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... � <br /> , <br /> �;`" . . ._ ..- ----- _- -—-- ------ ..- - -- - - <br /> '� ��= - -:t�� - . - :r�-�.::.�:.t� L . . �_— <br /> F; . . . `�'. ' 'R.'`[' c . _., . . .. _ . ` 'y, _ <br /> . _ . . _ �' _ _ . - ,�' � :. r _-_ . _-- _ ___ ., t - ;C-. _ <br /> .��* _ :�. _ .. ` , � '� ,..�x a _�..�=���_Y�� _ - _——� _ . .. ., . _ _ . ` - . ...._ �.� <br /> _ ' " . . - , .- . . < ' . � � - � <br /> . : .;i r . -_ : � . ' . , ' . ', _ . ' . ' ' ` t . . _ , : . . .� ' . . .. <br /> _�.<;yL� �� � c t - ' ' . _ r ' ��t�� • . <br /> �� -- . ,•. . � � � . . � yc < < ' ' '� �0����` , <br /> --�` ,- •' � tn ttis event of the p�sayr of any tavy deductinq fran ti�vatue of r�at property foi the purpases ot�taxation<. <br /> —�?. • : of any�ien tlierean.or ch�nQinQ in any wak th�taws for the.nxstion of desds of Vust or debts secuc4d by.ds�ds of <br /> ��', uust for stat�or tpat purposes,or tik manne�of thc cotiection af ariy wch as to aNeci this F)eed of�Trust, <br /> �{= `tt�t ho1dH of t[�is Oeed Qf Trust and of tt�e obiigationswhich it secures_shatl havs the riqht to dectsre all spms sec4nd <br /> 4 - hereby due as af�dateta Ge specified 6y not;tes�than 30 days'w�tten notice to b�given to Trustor by Benefiasry; __--- <br /> ;:� - provided.however.that wch daKtion shalt be ineffective if Truswr is pennitt�d by law to p�y tht wNote af such tax in __= _ _, <br /> '` addition to ail other p�yments reqvired he�eunder and bf.prior to wch speu�ed date.does PaY s4cH tax and agrees . �-- <br /> _ 1/� tn PaY an�such tax whsn hereafter 4evied or asseued�against wch property.and wch agreement st+all co�xtitute a , ,�.;�_--_ <br /> - modification of this DeM of Trust. - ." . . . , ��';`.._---- <br /> . -- ��-::�.---r- <br /> ` ' Sun�/►dvin�edto�ear Irtteresf: im�nediately upon demand any wms a¢vanad or•paid by 8en�ficiary � __ r�,�---_ <br /> �;„�-"�-� � or Trustce under any dausc or provision of thiy Deed of Trust. Any such wms,until so repaid,sha(t be secured hereby �, �, �, <br /> .`�.� and 6e�r�nter+est f(om the date�itwas advanced or paid at the same such indebudnas and shal{be sewred by � �r�.:ti <br /> —� -- - -- _ -- - -- - -- - - = - _.. -- - <br /> , ��.-.�.... <br /> ; :�s.� th�s Deed o#Trurt.,--- . . . _ �.._, . - <br /> � ..`` ' Assignment of Depasits: That as further additional security i#�this bc a construction loan,Trustor hereby - � � �,;' <br /> ,.:�. .�� � �, uansfers arid assigns to etnefitiary duri�g continuance oi tt�ese Trusts.��i right.titte and interest to anY ard att T <br /> - r:`a�t �;;� �: monies deposited by Trusto�or deposited on fsehatf of Trustor with any city�.�aunty,publit hody.or agencY.sanita�f. _ � ?��ra. _ <br /> `� . . .� •.. -; district,gas andlar eleettic company,tel hone company and any ather body or agency,for t#�e ir�staltatiors or to ... �' ' �'" s� <br /> . . F. _ "'�'`-"•,,t;�.f.. � .. . 4 _ <br /> t }, ',� securetheinstallationofanyutilitybyTrustoipertainingtothisproper€Y:: ..__- : ` :�,5{yEr <br /> +y {, <br /> . � . r»��=��t` • � ' with Oeed of Trust: S��d Maker cr Trustor fat!ta make any paYmert�a�to do . � `' >`�'+•,��.,,,�_--__ <br /> , � y�. �;7�,�f : ,` - Faiture af Tn,stor to tan�Cy <br /> __:.t. �;�:°.�. ' . anyactaspravidectinthis 0eec�.asfTrust,or fait w perfonn a�j�obiigatinn secured 6�this Deed of Trost.ordbar+Y act lsrf,,��:_- <br /> 'r�,�;{ �~.-. ` ```�,���;rT.,:.r,�:.� � Maker or Trustor agteed not zo��o.�rustor shail be in defautt under this Trust. �eneficiary.iwt�irithout _ :- �. - <br /> �``` ;':�,:4��F�.;�' �` obtigation satodo an�f witha��otice to or demand upu�s�custor and ti�but feleasing Trustor frem any obtigation -,.;.;_ <br /> '�'. .�� r�ts��;�tf�.,::;� hereof.and without contesting�yalidity or amount of ttre s�ame,rtias.(a]make er r�n the Same in suth mats�ter and '- . ': <br /> r� ��' �`� �=�`-,: 8 �C i e in g authorized�o en`Ce�k u p o n <br /> � ` ��<,';S:f,•?�;;°�;.``F:.:•,`'� to wcfi extent as it may dee+��neeessary to pro t e c t t h e:s e a u�i t y h e r e o f, e n e f c c ia, � � `. ' :-== <br /> �'r�',, �`�y�,` �;',�. such property for such pu►Pcses,''and (b)PaY. P�r�+�•��test or compramise a��j�encumbra�ice,charge asrt lien, . • }',: ,r«:� ��°— <br /> �-.:�,,�._��.- <br /> :t7.s: '�Il�<�: . t ' .'�':�i't..r` -'�_ <br /> �:;. `':, which in its judgment is or appears to be prior or superias L!n►eto,and i�)�n exerfi��g any such power,pay c�cessary __ <br /> � :::. ,,. <br />_, _ :;�;;�' expenses,employ counsel and pay his reasanable fees.�TiusWr agrees to repay any amount so expended on�e4'�and . t _, � � _ - <br /> Y y1 ....... . .. .� _ `of Bereeficiary. ,, . `, . � 1 ;` , ; <br /> - • !T f5 MUiIlALLY AGREEi�TNAT: ,: • (� �� <br /> Enviconmerttal Discla�mers: Trustar warranu(and t�is shaSl be a continuing warranty which shall survive�untit � ` <br /> ; ,. . " i . <br /> �;<t��i% � �. 4 Maker"o�Tsustar to Trustee and Beneficiary have been fully sati�ed)that it is in compliance � ,'� . _ ��� <br /> ;,;,. ., all the obt�gat�oas�, . . <br /> :�:::i': . . with atl federal,.st�ai���foc,af environr��al laws and regulatiess and has ohtained alt e�Y,.��nmental permits . �. <br /> ` " . necessary or appc,p� 4a{�.s�t�e iortduct o��i.s�usiness. There is nor.�ing,nor to the best o�*"Tmstor's knowledge, - ; ���t: <br /> after due inquiry,�"r'e�her+�.a^ tl�reatened environmental enforce�sent actions,suits or gi:�r�edings before any � . �� <br /> �' 1 �� <br /> ; - -� � toun,tribunaf o:administrati�e?�ody or official. Trustor, or,any responsible o�ce►,gent��partner,or agent of j •.�i�;;�,`�;�,.:� .,,�, <br /> Trustor,has not,ncF has any former owner of real propeny occup�ed by Trustor,stored,��sposed of any ta�cic , '%;t,. <br /> � : : or hazardous substarce on its properties or t►ansported any such substance to or from iu pso�Zrties in violation of � - ; �� <br /> - any presentty existirsg qr previously existing laws,regulations or policies. The Trustoc will not store,use or dispose of: E _ <br /> � suthsubstancesonthisproperty. ;� . _ ' <br /> . � Litigation: Trustor shall defend tfiis Trust in any aaion or proceeding purporting to affed such propeRy, ; <br /> whether or not it affects the security hereof, or pa►porting to affect the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee. r <br /> ;: f , . �, � and shall file and prr�secute all necessary claims and actions to prevent a►recover for any damaqe to or destruction of ; ' . ,� <br /> see <br /> `� ti� � sucfi propeRy; and�2ither Trustee or Beneficiary is hereby authoriz�r without obligation sa to do,to cornmence, � , � � <br /> ���� :° . •- ,j`. =;. or de�e��a�y such action, whether broughi by or aga:*��t Trustor. Beneficiary af?rustee, or with or. � <br /> ' � •:j• : . w�th��BS�it,toexe�cise or e^�fcite�ny ather right,remedy er paw��available or conferred hereunder,whether or ,: �. :..•� , <br />- . , - ��: not ju���Pnt be e»:eted in ar�.action or proceeding,.a�;i�s�e2 or Bertefitiary may appear or i�tervec�in any ; ',° �.; , <br /> �,.. ,., . <br /> ! ,.,. .,:;; : <br /> • � ' � .7;�,-,;% actiart or.,proree���,and reta:n counsel therein; anc!e��c�s�rsFi a:';��therein,as either may be advised and may , •.•,..r . � <br /> " ' �•• �•�����' settle,cpr.spra^.ise�rpay the same or any czher claims c��.:n tf:aa�tatf and far any of said�srposes,may expend , � ,, <br /> . � , � 7 <br /> -' � '�''-•' �. • � t�nether or not Trustor s�a ars or defends, r . ,_;; <br /> �'t�:�� and advance su.�h�;sms of money as e�ther�eay dee�s�,cessary. ; PPe , . <br /> � � . ,.:,;:;�r.�'r`l�;���� � ( Trustos on�f�r.!�.��shall pay all costs and Exp�nses at 3r�-.�rivary ar,d=rustee,irtcluding tosts of�videnct of titte and � ' . �,;.. . ' <br /> ::'%'`1��`':.: atto^��{s fees;�d reasonabte s�:m,in any s:►ch actior,'ot�stoCeeding in which BEr:�fitiary or Trustee may appear by i �;:�,,�� <br /> � ���.`'`��: '.. � virtue�f tse'sr�g�n�rde a part�r��`endan�_o� otherwise�and irrespective of wh�t�^�r the interest of Beneficiary or :;;:,�:,.:�,:� • <br /> te <br /> � Trustee.:r s�we�d-�Aerty is du2ctiy quest ased by such action, including but r.ot limited to any action for the � �%�'�'�`. � <br /> � tonde�!naZ�as��R+,�anition of such propertv z�¢any suet brought by Se*�eficiary to{areclase th;:s�eed of Trus� ; <br /> ! � ��andemr.�w�n: AU sums due, paid cr rayabie to Trustor,or�ny successcr'K interes�ot Trustor,whether by ' ! � � � <br /> way o�;udgment,settlement or otherwise,la)�o�:�;��,��r damage to wth pra�E�y,or(b)',n connection with any � ��;�.�-_' <br /> cortd�c?�iation for public use or injury to such pro�r�:�o���Y part thereoi,or tci-��sonrtectian with the transaction : <br /> financed by tt�e�_y�i�secured hereby,ar(d1 arising o�:�a�?:`.:auses af action,K*�L-:�+er a�cr,��ns�before ar after the <br /> date of thi�Dee�a�Trust,sounding in tort or cantraci,��;�"ud r���:��es Or 2tt:�n fpr'r�;.r�car conteatme�t of a . , � <br /> mater;al fact ta�th�Er wiih the setUemenu,proceeds,2�►'drC;.�r��or^,�ges,di rect artd t�m'�.s;�centidl,in connection . <br /> thertMrit7�,ar�h�r�by absolutely and irrevocably aui��:�;��u��� be paie tr�E��iuiary,git�jett however to�lhe <br /> rightis�ofi�he hotder ot any prior I�en. Beneliciary shalt t�c:��;�Y�tied,at i ts opaian,r.¢cc�+'mence,intervene in,appear in <br /> and prosecute irt�;s own name,any action or praceed���r;r;�-r�;ce any cort:�a��`se or settlement,irt cannedion , . � •, . <br /> - � : with any such taki�ir�or damage. Trustor dgrees ia execu4�s�:n.further assignments ot ar�y!tempens�tiart,award, • . , � ;�` � <br /> damages,rights of�ttion and prateeds as 9eneticibry may*�<��;��. , ... -'"'' �_�/��"� , <br /> The antount fetelved by 8eneficiary punuant to th�s��eeo'bf Trust under any fire or other insurance poHcy,in �.` � ����', <br /> � ' � connettion with any tandemnation for pubiit•use o��o-r��rt:u�y to�such property, for injury or damage to suth ="��-�"� � <br />' � , � � property,or in connectian w►th the transact�on�.financed by{he loart spcured hereby are to be applied at the option ;,:�,',_�;� <br /> _ ; of Beneticiary upon any indebtedness secured hereby. No sucfi app�.'sCation, use or rplease shall cure or waive any <br /> i default or notice of defautf hereunder or invalidateany act cfone pursuart!tosuch notice. <br /> -- . � � ; - Cor�zes�l,Partia!Reconveyance.Etc.: At dny time,or f�om lime ta time,without tiability�th¢refo►,and without _ _ <br /> � ' notice,upon written request of Benetitiary,and w�thout affect+ng the personal liab�tity.of any penon tor payr+tent of <br /> the indebtedness secured hereby,o►the fien a�this Deed of Trust upon the remainder of suth ptoperty tor the tul) • <br /> ' � amount of the inQe�t�dness then or thereafter, secured hereby or th� rights or pnwers of the Benefiaary of the <br /> •,___. __ �r._;___.__,__. _.� T�ustee with respectto the remainder of such propetty. Trustee may ta) reconuey any part of such praperty. Ib) . <br /> Y . tonsent to t�+e making oi a�y map 6fi�tat thereof, �c7 join in grarrting�ny�Eas��nent the►et�.er(cf}�o#r�ir�aay- - --.- :.-- -- _.._.. . <br /> extension agreement ar any�qreement subordinating the tien o�charge hereo}. . <br /> �, " �1 . <br /> _ _. t 1�ay•:.. .. _ . . � . <br /> " c � ' . — . . - - � - <br /> i ' <br /> } : 1 <br /> , • , <br /> . � I���tS <br />