/�� /�
<br /> �// O . . ' . *t. ��.���11� .
<br /> ' I',.'.I I i I'�i i' .�n . '
<br /> �� 'I'ilA�;'I' U1� I �lil�i �,';!fli'fil:;Jl1t) �l I'�il°P (?I� :'I;C'I'i.�?II '�';;��;�,��f ._,,,.,,,.: 99 110345
<br /> (:���� �r�nn�::ii t i� i:i.i:��i<�i r i.i ) , ti� i;;i;, nnrir;r rt i i�r; c�+? . �n;,�'r cy�
<br /> 'I'lll: li'I'll 1'.II . , II�11,(, �;i?I�II'I"1 � IIf:Hli.l:;l;il, f�ill! I1�,!iIC I'r11i'I'll'UL/11iLY
<br /> I�li.';1.'IIIJII;I? ,1:; P�!Ll,nlf:;: I11Ct;LIII11.Ut1 A'I' �1 I't)1JI'; ��IIP: 'CIIOU;;1111U
<br /> 'I III11':I; IIUIIIIIiI'U 'I'lll;ll'I"i I'I.';li i111U ,:I;VI�;II 'l'I�:II'l'll:; ( l �.)J`i•'i) I'I;I•;I' ,
<br /> Uf;�'I' /�FIU 'C1lU 'I'lI�1U::i/1fIU I'L'J1� IIUUI)lil':U I'Uli'L"1...'.CIII11;1; 1111U 'l'1111i'l'i
<br /> -�3i:;ve:�i nuiiui��;u�rn:� (.�,5��3•37) ��i°;i�,�.t� su���ru oi� �a�ii�1 iiuit�riu;ns�.c
<br /> coiiiu,i� ot� sntU ,t,i;�.e:tori �i�ii�ir�rx-t�.i.in�, (a9) ; �i�nt,ricr nuinir.ric
<br /> � ut;s�riir�i,Y A UI;;Tniici;. or oiiti �rnou:�niiu 'I'41U IIU1111111;u s:tx�eY '
<br /> (l,?GU.0) I�GI;'1' 'PO /1 PO.T.II'1' �IJ '1'llf� Ii115'CL.f1LY I�:[IIL•" Ol� '1'iIL; 5'1'.
<br /> JV51"si'll I11i/11IC11 �1� '1'llii UH:LON FIICJI�7C lilllLltplll� COti('l111't, $l1:f.b . .
<br /> I'UJ.l�I'P l5l;ili(1 '1'll0 '1'110U5�1ip l�iVl; IIUIIbIII:U 7'lllll'i'Y-tlTFlli 111if) '1'11111;1i
<br /> � '1'�IJ'1'llu (?. ,5.39.3) FICL'l' 5UU'1'll 01' '1'lIL"s I101i7'll L11JL: 01� S/I I I)
<br /> 5�C'1'IOU '1'1JL11'.l'Y-II1Nl•; (?.g) � �1����,�.��� ItUIItIIII� SOU'1'1115fiLY lILUNCI
<br /> .">/1ZU II.I011'1'-01�-41l1y [,IIJ� 11 UIS'1'ANCis OI� SI:X IIUIJI)Itlsb 'i'l'IIiLYC
<br /> AIIU I�IVt; '1'li,l!'1'll3 f G12.y) 1'L;l;'i'; • 1'lllilJCL•" I{UPIIJTW(] 1;/15'1'GfiLX ,
<br /> /111U I'11itlILl,I;L 7'U 7'lli' l;t3UV� L;AS'1'-II1iS'.l' LIIiG 11 UI5'1'/1NC,� Ol� �
<br /> U(Ii; `i'Ii0U5l1IlU I'1:V1's I111U 'i'tV0 '1'(iN'i'i15 (.1,U05.2) L�I;L;'L'; '1'lll'siJCL .
<br /> IiUlll111�1(1 UUIt'1'lll_.�jGy /; UI�'!';11�C1; 0.� i I'JIs (iUiJbitl�.i) )5IC11'CY 11Wb
<br /> I�IVI:; 7'LPI'TIIS (�U0.5) I'LL'1'; 'i'IIGI�ICf; IiUNIliIJtl LA5'1'�IiLY /I �
<br /> U.IS7'!1(ICL 0[' '1'wo iiuri�r�iih 1.�I1�'1'Y ll�li) �ICII'l' '1'1'sh!'1'lIS (7.jq.U)
<br /> (�L•'L•"I'; 'i'IIL;UCL•' ItU�1Nl:F1U Id01i'1'lIl;11LY /1 Ui5'1'/1NC1; Ol� '1'ICUi'1'Y-'1't•10 �
<br /> (32.U) l�l:k','(' '1'0 '1'lIC I'OiIPI' 0� 111;0.11lIIlN(f, IsXClSI"1'.IIIU '1'lllsilL- •
<br /> t�ilUfd 11 Ciili'1'AI11 '1'ItRC'1' 01� LAIJU b�liULb '1'0 '1'lIL CI'1'Y UI� t;tinr►u �
<br /> I�L/1NU, Ileuicnsi�n, '1'llli SM11s" AS I11�COIlUIs"U IPI ULGU UUUIC 172
<br /> C!1(lli �IOU Itl '1'lll; O(�I�ICI's Ol� I11;C1S'('L11 Of� Ul'".IsU.i, IIALL COUI•!'1'y�''.
<br /> t�i.bitn:�i�n.
<br /> nr�u
<br /> n Lract oP land Yacaked iri l:he Soutliwest puarter. of the
<br /> rior�nWesr. Q�t�rrer (SWI./4 i1W7./n) o.0 Section '1'wenty-Nine
<br /> (29) , 1'owusli.i.p I3levnii (I.1) tior.l:h, Ii��rtr�p_ Il.t�te (9) , {9esE oL'
<br /> l-h� GU� 1'.iT. � llal.l. Co�inl.Y� Iir.l��:���:l:ri, �ncl more
<br /> pc��l.3.cu.larJ.y descr.ib�d �s fo.i.low.^,: �1'o ascnrta.in l'he
<br /> ��ol.tit: of b�ui.uiil.ng, commence aC l:lin Ilvr.-l:l�ea�s� coTnar of
<br /> f�ec�ion 'l.'�eut-y-i�i ne (29) , '.Cowii:;l�i p I;l�ven (l.l) Plor.lh,
<br /> Itatiye 111.r�e (9), We�C oL l-he GL-1� P.Pt. , ll�.il CvttriLy,
<br /> Plebra�)ca; ti��nc� r.untii.ng west vii tl�e nv[lli 11.ne ot sa3.d
<br /> Section 1'wetiEy-tline (7.9) Lvr a Qi.sta�ice ot une '1'housand
<br /> '1'I�ree Ilundted TwenL•y-Five and Seven 1'enf�hs (1,725.7) feet
<br /> to tl�e nortLeast corner of the 1lortliwest nuarter oC �I�e
<br /> Jivrllieast Quarl-er (NtJ1/4 Nlil/A) at E:�id Section 1'wenL•y-
<br /> 211.r,� (�9) ; t_}1e1zGO runr�3.ng souttt v» lhe east lin� of i:he
<br /> ti4est il�lf of the ttortt�eash. Uuarl�r (wJ/2 itP•.1%A) ol: s7xu
<br /> ,rc:.�J..•:, q••.rei�Fy-ttzr,c_. ��ol ivr a :i.i.-t:�,n::a oT '1':�0 '1':�ousand
<br /> I'lve Ittuidred Porty-1'hree �nci 'Clii.rl:y-Sevei� IliuidredLh� '
<br /> (%,54�.3?) Leel: l'v L'lte noc l-li�asl corner ol' a lracl• oL
<br /> land co�rveyed to Jon F. Luebs recorded iti L•lin Reg.ister of .
<br /> beed� OflicQ of Na7.1 Coutil-y, Nebraska, iii Ueed Uook 1G1
<br /> �t Fage 571, being the actual. point of beg3.iui3.lig; thenoe
<br /> conCitiuing south on tt�e aL-oredescribed cour.se for a
<br /> ' disla�ice of '1'I�ir�y-Two (3z) feel:; t;lience defJ.ecCitig right
<br /> and runnitig west, o�� a li.ne par.�il..lel t:o.ttie norL•h li.ne oP ,
<br /> sa�.d Lract oE .Land recorde�A in beecl Book 1G1 �� Faye 571
<br /> for a d.istance ot '1'wo llundreQ IlineL-y and Four.-'i'enths '
<br /> (290.4) Leet; tl�ence detlec�lt�g rigl�t and rwini.ng notth
<br /> on a lir►e patallel to the east 11ne ot L-l�e WesC ([alt of�
<br /> tlie Norl-h�ast Quarler (W1/7. ' Jirl/4) of said Sectiot�
<br /> Twenty-tline (7.9) for a di��ta�ic��oL ThirL-y-'1'wo (32) teet
<br /> L-o llie north line of said �.rac� ot laiid tecordeQ zi� Ueed
<br /> book 151 at Paqe 571; t•It�nce def.lecL-.ing riyhC atid running
<br /> easL on L-he uorl-h lii�e of saia trac� vt latid recor.ded in
<br /> Ueed Doo): 1G1 at page 571 Cor a disEa��ce of '!'wo llundxed �
<br /> Nitiety ancl P'our 7'enths (29U.4) Ceel- to I:I�e actual. point . .
<br /> oL beqirinlnq, er.cept the Ca�t '1'lil.r.l•y '7'I�ree (33) f.eet
<br /> tliere.>E whicli i,^, a part oE the west ilalf. of. Iilaine Streel- .
<br /> i.n tli� r_.i�y oL Gra��d Islan..�, Ilall C�wiCy, 1Jebra:;ka.
<br /> I
<br />