�. .� _ :`;.����b� a-+i:�a�"�-A�w__.-'�;,._c,,., +'�''• .�.4... _ ,��_-- - - 1 _ . .' \ '_. `2"' ''�c `� - ---
<br /> , t�f� i_�r��- c �aa� � :. --—
<br /> g _ �� .....�,_3___– °. 's...ti �..tl., -
<br /> �_• � � t . ., .. . .. _ �. T . . . � ' `�..- -
<br /> �....1LiMa�� . •' . . �� �.� _ , ' <, � • ' .• .. _ � � ` � .� ' '� •`� { `4 �y `
<br /> - � � ' 'TCt�Yf�YIji�E'a14 the�aow mr her�fter a�E�Qn ths .and l�saaet�nb.�rtar�ec��pxt� � <_�, —
<br /> �.• . �du�ea naw cR haarltar s �e�t of tM P�aP�N ltr��n�b ai►d ad�tton��a�Ds covaed 6y.U�.h.8a�a9y 6�a�s�t. ,- . ,<
<br />-- _ - -= = M o!tits tctigo��g�teferticE ta M BtPat$e�ni0f(n�Dtu�tertt[s thA°�'°: • ' � : .. . —
<br />------- - -- — . . . BO1t�OW�R�'AVENANtB ttpR 8bnnwar t�i�wlUy sehed a1 Ms eamd���atilf cw►veya!and lsaa fhe'�i t�print end , '_�
<br /> .�.�. � .. ,
<br /> - - - _- -;-----_wmey Me Rr,�aQ►artd tNt th�Pcopa�l W_un�aanf�ar�l.exaDt iat eROUNxsnces at�acctd. B�afowa�wuranb e;d'� � � � -
<br /> d�(en6�8�'�t�tit�ta tiis�*�r � . _ _ _ ._ . . ..._• ��"'''-�-tl�=•=-=`..:.�_..._� -=-=-
<br /> THi$ SECL'AttY IH91R�t �a9 uti�onf� ecw�wtbs tar t�crt�1.etsa��t0 nettitmHot�ft c4�r0eant� wgh Ym@yd. � ',
<br /> Y� f �_ . , : vttittloe��j�ats�ta canatiAAtb i ueBotts�seeuMy tnafijmeitt eovrinp tW pt�ly , „ � , � `-;
<br /> • U C01�ENANT�. Botrawror and[enQe►t�ovee�t anQ a�es as taYawa�
<br /> - , . 1.Psyea.t�t ot Fainaoaf�na�ititera�Prepaye�•n!ans!1�t.ch�rg.a.earowar and p�cnptty►var w!►en.
<br /> • ,� due tha ot�nd t��teast on�he debt Ev[de�oed by the Note atr��ql praRayme�t on9 tae cM�es due icndr.>tn�.I�,
<br /> - • 2. u�n s t{or Tmt�s and lt�u�t�:s.S1�bjaat to app4nh��vr br ta a mgtm w�r by t.e�rt�r.Bonow�ah�Y<pay�
<br /> L .:�} � to t�der ai the dsy martthdt pamerda era�s undar the Nate.ur�31 ttie Note b pud 6t A�.'o eaim fiFiu�Q�')t'os: �U Y�Y •
<br /> • a�''�'�= f�X@8 afid 098�&IliMis W�Ik$1 tn3y Ht�h P��I�����Y trlstMneflt as 9 HEl1 OD ih8�CP�Y ��Y�1���d
<br /> . ,,��- -- - - paym��ci�uea�d ta►ts on�e Ptopttiy.H any: (z?y�ty ff�rd or propt�ty Ins�am�w p�ns�(�Y�!►��+s�ts�e--�---- - _ _
<br /> �;..-��f°�;,. 0��.B�Y:(8)Y�Y mo�a98 Nsurenoe preM�n9.B any:and(Q any s�s�rayabte by Bomawar to Lender(n asxo�deace
<br /> ''3 },C,�.;�;?�:::•.:;�'. -. w8h ths ptovLs.'oas ot pe�agrapfi 8.6t Qeu ot ths paymet►!o!mo�tnstaance pt�uma. Thes9�ns arB c�ec! '�ow =- -
<br /> � ��•�c"� .: _ ° Items.• Lender m�y,at eiry idme�eoQed srtd hotd F�mds U en emotmt aat to m�ceed the mmdmum amouM a tenQer tor a __-
<br /> -�.•.- �:: - —
<br /> :-��.=--=-°;;�' tedera9y telated mo�yc e toan may�eq�the tcc Baarowe�'s esaow saaunt iatder the tadaal Rea1 Estate Set�ne�t Proce�tres .
<br /> '�'�"`:�'•:- Act of 1974 es emended trom�tas to�12�1.S.C.@ 2601 et seq ('RESPA'},imless�atltet taw that ap�s to Me Fun�
<br /> '`'-,+>i;�':v�°Y�:.•_�: -
<br />- :<_:,,:..:,,:._z. • seta a t�se amaw�t B so l�fl�maY;.e�:ei�y ffin� eoteet and hotd funda tn an amas{nt�ot to wu�e�the tesser ammmt
<br />����`�"�:� :. '� tender may�e tAe amatmt ot Fimd4E�en the Dasis ot atrtent daffi and�sonabte�s ef exp��of d�ua
<br />���:'`i:::"':`.'",;� :�
<br />-��£:<._..i,::� .••..:"i` ESQOw Itema:c�P21�en�vise fn aecot�nee i��gAeebie law. ` ' ' -
<br /> -:�+�. �° ��. ThB Fu�s sha0 ba Qetd�an ins6'Ort��s�E►ase depostb are tnsuced by a isdaat a8��7►•instrwna�y o*e�4►(��9� `;'' - _
<br /> "" i�er.a Lender fs such en InslfNtlen�a�l;�y f�rteral Hame L,aan Bank La�d2r shaD ePDb tha Funt�to pay the�scmw
<br /> -� � � `°`d��_1�, .; ttc�.I.ender may nai nAarge Bar�ower for�RoIding and aPPA�B the Funds.ennus6lf��9 the esQOw acoou�ar�s!�yh8 , �= -
<br />�;,;°;:::°• _ '� EsQOw fteens. unlesa Lender paya Baic�IVer(ni�ast on the F�mds end epp4caEte (aw p� I�der ta��c� a , ��.i--
<br /> - --: ti:4 .'�:,.""`,.�.� chsrge. Haweva. Lafd�maY�qu6s Baric�r ta pay a one�ttme cAarge ier en (ndep�da�t[eat eaU�tex cepmtlrt��savlce ----
<br /> s:' : :: . - used by Lender tn connedton wfth t�is taan. untess app9�e6te taw pravldes.otfiewtse. Unless an ag�rcaat is made or . -
<br /> ��:_�•;:�.�°'.��`,�''�`^° enPHeaMe�xr cequGes(ntaest to be pa[d.Lendet shaD not be requtred to pay Boaowet eny(r�terest or eamhgs on the Fanda � �,��r�-
<br /> — � - Bot�w�sad La�d�r t�y�iR�tg, ls�:susr,thst t�st�s.4 ba pstd ou l�e�Funsis: l.endet sl�P.�t�iQ�er. �_.___—----
<br /> � _ � -
<br /> akr, o-: wfthout Citazge.en etlnusi e�i:�rSng o!ffie Fimd9.showUtg aediffi elid debfre to tlnQ Fiartfs end the p�upose tCr vr���cA =
<br /> . . .=;�r-�:.::y=.,::; debN to Me Fund9 was mad� '9�e Funds are pfedged es ad�tona!seanity tot aD s�,�cd by Me Securtty tns0"ri�t ."�°"
<br />-�:�, - H ffie Funds he(d by tenda_�3 tt.c emowds pennftted to be heFd Ey appQcAi�e i�wv.Leid�ehafl axoimt to Barrovr� � ='--
<br />��� :,,;�•,:>='�:�' � ,`';• tor tBe�cesa Funds in accordau���e tEs�cequhEments of epp¢ceb(e!a�Et tAe emount of ffie Funds Aetd Dy lender at any . �=-=-
<br />�.-:.: .� tbrte ts na!suRid�t to payt tlua�tti�'s svhen due.lettder may so i�c6ty Bomcw�tn wr@Ing.an4 in sucA nse 8ea�w� '=�--_-
<br /> , � ,�• ...- sha0 pay to Lender Me amc�.a��y m meicg up tAe de8ct��71• Bortowa shaU melce up the deHd�cy tn rto tsi�a tt+an �--
<br /> ' y twetve tnoMRN P��.et Ee�fs�.scta:�scretIan. � _ -
<br /> °.�'`� :�•. .'.,`..._�;;. Upon paymeit in fu8 ad a'4 svfis s�ued Dy Ws Seaufty tnstrumenL lend�st�ali promptty reNnd to Bmrow�any Funds .
<br /> � .: .� . ` held by Lwtd� IL-�mder pmrag►apb�21.;te�der sha0 aequUa or sell the�aty. Lend�.pflor to the ecquiai8on or sate ot the ' � -
<br /> a
<br /> ` PcnAer�►.sAall appty any Furtds ifetd 6y:L�.�at the thne.of acquisQta�cr sate as e ae�t egatnst Ne sums seaued by this •`. , �- ---
<br />-�:��"''��•'t` �� SewrUy tnsWrt�en�• . _
<br /> �•�•`�<�:,:-::�. .� 8. Appticatton Ot �jlt18t1t9. UNess eppaeable taw pmvfdes dtA�+rise, eQ�aymams re�eNed by L�der under
<br /> ��'':�: patagrapfis 1 end 2 sha0 6e��t� ihst,to eiry Prepaym�t cfiarges�te urtder tAe l4d�second.ia�nounts payabto under . _�
<br /> .� :'•.",';.,:;.;,.;'.° paragraph�thNA�to tnterest d�e:touM.to PdndP�du�and last,to arry Iate eharges��mde�r tfi,e tYote. �,�_���__
<br /> �,._�,,_, ,. 4. Cha�rges: Lten� Boaowe► st�u pay en texes. essessme�ts, charges.fines and Urtpos6ai�s attrihutabte to ittA �- - -
<br />-= ' �- . Ponpmly whicfi may attain pdorftyt over tRis Seatrfry InstrumenL end leasetald payments or ground rEr►t�i�any. Borrower ehaD �� •' = _
<br />