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<br /> � _ ... .i `i, .Y � . . �_ �� Y--c?• 1' �a+�' —.
<br /> _ rtic., i`x"�. ._� c..i.: _ .,�,. '� •�` — "'�`� - - -- .
<br /> - r '�� . . .� ' _ c ' ' /'' . ` �t:'_��-.----C.,- c. -_ "
<br /> 'tpii. a` :.` :��`- ..,. , ` tti .. ' ` � �,a - � i , '' . . � �. � �'.
<br /> _..,. ... ., °�,� ` ► 4}f� ��• < �` . . . c �. . � , .� � .. 6.. ` , � � �. . , �' , .. r .
<br /> . . � , , . f ���Y�r �` . ` >
<br /> ' _�- '. ` u p ;
<br /> , �Sjl�l1��A�18W�►.&�QC�►�Dl'�t)�OI�D g9.�l.'Og�t$C`�p�fYlf piitG11913t t�Aq'�(.E10W€�i'.Q�90�0 •�tl�8 ` �.•
<br /> --- -==Se�flnitv_-_._ -- 1lIIt�t_Gf� � }�t1�$CCSI37t�I11S'tlUIIt�t. �4�.50��.4-b10_�BCRDIYET.,(�� ,,
<br /> — — �. - jtS L�t!1I f�A VvW1IQ�tt1�G! a9 . , �,-_ _ — -
<br /> ��ds�d;N)c�ues eay defauf�ef ifly�heroovmaats ac�c31�Ye�. ���3n mic�this 3eauIty� .J:._ F
<br /> . .��I n s�e n t. 6 u i a�a t t i m i i�c!•4o.t r s s a m b ie i►uotae y s'fees:aud t i 0 mtoCS sucD act�on�s Lender mca Y.c�s Q i�e 62Y.._ .
<br /> . : �itfite,m tss�ue�Iir.�of tL�.i SecurIty Ynsuaat�t.i+ende�k rF�hts in the l�rap�ty ac�d Bamn�k obligatt�n to p�y tttiee
<br /> su�otts s�u�$.D� ihis°�xvrity Ins�ament shaU i;a�p�uaci�n8s� Upon ne�nstatem�it by Baimv¢�r. tbl9.S�ity. ;� �:
<br /> — ins�u�t c►�i t�s QD�iavs sx�tt�bY sl+alk�ain ih1[y sffei�ive as if ns�acceta,ation 6ad uoaared. Hawa�reer.this . `
<br /> _ -- - _ .ti�t tatei��siY uat 8gplyin ih�t�so af acceteration rmderpara,gap6 t7. . '- � � � — -
<br /> — _ 19. Saly d liutr;t�aoge of Loan Selvto[�. '1�Note ar a partial i�sest in�Ile Nute(�sQifi tht�S�iq►� -- `�--
<br /> ------ ----- - ---- ta�t�max 6e sold��mmc!e fim�.aitIlot�prF4r uuttce t,o Sonower. E!sale may t+esuIt i�a a cd�aga ia l�e cffiity --- ---------
<br /> -- -- -
<br /> ---� -
<br /> -- (tmowa es ttte"Loan Se.tvtae�tdat coll�s m�hly paymeats cttc�t�er t6e ftote ancFt�is�Seautty Ins�t.�a�+a-Ts-o- ----
<br /> _ may De aae or mame changes of the Loaa$ecvi�ra�to a'nte of th�Kote. If d�ete is a c�ge oi tIIe E.oan S�vFar.
<br /> — ----- Bosrower w�l be given wtltten notice uf the ct�ge in aa;ordaaoe witt�paragrapL 14 aboye aad appS�r�law. 'tlte notice
<br /> — w�staze the name aad add�ssof t�dew Loaa S�viceraadttce addmssm whicA paymenss shou2�be mad�'tiie notice w�i
<br /> _ aLso oontain any o8zer infaanatioa�e4ua�bY aP8licable law
<br /> —.- --- 20 H�r�s SuDstaao�.Bbrmwer sliai�aat�ar pezmit the preseace.p�disposdl+stoiage+or telease of uny
<br />-------��� Ha7atduus Substaitoes on or in ihe Ptopaty. �aarower sBall uot de.aor aliow auyone else to do.anYthing affecting the
<br /> - -- - - Property tLat is um vIolatiun of any�vu»nmeatal�Law. 'i�e�seueding two sentences shall not applq m the pieseaoe.us�ar
<br /> —--=--�
<br /> -------=-=- stordge an t�e Ropaty ofamalt qaaatities of Ha�asdous Subsranas dmi�geneially t+eoognized m be appmp�iate tu
<br /> ---_=�� tesideatial uses aad to mai�it�aaoe of the Ptoperty. . - . ..
<br /> ---'_�_-�� Baavwer ahall P�P�Y�ve Leadet a�rimea natice of a�►�vestigation.daan.demaad.tawsuit.or otber action dy any
<br /> -__-���,L� govc�nmental or iegntatm���c.y or Private Party►iavoIving tha Rupeity aad any Har��dous Substance or Envuoamental
<br /> ^�_ Law of whicb Hmmwet t�s.sr�cal Imowledge. If Batmmver teams,or is notifeed by any govem�nml at regulatory
<br /> __N;,�•.,='�•',;'A�y�>a�;� auttwrIty,tf�at any iemoval.i�.�fr ie�iatioa of aay�dous Substance affectiog We Ptopaty is ee�.mry.Bormwet
<br /> .> Y--= �-. shaU promgtl�►_mke sil aeoess^��e�atac�s at ac�as�widt Eavironmenapl law. - ---
<br /> ���,"'�'� �. as usea ia tnts pa�,2o.°t�a�u.�Su�:�te�s�nses ae5nea as wxia�a�rdflus sut,sranoes by -
<br /> =-°-�•�'�r�,, _� � .Envimnmeatal Law and tir�L�liowmg substanoeg: �:�'e�s tl�pte or wxie�roI�m g:udacts.toxic
<br /> ,';�,�r.• ;�,�;-. pestictdes and Aetbirides.irs�atile soivents.materials�tsinfin�' �as�c�. 'or ,�,r .si�Yde,and�adioactive utatetiats. As
<br /> --F�'�,�., ,,, �>�'� used in tbis pata�a�ph Z0:'�viconntental Law"means federal laws�af�of tfice jdrisdieiion wh�e the Pcopecty is tacated
<br />--'-��-'.,'�'<., . ':_..` :: thSt IC23tC t0�f�l+S3�Ciy1 Of BIIV�IOIIIIlBIII31 FiOICChOn.
<br /> ..?,,yr.,Zi'„.. . .. - . PION-CR�F.FORM C08ENANTS. Bomnwer and I.ender further�r.ei±enant and agcee as follows:
<br /> _—,; -`�'`"�' " - � ZL �tton;fl�edie� Lender sLaU give notive to�m�r►wer prios to acaet�tion foQowing Borrower's'
<br /> ��.,.. .
<br /> ,.��'�`��;, ,. �_ :' ,.;',
<br />��y.:,;,ya•g '.�.,='`�.y ;=.. Dreach of��euvenaat a�ag�reea►ent in tbi�Securitg IasWment(Dat no3 pr�or W aooeteration ander paragnapb 17
<br />--� ... _ . nnicss applira�le law prdvid�atherWfse). The aoHce shaU spedf9: (a)the default;(b)Me adIoa reqeitred to wre the
<br /> --` �;. 1�� �.° :.,, defaalt;(c)a a�ate,uet tes^�tdaa 30 days ftom the date the nottce is given to Borrower,Dy w6ic6 the defaWt mnst De
<br />���...." _:` ':4._.�R)
<br /> — � ' � •. .<s�:;� cnred;and(�dhat fatiare to cw+e the defaWt an os Before the da�e,�pecifted in We natice may r�svlt in acoeleratton of .
<br />��;���''°:`.;_ti":`ti�°s; the snms se�d by tht9 Security Instrument and sa[e ot the Pr+a�terfy. The nottce shall ft�rther inform Borrower of
<br />�..•:=•� . -. :�"::,�r;�
<br /> .. -<.<<.: the right to reinsfate atter soceteration and the right to brtag a canrl acNoa to assert the aoa-existence o!a detaWt or
<br /> "' �'' ''� -��''�� auy other defense of Borra�r to soce[eratton and sat� IP the defuutt L�not ca►red on or before the date�ecifled in =�--
<br /> :: �`' :'��:,'i'�� the ao�ice,I.ender at tts n��s may requtre immedtate paymeat tn tLit of all s�ms secured Dy tdis Se�rIty L�rument
<br />