��--_ �::�,�'�`�-+.:.=�: _ __ ?'''�;i��� - �� ~ _... . �=- ----- . _{ti _ __ --_
<br /> ' .n���r�_ � :.v., � i� c. ,o,t
<br /> . � . ' -
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<br /> �.. --.-. ---,�c;-v;= :� .. —.Zr-._. --- - - — . -"'-
<br /> . . � � - '�? - �-..-_�_...� .:.c' ._._....,
<br /> _ '-_f "? _ . . . • , • . � _. '� . . . .�. . _ _ _ ..
<br />_�: - - . � � ,��to�������8� 9��t���
<br /> -*� • ' TFi18ASStt�lVMEt3'tO�A�t�l1$R1QEAl�mad8andexecy�eSthta 8#�.�_dayot �,�R�tohet_ '--�18$�yandla� -
<br /> ' tr�aorpor�tedlntoi�st►�ilbe�aem�toartran�andau�ptemeMtP�eMortga�aor0eedo}Tr�al�4�eretnafterr�?�reedtQ��tha. --
<br />- - � --=-�'�.-��_�nstn���'�+��±-�lKU±-�at9-�?►�ttt�understartsdih8tete�flt�@�ercQd.�o tl8 thB"Borrower"..tb��ecstre__-_ _
<br />_ � 6orroweP�iro�sbtedt�ba,herelnatter ret0rred tb as ttia"N�ta".to HO�dE�EC�RAL�A�iil�it#� w&sac�i�zivn ar-'. ' -----
<br /> � aRANO18tdWD�hetalnafterrsferradtoasthe"i.ende�'.oriAeeatimedateanScaveringtheproperty�desc�betlinthaSenu►I4y � �
<br />-o tnatn,ment ana tacated�ar. . . � � ` . ,
<br /> ,. .
<br />-d *�_�f:r , - 32A W;:1Zth'St Grand I�lana,.�tebraska 688Q�1 ` --
<br /> _ . . . . (P�opertfl nddress) ' . ` . ' -
<br /> WiTN�SSETtk �
<br /> ��� •� . : - - - - - - - -- - --
<br /> ` - WHEREA8;�orrow3t 8nd leftQBr i�av�8gretid ttts!eay t�uuYs st�ptotlts et1RlbittBQte tQ Ute,ptoAB[tyt-et�vt�_COt�ttlt@ -------
<br /> � �' ' �" �_ - addltional secudty to th9 Lender Mr tha payment of the Note; .� �'
<br /> ,�- _. _ �
<br /> , ,�`r'>c;�,z, ','` i..: • __
<br />- 3� •=- '�^����>� NOW,TlIEREFORE.it ls agread tRat the Security instn�ment shatl De amende�hareby and deemed to tnctude tRe fottowing -
<br />-_ i�:J. ,C --
<br /> �:�_ :�Ks"'-�:?`- QT8Y181QIi8: . ---
<br />__ _ .5;1:-Y.,.,'{ • . . � —
<br /> �:'. =
<br />=`; ,�,�: • . 1. �tanment of ReMs and�ender Rental Cotte�tlo�BlaMs.Boaowe�hereby absolutety end uncondittonalry asstgns ati
<br />- � >.r� rente� tssuea and profits ot Me p[ope�ty to Benefielary. Lender shali have tAa �igA� power and autharity durtrtp tha _
<br /> _�': `��r _ __.�= .
<br /> �,Z; .'",._' _..�. :-_��,� coniinuance ot the Security tnstrument to coftect the rants,tssues and proNts ot the property and o!any pPrsonal pn►perty �
<br /> f�d tReveon with or ivttRtaut taking possesston og the property aNected hereby. LenQer.hnwever,herpb3r consenta to _
<br /> ' :�e �atrvi�er'acotk�ctton and i�tsMion of SaCt}rente,issues and proftte as they accrueend become payabi�so tang as Barroyrar
<br /> - ���`� .� � �'�-` �s ts ieqt,8t si�i•�in defauit with respect to payment of any UQebtednes,s secured herehy.at in the pertortrtanee of any '
<br /> �...,: . . .. .•.
<br /> , �'-�.-: °. . 8t4�C@2fft8tlt��QBG:' '`'� '
<br /> t , �. .• @2;t . . . �
<br /> .�� ��`«:`. , �=•,� ��. Aonotrttrtien!of R''�ri�r.if any event of defauit in�espect to the SeCUrity Mstrorttent sAali have o�rred snd be
<br /> • _-�.�`�:f - a�snuirtg�Le�des�as a t�iter of rlght and wlthout nouce te�orrower ar snyone cl8iming undar Bdtro��t(3r,and_witAoui
<br /> � ' s�t�i�,�c��"'r• ••�; � r�to Ms.s-�ot the tr`tlsl estate or the tntereat ot the Borrowsr.thereln�shall have the�ighito spQty fo ariy court TiavTri� : �
<br /> �,. .
<br /> ;V r�Y. � ��l�}y�� '� Juttsdiction t�a�3nt a recetirer af the praperty. . . .
<br /> .. �•��� �� r��• ` '�. ::��. Bt ht esston I�case ot deiauit in!he a m
<br /> ,,..�;.;• ,.;,,.}:;, . ' y �g,��_., P Y ent of the�id principal Hote or[nterest,or any part li�er8af,as tt
<br /> ';`.t. � �: �,� :?r �� d agreements contalned tn the Secutiry Mstnr
<br /> ; ,��,, ,�� � ,''s17aCt mature� r•�n'tAe ca�cF fatture to tceep or perform any of the covenants or
<br /> ��::�Y;,#`_,;?;�'•;;3��- ,- .�then Me lender;t�t�iicxessora or assigns,��iail De artd ia hereby authodzed and empowered to take immediate _
<br /> "t .- ����:,�-�, ' possesstonofthaeatdpr�f�asthereindescribedand4ocotteclMerentstharefrom.andtoapA�Ytheproceedsthereoftottie
<br /> _ .. � ,: � .,s�,; .
<br /> .� e ,. •::�,��� . payment of thal!lote. ,.
<br /> � < :. .: .' •. .'::��>", .
<br /> - ::� �,,;:�;. :.�';� z�• 4. Aonit�.�an�!ReMa Issu and P�ofits.All rents collacted by Lender or•the receiver st���4te applted fl►st 4o p�yrttei►t
<br /> �?,,;�;r�,• . ....
<br /> '� � �„ �,•��,��i�� . ` of the costsor�anagamer�t ct the property and colfectton of�ents,inctuding,but not Itmited tq�etver'sl�ges.Dremtums an
<br /> � '',�;�;;�tfe�:�'��,;��x.�,� ,f;, recetvePs�ortds an�teaseiTabla attomey's teea,and then ta the sums secured ky the Seciuitj�lnstrutn�t-lender and tfie
<br /> -:�: �_���;� � . .
<br /> :�•�;;::�,,�`,�+ °t;f�,�,f`� roceiver shatt�IIaOTe tc�ECCOUnt onty tor those rents actually received. _ , .;::. ;".�:._:
<br /> .� 1k�4 i�'K� ��e�• • . .a ,r
<br /> �� ��;�� 5. ConstnaexfanofF3cr�sionaEachofthBprCVtsionsCOntatnedintRls�s,:�er�totR��^2s'1��er8tMt4ie`$eCUdtylci.5t�u�
<br />_. �`r':�•��� ment aAatl,ar;Cers other��o specliicatiy required,be constnied in�cco�tance with Hebra��aitir, and in the ev�;�ay " _
<br /> _'�-`;:� i. •:, aaa.�
<br /> ,.�.•}i t4�.,r,: :� -:." _� Provlston hereenoi.tAere�l.car'�talned shall be determSned by e court of campetent juNsdictlonto�se urre?d�Dte.tfrB�t� �
<br /> :,��.f;�a;.,._,;_,,::,_.,, shetl be consirtt$Q as tP.or�gtr suCA unenforceabte provision were not a pan hereof o�thereot. .
<br /> �x�� �Y• �-
<br /> } �.�,Z ::. 6.� � eet of Aider.Exc�t as specificalty modiited Dy or tnconsistent with this Assignm�nt of Rerits�SEd�or by 8ny�other -� _
<br /> ��.:;�.� , ata of tRe te�rms and provisions containet!in the Secud Inatrument shail ccrttec��8 fn iutt farce and eHect. ` 'j�T�-
<br /> ;, , app(iCabia R�c�. �f► �. _',.�»--
<br /> � a�'i;��" �- �N W��,�F,f�}�R�pF;Sqrrower has executed this Asslgnment of Rents Rider on he data.firat note0 above. " -__=
<br /> � ,����3y' • - . . ,.�= �
<br /> i ,. �5�, �}k� '`�;.
<br /> �;�;��:`t��. ; .. . No ma 2nPe7�onower � '����'�.�;i" :'',�t`S=_-
<br /> Y 1 .'��?'l��, h '��v,��;��`L.������.��`�
<br /> � : �:(��
<br /> f � � - - S r��'v�(i��j`���'" _sS'
<br /> • r; BOROWB► ;�r..':.'�� ��+'r' � •
<br /> . .. .. . - s�- '. .d��5'' �•i..
<br /> - . � ���A� i'':i '
<br /> �. ' S?ATE OF NEBRASKA) ��;�,�` ��, ,y:.', :>.
<br /> �' . "� COLINTY OF t�ALL �ss: '�`.. _ ���tv����'' '
<br /> �, ,"' :� ' 8th October 93 .. .•.''����'�.:: :
<br /> ' + -:' :; ,-�, - � �n this day ag 19 - -betore me,the underslgned,a Notary Public duty commisslossc-+�� . : . �, ,
<br /> ,�;�;,,,..�, �Oitted for satd county.Rcssonaity came �I(�,ma 1 Ilanl7ol t ' , ,
<br /> 1 4 . r .
<br /> ::.'-°1;�,;,��. `�:;,:,;:_ `� �to be the identfqt person(s)whose name{s)lalero 8u�9d ' . ..
<br /> ' �•��' ��t�•�' �•`:�t��(t��' to th9 toregaEa�instrument,and he/sheJthey ackaowledga the executlon thereof to de hislherftheir voluntery act artd Ca�J. �`
<br /> 5.�j'_.•j;�; ' � -''��{?:� . . ' _ .
<br /> � � ° '�"`' � Witnesa my hand and Noiarial Seal at a d Island Nebraska �
<br /> ��.•��:±,�Zi���, �. .
<br />_ ?':.,;'.`:,. ., • ` In said cou .th afore ald. l .
<br /> 5�:�:�.`;;..;�`.. '. �
<br /> .�'�,:;�;,,
<br /> t.e � :�, .• ';• �•yti:•- KA9lCti00DHEGHi �
<br /> ��� '�`.<�`�''i'`�.���:� �G►Oo�t�0�I�, � •
<br /> _ �.z;.: ;� ';�,,•,�`,�, Gr otary tc
<br />_ ;'�;};n=, . ,. _ .
<br /> '�• ';3`,s�;�`s`, P,dy Commisston explres: F
<br /> , �,s,
<br /> -' �}n � Hccaoop�► ,
<br /> ,`` ��
<br /> � .� . . ' � .. �
<br /> �... "
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<br /> , �� , -:_. .- _ .� �__.... --- ._,.. _ .
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