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<br /> -- -- — - - -- -�----.__--.:_._---- �� �= -� -..� : . _ .__ _.
<br /> ` d 11.t�iEN BYTH�SE PRESENC�: . . . . � .� ------ .-;- �-_ _
<br /> - T�fA�TWH�R6�lS,b�reuonafthepa�mas�tottl�eMdebtedn�s�eca�rs�b�►f�)�olT�etexacuted . : ,�
<br /> - - - ����ntevcrol�ir�lter�nt��iattonall�SSCCt�uor�Omahia.Nebraicts(hereta�fWrr�iem�dtoasFlr�itetBtnk�as,. ,� �
<br /> Ma,r�.s. A_ t�19 : . �, �
<br /> :Tn�at�a ior tha bert�slit ct F�ralte�r Bank.�s�teflQiary named thare3r��ted Ne0 ske � �.
<br />- �rai - .Coo�n . . �•,.�. .
<br /> := and�ecotded Qn t1�e oftis:e ot the Register ot QeBds bf � �►
<br /> d - �0���7 �.,,e.:.and�the Aast nmsnt oi 6+eaaa$and�+�1t�.°
<br /> � _`____hd�a��Recard. ..,.�.....,..., a�,.,_
<br /> -_--_-- - - -�,,,�;.�-�.,� Istl3enotolF�r�r�n�----
<br /> ma�e 8�� -S}iaooiL3�a�ae�e�,3IIf�$���-a- ._.���a3l�'9�..�.-^ ___ _.
<br /> ?-�, rmeaneont» �lAa..7nt758 . - . F�f�� QS[�K► �@ �@ilB�C��1� �1$� , —
<br /> -- fi Martga9e Re�ord � - -
<br />-�:F, req48at�din writ�ng thatthi�Deed��Reconveyance and ReleaseotAsslgrtmentoiLeasea�nd Rems De
<br /> - - -- executed and dettverod as cont�rmed by t4s endaraemeM botow: �
<br />�T� NOW.'EHEREFORE.in constderatlon of such payment and tn accorctance with lh�.�equeat ot tha
<br /> Y 6snef�cia . Firstter 8ank� �ts Trustee under�e atoresald Deed of T�ust and as A�l�nee under the` .
<br />-�i.a: ' —
<br />=�'� atoresatd tgnmentoil.sasesandRents�doesbytheaepre�nce.granL+�emtss�reteaae.andreconvey
<br />_,�;�` to�the persan or personaentiUsc�thereto ali ot the iMerest.e�nd.estate derived to sa[d Ftrsller 6ank es
<br /> - Trustee.Beneftclary.and Asslgn�by or through satd Dead of Tmst and Aest���rient ot Leases aad R�nts �
<br />==>?� in tire iottawing describad prem�s.but only�a tv such premisea _
<br /> :;�;� The t�tortheast Quarter INE�a3 of Sactioa T�velve i12�, q+omnsh3p RtPe7�ve tla� xorth, -
<br /> Rauge Rtvelve (12). Wes� of tha 6�P.M. in Hall QountY Hebraska �> - , , ..
<br /> , �-:. ,_ ,;-�> , • -- = -_
<br /> _ �-r;�,,..'_�. :�., � . � _--_---
<br /> : z: _,,,,� . .
<br /> .. .,��i::c+aa` ~` . .. . . -'�. . - , . . . . . - ._. . _ �-_,,_, . — �-
<br /> z� " � ' � The 8ast 428.11 feek-of tiie West 48�.11 feet of the,�arth 407 feet of Lot One (1)
<br /> �it� ' . ��.,;" �"`, � looated in Narthwest Quarter of Nor�maest Quarter t��NbT�� of 7-12-11, Hall Conutp. -
<br /> '� .. `:;µ��!°3•<`, ?`�, Nebsaska. -
<br /> c,:' 4���.�'" .C•''��:,-w`�Jµ' . . � � -_
<br />_V�4 .i�S'lite' '!1{t.t�1 . �" . . _--
<br /> _�;\� '.,'.�,._j'�,y:'tis' ` --
<br /> . ...Lir ti'. . � `� .
<br />��`�E;v s���'` 1�' .�i' `��'� ��' togelher with all buildinga,tixtures.improvements and appu�tenances betangin9 to such premises. -
<br />_ ..,: , , . , .
<br /> .- .,�. :- � : =;; •`: -�'.; iN TESTIf1lI0I�0Y WHEREOF� the satd Ftre�ter Bank and Flrsliet 8ank Trnatea ha i�c�a�sed these .
<br /> � � °� .``•., '. '� presence to be executed by its . � and Its corporate seal aNixed hereto this____._.—day oi -
<br /> :r . ,• ,: - ":; October �19 `�-• -
<br /> :,, .� " � .•.��;:;•.
<br /> - >`�..:� �`..`�:�,°, Firslter Bank.Nationat Assoctallon
<br /> : •-- "����`r:� '° �` FirsTier Bank Natlonaf Associalion -
<br /> ...�r_.:
<br /> . ;,� ,:�;'° =;,��.;" :`>. ;:� Omaha.N breska Omaha.Nebreske.T�ustee - -
<br />_ _ �� �:-;i�`,-��t�`.�.i,�r��+� '�t?;,: f� " 6' ��-_-
<br /> _ ,� �c1,`�;6�����:"� By '"" y Dick D. N e e2d �,^m=_-
<br /> �;3�1`,'r�:��' . • ---
<br />_ f� �:� nnes� Attesc :� -`;rP.T, -
<br /> •.;�,_•. .,_.
<br /> ,�
<br /> ` i �;�.`:�� _ This is to cenity thal Firs�ier 8ank.Trustee,has been requested in wrjting to execute the toregoing ;;; : �, �
<br /> � � .�:. �:_ ..���,. _ - _=��
<br /> .:�<;�`�.:� . Deed ot f�aconveyance and its action in doing so is rati�ed and conftrmed in at!respects. �,.�. .,. ,,,
<br /> . ' ' `'(_i _ �'� —
<br /> � °� � � � ' �'� � FbsTfer Bank.National Association � `' -
<br /> : �� �� _ ��' Omaha.Nebraska � � #��� ��ti=°�
<br /> '�•• - :- -�'V _�-
<br /> . 8ert¢ticiary � . ',.�'� - �=.
<br /> '1�,yy't's,; .. By •Fh���;. . ��;�`-
<br /> �. , '?'{ti�
<br /> . Vice PresFdenl � �.z .
<br /> -��._• . . . �..� ..
<br /> ; �.:� . :'. � S7ATE OF NEBRASKA � SS _ � :
<br /> .� ;; '' . ?,i- Hall "`.':t..._.z:e
<br /> ��r�. � .. .;� covarv oF J � : .
<br /> �', . . ��:>.�. �.
<br /> ��:�`� �� i3t�i october �g.g,� batore me the unde�signed.e Natary � ;'`=�`;.
<br /> _ ; f:.` :. . .: Qn ihis�-day ot � ���::_..
<br /> �� "�` " Pubitc duty commissGoRed and qualified Tor said County personalCy ceme Dick D rrietf��� ,',; �
<br /> � �`,h .' � " ' ,�..�:� � .. �ti�<
<br /> ' ra Pro�c.+ oi Ftrslier Bae�k,as Trustee.and cafi�acknowiedged �;,�,,
<br /> � , ry . , to me known to be a �� r >;+�
<br /> . - �; ;.: • .:":;:::• execuUon thereot to be his voluntary act and deed aad v nta act and de� �o Firslie�8ank.as : . ;., .`, .
<br /> ���:.
<br /> � "'�=�4� Trustee °�; .
<br /> : ;��r:, 19 . ''`'°`
<br /> ;; , �,: My Commisston expires.�--- — P � '��- . -._:. �:
<br />- . �` . �IAt,��bd • tary fic
<br /> �?�,. , • �AE4NNEiULtER -
<br /> . �� �. ., .. .. STA?E�F NEBRASKA ; � tbmsdaa�s3t�s
<br /> r.� �;� , �`�'
<br /> couNrv oF �� )
<br /> �� '� . ' ' 13th OctoDer 93
<br />- '� '� � '� � � `'� � On this day ot .19._—.betore me the unde�igned.a Notary .
<br /> � . �� Publtc duiy ccmmissioned snd qualitied for satd County personally came aicx a. i tf �
<br /> '.. � � to me known to be e vi�e presiaA�+ ot�trslier esnk,as Truatee�end��i s'Rer Bank dged
<br /> � � .� �: � execution thereof to 6e his voluntary act and deed an the v tun ry act end desd o
<br /> - . ,� . �.
<br /> My Cvmmtsslon expires—.---��g--• �o� ublic � �
<br /> '1�`'� • �" • � �� r ' �a:�aro a�na r •
<br /> . pt�1ElYy1�N���iyAKlF1�ty�
<br />_. --__ „h�_'_.-'_.,�` �VPIIRiiL�iS�G�iw� --__s�=_-.._:-<.- ..
<br /> � ' , , .�Et ,. . ,
<br /> � .� �
<br /> . ,,
<br /> : •. : �.i
<br /> :t. ;�. - •: _ �
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