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<br /> _-_—�-�,�, '�_'._-�s. ' tl1�OI�C tI�I�SCC�I_ ��A__Z�lFIlD�AC�YI_�fi_�l!0�tJ1iL Sli�Mf�l:y��:__._.
<br /> . (l�y5 frE91d!#a11•4JtRli C�f � :
<br /> � ,a�urrod►{a)�wroi anK decanio�+sar��cavmsa�dr'�r+eaa� e)ptY��il esp�t�nciarr��te e�eia:��1'u$pcs�f sy �; �,�
<br /> .. :., . Inwimtt�t��iecI�..but noc li�a�s�.rc�antbt�tttaneYs',faaR�od���t�ta wch.actton w 1A+�4�Y�Y � �
<br /> � `� �ttint,W saeuta ihtt tha lleeo�4la[a:�cu�iW inrownan.LuWcr3 tlj�in i�e Fcoperty md Bc�rar�crTo�dpn�o WY�
<br /> �nas aec�uad;by thls Sexud�+:t� s1s�U �qati�sa uac�yqed. Upou re�ta�eat 6y Aart�er.Mfs Saa�n^ty .��,� ,Y
<br /> . � I�u�pcat wd the obligitloas ana�.+r�i�py s�1I iemata�liy etfectiv�as Ilnd aooele�tfa�n�ad cceumed.;Hasvev�r�'t�i:. .:,. � � ;�
<br /> d�t W�etnstete�alt not��sttr�:apse o�aaelera�os�nder par�r,epb 17. � ., �� � _
<br /> e�.
<br /> Y9.�Sue aRNtita;�.����rvle�r: 'I�ial�Tate ar a p�etit�t in fhc Note i wi�rt9i�Sac�uit� -: - _
<br /> - - --- -Ittscnma�at�mayr-be�snM o�us*nmrac:�mes wI�uE ptit��a-�-Borr��-��s�m��s�tt- ►��as�ge�i��lltss.�-=�- --
<br /> -- (kteown 6�tt�e°Loaa St�vfc��.c{s�n�oat�+Iy I�aY�s dua ua&r tns No�e ea�this Sec�nity In�t. 4�es+e at4o�
<br /> - may��oa�ormore change�o��.�;3aa S�vIoer w�uetatz4 w a eale oY tLe Note. If tha�e.is a cha�ga oFtba Loan�ServForx:
<br /> flormwe�c aili Q�gtvea_writtta�e�'.'�' the cbazt�fn acoot+daace atth patagrapli 14 above and apg2i�2e law. �'Qe notioe
<br /> � wii!smt+�tha a�ane aad addtess o�t�"°. .Loaa ServiQer ead tht eddt+ess m wbict!paymeat�shoutd De ms� 'Ihn aaSoe wiIt
<br /> _ alsamnmina�►omesinfo�c�gt�dbY BpAl�cablelsw. �
<br /> Z0:�S��b4�ower shari uat cause or Qermit the presaicc.us�disppsal.��or ret�;e of a�►
<br /> �acdaus Substances aa or i�s tt�;Fl�p�ty. Bosrower sbaU not dp.nor allow a�yane etsc ta d�.eaything affec��g�tHe
<br /> - . Fi+op�ty thas�s in vlalat�a of st�yr�@3�`ivanm�ntal i.aa. 'iUe p�ng t�ero seatenoes shat�norapply to the preseac�us�,or.
<br /> smrage aa t�e Ptnpeity o�srnalII qcmtrt�es ofLYai�t+doas SuOsra�c�t6arare gene�aDy�re�oguizedto[�Bppmpiiate to nomual
<br /> resid�tiat uses aadto ma�nam.eu'�!�PropeEty: . . . : .
<br /> Bomowerstisit pmmgtty g�vg�.wr�tt�aotice of any investigation,claim.d�tand.lawsuit or othe's action by any _
<br /> — � gov,emmeatel or�egalatosY a�SC3►���ivate.pazty mvotvin,g the Rapeity end azry F�arardoas Su�st�ce ar Fgv�ro�¢na�t
<br /> __�— Law of wh� Boaawer bas act¢u�.�I�nativle�. If Boaower tea�as,or�,s aotified f►Y�Y 8overainental or r�ory . •
<br /> _=-_=�:� � aatherity,that any cemoval or oth�r��c�ed ef any HararQous Suhstanoe effecting dce Pevprny es aeoessaty►,Boirower �
<br /> - - — �sll n�cessaryz�et�a�ss�n aa�idance with Fatvitanmeatai Law. . . . •.::.�;
<br /> --..
<br /> _�_— _—- - = s�al1 pmmgt�j. �-
<br /> _ ��sed ia 4h'ss paragrap�2��"H$aardarc�s�'bsmnces"are those su�aaaes defi�das t�atc or�a�aidous su�tances b�f ..
<br /> Fs�vironmental Law and the fo�tc�r,iu��sub'staa�s: gasoline,kemscae.o�ea flammaaFe or waie peir�2eum piuducts.�oxfc _ ;`,� ��
<br /> -ry�='���al:e_ Pesticides aad hetbictdes,vo�spivents.materiaLs containing asbestos or forma[�A3�.amd�adioasbive materiais. As
<br /> ��;,�`�;x"`°�� used ia tLls parag�apL 7A."Enva�ntal Lav�t"means federal laws aad laws of the jmi�ction a+here the Pmpe�ty is tocated • -
<br /> ---�- �v,x� ' th�t telate m heslth.safety or�vir�tal P='ute�tion .
<br /> a �� -ss� , NON IJNIk�DRM CaVBN�N�S:Bmiower attd Leader tbrther covem�at aad agn�as follocu� -
<br /> ��"��'�" ' � 2L Acaet�ratian; Rem�f2es;:$:eudc�shall g[ve aottoe to Borrawes prior to aeoeteratt�tm��iRowi�tg Ban+awes's '
<br /> � �.f.YXll�Rd'�Fi'G�7(N[R,
<br /> ��� •�.� � b�c6 oi aay covenaa�aQ�t in lYsis Securtt9 Iaghvment(bu;not prlor to sooeierat��der b 17
<br />��,' ., • , `'` � �'°' ��aFPIIcabte iaw =o�i��k,Tde uotke sball Bpectfy: (a)the dePa�(b)the a�qa Cequipr��s e tde
<br /> `� �"� ` '��`��'. � • c e M u![�t�ms 3tD�aia �m the date the nottce is g[ven to Bern��r,6Y wtn3ch#he de�IIt mnst be
<br /> :. �,�, „ deTanit,( ) � t w ys
<br />�. '��.� ����,- � .
<br /> ,,,.: �, curnd;end(d)�B#'at[�ue ta�tbt���ton or 6etore the date sp�in the�a�e.c�y�Ii b aaeteiatton of
<br /> F��'`�'''' the snms s�nret4�y this Seanrity:�It�3Qru�cst and saie of the Prope+r9��The notiee s�ti Po�n�iaform Borcower of
<br />- =u:;.�,� .��,F_:
<br /> �; ;, �,;�?��,� the right to�seinsmte aft�sece�eeutidm and the rigbt W briag a cuust act�►to a�the non�isten�e of a defanit or
<br /> - ,'. .,; �,,.._ . = any other defe�se oS Borroart��ta aooe[eration and a�af� IP the defaWt ts noi cunEd on or before the date spedtied in
<br />- � '���-��"���`" the noBoe.Lender at it4 opita��+require iminediate payrt�ent in tWt of all soms sewrpd by t6Ls 5ecuritg Instrument
<br /> :�.' "?;: .:..,t,-. :.
<br />— ���- x.�': --I,�'� � wtthbut tbrther demaa�a�a�g�tnvoke t�e power oY sate and any other remedtes permttted by applit9bte!aw
<br /> �.�,::�':�t:�t.~:�L:i:t,
<br /> _ �;�;�:"�:�`=:' .,�:.,,�� 1.eader shall be entitle�l to rn�tCS all expeases incurred in pursutng the cemedies provtded in tWs P�B�Ph 2!, --
<br /> "' `�'`°�° `'��: " '• including,but not timited ta•�uaa6le attorneys'fees and costs of tiUe evtdene� .
<br />- ��� � IP the power o!sele is iriti'oh�ed,71�ustee shall remrd a aotice of defaWt in eac6 wunty tu w6ic6 any paet o!the °_`_ -
<br /> Prope�ty is�ocatetl antD sha0 cmbl�oopies of such aotice t�the manner prescdbed by applIcaDle!aw to Borrower and to "'."�
<br /> �,.,.._
<br /> � `.:�:'. tice other persons prescri6ed DraPPilca6le taw ARes the time requlred AY aAPticable law.7lrustee sltaD give pabuc �,:�:..;_--
<br /> ,;.��� :.� aottce of sate to the persoas acr,�da�the maaner prescriDed Dy applicabte!aw 'Elructe�without de3nand oo Borrower, �I�.`_�: _
<br /> - . „ ���::';.: shaU seU the Property at pumU0.�a�dton to the dighest Dldder at tRe time s►nd place aad auder the terms d e s E g n ated in � - �--
<br /> . ..:. ' • � the aottce of sate in oae oe moavc�parcels am+d tn any ordes 7lrustee determines. 7lrustee may postpone sate of all or aqy ;. . .�-�7�— --
<br /> ' -. t '`F'�' parcel of the Pa��serty 0y paR,�t�esmouacer�ent at We tlme and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or Its ' `' - -
<br /> . t ., desiguee may pauvchase the Pitr�aerty at guo�sale � ' :��
<br /> :, .�c::�. .. .' : � :�' Upon receip2 of pay�en4�of the p�oe bid,7Yustee shali deliver to We purcAase�7lrustee's deed wnveying the ,.::... ..::r:�;_
<br /> r �
<br /> , ,;; ��r�}4�:_ r��; Property. The recitais im a�sr Trostee's�ee�shaU be pdma facte evidence of the trmRh of the s4atemeats ma de t h e r e l n. _ =
<br /> ; , , �, 11�ustee s6a11 a�O�Oty ttae po�oceeds ag t�ne sae+n the foliowing order: (al IIo all costs and expenses m�exercising the po�ver '�
<br /> , r �����
<br />��; ;f',�r'�,F• �, :t''' � ' '.��-��*�''
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