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<br /> !a�U ._.—�_.(� ��Y4T.. � �'' .!` �'ii . — __�___Y�-�-...�.- . _�-� — ..
<br /> �� "�� - x �7 {'. .. �F` ' . . ` ,� a, ` . ' '` . �' ` , -
<br /> y. ('.
<br />--..Sti t�.a _ � . � � , � � , , ` ,as;�'� � ` �� -
<br /> — .� . � . • `, ' � ���i=��►���rs;;�`• ..
<br /> � � � , . .:t,.y
<br /> — ` � �'�i�wt'i'H au the i�npro�e�nez�ts_ao�r a�her�x e�e�ced o�+�vmi��Y• �s��• • -
<br /> �n
<br /> �_ - =-_ ' -_ --
<br /> -- � and�zn�aaa�i��e pu�of Qie Pro-�►�it reD�����'�st�U a�oGa ccti�;D�.�-�� —
<br />- tasuua�ent Ail af the fore�atag is refzmedto in Ws Sectaity G�suumeat ns e1�t"t�operty." >..;,::- <�,
<br />- - BORROwER COVEiVANf3 that Bonawe,r is lawfiillx.seised uf th+e e�te het�Y coaav�yed ancl ha�et►��i�t.ta�ai�f�
<br /> and cunvey the Propaty and that the Ptvpe3ty�unencum 6 e r e Q e a c ce P=for en c u m 6 r a n o e s o!ce�wrd. Baara�tverv���;c�i
<br />= wW defendgeeeraliy tne Htle to tAe P►+npettyagainst c+U cl�tus aa4 dtmands.snDject W any encwntrreclvesa4t�;. z:�:
<br /> 'i'�SECURYI'Y WSfFtUMBNf cum�iuues �mit'ann wvenart�s fos nnt€at�l ase end na�-un��,ac�vv�ptt;�
<br />_- - --- Itmit�vadationsDyjurlsdi�to�to�a�fomtis�rity�insnum�mcovrsingrEalpmpetty. �'�` , � �.--
<br /> UNIFORM tAVBNANi'S. Borroarer and Lender cov�ant aad agce�as foltows: ;� ,
<br /> =-- _. fl�tmtofR�ttf�ela�����t.�beC�..Bosmtirreas�alf.promgtl�.Pgg��d�tlhe__
<br /> ---� -
<br /> a - -p�ipal of aad interest on the debt evidecoed by tRe Note and anY prepaYams�u and tate char8es dua u�tP�l�ta�. .. .- --- ----- -
<br /> -_;��'�'-'� ° -{ a. �nda for.'I�aes ead iusuran� Sub;ecc to applirable taw or to a wntten waiver by Li�ad�r.Soam�rrsinil�ptKtb . -----
<br /> � Lender on the dsiy mo�Q1Y pai►ments are dua under the Note,unt�the Nate is pald in fWl.a sum t'Fbuc6s"?'favs.tN:Y�Y
<br /> - taaes aad ass�neats wt�c6 a�ay ettain priatit3►over this Secutiry.lns�ut as a tien an tke PrapcKy:N)Y�Y�te�d
<br />- paym�is or gcotmd reats on dte Pt+openy.if any: <c3 Y�Y d�or pray�ertyr insmance p�seaaiums�.td) Y�il"��(t'� -
<br /> i��
<br />_- - insm�ance p:emiums.if any:(e)YeartY mertgage insurance premiums.if any:and tf}any su�ms payaWe by:Bumm�C�to
<br /> im a000ndance witb dte visians of patagiaph 8,m lieu of the gayment of martg,age iasurna:ca prqnitimts�,.�ss
<br /> I.ender. pco ur
<br />- items are called"�SCrow Items" L,eader may.at aay titae.caltect and hold Rinds ia an aa�ount not ta excead tt�msa�iinu�n
<br />. - ' amount a lendccr for a fedetdlly ret8ted mortgage toan may mquire faar Bonower�essmvY aaoouat under tt�f�t:�al•Rea1
<br /> ' r
<br /> - :�r- Estsie Seulemr�t.Plvoedures Act of 1974 as ameaded fmm time w time.12 U.S.G$Z601 er seq.t°RBSPA°j:+�aTr�ss�another
<br /> _`��'� taw dtat applies w ihe R�ads sets a le�ser amouni. If so.I.�d2r�reay,at any dme.collect ead haid F„nds in an axo�nm co ��
<br /> --- �, �• .�
<br /> "_;��;'.;',':.':;;a.. exceed t he 2esser amo u a t. L e n d e r m a y e s r�a t e t h e e m a u n t o f E�n d s d n e o n t h e b a s i s of wrreat da�ear�:caasonable _
<br /> a..���`:'°�`?-�-:�k`: S 'esdmates of expeudItures of futuse Escmw Itans or offierArise iu aocordan��with appiicable taw. __
<br /> ; '<<.�.�..::, ., -
<br />__ �;;:.-:;:::. ;,''` ,..:�; 'ltce�Lnds shaU be held in an institutioa whose deposIts aze insuned by a federal agency,instrturw.e�t�ity.�.or ennty -
<br /> :ai.•-_". . . -'�, ,
<br /> . . ('iacWd�ag I.endec.if Lender ic svct�an iristinuiun)or in any Federai Home Loan Baak. Lender st�U aFFjY.����a PaY ��.���---
<br /> _ �.�_:::.: .' �`w ��`� the E�crow Items. Lender may aot cbarge Bomnwer for holding and applying the F'unds.annually aaa[y�' ' ;t��t�esciow - -
<br /> _ 'v,�:•�.ti ..•.<
<br /> -�.�'- :.; �: •'- aconunf.or verifying the Escraw i�ualess I.ender pays BoTrower int�t on the Funds a�d�p14�i�:iv p�antts
<br />- - � °'.. `� l.end$r eo make such a charge. Ha�a�ev�.I:e�er aeay c�equue Bomuwer to pay a one--time charge faran:it�Ie�rtdc�i c�al =_ _
<br /> :-�..� m
<br /> - . ``'-�:' estate tax reporting s�vice used by Lender ia canaection wiid this loan,unless applicab2e law pmvidzs ot�ari+ti3e. Unless an ==-
<br /> �°:.:
<br /> i' ,:�,�,�=.';�`-_'^;� ' f agceement is made or applicable law requires iars�est ta be paid.Leader shall not be tequired ta pay Bormv.rt any interest or _-�
<br /> = ' �`� eamings on the�nds. Bomawer and I.eader may agtrg in writing,however.that int�est siaall b�psid on t[tr E�nds. Lender -=
<br /> ' �`' " ��:;��: '��' shaU give to Bozmwer.without charge.an annual aoco�u►ttng of the F u n d s.s howing c r e d i t f a n d d z b i e s.u i•t h e Funds and the ��_-
<br /> 'f �': . Piupose for wlucb each debit to the Funds was made. The I�nds are p2edgod as additianai s�uity f�aU sums secu�ed by ��..y_--�
<br /> .`r. D�—
<br /> -� , :' - 1�119.SCCi1Ilt�l ILStIUiI1P�n1. "�.f.�
<br /> .-�. `%�-.-°t < tf We Rucds hetd by Lender exceed the arc:4unts permitted w be hetd b i�bte.Ie►rr:Le�der shall account to �;_".�-°
<br /> - ,:`'��r,. Y aPP�.. ,1�:=="`-
<br /> � � -: :, . : .... . amnunt af tt�e Funds held - _
<br />_,`� �ti� - •Y ,.� .�:.._�.. Borrower for the exr.ess Fimds in accordance w�fi tt�e requirements of appliea@to law. If t� bY �
<br /> " �-�� ti,,,,.,�J:` . ::':•:�`� l.estder at atty time is nat sufficieat w pay d►e�sctaw Items wtten due,I.en��y�so a92ify Btomwer h�wziting,and.in ;',�=
<br /> Bormwer h�alt make ihe `°�x����-
<br /> _.: ;�:. . .. : ,• :;_ � s�ccL case Homnwer shall pay to l.ender the amount neoessary tu make up ti�defiaetc�Y: uP �-;."�±-�n�;
<br /> � � -;. de�ccency in no more than tweIve monthlY paymenu.at Len�'s sole discset�.. �-
<br /> -�`' , . , � -; : • Upon payment in fiill of aU sumsseia�red by tWs Sec�uit�r Instnuue�sa,_L�dda�sh�U'F�P�Y refund to�o�werany � °�;�� _
<br /> ' =<�: : `��rrsds I�eld by Lendec. If,under paragraph 21.�ender ahall acquita or.set�tF,�Pnopetcyti Leader.Prior w the oquisiiiaQ or � :
<br /> '� ,,.i.
<br /> � • 'sale of the Pmperty,sha11 apply ang f§�ads held by Leader at the dme a�ac�q-aisitiun 4r sale as a cr+edrt against the sums ,� � _; Q�.-
<br /> " , secuted by this Securiry Instrument ,•:
<br /> �° , "'`Sy �� � :� AppllCatton oY Pgymast�: Unless applicable law provides oidrenvisc�.aU°paytrcents received by Lender uader ; ,�-
<br /> .�->'`���`��:.::.��, tts 1 and 2 shaU be appLc�:rYrsr.t o a ny p r epayment charges dme�ar.d:r tfte No��soad,to amonnts payable uadet f . . • R =r=
<br /> - d: ,:...��.:�.,.>����,....,,•.•. Partgag . . � _
<br /> i., � . . , t parzfiT�Tb 2;third.to interest d�Pa�,a�r:to princiPal due:and fas�ta�ny tata charges due cc�i`xr the Note. .`y ,;.� �
<br /> ' � � m, Charges; L£eas. Borro��e�'sha11�p3p aA ta�ces. assessme�.s.ch�rges.fines and impositions attributabte ea ahe
<br /> ,> �`'`��• � � " pcopeYty which may attain priorlty over this Seu�ity In�trumen�.ar�d ieasehetd paymenu or ground reuts.if any. Bomawer i�,. � � ;:-
<br /> . :,, .-
<br /> � . �:; • : ' shail pay these oDii�rions in the manner provided in pamgraP?e 2.or if not paif.�;n that manner,Bo�w�r st�aII pay ihem on . ..
<br /> �',`. '•...���:: ;_':
<br /> time directly to the peraon owed paycr.ene. Borrower sNall p�omAtDy•furnish t�s E,e:ider all natices of atnounes to be pa"sd under ,
<br /> _ + • ` � • ' ' � this patagraph. If Horrower makes thesc payrttenu directly;Horravrer sha1I y�ro:aptly fumish to I.ender receipis e�7de*:sing . �'�`��':
<br /> -�:i k.�:::. :r.� .. _. . • thepayments. � .' • -
<br />-=`:?, : Boirower shalt prompdy discharge an}ntien which has priority over ttsis S�a.urity insascsrent unless Borrower.(a)agrees � . �
<br /> :�� � .'. � in writing to the payment of the obligation secured bythe lien+n a manner aar�sable to Lender,(b)contesu in good faith the " `. '
<br /> '�• • Gen by.or defends against enforcemene of the lien in:legal proceedings wiudti in the Lender�s opinion operate to prevent the , , '? '
<br /> ' � ,-�'i1�;:1 � . enfofiement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of�ihe lien an agreemeat satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Ilen ' :
<br /> ' � '4;�� �. �. to this Security Instrument� If•Lender detertnines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may anain prlority , ,`�' • '-
<br /> � + � •' ._�:Y' r '� .ti.v�?t i�' . �, :
<br /> �,� t ',_;.•�.:�_. ��_• �;. ; over this Secerity Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyinp the lien. Borrower shall s2tisfy the Uen or taka .. , . ,L..:
<br /> ..y, tl . � a•':
<br /> , °� � one or mos+e of the acdons set forth above within t0 days of the giving of nonce. ti'
<br /> "�� � • S. Ha�ard ov�roperty lnsurance. Bmrrower shall keep the improvemenu now eaisdng or he�5ter erected on We ..�
<br /> ��'t::';'.;';• �''� � � property insured a,�irrst loss by fire.hazards included within the term"e£cer.�ed coverage"and any otf�l�azards.including . .
<br /> ��� ' ftaods or floodirtg.for which Lender requires insurance. 7his insurunce shall be maintained in the amounu and for the „
<br /> r • � .
<br /> ?.�',. . .. _ • Form 3028 9l90 fpoge 2 of 6 pag�s)
<br /> i; ' . �A`' . I;�
<br />_ �t , .. �,�� . . �.
<br /> " � �.,���_`���:,;'' � .
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