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<br /> �.. _ . �.�- . • ;--_ '-- ._.__ .. '��°..
<br /> .. .
<br /> �; � ._
<br /> �.i -°;,•.�' c .i.- ' ." J C .. . . . . ' � ' �. - � - '.. .. - " . .�v . . h y � -� :
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<br /> ..'."'._.--_ _ ' . . , _ .. . . . a. , . �t . . , _ . , ,O
<br /> . . • ` . - . . � . .t < .. ..
<br /> _ — _ : , , � ` . ` ����. .. , `� ` '� J ,
<br /> —_ — ' ps�►m�ita,cvAicte eie c�efemed to It��2,ci chsn�e�s°atnount of susb�OaY��uts• Au3'`e�x�'ti��er�n '
<br /> �------� � cuc�rql�d tag�y ai!�dtng.tradcbtednsss uQde�tha Mota and ttt�.SxurltY Iasesrmeni Patc�t� .
<br /> r._ _ - _ �._. _ _ aui ._ ..._... . -- - - . .._ -_-= -_--= - _--- - --- —
<br /> � --{�p�,�j���(�� . . . -. . �{� ��.�V
<br /> �Wi1LLW Ll�I�fI�V� '—_'.T_ —T.'__'_—__ —:—_..---'._a �'_
<br /> -- ---_--� t�ea. Lea�mAy colle�fas an�cha�gea nu�o�ii�d�ttie Seci�tnsj+. � - . .,
<br /> —_- 4. tiro�mds[arAcoekra3toa�Deb�, � .
<br />- (�lkf�nlR. l�cnder may�exoe�t as limitea Dy[egutatiaas I�ue�by the Soc�emiy ia the pse of paycn�atdef�a. .
<br />- -- •. . .nqutre Lnmedl8te�eY�8 elt snms secared hy Wa�ity Iasaumenc if: ' ,
<br /> (i)$orrawu �p ��ei►Y��Y PaY�t�siuir�by thIs Secuiiry�Saumsn�piiar~° . .
<br /> sy P
<br />- � � <tc►arvn the duie damof the nexlm�t�uYP�l��•�
<br />- ' S�i}Butmw��ts By fuiliq$�fcr a pestod of tAiAy days,w pe�omi etry ather obligat�ons coataiued�ct this . c
<br />-., , �.
<br />=_� -
<br /> _ _ s� � tender�if pernitted Ey�app}irsbla taw aQd arith��epprasal -
<br /> - -- _@)&tile C'reditApprovaL` ofthe-----= =_._
<br />_ � ,�9uine immedIata paymeut in full of al!the sst�seaued Dg tbis$ecuriW Lt�umeat ig � - _
<br />_.�� . �or part of dto Roperty,ar a beneficial inserest in a t�ust ownitr�all or part of the P�opaty,is so2d or .
<br />� athenvise uanafemed(�er Q�by devLse or desceni)by the Bazrowa.aad
<br /> . (ii)7be P�vperty is not occupied by the puschaser or geantee as LLS or tier principal�sidease.ur the pumh�ser
<br /> or �aatee das so occupy the Pta�etty but his or her credit 6as not beea appmveci in e000�danoe
<br /> with the cequiremeuts af the Seaetary-
<br /> (c)Pio Wafver. If cucumstances oocur t�at wuuld pemut Lender m iequice immediate pt►yatent in fu11.6ut Lender
<br /> does aot sushpaym�nt�Lender does aot waive iu rights avith ies�ect to sub�quent eventa
<br /> � ��°� (d} dP HUD Sec�eme� In many cimumsmaces i+egulations�ss¢ed by the Seccetmy a+iil limdt.Leadec�i .
<br /> ��T' ��.. d payment default�ta uue immediate t ia flill aad foteciose if uotp 3his
<br /> �'�� g�tts.ia the case of
<br />��".'�'�°`�� gec�uity L�umeat does aot suthoi#re aooeler�on or fom.ctosiue' not pamiued by reg�tations of the S��
<br /> - '���° . (e)Mortga��Nat InsmeA. Borra�wer�rePS tt�at shoutd t6is Socurity L�suument and the note s�ned theieby uot
<br /> -e=P.: : � ,., t at fmm the
<br /> —.p,��'_�� � : ,.��.
<br /> _��-=- --
<br /> _,-.;r.�; �T m=*" , be elig,�'61e for ins�nance under the National Housing Act witbia 8 moaths _
<br /> =��r. . . r , �.. $ Y�8 S�P t'�9�� . --
<br /> �� . t. '_ da�e hereof.Lender may,at its option end notwitiutandia aa in Pa�a h 9. uanaedIate PaSrtt►ent in g:y__
<br /> -a:r'r,, .. �:�- full of ati sums sec�d by tttits Scc�ait�t Ins�men� A tivritten statementof any authorized��r of the Se�tary . =--
<br /> ��:..,_�;_� a..';.`�;�:�-.,� dated subsequent to 8 �oIIthB fram ti�e date hereof,declining w iosvie ttns Sec�ttity _
<br />�;`' " • x Inso�umeat a�d the note secvrPd there�yr,sball�e deemed wnclosive�s�oof of such ineligi'6�7ity. Notwithstanding
<br />�.' �. ' '�``..°�,.. : '� the fo�gomg.this option may not be exe�cis�d by Lender when t�ee a�navaitability of insuraaee•is solely due to = -----
<br />_ .,: �
<br />- • . " Leader�s fa�ue ta rcmit a mortgage insuiaace pcemiurn to the Secr+etmy. ---------
<br /> . . . <. ° 10. E�euutat�eat Bmmarer has a rigtit w be teinstazed if Lender das zequized immediate paymeant in tLll becanse _--- ___ -
<br /> •: .'` ,.: ', :� '�: of Barmwer's fa�uce to pay an amount due onder the•Note or this Secmicy Instiument �his right�hes even after =-�� -
<br /> �; ""-'"� � � ; • fo�ios�ue pivoee�an�s are instituted. 1b ceiasiate the Sec�uity lnsuom�t. Bormwer shall tender in a tump sum all _��:
<br /> •.�., .,,. . . .• :.. _-- --- -
<br /> amottats ceqained tcs�ring Borroweris account cvi¢r�nt•iucIuding,to the eateat d�ey aie obligations of�aso�rer undes this --__-_ __
<br /> -i��,r_ o�•� � �:c — `--,_.-..
<br /> � ; Se�urity�nstn��a��ccectosure costs and�a.o'le and wstamary attom�ys!as and eapenses pmpe�a�caciated wiW
<br /> �_ � �3t s,�: the fo�ctosure pmoee�ing. Upoa reinstaUem�t Dy Bot:ower,ahis Sectuity Tnsttument and the obligations tttat it sewtes � _.—
<br /> : 4 �`4 ��.�`�. shail�aain in effect as if Lea�r iba3 not required immediate payment in Rill. However Lruder is aot cequitea to permit =�----
<br /> ts.� . --=-_---__ ,
<br /> :::�..'� : :'���:,._:.'°., teinsta�meat if: ti)Lendet has no�epted�eincra_gr ..�+snt after the comtnencement of fareziosuie prooeeQinSs wittun taro ���-.
<br /> .`'.,`. � years immediateIy preceding the commenoemrait of a current foreclosuce FrnoeedinS� (ii) reinstatem�nt wIU prectude —...�- =
<br /> - - - foreclosure on d'�ierem gmuads in the future.oz(iii)reinstatement will advetsely affect the pnoriry af t�lien cceated by �
<br /> . :°..; thIsSecurity Inst�mme�� ` _ �.
<br /> � . �:� �'::���' 11. 8orrowes Not Released; For6earance b� i.ender Not a Watver, Bxtension of the 6me of payment or _,±r:�'��:-�.
<br /> °` '�,: mad'r��arion of amortization of the sums sec�ued by thu Secwit}�Inspument granted by Lendet to any sucoessm ia intesest "'�' " _-
<br /> a
<br /> }`� � • of Bormwer shall not operate to release the liability of the orig�nal Borrowet or Bortnweris suaxssor m intetes�t. Lender � r,.��-
<br /> k: .. • shall aot be re4uired to commence proceedings against an�+successor in intetest or cefuse to estend time for pa ent or , ;;}` ,�__ -
<br /> ,:'�t; � � otherwise mod�fy afnortization of the sums secuned by thu Securiry Inshument by�easan of any de�d�by the _-
<br /> '��f, � original Bomnwer ar Bomower's successors in inteiest. My forbearance by Lender in exentising aay rigtct or�emedy shaU ;:�._�a-
<br /> �,,:;
<br /> = }.�,�.. . not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. `. �.,,. �_ � � ��.�r-•-
<br /> �� ,i•'� , ,,,.•;. 3l2. Saooessors and AssIgns Bound;Joint aad Severa!LiabUit�+;CaSigaers. TRe covenants and ag�eements of ^ ..; � - , . -�;�
<br /> � :;.;t 4�<<,<� this Security Insuument sAall bind anA benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Hoirower.subject to the provisions � � :
<br /> �•� � :-��!�;,�;, of Paragraph 9.b. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bomac�•er who co-s�gns this �, � _n• .�:, ; , �,:"
<br /> s`� Security Insmunent but daes not execute the ro,.*e: (a)is casigning this Security I�strument only to�a�t age.grant and � � . � ,
<br /> ' . . � � convey that Borrower's intemst in the Propem�eader the tertns of thu Securiry insqumenr.(b)is not gec�nally ob'ugated to \ •• � " '
<br /> , „ pay the sums secvred by this Sac¢rety insttumen�and(c)agrees that Lend�r and an�other Horrower may ag�ee to eatend. • .� ��.:`, �'� ,
<br /> " mod�fy.forbear or ma[ce any acscccsa�odations with regard to¢Sie tertns of this Secunty Instrument or ttre Note withoui that •� �'�_
<br /> . a c � �;,''k'
<br /> _ Borrower's consent. � ' �'i;;�� . ..,
<br /> � '...� ' n3. NoBces. My notice to Horrower provided for in�.�is Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by _ � �
<br /> �� .:.� . � � mailing it by first class mail unless applicable Iaw requires use of anothea method. 71�e notice shall be direcied to the . � - , �
<br /> Property Addsess or any other address Borroa•es designates by notice ro[,�der, Any notice to Lertde�s'ball be given by :
<br /> " `��=-� `�' � • " first class mail to fi.ender's address stated herein or any ad��ress I.ender a�,.'si�nates by norice to Bamd�er. Any+sotice •�;' �.� �
<br /> 1e �mv��SRd for in this Securi lrnsnucn.nt shall be Qeemed t•�ha�d been iven to 8orrower r�s Lender whea ven as ti edrd ':_�' �
<br /> J�. ' ��'•��i;?; tY S P� R�' � ;�'�•.
<br /> . • e;.�� ,,.�.r. inthisparagraph. �,",,,,
<br /> . � �;i
<br /> S � ,�1�; ','` • �- L�. Governtag Law;Sei��aabllity. This Security Irisr�umem xhall be govemed by Federal law aad the law of the � '�i .� �
<br /> ` °��•;'" •• � urisdiction in which the Pro rt is tocated. L�the event that an rovision or clause of this Security IInstrument or the
<br /> ���:, � . PQ Y YP .. .
<br /> 1 ���; :� '• '�� ; �ote conflicts with applicable law.sush cor�icr shall not affect other provisions of this Security Insec�ent or the Note
<br /> + � �' �"�•�� which can be given effect without the conflicting•provision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry tnstrument and the • `�
<br />� '" � ' `�:��a:��,•:.. ' � �� .
<br /> ��;•,•�.� �. Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> ;�," `�_'��;�,'fl?� tS. Borroaee's Copy. Horrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Securiry dnstrument ' ,���:•..�
<br /> ����. ���"����'G1�y��" i6. Assfgnment of Rents. Bomower unconditionally as.•igns and trunsfers to Lendwr�Il the rents and revenaes of iite , �.•!i �,�: '
<br /> :���i`.:i:�:��,i�=���';•:l • '
<br /> Propetty. Hoirower authorizes Lender or Lender's•agents to r�licct the rentc artd reven�:s ars�hereAy dinects each ten�nt of ` :`��•
<br /> �`���'` ' �`�` the Pro to a th�rents to Lender os Leadcs's a ents. However. rior to I.cnder's rtotice to Basiv�ser of Bomower's
<br /> :�u;,=: �� ..ss�•;, � Pertl+ P Y 8 P
<br /> :;�;;.; :' ;��:,;;r•,:.'',� breac h o f any wvc�aat or agreement in the Seaui ty lasnumen�Borrower shall collect and receive a11 rerts and revenaes of
<br />- :,f�.��ti;:�: ., the Aroperty as hustee for the benefit of l.endeE and 8orcower. Thts assigr,ment of renu constitutes an absolute assig�ment � .
<br /> � �''.. 1:�;���:.. and not en assignment for addi6onJ secur"cty or�ly. •
<br /> .,<. .
<br /> ' � � °:��.��r��• _• If Lender gives norice of breact�tn Bamtiwer: (a)all rents received by Boirower shall be held by Bor�ower as tiustee
<br /> -� . . . for beaefit of Lender only.to be zpplie�to rlse sums secured by the Securiry lnsuument-�b)Lender shall be entitled to
<br /> ���•• • collect and teeeive all of the rents of the Prcp�ty;and(c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all rents dae and unpaid to
<br /> , � . l.ettder or Lettder�s agent on Lender's writtei daaand to the tenant.
<br /> �' � Bomnwer has not executed any prior ass�gnment of the mnts and has not ared witl not perform any act that would
<br /> � . � . . ptevent Lender from exercisin�its rights under thic Paragraph 16. '
<br /> • . Lcrtder shall not 6e�equued to enter upon�take control of or maintain the Propeny before or after giving�sotice of
<br /> � • ' breach to Horrower. However,Lender or a judicially apQointed receiver may do so at any time therc is a D�Ch Any
<br /> �.,� � � appiicadon of rents sNall nw cure or waive any defaWt or u►validate any other right or temed�r of Lender. This assignment
<br /> ; �.,, .� of tettts of the Prope�ty shall tertninaze when the debt secured by the Secu�ity inswmcnt is pa�d in fuli.
<br /> �. . .
<br /> ���:'��... . . _ . ` ' I -
<br /> .. . ,.
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<br /> � + , y .
<br /> .i;' . , "
<br /> ,
<br /> ,. ... , .
<br /> ' �.F .-. . _ _ - .. _____ _ . .
<br />