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<br /> __ _ _' - . . _ � . ., . o . ' ., - . '_: . _ ' , " ' ' _
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<br /> �" 17.Teamdrr�t8e . , or i B�.Ta3s�est in Bari+�et�If ell ox a�►y pa�of tt� . �. L �anY�ta�s.`= .°��� .
<br /> �is aot�or e�ansferm�(or if�a b�sIaf iat�nst#�HamaFVer`3s satd ar trensferted su�8oauvr��s txas a . . �s6b�wtcha�t .
<br /> �'s prtp: ;w�coasew. Le�dei ms�r. m it's opi�am., nina immediate pa�meat i��fnll�of e�it�ais sacu�.Dy.tt�s .�
<br /> -- . . Seca�Ity lzast�ment.HowoY��this option sbaft nat 8e exs�isei�Leader if exen�s�e ta proh�dir�d�,�a3 taw as oi t8e dat� •
<br /> - _ , --��s��.<• � . -- =__.�_�_ .._�.---�._—:._.._,_ _ .�__�_ - ---
<br /> _ . If Lm�ar exentises tH3s opt�an.Lra�der shaU gtv�Bo:rowes aut�co of aoaieration.The�oSoe sb�11� a a pralo�of aot ._ � .-
<br /> i�s thaa 30 daya 8�+oru tlfe�te tl�e natioe ia deliveroB or madIotl w3tWa whic�Hormwet must��y;��.s�,vied 8y tLis
<br /> SxwitY�tastaumr.at.ItBurmwer t#iEs to these su�+s vrior to,tha.exgieation of t6i�s perlad,I�tc��, �ue aiq►�eut�ies �� �� r
<br /> ..��_�.,: ,
<br /> -- _ � �tted by tNs Secnrtty(nstcument wI�f�thef aot�oe or�don Barrower. . �:�: ' . . .-
<br /> _ . . IS: Boan+ower's Hi�ht t�B�te. If'.$ouuwer �eta�ccYtaiq oonditFans, Bo�o�vea st�U'ht�.i�'� ght to BaYe'
<br /> _ - eafoc�oement oi�tAis Secunty Ia�eat d�soaatinue��at au�r tima piior w tQa earlier of fa?S.d�,t ��P�od es.�
<br /> , :. .
<br /> us . �
<br />:,." �plicable lavv ma}r-spac�fX for rei6stoteat�nt) 6efone�saie o�the Propeny pnrsnant w aay Qonc�• .�.�tt.o�In�d in wis= ` .
<br /> _�_
<br /> -.- ---- - � �__° --- - ��:Qf��������,Inat�e�tt �$45�5�44$��t _. - - - -----
<br />- r - Leader all sums arhich then wocitd be dne under tl�is �'=8j�j ._ -
<br /> _ Securityr Insttutaent sad the Nute as if aa sc�ipta�la��;@)
<br />=_ cuees a�r defaah of aay otheroovenants or agneements;(�}PsYs sU expenses Incvrred in eafo;icit�•th�s-:8or�ttt��I�t, '
<br /> iacluding,but not limite8 ta,�asonabie attomeys'fas;and.(d?mkes suc3�a�on as I.ender a��1�t3p4uiie to��anc. � `�"
<br />-� tLai tits tfea of this SecuritY.tn�,I�ender's rights in We.Ft�eFs�sad Boaower's o6'
<br /> ._ l�o�ta p�n3�"6ums;�by
<br /> - — this Secudry Insuumeat sbatl.cominae tmr�anged. U,p n a m�t b.p Bocmwer, tt�S e c r�i t y.;:f i��c a�3,� i$��,
<br />�� obligatlons,sec�ml6�i�sl�alt remaiu fully effective as i£ao'e��t�-Hozvev�, t�:t�l�a,t�,.�."'�;��;,;
<br /> �; not epglY�t�e�ase Q��oa�ation nader paiagraph 1�:'-.;,:�..� ;�,, '. ;�•} ,� . _
<br /> �a 19.$a�:�irTm�;:L�aa,ge oi I.Qan Servia�:l�Nc��or a�aFdai iate�in the Ncs�:{m�'.�,t�CS�
<br /> �� cs
<br />�,5; 1nma�) � �ba�soidane�reti�,�.wuhoutpxiof�c��a�aaaer.Asatemay res�tlt¢m���,sp�:�o��3ity�{� •
<br /> ; -.ag.�'�.�a�±a�"}�E:���r:�aymeata d�.mYi@er��Iote and this Sewsity�;
<br /> �,; �fa�". maYbet`�
<br /> �. :���c'lsaizgesiof��m�����.e'kaied to a sal�ofthe Note.If there is a d�ange of ttce Laaa�eivi�q_�msotver m'tI be
<br />_`;; gn*+en wia�a`��e af tPce o'bange i�ra�7�anoe aith parag�ph 14 a6ove and applIcable taw.'iit�natioa w�tl s1�th�name and.
<br /> w
<br /> _` . - addmss of t�near Loan ServIeer and t�e addmss to which payments shovtd be made.'I�e.ao6ae vrn71'alsa��a�piatn anyr othtr
<br /> _::s;4� K informatian i�qaized by applicab2e Iaw. . .
<br /> �� ?A. Bsrardons bhbstaaces. Bormwer shall not cxuse or dispos , eay �
<br /> _ .:;z'�-- Pemnit the presence.use� al. sts�:on�t+etease of
<br /> -= Ha7andous Substaaces on or in the Pcoperty Bormwer sAatl not do, aor allow anyone else W dfl,a�y�� ung affecdng the
<br /> Property t�at is in violation of aay Envimnmental Law.T�e g�eoediag two sentences shaU uot �y�.ta tt��resence�use.or
<br /> - y,�..:. }_ storage on the Property of small quaatides of HaTallous Substanoes that ete genaraily r�eoog�[a be ap�.mprlate ro aom�a!
<br /> , '�.y,,.�e, resideatia!uses aud to maintenaace of tko PropeRy.
<br /> � ����. �- Borrower shaA pmmptly give Leader wriuen notice of sny inve,stigadon,ctatm.demand.[a�vsuit�arotti�actton by aay
<br /> _ �- �`�;;� `�'` govctameatal or t+egttlatory ageacy or pr�vate puty iavolvin8 the Pcopeny and eny Ha�andous Subste�cean8nv�maaseatel l.aw
<br /> - ��•'�":��`l ��'�< of wh�ch Bomower has asn�al lmnwledge.If�orrower leams.or is nodfiad 6y eny govemaiet�tal or n�gute�tay�autkorIty�that
<br /> ��'.;Yf'�'`.'�• -.•�t=c
<br /> j, , �f ,,..... any removal or other remediation of eay Ha7andous Substenae aflecting the Pmpe�ty is rteoessary.Borro��eh30�ptomptiy tate
<br /> _ ._;,., ; all noaessary eemediel actfons in saurdaace wtth Env[mnmental Law. �
<br /> ��=--�.,�.�-.._"--_ � As usod in tWs yat8graph 20,'Hazaz+dous Substauces•are those substances defu�ed as wxic os�h�s+doUS�su6stan�es bg
<br /> ' ��:�:;`�.•:�c .s ` Envimuraental lsw aad the following substaaves: gasotine. kemsene, otAer flartunable or toxtc pet�alea�m�pz�►d'mtts, taxtc
<br />= �:;:� -. > .. �.. pesticida and herbIcFdes,volatite solvents,materlals oontatnin�ssbestas or fora�aldehyde.and radiaa�tiv��teaiels>As.used in
<br /> - �-;.�-`'.;;:,�s-,;.,. thls parng�ph 20. 'Eavironmeatal Law'meaas fedeml Iaws and laws of the jurisdiction where tha Prop�is,ttKated that
<br /> - relate to health,safety or eavimameatal prote�tion.
<br /> � � NON•UIVIFORM COVENANTS.Bormwer aad Lender furttcer covenant end agrre as follows:
<br /> °, .� �;.�'. '.'�, ;,:`:�':� Zl.Acoderationt Remediea.I.end�sbalt give uottoe to Borrower pNor to acoelecation folloti�.Aomo�s�'e breach
<br /> . :4 r., ; . ', ot eny coeea.wt or age+cemeat in tbTs Seanity lastrument (6ufi not pNor ta aocefe�atl9n unda+ppm�rnpH 17 m�ia� -
<br />-`� , _. �.� llcaWe ia�or mvfdes othenvtse).�aottce s1wll '
<br /> ' aPP P specifYs (al�Pte ddaul�N) the adio�reqt�i��ta m�a ti�e dd��
<br /> r � ` ,x;�, (c)a date,Qot less t6an 30 days fmm t�date tLe aottce fs gisren to Borr+'ower,by wmtch ftc¢d�AUlt.musi.6e c�ed;antl � ��'��`�`-
<br /> . .��� (d) ti�at faiture to cure the default on or before t�e date spee�uett in t6e nott�e may msvlt in��cel�ltio�at the sams �°�r~^. ,������
<br />_ • ��' •f,tit;�F �'a�by thts Secur[ty Instn�ment and sale of tIIe Pro Tde aotfce sh�Bd furtings lafo�m Bairmjrr aY tfle a,� �t� a�,x�-
<br /> ' �.�:•�.t`' � �e�fter sooeteratloA and t6e rlght to b p��' ti�ht to � ,p,a�.�t --- "--
<br /> . .,.` r[ng a cuurt achors tQ asseK the�o�ce of a d�uuitior au,y o2�es - .�
<br /> . �,��<�•�� def�se mff lBnrrawer to aooeteration aaad sate. If t6e defautt is IIot cared on or 6eEore tTaa dat�sp�c6ticd�in the a�ne,
<br /> . ; .,�,_ _ ,_
<br />_. ��`.tie. Lender,�i�s optton,raay tequim'r�ediate payment iu iblt of al!sums s�cate�ed tsy EI�Secuut1ty Iastt�ma�tt wf� �` `_
<br /> '�"���� furthee a�and may invoke t�ce�uwer of sale and any other remed{es��tteaD by a�Iica6le Iaw.Lender shafiH�e .-
<br />_ � , ,�ai, •. • ..•. ��
<br /> entitled tv m7�a1!ex�,4cs inw r e+e d W pursutng the remedies provided ia tt��aragmy�Zl�induding,bat not tim� _�: ,:.,���:
<br /> ; , .' to,reasomab�e attoraeys'fees aad costs of tltle evidence. " �': ���-_--
<br /> � •�:.,a.�..� : If tEe��wer of sete ts Invofced,Teustee shall recard a nos;iice of dePault in each ouun in efibth at�+part of t6e � ""-""°
<br /> ce ty
<br /> � �...:�'��5;- Pr+operiy iis Ccatated and sf�all mail oopies of such notice tn t$e c¢�ner pe+escrfbed by appllaabl�taw ta Bomnwer aa�to �,•:�
<br />_ �� '."` the oth��snns prescrlbed Dy applicable law.After ihe time r�is�ed bg appticable law,7Yuste�eh�U gi"c�pabllc ne�€re ' ''��'�
<br />=��., of sale ta t�e persons and in the maaner prescrimed Dy appinc�b7�ta�.Trustee,withoat dwnand on Harrutqer, s6aD sell , � � ' :�:` �.
<br /> ,.;�... :. •'� . r.,.-
<br /> _ . �i'4, �,.
<br /> � � the Property at public auMtoa to the highest biddea�at t6e ti�ree and place and under the terms d�ig�trd iA��We aotice of � � � � . . ,�.;;
<br /> � �,'.� • .' � � , sale fn one ar more parcels aad in eny order TnrsaRe dete�iIIes.Trustee may Posl[wae sale oY�a11 or any+paroel of tbe . `.. �....::.,:..:_;�:
<br />_. . ' * � Proparty by public anuounoement at the tIme and place off ea�y prevtously scheduled sale. Ler�SEr or ita-designee may � ;•,: 4;. ,:,` .
<br /> � ;�� .- purchase We Property at any sale. . . `.����,;;.,` .
<br /> } :r�,. �t�,�.
<br /> _ � , . ,.o�r, .f
<br /> r•; ' �
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