�'-°.;p: ;�n1�-h_�� . r� �r �.�srt `�_�i��. • ,:n �zy. ; . . � . � fi -. � �~`C �- -- -_
<br /> �� r- -�--s � itac s� i. �.
<br /> ���C( � <� ��- r.�'„_ '�"� :" � _„ - � � __ � __ ' s _c.� . ^
<br /> i. iC�x _...._�-�. 'c" �`' ' _.�._.. .._.._ ' ...�. �
<br /> � . l-- �} - _� ._ . - . . _ . "'. _ . _ . _' . . . ,_
<br />�.:_ _ _ '�1..r`,���`C - ' c '� '� . .
<br /> — — _'_ '.�__^`=�' _- .. . . . . _.
<br /> __— ��i a -- . , . _ . .
<br /> --_-- `--'=�t� • � � ' , , ' _ -
<br /> ���4� : : ' . . . .
<br /> -�---=�.�.���, . . .
<br /> � .,,�x.xiam,�a . .
<br /> ,_
<br /> �= � - • . . . •' � � ' - - - - - -
<br /> � --.- ._ � � _
<br /> �,i.a�3 -----. - --��.` �1CC+2�S• . . ._ —_ __�._� - —
<br /> ��'���' The Lessee sha12 have access from �he leased premisea onto tho � � _ _
<br />-�„��-� ; Leasor'$ roads an�1 sD�al]. also have the riqht to use �the lake for _--
<br /> �-�"��:: � boating, swfmm ing. an d��is h in q. T h e a@, a c c e s a r i g h t s a r e i n �- .
<br /> � :e:� °� co�ao�_with the other leaseholdess �t Ruester Lake. �.�.,Y=��=----�
<br /> - , ,. ,� K.. _ —..
<br /> j �� * `' � Prior L��se$. ` ! `'�
<br /> ��
<br /> -�� , � • 6a. ���
<br /> �- :i,r ,,�±�.:. - -- �f�- i.��tsa rep aae� and atiperec3dea anY_ Prio� Leas� for said � '���,��
<br /> premises whicti the Les�ee or hie predeceasore in title may hav�� ♦ �_��-_
<br /> �";�.�• � held. , �P�.t������,��-
<br /> `��. �7..��.. -��. . � . � �. . " '�.=Y izZ 1L�.
<br /> % :t '�' 7. Determination of Boundaries. , . ''�-�r�F'�"'�:`_
<br /> ..�j 't.:.:.� .
<br /> �--°'-��1 ��� -��� The Lessor s a�l ave t e r ghtr oa a reasonable basis, to „ �._ .t::;
<br />� �`" � determine the boundaries b�tween the Lessee and his neighbors iF °`�-:w V�,,. , �.
<br />� �:.'�:�- � ��'`� .�:' :'`'`
<br />=��;��� �: ,c.�.�`� _' � the Lessee and his neiglibors cannot. agree to such boundary line. ,.H.t:�,,.
<br /> `�, ' � ' The lake frvnt boundary of the Zeased premises sha21 be to the �` ,� �„�..��
<br /> ',, <..
<br /> �;-. �:. :� , ' water' line as the same may exist from tfine to time with chanqes ,: � __
<br /> i��� ` - tn the water level of the lake. The boundary line o€ the leased :, : Y
<br /> ��..:.. : - ::. �_.��:`. :;:_ -
<br /> t � premises abutting the Lessor's cot�anon reads shall be reasonably ; ; �_
<br /> - �' � �'` determined by thQ Lessor. �,`` `�_
<br />-- . , � • �:r`-
<br />— - _�• -
<br /> - 8. Peaceful Possession.
<br /> � T �_ As long as Lessee cvnforms with the requirements binding upon him ,�� ���
<br />! -���-,�� in this Lease Agreemen t, t he Lessee shall enjoy peaceEul � -.��� �
<br /> ;�,;:,.` ;.,.����
<br /> . ��.� "a� possession of the leased premises, _ �'���`��'� _
<br /> .�rr ` n
<br /> �3 .
<br />� � ��� � 9. Improv�rs�nts t
<br /> j . ,,-�.. ' s�3 �c ��`''
<br /> <�x� . .�;�, ?,. The Lessee sD�all keep the leased premises in a neat and clean i+���`, � � _.
<br />�._�. �-::..:'. _ �:. �f; .;. -
<br /> _�.�,;...��} ,. condition at all times attd shall keep all improvements on the 3� `�:
<br /> _�°���'' �� � leased p�eemises in a good conditioa �f repair. ";�t. ..�.
<br />-�':.• ' ,i.• 4•. ,..,_�. i�d�"�:
<br /> � ," > at _ r . < e ��"
<br /> .`���, ' � 10. Abandonment. ' � ,'�-
<br /> ':.�.t;t��,� �� � The Lesaee agrees nct to �andon the leas� premises. ���k ° Y �
<br /> '1`' s�n�� `� ;,-
<br /> •. ..;.ji� •i.. . ,',�'�',fL���::;. �:'_:;;� i -
<br /> { � ` . ' 11. Access for installin Utilit Lines. `,``'- �� �
<br /> • fi ���
<br /> -��.; ��r��� `� � The Lessor reserves the r ght to aome upon the leased premises � -
<br /> � �<
<br /> ±. .• s:� for ins�alBation vf underground or above-ground utili.ty linea and ,��;`�,F; ` }v� `
<br /> ,.,.,�.s. � �s<:.:.�:. . . ... �
<br /> ' �.�:"�� � ��� � �' � the making of necessary repairs or improv�Qnts to or abutting �,,. �:�, , . ,�
<br /> � ; ..._.�,'�.�;��. - � '�`��?::,. . .., . -:r�-
<br /> 7.." '_f, . � 1��'�'. . '
<br /> � the leased premises. The Lessor agrees to restore the remises `��2,t�1� �
<br /> � :�� � �` _ to suVostantially the same conditiota �s ttney werc befor� any such , � .: _
<br /> ['• �(; installation and at the Lessor's ex�nse. .
<br /> + �.::w;.� ,, ,':,,. .
<br /> 1��:,. - .. .• . �� � . " . '
<br /> ` �' ''� 12. Rules and Reaulations. � `�
<br /> �_ ,��., .,. :. �;;.,��;:
<br /> , T �.Si:, . � ���4.�`'.�c.::7.. -
<br /> :i . �.. � � The Lessee agrees to comply with the rules and regulations as ,,.,,,,;, .
<br /> � : ,: prepared and furnished by the Lessor to the Lessee, from time to
<br /> �+ {'. � ' � time. Sucb rules and regulations shall centain restrictions and . �
<br /> � :t:;:{�. �' limitations, for the mutual benefit af all Lessees at Kuester ` .
<br />_ .:,;,. �"�'; ;t ���' '
<br /> �;,,,n�- Lake, pertaining to the use by the several Lessees at Kuester :�
<br /> ��, :�,.
<br /> ��"•��;';.- ��. Lake of the lake itself, common roads, and the leased premises. ��;;;:��� ' � ' �
<br /> . �Ir+C�:�.f.:'�.'-� fi,��'�.`_ ' r ..
<br /> ?, �;��:,;�;-::,,;_��. `��. . � it is understood that the basia use of the leased premises shall :1.::,;': .
<br /> �t t.�.� , �
<br /> ��•;`•: �� be ¢or residential purposes, but the Lessor may permit� from time
<br /> ` ���:���";�. �����. ' to time, commercial activities on the leasec3 premises. Any such ,:
<br /> " �'�`���"'��� �;� ru les, r e a,l e�lations and permits are subiect to change by the
<br /> :`ti:,: _.
<br /> '� `'''���''`��'.�� Lessor, ex�cepting that the basic purpose v€ the leased premises
<br /> � i,
<br /> t� '�A�``�"�''� as �esidential shall not be abridqed. Any chanqes in the rules
<br /> �...•i:��::1.�. .
<br /> `�`�:�'�yt�'� �:� and regulations must be approved by a majority of the
<br /> , `•�''`�� '
<br /> ,;1:��; ,; leaseholders present and votinq at a meeting called for such
<br /> '� �_ � •�_• �,=� ° purpvse of which written no�ice has been given to all ` �
<br /> ��` leaseholders �one vote per Lease). � � �
<br /> .��.. J �
<br /> � �V.. � .�- ;' �
<br /> � �' 13. Tcrminatinn of Lease b Default of Lessee. .
<br />" ;; � if t e Lessee fa ls, after n nety t901 days prior written notice �
<br /> ' �� - ' �'- � �rom the Lessor. to remedy any default in his or lier canpliance
<br /> a �.� � . j;; with any of the obligations binding upon him or lier under this �
<br /> ;,:, ' � � R� , . Lease Agreement, or under the Rules and Regulations furnished hi�n �
<br /> or her by the Lessor, the Lessor may, ati its option, ter�ninatc �,
<br /> � � � .� �'� �� this Lease and retake possessian of the leased prcmises but nnly � �
<br /> _ : .,.�:.� . after the following procedure has been complied with: �
<br /> tti ,l`t� ��� �
<br /> � � 3:,:.
<br /> _ �•a;��; �.� . i._'..: (a) A special meetinq of all stockholders of �
<br /> �,� <, , �' .. � .
<br /> --- -=;i-�- -------�;�� % � ---- - - -
<br /> ..: '�.�a-_. �.� : _ �-"._'_----=---...
<br /> �� _
<br /> ;. . ,
<br /> � y ";:, - . :.; ' ,
<br /> ..•14.:t 1 _, ..' � _. . .... . . . _..
<br />