�.i��-r _ '•.'.:,,Y1i,:��ti.� -' �c . . .,�. r�t�t� . ;
<br /> ,_a,y�`�('^�:':� .��, v.�f4y f •'�� _ t „ .1x. _" —
<br /> ��u ������ �_`_ �•�e.3.�.� c.3- __ " _ -- _ — _—
<br /> � £ °� °� o „ .. . S _ . `. ` - � . 4 . , �-r�
<br /> .z�._ � 4 _ ' .. � . . ' ` . �. `� : ��` -i�� .�������^`.: . .�Z. ..
<br /> - .� . " ... . .. . i:, ' . � _
<br />— - ` ` � Y7�'�1�a�s[e�r nt the aMtp�y or.��c�ti Lttexest�tp�i�on��r�r.=Lf ult or etay�stt ai ti�e or�ny.intasrsi in I�,°� :
<br /> ---
<br /> ` ` r� is`soItl ar u�nsfr.r�19 tot i��tic�fccial�incerest icl8osrower i�safd�trattsf�rod and�oaqwer�uot�f�eisan}without t � :�:.
<br /> -- -----,---- --- --_�.,�-=!m�_ . �1�t.�t•atl..�s r�u�bY.t�s--_ _ _ -
<br /> --- - `'-=1�and�s��nx�Q:-�ittan-a.ni+�.�+t_`Tp� �e w as a t ,� e£�. ` .
<br /> — _ —� . � Serudty`tASfiutp�►t.�owav�r.ahfs opt�on sheR not bs exers(soc!�y�r_ ezerc pro y 4 :
<br />° _nf tlsiu S�S_tv t_��,�meeit. � . _ . �
<br /> , c: r` ,
<br /> - If t;eader.ex�rcises i�iis�dPtion.I�ider-slia�ti���ive sos�va�er imui�ar� � � �� ��+`�t�—_� �_-� -
<br /> � -- -- [�ss.t�l3�.dqys$om the`�ata th3 uudoe is d�liverod or amiled wifhin wi�cb BomotY�a m�1s�pa,y a��s►t�m.�s se�au�ed by tllts° .
<br />_ . Sect�tity�»swme�t.�If Bamawer'faits to psy sh�se sums g�tior to�Ae e�pitation of this[�e�iad.f.eatier may,invotc�any rEn�dIcs..
<br /> �� � p�stitted by.t&�s Security Insnun�nt wltIIout�irthec npttae ar demand on Bui�mw�r. � ' ' ` �.
<br /> 18. Ho�oae�s li�g�t tfl R�smt� U Borrower mcets.pertain oonditions�..Bomo�cer s�a1t tiave�the:r�,g6t m hsv�
<br />- eafarcemeat of this Seauity Inshumens�diseonriuuec�at an4►tia�e prisr to tA�eariter of: (a)$days(or suc�other period as
<br /> �� glicable 1aw:m?Y sp�ifY fos rei�statem@nt) before sate o#the Prop�eity pursuant m sny power of sate wntaivai.ia t6is . .
<br />----- - -- - - - - _ .- --
<br /> -• CyTns�uraent;ortbjeimY�ofajudgment'e�'an�Iagt83sS�aritylnsRUma►t�'Fhc�seaoadittonsatett�at�oirower.;fa}payg -----=,,:_ _ _
<br />- Leader a1t sams whi�t�ea�s�rould De due tan�er this SecnrIty Inst��9oii and tne Nate.es if pa aooeieiation Gad o�taed:(b?
<br /> . cures any defautt af aay ather mavenants or'�reemems:(�)P�Ys all;�incnmed tu enforcing dus Secau�tS►tn�r.+m,�,�_
<br /> - inct .Dut aoi IiWnited to.reaconable attomr.ys'f�es;and(d)�sucb a�ion as I.eadar ooay reasomabiy reqeiice ou asswe
<br /> that the ' of this Security Iasttumen�Leader's tights•in t�te P�oPertY aad Aotrower's oIQ{igation to�ray the sums s@etim�.by_
<br /> this Sectirity Instrumeut sbaU cuntinue 1tas�aaged. Upon reioseaz�uent bY.Bonower, this S�ty �t ead th�
<br /> obligations se�ure�hereby sLall mmain fWly ef�e�xive os if uo aooetaa3ion had oaaused.However,th9s rlght w rei�te shati: .
<br /> . �aot apply m ihe ca�of sooeterattoa nnder paragraph 17.' � - - .
<br /> - 19, Sat�Qf��� ��af I.nan Servtcer. The Note or a F .�a¢c�.'.}.taterest in the Note (together with ttils Seauigr
<br /> [�umentj maq�,Ynesuld one or raoie times wididut prior notiee fo 8om�at�r.A�ai��y t�.5ult itt a _ . e inthe entity(icnowa
<br /> as tt�'Loan Secvi�er')tliat w3tects munthiy pay�ents dde vnder the Nvte a�tT�is Secanty�1nst�um�rt�ea�e aLw may be oae
<br />� ! or n�:rhanges of the Iaan 5etvicer utuelated to a sale of dt��Tote.If ihae is a c�aage of the Lu�a Seivieer.Hocrpwer wi11 be
<br /> �==:�`*.�-±��`�;;_ givee+wtItten uo�ioe of the ci�ange in a000rdanoe with paragr�3i;14 above�nd appticabie tav+r.'Ci�e Aatioe w�71�ate tk�s name and �—
<br />��°�"� ,; - add�ess of the neur�.oan Set'vioe!and the ad�w wtiicR�ey�ments shoutd be made.The not�mx"IL�'a�sfri any other::; . _
<br /> �; '.: �; infomoauoa neqt�fiY ePPIicable taw. • � . �- '� � . � . - T
<br /> ,.. Z0: �amri�a�.$ormwer sBaii aot cau�.o.r pernzit Eue p�, usz. cl�s p o s a�',sior-,ge.ar�etc�af a�: ...
<br /> '� ,��;��,�� :° Haza�+daus Subs�oes.oa a�.in�tlne Property. Boirower'sbalt.uot do. aor allow as►yoae eLse to do. any�un��'ecting the ' --
<br /> �.;, :•.;:�� P ro p e rt y t h a t i s i n v i o l a t i o n u f�v c i y E n v i r o n m e n t a l L a w:'L�'prec�edin g two senteaces shall not a p pl y to the p�ice.use.or
<br /> r;t• ., M
<br /> ;e;;4,;A�,.,::, swrage on the Psoperty of small quantides of Harardous Substanoes tba�are geneially recognized w be appmpnate w nom�al .
<br />��._-.•.--,:?,.::n � '' ^ �esiden6al uses and to�naintenance of the Prnperty. � ' .
<br />�' ' � � 'i ' , Borrower shall pmmptly give L.ender wntten aotice of any inves�igwtion,claim,demand.tawsuit or other action by aay
<br /> �°. `,:<-..-..�.� .: r
<br /> .: .`.° ' '` ��` `� govemmental or regulatory agency or Qrivate party involving the Prope�ty and any Hazardous Substa�or Enviromdemal Law
<br />' , „,`��.'. �-. of whish Borrower has actual&nowledge. If Borcower teatds;,or is noti6ed by any govemtnental or regtilatory authority,that ,
<br /> � � � any c�moval or other remediadon of any Hamndous Substacaa�affecting the Property is nece�sary.Borrower shall pmmptly take -
<br /> �:�.' . ' " ` ' aU neoessary nemedial actions in acoordanoe witb Envimnmz�utai Law.
<br /> - �` � ,.:;;, ' • As used.in:ihis pacagcaph 20. "Hamrdaos Substanoes'are those substances defined as toaic er ha�dous substanoes by
<br />�=�,;�< a�: .�� ��y.-:.�. ; Bavironmental:Iaw�and the foltowing sub�aaaes: gaseline. kerosene, aWer flaaunable or tosic pee�nleum pr�nducts. tox�c
<br /> ' `��•f ` pesticides aad B�xbi�des,va(atile sulvents.�teYials�niug asbestos�or formaldehyde,and tadii�tive matetials.As used in
<br /> 11 ;�.�; • ;`: ; . -- -
<br /> �;., ., , ,.- �:�,-�. this patagaph 2fT:• Environm�tal Law' means federal faws and laws of the juris�ic�on where the Property is located that -- — _
<br /> � ; relate to health.safety or ertviz+�nm�atal pnotectton. . �L� --
<br /> _ �: i'��� �, NON-UNIFORM C�OV�NA.�VTS•&►aower and Lendexfu�d►er cov�ment and�as follows: '�
<br /> ;� ��- :,..�'° . " , 21.Aocelesatton;Remedies.Lender sdall give notEce to Borto��rto�to a�cetereNon followin�Bormwer's Dreach �=„ __ _
<br />-_`�,:��:`.r,:.;<". ''<.;�.°;. ot any rnveoaaE or agreement in thtc Security Instrament (but a�2�or to aooeieratton unQer paregrapb 19 anies4 :&Y� __
<br /> ••� - � ap p l iea b te i aw pm v i des o t 6e r a d s e). T 6e na t ice s d a l l s p e c i f y: (a)t h��'a W t;(D)t h e a c t t o n re q u U e d t o w r e t h e d e f a d t; �`
<br /> (c)a.date,not tess tbaa 30 days from the date the aotice is given to�osa+uwer,by whtcb the d�aWt must be cuced;and �'� ��•
<br /> t .' • (�?�u t,f a i t u r e t o c u r e t h e d e Y s u i t on or hefore the dti3e s p e c iPed itt ihe rtot[ce ma y resutt in acceteratton at the sums _;�.`����r<� '— --
<br /> � sa�n►�.by thfs Security Instrument and sale ot the Pno�ty.TAe�ot[ce sleall f'�rther inform Eorro�vee of tbe eig6t to "����_�;��`;:�
<br /> � ° reiastato after aaceterntion and the right to 6ring a wurt action��assert t6e aon�e�dsteuce a�f a defautt or aay other �. • t
<br /> ' • . • defense of Bo�er to aoceteration and sate. if the default is ans c�d on ur betore the e�te speciffed tu tbe notice, °';_�;:
<br /> _ ' �,�':e ' � Lendee.at its ropHon.may require immedtate payment in fWl oY auY�s secured by tdis Sa�sy Ittstrument wkhont �i 4� -
<br /> ;� , ; turther demaad and may ipvvke the powee of sate and any otRer re�c�e�iies�isicr!by ap��IIe 1a+v.I.eztder s0a116e �i� + r.a.`_,_
<br /> , : eatitfcd to mltect a11 exQensc�n��n�ed ta pwsuing the remedles pmv�ded4 ics tt�is 1�2r'.�g�aAl� �,imtuding,b�t mot Umited �,��,z,1�,+ . ,';t, �
<br /> ` � ' to,e+easonabEe attor�eeys'fces and costs of title evldence. S�'^•�`•'� � �'��� A'
<br /> '• � Tnutee shall record a notice of.default in each mun¢� ds�whicb ac�3 gart of the ����` ��' ' '� °'� "" '
<br /> • V thepo«er of sale is invoked� .. �*: �
<br />- ; # �"`' � �� Pmperty ts loe�te�attd shall maii copies of suc6 nofice(n the manneu�prescribed by applica6C¢taw to Borro�r•er aud tu , ' ; '•
<br /> ':�; • �• tde other peesons prescribed by applicabte tuw.ARer the time requirPd by appticabte!aa•.Trus�:ee shall give{wblic nottoe . � • �:�•'� °` � _
<br />-•� `.r.; of sale to tde persons and in!he manner prescsibed by applicable la�r.Trustee,without demand on Bosrovs�s,shall se11 �: ,'• ' '' _ •
<br /> � ' � the Property at publle auction to the htghest bidder at the time and place and under the tem►s destgnated in�tce uottce of ',; r . ��` � ..�'
<br /> -� : ,,, sale tn one or morc parceis and In any order Trustee determin�.Trustee may postpone sale o!all or any parcel of the ���•: ��- �
<br /> - _ ;�� � Pi+operiy by pu611c announcement at the time and place of any prevtously schedufed sate. I.ender or its designee may ��`' �: �
<br />- . . .� Purcdase We Property at any sate. ,
<br /> � _
<br /> - �� 4.��' ,��'n��: � ' ' • •,}'{`�g,, , , �. '
<br /> �,A �1. ,,• . ,. Form 3028 9190 ��4y,��. . . .
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