=`'' . . wilD lnter�st t�ereoa payable.aaoidio8 to the tenor and efPect o! tho one ceetafn tirst moitSaBe not� as�safd mostp,agose�. �''.�•`' .�:��� �� �` '-
<br /> . �
<br /> De�i�evea date wiih these Dreseate. After maturib► satd bond drawa iateirst at tQe rate of niae per•ceaS�es annnm. <i r �•
<br /> ` ���• � � �. � i4 saia tases end assPSSmeats a�not paid whea du�at if the DaildlaBa on sai+d premisw ars aot�laa�u�e�r�above D� :
<br /> � • vider'�or ii eay ot said interest is not D�d vahen du�t�ea eaid who2e debt shari bec�ame dne immediately�a3 t��e cpiion oi the �},���i{`;,•',,.�+. �-.� ,.,
<br /> iam .
<br /> ��,=A . � . ea:d AsROdattoa.and aLaD thereaftes draw intei+est at tbe rate oi nine pes ceat yer annnm. '.,l`'��, � .:• •�`. :
<br /> `'` � ead iueome es irom sa[d '•i7'�,��, :.` ��Y`=�;;`:�:
<br /> ��i�� �e mortgaSor hereDy assigu—. to said mostBagee all erisin8 at eay au� a1��tim .f;.•� s,,:•,z. .
<br /> - �,`• ' �,..,'"•'.• � propeaty ead beseDq a�horlse said m0�ee or its e8ent.at ifa option. upon detaul�to teke c1��oF�sa3d yroper4y and ;f.,,:;:. .;;�':i`''.'���.�3•.�.;
<br /> . r•. . . - .
<br /> �'' co3i4�ell reIIte sttd iIICOme t�eteA'om aIId aDD�9 the eanle!o the D�eat of iaL� P�P�+ �'� �u�,�� �:.�.�,..,.. .,�:��•,
<br /> h. / i,�i�'.�
<br /> ; . ,� �°`� ;: . , e�ente. sepaice or imDrovemeats aeees9ary to keep said proDerty in tsnaMnble conditlon. or to ot�s c�as�cs or Aa,F- ��`i��°r'����'
<br /> '..:�:;:',,,. <��,���:�'• •. .
<br /> :..>•s;. .•: ��. �� meats DrovIded t�herein os in ttte aote nereby secured.'T�is sent assi�nmeat shaIi wntinu0 in iorre antil the nnpaid b a I �.+;.;,:.
<br /> ' ,� enoe oi eaid aa�e is fn1Iy Daid. TIIe te�ta�oi posse�ioa hereunder e�ill�in no manner prevent os rotatd�said martgagee in ...`•'�
<br /> ,,:� ..
<br /> '.`�:`�',:��:.;. . . .. � - the omlteetioa o8 said sums by foneclosure os otherwlse. to com .' ,
<br /> :;,. ,�<•:: ; Whethes said deM 6ecomes due by 1aDse oi time.as Dp resson of the failure oi the yarty oi tni! �ust Dart py► � .
<br /> .`��". wi4L aay condIttoa herefn.the eaid Home Federal Savin�� Loaa Assariat[on o!GranA Ialand. the successore and asaigos. .
<br /> � � ���� sba]i �ve the:l@ht to begiu the forecla9ura ot tWs mmRgaSe at oace on the whule debt hereby seca�e@. aad to inelude � . • -
<br /> � ' .. . thereia all ta:es�assQSameats. insuraace Dremlums end wsts►Paid 4Y i! or them: os said Assacfat3at4� its success�s os • .. .
<br /> - . ' aaslgaa mqq loipclose only as to the eum past du� without in�ury to thls ma:tBage. or tho diepL�tcmcnt os impairment ' .
<br /> • . ., � " oi the llea�ereoL ` �' .
<br /> . Aad tne eaid tirs!Da�1 and the mahete o!eaid note.esAec��►egree aaA dec�are!ha!!Le seDarEf�e eatate oi eacb and , ,
<br />��� • � eves9 one a!them�iaelndlq8 botD tDat noa owned enA tlut hereafter acquired, ia D1ed8ed�end Douud�•for the paymeat ot '
<br />_ . . !he BeDt hezeDq eecureQ.
<br /> ��3 •� : � . � After ffie cammencement vt eq�► snit in torectosure Ute Olsiatitt them,in sDall De eatitteA to tho imnaediate nosset93on oi ' � ,
<br /> � �' . �. 8aW piamtaey nad the tppolatmeat ot e receiver the:efas.IIotwtthstaadia8 tLay►m�9 Ee tLe IIomesteud�•o!tne oecuPant aad
<br /> ��` . aotwi�staadiag the�ae��11able tor the debt mas►se solvunt.aaa t�e ttrat nuty hcreDy consanb tm��tL4 aDDolatmeat ot e
<br /> 8eceiver trooa tite psaduc!!on o!thls fadeahae.wit�out othes evtdmce .. '
<br /> ' �' • TOe tore�oin�condittons end e8���. all and s1a6�1ar.be1nB tu11Y D�formeQ this conveysaisa sIIall De void.athe=► ' ;?
<br /> `�..��.�;• �rlae to be aad ramain In fu11 furce�effect.
<br />- �'. '1 Y;: " . .
<br /> . .':•,�s '_ � : • ��y�*t1, 28tH ,�sv o SEPTEmBER � ..]!�.
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