, . .�=����`� :�:�r-• �� • F -�-.�-�• �.� , .� , _
<br /> s� �,�, R�- ,� �- � r_ �� r
<br /> 't ��. _� :•:k _ �- . �,' . _ . . . ...sdaFii��; . _—. _-_ .__.
<br /> — --=.: ..�.. - - = - - �-
<br /> .—=:
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<br /> . , � „--a--�`_ - .».......i. -- - --- -
<br /> . ,
<br /> �� �;.;
<br /> �T
<br /> . ., . '_
<br /> ,
<br /> ..
<br /> . , �,.. . ..m.. �
<br /> .�.' `�- - , •---�---_•..
<br /> '-- �._'- -- �- � - � - - . . . . --'� - � - ----- - - -���,.
<br /> � .t°.i _ f . . . . _ . " • � . • .., ����
<br /> -- ------�� . . �. � ; . - ��: , � ,�� . � . ;93- �o��:: �� � _ _ .
<br />� , .�` ` � . � . � . � . . - : . , ., 4 . �.
<br />- _ ` :8`'i�e Bcnef�ciat�►,br i1a�ec�.at�atttheiiz�d to enttt at aay reasot�I�tlme.up�m 4J i�s�►p�ut o�'t�b fo!thb ; �
<br />_� � .
<br /> -- =--.- pnt�.6f iu _tiag ttt�sat�8�d fQr ttr�&D�s�.ot pcarfosa�ng any of tHe a�s theq are�rbze�iQger'fa�_. _u+�����'`^�_— _ _
<br /> = au�Ioan ias�menta exewted Dp T-icus�or& , l - `. 4 .
<br /> _ '9. If all o�aay pm�t af tIIe prape�qr oi any interest of Tmsto�s is sofa t�ansfiti+ed ot t�nh�e eacomberod cvlihoui tt�e wrtueu �.
<br /> . �,� oonseat af tfle He�eSciaty.the Benef aaig�u�!dectate aq sums secuted by tNs Ttust Deed to 6c immedlatei�r ltne aud gayabls and .
<br /> �•y.n�
<br /> :.:�^' � pi002�tOt�CiCIi18d1C53Y3t�+CtO1tU�M1IICQ�311gQI0V�QIi90QA�II0��1CIClI1. � • ' ' , ` . --
<br /> ti =�-�_'f�.�`;'.`;�: 10. Atqofthe follot�rt4gCVents sAallbede�med aa ev�t ofdefautthereunder: � • �
<br /> -- �'_�• �� �:.:;, a. Tiastats s�alt 6ave failed to make payrmeat of any installmeat.of p:iucipal or inierest ot auy ctt�er s�ms.�heteby whea
<br /> �, r ;. � .
<br /> � • ' - . . . -
<br /> � -- �� �-- --_ _ ---
<br /> - � .` �; ,, � �. Y'�ere ha�aocurred a bre�ti aF,orde�ault uasterany temt.=cavenan��a�a�.-con�o� pmtir��
<br /> __ ..-. ��.. '���� :R;_�:: cva�a�y onahained in this Ileed of TraSt,the noteorany other toan iastnmuent sec�aed�ec�eby,
<br />- - - c TLece bas been a default by tIIe Ttnstots in the prayntent of a�r puor ar subsoqitent licm or eac�mbraaoe ia tespeN to aU or aay —
<br /> ,�;,s, `` °�� gartaftheptc�t}r'
<br />- �£� ' d 17cnstois shall 5te a voluatary petition in bank�uptry or sball be a�judic�tted ba�kcupi or insolveN, or shall make an
<br /> t� � ,, ��: � nsto ed �
<br /> ...- .< <.4.;�., . - �gnmeat for the beaefit of credit�ors in respect to the p�ty;ar.au acrion to enfoiae a�r lien or eaa�mbsaace orNdgtneNs
<br /> i.: -.,r��� �:�
<br />_ `�.i, . -.°'°1���` ::, . . ag�thepmpettyisoommeored.
<br /> ; �:.=<'`<'.�k., .,:t';:.c, � Ii. In L�e evem of a�defautt,che Ben�uary ma�declare all:mdebtedness secnred bcreDy ta�e dne aaa payable and the same
<br /> F�; �-,�'<<.�•�...,.t. s '.
<br /> �:��`�_�:,,�-� �`� , sbaii theieupon become due and payable without aay�zeseulment.demaud.pi+otest or nosice of a�r Biad 'fiemaftec,the Ben�ia�Y --
<br /> - =r.,�_�,���r..::. ':, - .-,,. -
<br />_ ;,�. �y,
<br /> - �`` 'k¢':,;'c':'' � —__
<br />_ -'�'�-,���,,-�,�,, a eitLer in pe�san or by a�t,with or without bringing aay adion er preoeeding,or by receiver agpoia4ett Dy a comt aad _
<br /> � i`ti? c C. +' .
<br /> s'•<<° > �` withuut regand to the adequary of aaY secnrity,eater apoa aacg take pa.�ion of tLe pmP�Y���Y F����as mvu
<br /> ,�^ •L'�yFf``��. �,� � naim� or ia the name of the Tmste� and do aay acts a�.ich it deems neoessaiy and desirable to pr�etve tite valu� � °'"�-
<br /> �_ �"�y ,s��;.:�'��`-'� ma�abiiit�ar.reatabib'ty a f tt�e pmg�ty,o:part tLaeo�o r i n t e r�s t�terein,i n a e a s e t h e i n o o m e t h c r e f�n m o r pmtect W e ��
<br /> _�..,�,..� .-�rr -�- ._ �-----
<br /> - >,•t:�=•�..� 1,:� n : .,
<br /> _� �;�`��`��� t`,.,-ac.'.s:, secatity he�eof am1,without taldng pa�on of the pnopeny,sue far or othetaeise wllect the tents,issnes an�pi+ofrts i�eo�
<br />�< s�';'�-:,•`P: '�'�';'., � inrduding those past due and unpaid, aud aPP1Y tRe sam�[�ss aosts and expenscs of opaation and colleclion.incl�tding -
<br /> F,x�>.�� ���,:,
<br /> ;. - �*,,,F:��^ a�tomt,y fees,upon a�indebtedaess secured heieby,all in�urder as the Bencficiary may determine. The ea�iag apon
<br /> ��'� "'- '� `'�`��..V` � a�4akiwg Pos�sion of the unst estate,the oollectinn of such rents.issue5 and profits azed applIqtion theceof as aforesaid
<br /> ��.. x������.• .
<br /> r � �� s�att:nut cvre or.waive any defautt or norice of default hereunder or invalidate any act and in c�m sach defau1t ar
<br /> - }.�.�. . . '�''. . parsuant to�tcYt u�tice of ddault and notwithtitauding the aoatinuanoe iu possessiou of the pmperl�ra�iLc oNte�ni.�reoeaPt
<br /> : t :.. . . . ..`• : .:��
<br /> '? a .. aatd a�pliratioaofteuts,issues or profits,Tn�stee or the Eeaefcciary may be entitled to��ise�e�yaig6t pmvi�I�SS in aay
<br /> � , �; `- . � af u�ioait ius�uients or by law upon ooaureace ofany e�t vfdePaWr.including tfls.d,�tn exercise the pmver v'i sale;
<br /> .� ` ` � - - D. oo��,a,„u�acdon to fo�ctose tLis Deed of Tn�st as a mrmtgage,appoint a rcae,i��.ar speaf�cally eaforoe auy of the .
<br /> .rv .
<br /> 'Sl. +•{t.', . ..."�. �uc.+Nx�4 '. _ �.
<br /> '�` `:t � c. dc3iver to Tncst��written declaration of a��ttt and d�d for sa�e and writtea aodoe of defanit and election w ca�se �
<br />_'f, ' .
<br /> �;%%,; � Tcusto�s'intecgz�the pmpeity W bc sotd.�adz nmice�'nic�e sha11 ca�se w be duty�ted for reoord ia the official reoords • - -
<br /> : - ' . � ' of tIle aounty in which the pmpeaty is locuted. � : �
<br /> �� � • � f2. Should the Beneficiary elect to fareciose by cxer+cise oft�e po�er of sale herein oontained,theBenefcciary sLa11 natify Tn�stee •
<br /> .�_�.�^;���:; � ' aad stiaait deposit with Tns.ste�ihis Deed of Tnist and the note and such ceceipts and evidence of expendiWms made and secuced
<br /> ��'.. .. , ° hereby as Tnutee may reguire.and upon request of the Seaeficiary.tt�e Trustee sball cause to be c�eaordcd.Publisbed aad drlivered �i,=
<br /> , ; � . to Tn�star such Notioa of DefaWt and Notice of Sale as then required by la�v and by this Deod of Tma.Tiustee shaU without demand ��
<br /> ; {� ��.� ' •• .� on Tmstor,after s�ch time as may then be required by ta�v and a8er recordation of sucb Notice of BefauIt and after Notioe of Sale :,�{
<br /> ' i � having beeo�iven as re�uired by la��.seU the pmperty at thc time�md place uf sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sale,either as a "
<br /> '+�= .:.:_ -_
<br /> ; � � whole,er iza separate Iots or parcels ar items as Twtee sbail deem e.�cpedient aad in sucb ordcr as it may determiue,at pnblic �".�• _�:__
<br /> �� suetion to the hlghest bidder for cash and shali deliver to sush purchaser or purchasers thereof a deod to the propeity soid,oonsistent , • ��
<br /> idd �•�,." , :,�,
<br /> r, .
<br /> �: l... . �� with the 1aw then in e�aCt. Recitals in We Tn�stec's decd sliaall be prima faae evidence of the uuth of the saetmeats made therein. �..,�.:L`
<br /> i ; �� . � � 'iyustee sliaadE ap�tgr�hs proceeds of th�saIe in the following order:(a)to sitl reasonable oosts zad e.�cpenses o3'the sate.uuluding but � �;���� ;�Q�u
<br /> dE Fh t
<br /> �, ,. n o t l i m i t e���T r�m s t�'s f e e s o f n m m a r e t h a n 2°/a o f t h e g r o s s s a t e p ri o e.r e a s o n a b l e a tt o rn e y�e e s a s d o a s t s o f t i t l e e v i d e n ce;(D)t o a l l Y,,��#�t��t�,�y�.,hj =a,
<br /> _. � sums seran�bp t�s De�d of Tiust: and(c) the exoess. if airy.to the person or pcisoas tegagly entitted thereto. Any person, ': , .4�,:.�.r`���;;
<br /> .� ' - � � including t�e�e�a�cia�}.may purchase said pmpem at said sale. Trustee may in the mannet provided Dy[am�.postpone sale of a11 ' ,• , ��:::�,;. s;�:�
<br /> ` r` . . -� ,: • Or airy portion of the properiy. �'����
<br /> •�R •, ROII ' : , . .
<br /> " �''� � ° 13. Ta¢saee and the Beneficiary.and each of thcm,shall be e�r�ted to enforce payment aad pedormance of any indebtedaess or � '�r���,��.,;�� �
<br /> ' . . _ ° •"�,j5',,. , . .
<br /> ; : ' obligatir,�ce sacured hereby and to exercise all rights and potiren�der this Dced of Trust ar under an7r loan instrame�a or other ,-;�,,; .
<br /> ' " `` ,� :' � agreettr�ect vr at►y latvs nor or hereafter enfarood non�ythstandreceg some or a11 of the indebtedness and obligations sec�ed hereby �,_ < < ' ..
<br /> -��,. ;;�� • � wtdeh rnay aow or here�after be othenvise secuted.whether by mortgagC dced of tnut. pledge.liea assigament or othemise. " . _.�,���
<br /> _ " ;�;� � Neitber the aooeptanoe of this Decd of Trus�nor its enforccmen��vhethcr by aowt action or pursuant to the povrer of saie ot other ;. � ' .
<br /> � ti';� � . ' poaens T�$rein eontained.shaU pmjudioe or in am•mantier affect Tnistoe's or the&ne&cia�s riglit to mali�r upon or enforoe aay , , � �,
<br /> ��' ' other s�rn now or hereatter held Q�•Tmstoe or the Bcnefc ' u bcin a that T�siee and the Bc '
<br /> > �:: .�'. .���;At�. tY �Y• � S 8rced ncfiaa�r.aad cach of
<br /> . them.sbaU be eadded to cnforce ttis Decd of Trnst and any othcr sccurity nmc or hercafter held by the Beneficlary or Tnzstee in .
<br /> :�' • . such order and manner as they may in their absfllute discretion determine. No remedy IIeceim m�fe�red upoa or rese��ed to Tcustee ` .
<br /> , er Heaeficiary is intended to be e.KCWsi�•e of ury atIter rerned�herein or by la�p�mYded or permittod.but each sLall be cmmWative
<br /> . {'�J: � " aad shall be in addition to c�cry•other remedy�i�•en hcrcuadcr or nou•or herqRet eaasting at la�v or equiry or by�. Every .
<br /> ;:_ pcmer ar remody given b}any of the toan it�swments to Tn�stee or the Beneficiary ar to�YLich either of them may B�at3�envise
<br /> ` . entitled may bc exeicised,oon�urently os independently. from timc to timc and as often as may be deemed expedient Dy?nutee or
<br /> � Bendciary.and either of them may pursue inaonsisten�remodies.Ptothiag herein slwll 6e construed as pmhibitin�the BeneHciary
<br /> '. �.�� � . _ � fmm seeking a deScieary judgmeat agaiast Tn�stors to the�ctent svch action is penaitted b�ta��•. • �
<br /> '�� ��,.: :. . 14. Tnutors hercby cequest a wpy of am•nntiae of dcLlutt and thlt a�r nmice of sale hcrcundcr be maitod to Tmstors at the
<br /> ad�ress set fortQ ip thc 6rst paragraph of Ws Daed of Tnist. .
<br /> �� �°.'" _ , 1S. The Benef ciary may.by a��rittea instnunent executod and acknmr•fodged by Beneflcian.mailod to Tnutors aad reaorded in .
<br /> ��: �
<br /> the Counry in nbich the pro�rt}is laratod and by oweru�i9e compf�ya��►i�h the pra��sions nf�t►e applicaDle 1aw of the State of
<br /> �. �F� • � � � Nebra�lsa,substitutc a sueeessor to the Tnutoe c�amod hcrein or acUug hercundcr
<br /> k� � � � 16. 7'A9s Deod of Tnut applics to aad iauns to thc bencfit of and binQs all�uties hcreto their hei�s.personal�cpracntati�es. � � �
<br /> � .��� � suoeetwrs and atsigns. The term"Beneficlary•°shall mrui the m�ner and t�older ot thc notC whetAer or not namcd s Be�cian .
<br /> , � '; �..� .. ' Qerein.
<br /> '� � � :` � _ � 1�. Without a@'atin�thc liabitiry of an}othcr person liab2c far ihe�nmcnt ai aay obligation heccln mentioned and��ithout
<br /> . . �.._:.
<br /> _ ,_. ,-�=`_----�--.��__� ��in the lim a:c of this Uxe af Tiust aates ' n o�thc. .
<br /> - S � � .'A� �aot�as Wctcs�tor�rctc��s!as�usir far it�c -—_-__ _ -�
<br /> ► � `. TT ful!payment of all unpaid obllgations.the Beacfcciat} m�y.ftom mme to time and n�it�aul nouoe• (�1 retc�se an}persoas so tiabie:
<br /> . (b)extead the maturity or alter any of the tem�s of any sucb obligatioa:(c)gtaat other L�dulgeaaex(d)nel�ue or roeon��e}at the
<br /> . ...�. ,
<br /> ; , • � .
<br />