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<br /> WWI�tRl��N T�Y T:}EEL7 9 9 110 315
<br /> l"H I S T I�II)E:IUTURE� Mad� t h i s �Q.�daY .�P�T.___...__.. 1`'�`3`'� k�et weer� DON]:F�Mf-1N C;E.T?F�iR V I EW
<br /> CEI�IET�F�Y ����F Hall C����.tr�ty Nehraska a c�v�r��ac�rtai�m�r� ���rqar�i��d �r�ci existi.r�g �_ir�cler� �r�cJ
<br /> I:ay vitr,�_�e ���f the laws ���� the St�te ��f Nebr^ask.a party �_�f ti�e first �aar�L ar�rJ ._._ __ _
<br /> __.�.f..kl9l�..._�I:►_.__.____.__.__._.._._._.Par°t y c�f t he sec����r�d �ar^t :W i t r�esset h �:h�t the sa i d par,t Y
<br /> ��f the fir,st par•t fc�r, ar�d ir� c���r��,idr��r��at i�_�r� ��f ttie s�_�rn c�f.,_�yr,�_��FY.,t�r1__._.__._.___...____
<br /> Z:)���l. i�r°s i r� h43nd H�a i c� r��ce i�t wh�r,e�_�f ackrnw�w l�d r��d h�� s��1 d ar�c�i by t h��e pr,e�e���t
<br /> cic�es qr��r�t, cc�r�vey ar�d c�,�r�fir�rn �_�r�t�� th� s�id p�r^ty c�fi tt�e �ec�,�r�ci p�r^t, the f�_�11-
<br /> ��?wing pr�er�iis�s, tr�-wit : Etl�_�cl�_�.._�-�='t_.�Q_._Grave�s._.���______ DiviG>i�_�r� _„��gT __..
<br /> �::�f DCINIF�Hfµ1N CrDAR VIEW CEMETERY in hiall L�_��ar�ty IVebr,aska t���r�ether with ��11 a��p-
<br /> �_�r�ter�ar�ces ther,ur�t�_� be1���r�gir�g:S�_�b.ject, h�_�weverY, t�,� all Articles, N_y-L��w�, F2�_ile�
<br /> �:�r�d I�eg�_�lati����r�s ��f s�ici C�mei:�r�v A�s�aciati�ar�yas �L1-iE�y n���w exiat ��r r�7ay h�r�eaf{:er^
<br /> he �har�ged, r�ic�fifi�d ��r, er�lar�gecl, and tt•ie aaid qr,ant�_�r Cer,��ter,_y AS����Cic�� i��r� f�,�r^
<br /> :I.��E��.f' �ti�� l t'.� ��_l C C�S S��Y^5� Cj���B� h�r'L�1 Y C����V E?i"�c1 Y��: j:�=� cl Y1 Cj W l j;�"1 �:Fl� �a a:l(� L7 i:i Y'�:V t'�'f'' �;�'"�L
<br /> r�sec��i��t� part �r�d their, heirs ar,d �i�aigr��, that at tt-�e tir�ie ��f �L-h� ex�c�_�tic��� ��r�d
<br /> r.ielivery ��fi these preser�ts i1: is 1�-�wf�_�lly seized af said presents: ttiat it h�s
<br /> g���_�d r,iqht ar�d l�wfui a�_�thc�r,ity t��� cc�nve_y the aar�7e: that they ar,e fr^ee fir�c�m er�-�
<br /> c��.�mb�•�ar�ce ��r��d d���es her°eby c���ve���ar�t 1:��� w�rr°a�••�t ar�r� defenc� the pre�r�ii��s a��air�st
<br /> the lawfi�_t1 claims ���f all pers��ris wh���rri5���ever�. Ir� witr��=_.s Uat7�re���f, �:he ��:�id ��r��r�t��r
<br /> ::il C�me�l:er')/ ���SS�;�C].ci'tl!�Y� �"tc'aS her`G? �_tt"i'��=� C�.'��_l5f?C� 1'�S C��Y'�7���t"el'�:F? a�c71 '�:��� �E' �.-�i=fiixed
<br /> ar�,d pre�er�ts it �t��� b� siqr�ed by its �'resider�t �L-h� day �.an�i _ye�r^ wr^it�tE�r�� ab�_�ve�
<br /> �3igr��d ��Eal.ed ar�c� ci�liv�r••eci in tl�ie
<br /> �r^esencE� �=�f DQ �HAN CE�DAF3 V I W C E:7EF2Y F1y�CiC I�r]:ON
<br /> �Y � __ ____...____------._______
<br /> F=�r��sider�i:
<br /> ��3TRTE c�f IV�L�F�ASN,� Or� this�,(7� ci�y �_�fi__S2,_(_J1._..._.._._.. 1`�''�9_.i�ef��re rne the �_�r�der^�igr��d,
<br /> a r����t ar•y ���_�b l i c i�°� ar�c� f�_�r ����.d C����_ir�t Y, �aer,s���n�a l .l y ��p�a�ar,erJ
<br /> �DRD01�1 6 RAF F'r�es i de�rt �W�f t he DON I F'HfaIV G�:Df�R V I EW
<br /> 3��s CEh'IE7E RYT��� Cemet er�y Ass��c i at i�W�r� t�� r�ie �E,rs�_�r�G-�1 1 y kr���wr� t�� t��
<br /> thE� F�r^esident �nd the ider��l: ical per°s�_�r� wh���� r��rn� ic� <affixec�
<br /> I-IF�LI_ COUNTY tc� the ab���ve ir��tr,�_ir��er�t ��nr_I �cl�nc�wlecig�cl the e�xer_:��..��t i�.�r� th�re
<br /> c�f t�_� b� tiieir, v��l!c����ry �ct artd �eECi a> >y_tci� ��fficer,, and
<br /> the v���l�_ir�t�r,y G�ct ar�d cl�ed ��f the said DON.T.F�fiG�l CEDAR VTEW
<br /> C�MEI"I_RY a C.�me�t erv f�=5�-�c i r:�t i�:�r�.
<br /> GENERAL NOTARY•State ol NeCraska
<br /> {11 BILL HAYES
<br /> ���rt?.Ezp.May14,200t itr�es� r�7y har�d �-�nci IV���tar,i�.al Seal at._Dr,r�i_ph�r�._N�k�.r^asEt�.�._._ .
<br /> ._....__...._._
<br /> ir� s�i.d C����_inty the d�y ar�d yer�r la�t writtPr� ab�M�ve
<br /> ___B.L.�Q_._�fe4.__________.._.__ h1y G���r�irn i s i����� E:x p i r'E�5_I�1cl�`��f L__i:�(_1[_>I
<br /> N��tar�y F'�_�bl ic -
<br /> F'i 1 ed f���r recc�r^d and er�t er^ed i r� N�_tr��er,i ca 1 I ndex
<br /> �:::�r� tl�i�__._.____d��y ��f_.___...__.____..._..___ ��..__�t ���' cl�_,ck.__._---.._n7,
<br /> . ___._..__.__.__._..__._
<br /> �:�r�r� r�cr.�r�dF:�d ir� Ueed 1�2ec��_�r,ci__.____.__.___._.___._______.._._l�a�3e_..____...___._...
<br /> t�Y_._____._.._______.__..__.___.__________.._._...._.___._____..__._____.._..._...__._.__..._..__...._...__...._
<br />