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<br /> =— — < �appl£cab2b isw�y spe�Ify for reinstate�eat)befor+e sale.�f th9 Q�opeay pursnant w any power af eaie FonmIn�d tn tbis ._
<br /> —�-� tns m�n�or
<br /> - - -_-----=-5l�ttdtY_ (Q�_ QY��iCA�QIC�t�$$CCIU'Tly.�!lSWm4AT._�1QS@ Cafidlt�0U9 OIB�18!�D!l�6WEi: �8) ` � . . _
<br /> -- -- ' �t�Ya Lender aU sama whtc5�wa�t��e�ue t�i-�r��i�rify ins-tium��sT tl�I+TOte es if rt6`s�teradoa;ttaa=�-=.'-_
<br />°. -- � . accaim4(�)cures any Qefanit of eay othsr sovenanta br agaeemenC�;tc)Fays ell eapeases incim�in cnfarctng tWa Serurity -
<br /> - tnswmcat�facNding,�t Qat limited to.reasoas8le attot►tieya'fas:and Ed)ta�es such ectfoa as LecQer moy[easonubly .
<br /> - - - . raqu�t�cs�ure ttiat t1�e llea of this Securiity Iasdnimen�Lmderg eighta in the Prapeity and B�oAOwerb obligatian to pay the
<br /> - - . sivas sec�ued by tl�iu S�rtty tnswment sbnil continne uasitangrA. Upon relnsuuemeiu Sy Bom�wer.this Searrity �
<br />�._- __ -- insaumtnt�nd ttee obllg+ettloag sesvrtd 8eeeby shall,semain t�tty effetdve as if no acceIera@oa Rad axumed. Kowever.ltis —
<br />� - �igt�t to raIastate�Aalt not uppiy i�ths t�u of aeoelera�oa nnder para�apt�17. �
<br /> �- 19. S�te at Not�CD�nge d Lana Servk�: The Nate or e Qa�ial lntecest In the Nate(togexh�r v�n'tD ttis 5eauity
<br />=r--- -. =�----- --l�snnimeat)�Ds s�I�ans or_m�-tltne��r�Ra�ut nr'nr a�so�oaower. A sal�.mayr re�uit Ia a chaag�ja the entity - -,- -- - -
<br /> � (gnawn as the"I�aa Sen►Icer")that oollocts ai0nthiY PeYmeats due uader Me Ntote sad thts Se�a�ity Iastrument. Theie also --
<br /> ` muy De oax ar mom changes of th0 Loaa Sezvicer w�elated tu a sate of the Note. if th�e!s e c8aage of ehe Loaa Se�vicer, �
<br />�;�: . Borrower wW be givep wriuen aotice of the change in aocuidanoe aritb parag�aph 14 above aad appticable taw. 'ihe noflce �
<br /> _ w�l stase tLa nsme aud add�ess of the new i.oan ServIoer and the addcess W whIch payments should De made. 7Tie nbtiee wlri
<br />_ also oontain any ot4a ingomiation required Dy�apglicable law. . . .
<br />-= 2Q. Ha�+daus SnDstatto�. Boaowe,r shall not ca�ar peanit the presence.use,disposal,stazage,or release of any .
<br /> Hazatdnus Su�ct'ances on or ia the Praperty. Bo:mwer sball not do,nor altow aAyone else.co do.anyttiing effectiug the
<br /> Frapaty ttmt i�in vioiatlon of any Enviroumental Law. 'Ate greaeding two sent�eaces shall uot agply to ttte p�use.or � .
<br /> storage an the Pnope�ty of smail quai�tities of Haratdous Sttbs�nces that are gc�etally zecognized w 6e appmpriate tu nc:smat � —
<br /> - . resPden�+At uses aadm maintenaace of the Propaty. ,
<br /> - Bomower sLall promptty give Lender wriva�notiee af any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other a�tion by any
<br /> - govemmental or�egulatory agency or Pnvate PartY invulving the Pmpetty and aay 8a7ardous Subs�nce or FavIIanmeafat
<br /> Law:of whIch Boitower has actual ImowIedge. If Bomawec leams,or is aot�ed by any govemmentat or regulatury ---
<br /> ��.,�;,,.`.:•�:�s:, � - authority,that any r�movai or otfler remediatian o�any tIa�dous Substance affeccing die Pragerty is necessary.Bonower --�ti
<br /> ,..�� .. .•'"`., t sbaU P�PUY�all eecessazy remediel actians in accordance with Envimnmerttal Law
<br /> T . ��`-`'�:�-
<br />__ u �K�., _.'. As asedin tLis pardg[apn Z0."Haz�+doas S��s°�t�se substanoes defiue�as eouic or 6azerdous su6stauces 6y = - .___
<br /> - ,-:�;�:., Fa►vimnmentat Law and the foltowing subsiart�ses: gasolia�l�oseae.oiker flammable or mxic peoroteum products,toxic. °-
<br /> - ;`.ix--�b�5 :�,;`' pes�cides 8nd herbicides.volatite solvents.materials containmg asbestos or foimaidehyde.and radioactive materials: As - �
<br /> m -
<br /> - � .;'�-�-` '•s,. � us�in this pazagraph Z0,"Envimnmental Law"meaas fede�al laws and laws of the jtuisdistion where We Pinperty is lacated �s',.'�.;:�-.
<br /> _ �'��,-: � ' . ti�¢.relate W healtb.safetY or envuonmcntal protection. a1 ,�<--��
<br /> ;�.'r�:.;<,:_,� .��'•:. NON-tJNIFORM COVENAIVTS. Bmrower and Lender further covenant aad agree as foUows: ::=t:��,�'�
<br /> . .4,.,�
<br /> - _ •` �` `..r� ZL Accetw�fion;Remedies. a.eader s6aU give aoiice to Busrower prtor to aooe�eraBon�oIIoveing Bormwef's ;-.=��'='_��=
<br /> ::i�'�;. � � '.� � ' 6reacb of aay covenant or agreement in thfs Secarity Instrument(but aot prlur to soceleratioa under parag�pb 17 �,;�.�;�-��
<br /> �`"`�� n'�� ., eutless applicabte[aw provldes otherwbse). The nottce�spedf�y: (a)t6e default;(b)the ectioa ceqnired ta��the ,���""�
<br /> - •�r::. :;. ,,�.. . . c =
<br />. . c�; �;, -....a. ��,s`, d�ault;(c)a daL�aat[�t6an 30 ftom the dsle�¢aottce is given to Barrnwer,by whtch We defaed�imnast be �',� :''.���=�—
<br /> ` cured•and(d)that tailw�2 to cnre tlee defaWt on or befa�l�e date spedtied in fi�¢notice resWt in a�fln of. . � � �•--
<br /> � �:: i�. , may ��:,�;,.--
<br /> .`�,, We snms secured bF this Security Iavtrumen!aad sate of We Ttie notcee shall ft�rther inform B��er c�'t::. �� 3`�:�•.:;•.
<br />��"; �.;� ,
<br /> >�=. � - the rig6t to reinstateafterecceterattoa aad the rlght to bstng a�ac.4ton to assert We non�existeace of e detaWi� ++ �' `�����`���
<br />_.;q, ! , {•,''._:.,a.. -
<br /> r},; ;• �:'•,` � . '°� any other deft�sc of Borrower to accelerattoa and sale. IY the d��is not cured on or befom the date spe�Ced in .;r � , �-
<br />_ .:._�;..,-�� :�:;::.�-2 t..h.je��dotioe,l.ender at Its optiou may require immediate payment in tir�t of all sums secured by tdis Seau�itq 1Gasqument �, .� ' _ _
<br /> h/ •`�. . (•.� `��f�' �4WOUt flut6ec demaud and maq [nvoke We powea�o�sate end any oWer eemedtes permitted bY aD�r�te taw .::�,'�,:,:.�'' .: -�
<br />- - - • .:,' 4ehder sdaU De entItted to mllect all expeases ina�rr+ed in pursuing tde semedies pruvldcd in this Qar-,�-aph Zl, . � � -=�.' "_
<br /> . } ' � indudtng,but aot liMted ta►reasoaable attorneys'fees and oosta of utte evldence. ' ` � ''„.� _
<br /> " '`� If the power of sate is invoked,7lrustee shatl t�ecord a aotice oP de4'ault in eacb county in w6[ch uny�a9t of the . . • �.��`�
<br /> � � ' i Y'rnperty is tan�ed and sdall mall wpies of such notIce in We man�er prescribed by appltcaDle[aw to Borro�srand to �� ��s��"`*
<br /> ' S,:. � � � �other peasars preseribed by applicaMe law Af¢er i�e dme re�c[re�by applfraDle[aw.'ll�stee shal[�cse pv611c � "• �,_. '���
<br /> ' ti��`�}�r ` �:�,� �'tice of saSr t9 m�e pwson�aad in the manaer prescvs'l'�eed by applicable law. 7fust�e,without demand nn�rosveq =;;��t?� -
<br /> } 5�,j- . 8� `. 4'.��:1 L[ . , -
<br /> �.�, � : �y;,.._ . �� s s a U s e l l t h e�e r¢'�p a e 4 C c�c su c t ioa to We 6 i g hesp b�i der a t t he t i me art d p l ae��a d un der t he term4 d e s igqa t e d in :� ��
<br /> =.�� � • � .., We no8ce off g5e in one or mbre parcels aad'u�any o�der ltustee��ines. 7Yustee may postpone sale of ap or any `,`�`��,;'':�;•.'':.,:�,�,�;`�.
<br /> ;� '��.
<br />_;,�;; � p a m e l o Y t h e l�p,r t y b y p u b ll c a n n o n�o a�e u t a t t C a e t�m e a n d R t a c e o 9'a n y p r e v t o u s i q s c h e d u l e d s a t e. L e n d e r o r i t s � • ������� `
<br /> � ' . F•�i��,:;.�_;•
<br />=>,. '`' ` ' designee may puechase the Piroperty at a�y sa!� � : r..:':�E����:>
<br /> �`t` � ' , Upoa receipt of payment of the psaoe bid,'91��s�e sdaQ defiver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying tQe : ;.•-�: ° �-�"�-;��`'
<br /> , � �.- ,;-;: .. ..
<br />_ - � . .�, . � �c+operty. T6e recitaU in the 7rustee's�eeQ s6r�!be g�rima facEe evidence of the truth oY the statements rar�r��thereta. � ��
<br /> • •, .
<br /> � � '� �Ira�stee s6a11 apply tEe proceeds of the sa[e d�the foltowing order: (a)to ap costs and expe�ses of exercFsi�ag tl6e po�ver '` `�`� �� �
<br /> ���;` �i:` , .' " .\�: ' '.C� '..
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