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<br />� � THL4 Dffi:D OF T[tUST('Secur�cY Iast��t")is mzde on OCTOBBR 4s 1993' :; .11ie tivstur is
<br />_ � =: DAL P WAL� ��4IVI�3'�WAtTBRS, �US�AND ANA WTFBs .
<br /> . . , t • -
<br /> •' {'Bo�A�er'"��?�e ttust�e is N0�'''9AN&HBHBASHA NATIONAL ASSaCIATI014 .
<br />__ . ,.�t;
<br /> . .,�: _
<br /> (�Tnutee'�:::`�e 6eaefcciary is NOBWBST HANK NBB$ASSA NATIONAt: ASSOCIATION � •
<br /> _ � -
<br />- � -,• which is�i�ed and exlsting under t�ie�aws of �� STATBS OF �ICA , .and w&�Se =_--- _ .
<br /> � ` - _esId�':<� �202 WBST THIHD, S'��; GBANQ_ISLARA, NBBRASRA � �`',:. - _--
<br /> _ � � •.t: � �'' � � (°Lender°),Bortaarer ov:es Lerr�x�:tbte principal�ai of --_
<br />- .. ,;,: ,
<br /> � Doftazs(U-�.�$`1�isAQEhtJ3�*• • . )-
<br /> `. >:r=:�^���i� P�Y THOUSAND AND I�IO f .:�'` .
<br /> -:: _ . _-, �:5��� '' This deht is evidenoed by Bomuw�'s..wrote}da� the same date as this Secwrity Insuume�ct�'�IbGit°.)a whiCh pmv'�&f`ot
<br /> '" :, "'��:�'':�:�: monthlY PaYme�s.with the fiill debt.iE�t�a�e�i�r,due aad paY�le oa �GTOBER_�ti a 199�:.-: •
<br /> 4 �'r' '-�'� ' �':7bis Securlty Iasuumeut seaues to I.endEr:[aj'���yment of tha deDt evidenced by thc Note.wi4d�.aad ap reaewals, . >`
<br /> t,���'4 .�..� .� �� exteasions aad modlSratioos of the l�idte.N)'�i�payment of all other sums. witA i�etest, ad��ar�ced u�der paragtapb?to -} y ,�4±; i
<br /> � ' : .�:. ; �� ` pmtect the securiry of this Security�nnst�s►'mertt; and(c)the perfom�ance o f Borrower's cove r r m t s a A d�a�reem e n t s. F o r t d i s � '-.'��F3,:s ��
<br /> . ` �`'`� ":y; puipose.Borruwer imevacubly grants ar.�conveys to Tntstee.in trust. with power of sale,thc falw�ati�ir,,r,�described pmperty :.,;;.i _
<br /> �� Nebtaska: '' '`_���
<br /> ' `': .�=. , lacated in AAy,t, County. ,y��:;;"3��=
<br /> ''������ ` . • ' -_
<br /> . 4 � . .. :�f.;.tl�` __
<br /> . .:'T.,- �r
<br /> ' � . LOT TGiO (Z). SIISSBR PLACB SEJSII�SIDN TO Ta6 CITY OF GBAND ISLA4iD. . , ..y;._�.:'J;.k==,
<br /> - ��." , . aALL COIII3'FYs NSBRASRA. ' ^ .,';;i$��i;�;' ;�;_`
<br /> � '.t.,�.�x �a�':. :,�.
<br /> � q� ::�t.,-
<br /> �. _ .. .�ti] i�27r!{: -.c��`.,
<br /> •� • '� ,��+z_ •"ti__;;�:
<br /> � 6' :,�j.: „ _
<br /> .:�.,�
<br />_:: . SBB AZTAC� HOMB EQOITY LILdS Q� CRSQIT RID$R. �`' ��=��:,:•�
<br />-� . .� . i �� r��.��4.,.*.�
<br /> � � - ��s'_„ . -. t t.�_Y"'�4 Y-.,_
<br /> �' ,."• wtdch has the adclr�s of _. [strpe�.Ctry�. .,: f���y���; ..5�
<br /> ��.,,,: ,:. 4040 CANNON �,QI�D. GRAND ISLAND ,. , `w..�z.: . _
<br />= � Nebresdc� 688Q� ("Praperty Address"): : •>�' ;...`��
<br /> , ��'� � ' . (Zip Cade� , ..,.:,-
<br /> ;� � . .. � �� �.��.�;,..
<br /> . . . .. �.,�:,tn�rz.�: ,_ ;r::.,�,
<br /> TOGL'THER WiTH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the propahy.and all easements.appurtenances.and ..,�ti��;:�, .. ° . ;-.
<br /> � - . fumues now or hemafter a part of the properry. All replacements and additioay shaq also be wvered by this Secwity � , �•.L'-:`:��•" .
<br /> Instiument.All of the foregoing�s mferred to in this Securiry Instmment as the'Propeny." �' . ..
<br /> � � � � �� � BORRO W LR C O V E N A N T S t h at B ormwer is law fu l ly sei s e d o f t he e s t a t e he rc b y w n v e y e d a n d h a s t h e ri g ht to gr�nt and `'•'' ' � : -
<br /> ���` " ' ��� � wnvey the P[opetty and that the Property is unencumbered. except for encumbraaces of record. Borrower warrnnts and will ' �
<br /> '.�;.:,... : .. : .� .�;. .. . .
<br /> , ,1 „ � defend generai�y the dtle eo the Property against all claims and demands.�ubject to uny encum6rances of necord. ��,L�
<br /> ,: T H I S S E C U R I T Y I N S 1'R U M E N'D'c o m b i n e s u n i f u r m c o v e n a n t s f a r n a t s a n a l u s e an d n o n-u n i form o ovenants witb limited .��,{� ��,��,; ,,
<br /> ,.s, :. ' �` .� varitition9 6 jwisdicdon to consdtute a unifvrta securiry incmiment eovering rea!property. e ,�u.4>�,i '
<br /> �, t y
<br /> . , �; (TNIFORM COVBNAN'iS.Eotro�ver and Lender rnvenant and ugree as foltows: ' �+i��;+��,� �:..,
<br /> "'}=- �'..��!;:: .. '. 1.Pnyment ot Prin�paf antf Interesi; Ptepn}ment aad Late C6arges. Borrower shall promptly paY when due the ': : _��;��:��.r��� ;;.:
<br /> -„_a
<br /> _ priacipal of and interest on the debt evidenceQ by the Note and any prepaymeni and late charges due under the Note. � ;,��`•�,�;:;�<�Ir;e,,� '
<br />��,;f� e�,�':"'�` " ' Z.Fands for Taxes and Insvtanse.Subjeet to upplicable law or to a written waiver by l.ender. Bomnwer shall pay to �`.':'• '"'�'•!;`';
<br /> "- - Leader on the day monthly payments ane due under the Nw.�.until the Note is paid in fup.a sum 1'Funds")for.(a)yearly ta�ces � .
<br /> ' ' � aad assessments which may atta�n priority over this Securiry incwment as a lien on the Property:lb)yearly leasehold paymenu ,
<br /> � � or ground t+�nLs on the Property.if any:lc)��uly hatard or property insurartce pmmiums:(d)ye;uly flond insurnnce premiums. .
<br /> - . • " if any:(e)Yeari9 mortga�e inwrance premrunu.�f any:and tfl any sums payable by Borrower to I.ecrder.in accordanoe with
<br /> - ' the yrovislons of paragr.�h 8.In lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These ttem�are plteii'Escrow Itetns.' � .
<br /> � ��• . Lender may�at any time.eol[ect and hotd Funds ia an anwunt not tu exceed the mveimum amount n tender for a fedemlly
<br /> , .-� ,� , ��.'_ • telated mnrtgage toart may require for Borrowei s escrow aeeount under the federal Real Fstate Settlement Procedures Act of � .
<br /> • 1974 as emended fmm time to hme. 12 U.S.C.S�ction 2601 e�seq.1'RFSPA").unless s�nothe�!aw that appties to the Fundc .
<br /> �. .." � ,. ,� `�;,;,.` sets a tesser amount.It so. lcnder may. at any time. collect and flold Funds in on amount nut to exoeed the lesser amount. . .
<br /> [eader may estimate the amount ot Funds dae oa the ba5is of arrent data and r�tson�bte estimates of expenditures of futum �'
<br /> - ��-�=�-=-= F c a a w tt e m a a i o t h e t w i s e i n a e o n t d a n c e w I t h a p p l i s a b l e I s ttv. --- —__
<br /> - . .. -
<br /> . � �u.� .
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