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<br /> � . . . _ � � g�;_ . . . . :
<br /> . � � .
<br /> ' � ' � TRx1STTaR shall eYacute`i+nd -d�Iiv�t to the purcbas�� l�is � `�
<br /> � • � Dead conveytag said prop�srty so sold, but �it�out any �,
<br /> - � cavsnant.or Ya�ranty. �cPriss or i�pii�d. �s r�aitalc � .
<br /> _ �� � isr t.�e ONd o� any �ttsn or tacts shnli � canciusivs
<br /> - -= proaf ot t,Ls �a�.vtpluln�ss tt�rsot. 11ny p�rson, ina2uding . �
<br /> — --- _--� � . BEltEFICI�ES, aa►Y Purchass at th� sa�.s: TRUS�'oRS her� --.�---
<br /> � - ' covansnt ta varrant � .defend t,lie�'tftle o� tl�s abova
<br /> _ ;: pYOpest� to purchaser at sale. --
<br /> _ . ..
<br /> ,
<br /> E__
<br /> . � _ g. t�ibeti tt�e TR�lsTBB salls ttre- trust propsrty: g�-ta-tt�- --=
<br />- Pa�� 9�'�� ��, the TRaSTBS shall aggiy the proca88s. �___-
<br /> i"' �ros tbs sale o€ suGh propssty in tbe tollas�ing� order o� . .a,�.r��,=
<br /> - - priority ��"�
<br /> L �ea�'�i.�'"w�ic"`
<br /> ';� ` ——_= -i—:.
<br /> (1? .. To the cost and exP�e of exaraisiA9 � Pa�r of sals ,Y�•���.
<br /> and of tbs sale� iaaluding attorney feeg, evidence of- �i.=3:=�«:�-
<br /> :. �-�.,.�_ —
<br /> , 1�°: ' title and other sale expe�ses. and a trustee•s fes not to - �';�':�`.:-
<br /> ' ;:�:� � � axceed tour percent (4�j o! ths 9�� sale prfca: , .--h'� �.�
<br /> , � •k F S'�F:"
<br /> ' ,,. ' - - =
<br /> - - (2) To tbe payaent of the obligatf.on secured by t.hfs Deed cf �
<br /> ,,,. . Trust and Ttust DeeB Note;� `. s -
<br /> ._y
<br />� ` .Ytg<:r.����� (3j To the payient of junior Trust �eeds, aortqaqes. or other .. - y
<br />., ; � `ti��;,' �j�;:� . _ __ lieAholdess:. ' _ . . . � . _ � _� � �. . -
<br /> . . ' (�) � balance, if any, to th person or persons leqally ..�.� '" ;�.
<br /> ��:�`t:. .. � � � �tlea theret4,. g . � �. . . '.'� .�.�
<br /> ,. '� . . _ default hereunder. 88HBFICIaRIES .� . . ���-
<br /> . . B. IIpon the occarrence o� any � .�,�Q
<br /> � � sha.�l have, �n additfon to auch other options as aay be . . . '��•_
<br />. � - `: � '. .� granted herein, the further optioa to forecZose this Daed of . , -_-
<br /> . Tr�st in the' �a►nner provi�ed by law for forealosnres ot .
<br /> " � �o a es on reai property.` � . ��-�
<br /> . ='t9 g .. ��F: _'��
<br /> ����.�r,, � -::, .. �_
<br />. — :�'��1,LI.71�:.. . .. .ri.1v�.J'a. .-:'i--.
<br /> ::��: '•;.��.L..�,.... :: � F. BBNEFICI�lRIES may from ti.�e to tise substitu�.a suacessor or .. , .-;;
<br /> successora to any TRIISTEE named herefn or actinq hereunder. � � .;;;�:,::'::�_. . ;�,
<br /> '� �'` IIpon such appaintment, and without aonveyance �the successor .� .;« . ���*,�,
<br /> ,;�,` ,:,,: '. TRIISTEB, the latter shall be vested �ith a11� �itle, powers, � :' ';;;,, . . . �
<br /> . �?':;r.'`�'':tc,;:� and duties cgaferred upon any TRIISTEE hereia ¢amed or acting � >'>,r�;=r,:� -
<br /> . .'��r.i''fi;:'�,:,.�.:.i'. �;':;;r,:� � �-
<br /> heretr�der. Eaah such appoiatmeat and subst�tution shall lae i � �°�,��`� �� � "
<br /> ` �:'��; '�� • � aas�e �by writtsn inst�vaent and exe�uted by BENEFSCI�iRIES, � ; ,
<br /> �� :��.,.�..,.. . . . - . -
<br />. ,�,�: ;;�'-:�:.; •:. , co��.aning reference.t�o fiJsis Deed of. Trust aaid its place of r , , ' .
<br /> �� �":•�� . � , rec�rd, wbicb, when�recordea� in the o�fice c�� the Register of . ;.
<br /> ` "�� �� � , .Deecl.s of the covnty or 'co�a�ies in whic2a s�d property is (,
<br /> �Jt � . , � $itenated, sha11 be conclusive proof of prope� aPpointment of , ► .� . r..'
<br /> �.�,�t . � t3ae �uccessor TROST�E. The Poseqoiag power ot substitution � , � �,+;
<br /> � ,'�,: �, . andk �e procedure therefor ahall not be exclusive of the poves . . .-
<br /> �.';. �=
<br /> � t��''�;: �. ' � ; and procedure provided for by law for the snbstitution o! a -. �
<br /> :�i'�`•;�p;`� TRUSTEE in the place of t?ae '�pSTES named �nesein. . � : �
<br /> :,f;�i;,. . . ' � , :
<br /> � • � G. TRQSTORS covenant ai.�d. agaee t�aL� upom any attespted r . � ,:..�
<br /> � . . � . � I cora�r�yance, agsignmeazi, pledqe or �ansPer oP any oP his . �� :,
<br /> ' , � intezest in the premises dusing tlae, �rm ot the loan secured . � �_ ��
<br /> � . � � � hereby, the HENEBICIARIES �s�all have �e ogtion of declarina� � ;.:�'; .
<br /> . ' ' t2ie unpaid b�lance imme8l�tely due and gagaLsie, and i� safd ., ;;,; ; ';<�
<br /> � � �, sua� remair�° unpaid for fiftees� �Z5# c�ays thes��€t.er, ' '� "''`:�� �'
<br /> ' "� -� SBNEFIC=1�RYES can cavse Notice of DeEas�2t. to be givea and the ` �:�
<br /> ,. � . presises b� sold as provided herein. . .
<br /> �`�;����'�'r , i r the loan and ' ,
<br /> ��� ;���'��'�` � 4 : g. Aa ad8itiaaal and collaterai securfty €o .
<br />'� � � ' effective Porthwith npon filing o� a Notice of Defau�t, tAis , �
<br /> � � inatrument shall serve as an assfgnm�nt by the TRUSTORS to the
<br /> . � � TRVSTEE, of all reata and revenue� resulting Erom the . :
<br />� - - � . 4 property, and TRUSTEE is auEhorized to take possession of the
<br /> - - - - , � propertY, rent or lease the.sa�e on terms he deems best and t.o
<br /> collect the rents an8 revenues ana apply the same upcn unpaid
<br /> - -.- =- =. - - interest, principal, taxes- .os insuranae prem3u�s- or �gor --- -_ .. . -
<br /> � • maintenance and preservation of the premises.
<br /> - -- -=-�—--� - . _ .
<br /> ----=_ . . . _ . . _ . - � -- ---- - �--- -
<br /> . . � -3-
<br /> ,� - �
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