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<br /> - ` t�I,esder tequ�t�es}p�ridal hY���PP���.�Y��tia�ontes aniu4hk a�d is obtsi4od:�ortawe�`sivil pry
<br /> ` � tbe pr�un�s eeqriced w mmpun mo�tEa�e�ur�oae ia e�'ed.or ta pmvide�Ioss rese�ve,ua�,1 t6e-nqnii�nrac for�ort�e �
<br /> — � imar�eoe ea�io s000crLnoe wilh asy w�s sateemmt bet�rtea Bono�pcs aod Laidet or appiicable hw. `, .
<br /> = _ _ . . y.L��Ltoder or tts aaeat mry.mdre�euaa�ble em�ies apon and inspe�ons a€tlie Ptopaty. Lsadei shali give
<br /> $ot�over nutioe at tLe time of or prioc tp aa inspa�n spxityin8 tas�abte t�use far the iaspeaion.
<br /> �1�Co�dea�Miar�.Thc prooeects of any awud or claim for @unages.dinect or socuequeatial,ia oonnaxion with any
<br /> conde�tion or otber t�1tis8 0��ny PuE of ttie�,or for�aaveyance in lieu of oo�emnatioa,ue 1KCebY assiF,eai and
<br /> - shai�be pan�t��rader_ . -
<br /> Is t6a sva�of a mql.taki�ag of tbe Pmperty,tlse praomds s6a1!be applied to tbe sngss secared by dris Saurity Iasuamcat.
<br /> whetber oc oot tbea due,�:�t.e�tass p�d ta Bormv�aer,In t6e eves�uf a pa�ixt�CinB of We Pmpe�cy ie whieh the fait
<br />=- e�t�vaiue of the P�apei�y;�Y����?�•��or gmta�°a�:t�amofu�t of tl�e swn4 secarod by Wis
<br /> Sacati�tY,ias�umenc i�wli���,�t�'�.�T�t�wer and Isncter ot�4c��:s�x ia�vriting,the su�ms seeuced 6y - - --
<br /> ,bb sea,dty I�humeni�sbali tiI�iedoccd'i�:�aaae±t���t4e pr000eas muItip�dr b�►me following riaetion: ta)dx lot� ---
<br />�;s"� amouat of tbt stpps secat�ed immodiateiy 6�fot+c tlMe takiag,divided by(b3 thc fair tmt�et value of tbe Prapecty immodi�tely .
<br /> = 6efo�e tbe t�inng.Myr bd�u�cs slu�lt 6e Qa'id to 8ormwer.In tbe eveac o�a patti�l�taking o�tbe P�opeity in which tde Sit
<br />- �vatua o€the�petty immediately 6efont tbe taking+s less than tt►,.�mnuat oF.tbe saa�s se�vnd imroediatelyr befone the --
<br />�:'���� nici�. imkss BatoMer aod teader uU�crwise agroe ia ariting�s unlcss a�pplicable taw adkrwise provides.•the proceads shaU.
<br /> ..:Y' 6e applied to the wtas sewtod 6y thi�Sxurity Iastzummt whether ur not dte sunts at+e tha�due.� :• � . _
<br /> Tf d�e PrnpeRy is aDwdoned bY Borcower.or if.af�er notice by i.ende�_to Bortavvec twt the mndemnus oifers to m�ke�n _�
<br />- a�varti v�tatle a ct�im for dmsges.Bomnivet tsiits to �espond to La�der withiin 30 days after the ditc thc notice is�ivea. _-_---
<br />. . Lender is�uthoriaed to cnikct�ud apply the Rroaads•at its option,eiti�er to mtoruion or t�ir o[tLe Praperty or to the�umit �_
<br />' . securrd 6y tl�is Savriry�tumeet,�I�ttlur or�nt tha�due. . . �__----
<br />- . Uatas Leader ad BorMwu dhawise apre irt writin6. any application of proce�ds to principa!sh�ll nat extend or _ .
<br /> ' - postpaie tbc dut d�te oi the monthlY paymeats nefersrad to in p�nEraphs i and 2 ar dange thc nmaa�t of cw�payn�ents. _ , �,_,.,__
<br /> ` � 11.Qa�e+n�ree Not Rekared:Forsesrs�ocEy I.e�der Net s Ni�iver.Extensian of thc ame for yayment or modification �.;�-_---
<br /> � ��.- of aunaetiz�tiaa aPtbe sums savrcd Dy this Secitrity instiument gran4�ed by lxnder to any successar in inteerst of Borcower slWl '�s�'�� _
<br /> - '�:k,�; .� _ mt.apet�te tar¢lene tAc liability of thc oriainal Borrower or Borrowec's s�x�essors in inteirtt.txnder sball mt 6e.requirod to -'--i-
<br /> .'j-}'��� , cammencc pincadings against aay saccessor in intentu or nfuse ta extcmd time for payment or aherwise modify�mortizario�s � .., _
<br /> . of the sums socurod by this Sowrity iasuument by r�soa of any d�mautd madc by thc origiaal Borrowa or Bormwec's. _�.;"'_� _
<br /> '_ -'= suoassois in iatetrst. Aay forbeardnce by Lender in eaercising any tight ar remody shalt not 6e a waiver of or prcrhtde tlae : .`•:}���''_
<br /> .� �rfT,� . • _ a;; i
<br /> ' ���� � exe�cise of any right ac�medY- ` ° ==
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