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<br /> �o aifiLY '� �V OJI����•Qo►iW QEt t�
<br /> _ �16p�t�/��t����j►�1Rs�9�tS��W�t�A t�0 iCl�!°�.COVf.i�C° 8B�flA�t O�CT�t�8/�� . .
<br /> _ . � @Qads os Qouding,for.w�idi��adet n�u3s�s Insm�auoe.T;hts insuraAOa s8�!!Qa n��n a�a�naants 9�c!far ttte pertctd� :
<br /> _— -----t_f�-L�*t._..+ '�[ree-: ��?�s1414ri„��`.°il�psll:�i�l:: .°� �.e a --�r�p�t��=�E�cs� • ti._._:. .� _
<br /> ± � LVt1Ii�6BSU tlOt DC UaIt,850D3���WItI}710�.IY B07[�'Gf�LO�II CDVCid$q l�QSCl��flbOYd�I+Ctir�tF�II�l.8t�4�Ctt0
<br /> 'l7jltL0�•OntB�]I OOYEtB$p�0 p2b0CCt Ll�Et'8 i�$�L9�D3�10 PL�O�Gily j11 gC004�E WItI1�8T8�D•'�. . ..
<br />_ ' AU insw�noe,po�des aad�entwrels sltaaU 6e aoa�tabia fo I.ender s�d shatt iactude e staade:d mo�tgAge�tauso. �euder.
<br /> �— st�aU have tha rfgQt ta Qold the pofides 8+nd re��+ais.�f Ix�tler requ�ue,akBorn�wet shaU 1mQm�1Y g[ve ta Lst�r
<br /> _— -- � pald p�em€ums aad renawat nat�aes.In the�vent of iass.�o�tower ahalt give pmaipt a�oe to�ua iasuranoe ca�fer @nd Lesder�'.
<br />-= L�er may�tce proof of loss if aot lmade prompily by Bomo�r. . . . °
<br />_ � tJnt�ss�cuu!Boriower othtsv�resp @�Cee.in writin�.iASUtanee.pmoc�ds sha116a applie�!tu�atfon or rep�ic_�€si�-_ — ...
<br /> _.. _. _ . ._ .
<br />_ — - - .
<br /> -- - Frapeay damagod,if the restoration or npait is aoonomicalty feasi'81e aad Leuder's seauity is aat Iesse�aod.if tbe cestoiatlon mr
<br /> - -- _ repair ts not 000noniicalIy€easi'b2e or Lender's sccurlty wonld be lesseu�d.the�nswanoa pmoeeds sLall be applted to tt�e suai.a
<br /> -- — secured Ay this Se�anity Insuumeat.whetAer or aot titen due.witH uqr exoess paEd to Bnrmwer. tf Borro�wer abaadons t� '
<br />- — PmAeaty►.or aoes not answer ariWin 30 dayrs a natke fmm I.e�ider t6at tha insnrance ca�der I�as offeaed w set�e e ctalm,`then
<br />— L.e�er ma�wl�ed the insurence prooeed�. I,eader ma�y ase the pmoeods to n�pair or�esco�tde Ptsoperty or to pay sums
<br /> ------ • secu�d by tl�is Securlty lns�ument,w�f[er or not thea due.The 30�day period will be�a�+ben the nnttce is givai. �
<br /> --y'���— UnIess Lender and Borrower otherwise agc�in wrlting,anY BPP�c�tFon of Qnooeeds w principai shall aoi eictend or
<br /> =-ri�.���. gastgone the due date of�tee mant�IY PaY�refen�ed to ia paragraphs:! and 2 or�ange the�ou�o��t�e.Fa,yments: If.
<br /> —_-_-=� ander pur�grapb 21�the Pmp�rt,g!ns @oq¢inad 6Y Le�der.Bomnwer's right to a�ry insuraaa�pollcies aad gnocee�s�esvi�ng&om
<br />- =y �"� dam�ge to the Propeny prior to z�e acquisifc�n s�pass m t.ender w t��tent of t5e su�s secured by ttis Security Instntmem
<br />=--:yti.:yu:ti�..�tk;�;:�= immediatelypr�ora�thearquisit�ni: . . ' , . :
<br /> ��z5`� "�,t '� �'�.�r9.;��;�gini�taa�a���n�of t�e�pexoy;'l8�aaa�vc�'s Loan Appld¢u4tap;��,€a.seDulds..
<br /> 1��� s �n�raWer s�alt oocuAY,estabtis3►.�an�ase t�Fro�rty as��'s,pnacipal c�esidenre within sixty daya efter a�ea��rtiou of.
<br /> '�t��. , t1�is�ty I�stiiiment ar�d a�a]t+�n�tQ 2�. as Bosro�sr's ' aI �nr at --- _---.—�_-
<br /> .���.°�;�i ',° t i' . ,p�,.'�Y teastaae� eat -
<br /> �F�Y. �► � y a�er..
<br /> N�`����� 4 ` t6e d�e of acwpatiicy*ua2�,ss I,eiidec oLbernTa��na writi�;�r�ieh iaoeusent.sF�l4 aot be.�Dy withi�lc4.or�m�ss . � �.
<br />� r!�,�,����,���,�.•� extennating c�cv�o�s eaist'�irB a�+e @�ya�'3�onvsa•er's oomml:$orroarec`s3�a1! noE desnay. d�or impair the =
<br /> "'�;��� °°':��,`�en P,ro allow ttte Propeatq to de�eriarats,or co�t waste on the Praperty.BorFVwcr sba}}.6�3a�d�aut3�if e,ay foifeitnne _-
<br /> =,f,�� �,h�_ ��} P�Y� F• -=-
<br /> ��:�';���;;���;::�:�;�=`- . action or prnceeding,whether clvil or criminal,is 6egwi tt�in Lender's good faith jud�ment conl��esaIt in forfeit�re of the
<br /> —'��"i��..- �; : • - Pmperty or otherwise materially impair the lierr created by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's s�wri�y interes�Homnwer may
<br /> _ �.• .: ,
<br />� .'• � .` .`:,���~ cu�such a defanit and reiostate,as pnnvided in paragraph 18,by ca�sing the action ar prooaediag to be dismissed with a niling
<br /> ` tl�at, �n Lender's good faitb detemtination. precludes fodeit�ue of the Borrower's lnterest in ttie or aWer material
<br /> ...'-� `"�'.'.�',..;:' ' impaianent of the lien created by tQis 5ecvrity 1nsm�ment or Lender's secxtriry fnterest. 8orrower shall aIso 8e in defauft if . �
<br /> .., ;,.. ` ;
<br /> ; ��f;'�:�.,'`.;: , ' Bomower,during the loan applicatIan process.gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements ta i,euder(or failed
<br /> . � to pmvide Lender witb any material InfomiatIoa)in cormectton with the loan evtdenoed by the Note.including.but not Ilmited
<br /> ' to.representatlons oonceming Borrower's occupancy of ehe Property es a princIpa!restdence.If this Securiry Insaument is on a
<br /> ..;� . • ., leasehoid. Borrower shall comply with all the provislons of the tease. If Borrower ecquires fee dde to ttie Property. the
<br /> ° � � 1 leasehold and the fee title shall not merge uniess Lender agrces to the merger in wriBn�. _�_
<br /> �� °;,��'`� � 7.Pt+utectloa o!I.ender's Rtg6ts in the Pmperiy.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemerus contained in �^��
<br /> � . • . , �. j this Secauiry InsWrttent,or tfiere is a tegat pmceoding that may significandy effecc Lender's rights in the Prop+erty(sucd aa a .:T�^�."�`...:�.-
<br /> -� � ' i pm�eeding in bankrupt+cy.pmbate. for condemnation or forfeittue or to eaforce laws or regulauons).then I.ender may do and ' �;:^,'•; ��=
<br /> � ; ,° �t�' � pay far whatever is aecessary to pmtect the value uf thc Property a�ad Lender's ri ts in the Pro ' �` �� ' ��• �-�:��=-
<br /> g� PoriY• Ixnder a acaons may z,,,_;;.,:,.. .
<br /> includa in aa surns secuned b a lien which has nori over this Securi Instmment. appearIn m oourt, a - �`';�
<br /> �� � �:: .. P8Y S Y 9 P� �Y tY � � P Y�� �c-..:.,,�Y.y;,. ,.4 . �
<br /> ' :� teasonable attorneys'fe�.c aad entering on thc Propeny to make repairs.Although Lender may mke action under this patagraph ;',_.,;�A,t;L',r.:'.�.=—�--
<br /> . • 7,Lender does not have to do so. >:t�Z;;., � '-_
<br /> ` :��i:a.;.:. •�'�•'..:;?:R:_i
<br /> ;• , ` My amounts disbursed by Leader urtder this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this '' `. ;;�c��'��;�_
<br /> � .. ' Sacuriry Inmument. Unless Borrower aad Lecider agree to oWer temts of payment,these amonnu shall bear interest from the `� ��`� �;`�•�'''"�`'`�
<br /> . :�+�!��i�:;;;
<br /> `• ���° � � date of disbwsement at the Note rate and shail be payable. with intenest. apon notice from I.ender to Borrpwer requesting :��^��b�`' -`���"'F��..;i,;
<br /> ��� :H�" `�-
<br /> payment. •,'�*�;� .. �.�:,:.�;;�`;�.
<br /> :�.t.,,,,.. ;.x> _.., ,:
<br /> �°'' , . 8.Mortgage Iasurance.If Lender roquired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the toan secured by chis Seeurity . ,� � �°�:�•"��;'�
<br /> .. . . {:.•tiy;C�.,.{.-
<br /> _• �� Instnunent, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the �' r•�" y`.,:'i��`���.�.
<br /> �. ';� � � mongage insurance coverage required by L,er�der Iapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall a the remiums �`"''
<br /> ,. . ._�. . . � FY P *aNiredto ' -•s.ri��'...'.
<br /> �� . , '. obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance prevlously in effect.at a cost substantially equlvalent to the • �
<br /> _ • cost to Bormwer of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If ' " . �•
<br /> S:� " � .. substantially equlvalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available. Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �..;�' :
<br /> f�? ' .. • onatwelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to =
<br /> +;�. , be ln effect.l.ender will acoept.use and retein these payments as a toss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve '� � ��
<br /> '•�f: � • Form 3028 9f90 � ' � •
<br /> � �.�,.' . Papo3o18 �
<br /> :f-� . � � ' ' ��� � ,
<br /> ��.I• ..
<br /> t, . •
<br /> f;_ -t _ .
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