� "s. .. �l _ �_--� . . 4 � n ..: �
<br /> � �1. A t=6 °''U� , '": _— .
<br /> `.`�.� ��-Y 1f L �s� .a� ,.�� F-/�l�!�; �� �;. S . Q. �a�p��J�iSL+���
<br /> 'f• ♦:..�r'`��._i`T.�."��-"1'ti.3�. _.--. __
<br /> .���r�R��_�_ _ _ _ _ ..Z.. - � _ _ _ _ _ -- _ _. . .
<br />- .,�f, l� _ .. . . • . y . �: . . .-T � . .
<br /> �.� �S — , , ` ` . .- �< ' ' �i- J - �.— ` • 4 ' ��', � 1� � 1' `�. .
<br /> � . . ` p�r ��!In?a��ln So�t+u�rer.�f a�ll orar�y partt oFtLa�nnpett�r ut edY�'►t�t In it� <_
<br />- �� � i�.71�`lmfc�o3lt��+o o�e �
<br />_� `° !a s�td nr ira�sferre�(6r if u.6encficiul lntrs�st in Barc�wer is&a!A or ttAnsf¢rt�d und 8an+nwer is rtat a natutal�as�so0.1 witl�ut;v .- .
<br /> ---- Lp�r's pr�ot wriiten oa�scnt;.L,cndcr mAy.�t it�aptton.nF9uiro finm�dluto pa,yme�te.�fi oY a1D:sums �by t�f� � �;_ ,�
<br /> - - -- Sc�urlt instpument.Huwover.thts a�tion etis�ll Mt do excrc4ssd hy LcnQrr if exeroiae is,prohi�iced by fede�a11�►as qf chs dsw � .
<br /> __ — -- ai�ht�rs��fm�t�um�nt. , . _. .. ;� :--_- -- -=--- --=------ _-_- _-- - ,.,_-.�.- - -
<br /> --- lIP Lct�d�r ea�rc}acs thly aptta�.lrcader simll give 8flmu+uex not�ao ag aoo�Ieratton,'Sho uotlx ah�1D pr�vid�a perlQd ot_not � •
<br /> - = - Icas thnn 30 days t�ram ehe date�hc not4ee'ls delivac+�!or rnn![ed witiiln whicb`Bnn�awer mn�t p�yr all�sums scr�red by thta ; .
<br />- " S�cueiry Insmin�at.IP 8uemtivice faita tn p�,y thesa s�ms prtar tutl�a c�ptsittian af this ptrlod:L��tder may invok�any iea�es
<br /> 'permttted by��is 5ccu�i Iastcument wittcaut tLnher noilre or de�nartd on 8ormwcr. �
<br /> _ � 18. ii�n+awe�s �LL�to Rc4ngtatr. if 8orro�ver me�s oerteL+�.cutxlitiovs.Bomawer sits;il t�av+e the rIght tQ flaSe .
<br /> et�forpement of this Secunty instrument dlseontinued m oay,dme�rtor ta the earlles of: (a)S dtnys(or suc�t other perlod as
<br /> � eppl�CaBle taw may.speciFy for reir�statement)6efore sale of the Property pursuam tb any power of eale oontained_in tiila � ,
<br /> � ---. ..�ecudiy t�t�um�at�or(ba,ennY of e jud�rment enfardn�__3his SecuciiY I�tn�ment.'I'dose oondit�ons aze that BQtrower:(a)Pays
<br /> � _ _
<br /> f.ender alt sumg whicL tb..°n wouId ba due uuder thls Seauity instrumea3 aud the Note�s i�o ecceIeis�tto�-�- �b -- -- _
<br /> ciu�es sny default of any other oovenants or agreements:(c)Pays all ea�pcases incut�ed in eefor�cittg tl�is Secvfity Insuuuient. .-
<br /> induding,but not IItnited to,seasaaable aitameys'fees;and(d)takes suc6 ecsion es l�ender may reasonably seqnlse to assure =.
<br /> '' thaz the lieQ of this Security Insuument,l.ender's r�ghts in the Propecty s�nd Bomower's obii$at�on w pay t�e sunns serured by
<br /> this Seanity Instmment shall ooarinue vacAanged. tJpoa reinstatement by Bomnwer. this Set�uriry Iast�meat mid the
<br />- obfigations senued hereby shall remain fully effecdve as if no aeceleratioa had o�ed.However.this a�ht to r+eiastate st�all
<br />' nat app3y in the case of soc�2eration under paragiaph 17.
<br />= , .,�;t 19.Sale of Nate;Cdange of Loan Setvices. 1he Nate ar a partial interest in the Note (tog�her with tbis Security =
<br /> Uuhsmaent�may be sold one or moce times without prior noiice to Bom�wer.A sale may c�vlt in a change w the eniit�(kaowt�
<br /> :�:,�,� .
<br /> - .._� ��.�... - as the"I�an Serviioer°)that oollects monttilY PaYments due under the Note aad tt�is Secu�jty Iastrument.'P�en also may be oae
<br />- `:..�c R V .
<br /> ' .•�`�'�:,�`-:i: or more changes of the l.oan Servioer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If theie is a ctiange o�the Y.oan Sesviaer,Borrower will6e
<br /> ....s _ .: ,--,.-. giveri written notioe of the diange in aoconlanoe with patagtaph 14 above and applicabte taw.The aodoe will state the name und .
<br /> - `:....;.;,•<t .�?��;. adQress of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymer�ts shoutd be made.The notice will also oontain ai►y other
<br /> � >� 81y/
<br /> `�':.�,:.�;. - infomatioa roquire$bY aPPlicable law.
<br /> < <.;.. �i • _-
<br /> ,�`�`�:• �:�r��•-�.�. _�� Z0.�rdous Subst�toes.Borrower shall not cause or pe.Qait thepreseaoe, �se,disPosal,sto�age�or release uf any. _-
<br /> �� ` ,.�° W Harardous Substanoes on or in tIL.�operty. Bomnwer shall tr:�.cto. nor allow anyone eise to do,anytII�ag affe�t� ihe � -------- -
<br /> - . �,:�';�� � pro tTiat is in�iolation of �ts-�roameQt2t�iaw.'Fhe m two.�tences shaIl notp��I to tbe presenc�,.�„ar :
<br /> , ,�; ' ':t.'. �zt�i1•r�� PertY anY �S "f'�'Y •, 'ti _ _--
<br /> . ..�'_;<.__.•,,,.,:;...,_. storage ba the Property�of srnall q�i�oF�ous Substanoes ihat are��ally reoogmzed to be x�mpriate�i►�r�at
<br /> ' ��,� residential uses and to u�s�tenance of the�rv�ern•: � ' . •. . � —_�
<br /> �� Boaower shatl p�mpdy�give Lentler,xact�ctotioe of any�investigatio�,�claim,demand.lawsuis o'r ather asdan by.any
<br /> °t � �.•, =,.._:. �I: governmental or regWaiory agenq vr pnvaie pz�cy inpolving We Propeny emd any Harandous Substanee or Environme�Y� ,_ . ::�`_ ____
<br /> ';.•`= �` '`..,:��_, � of which�orrower has actual knon�a�e.if Bormwer learas.or is noti�eed by aay goveromental or regulatory authozity+,t'�at -- __ --
<br /> � . -"�?��;'�� any re�za�or oN�r.remediation of any Haza�do7-..s.�ubstanoe affecting the Pe�o�erty�s peoessary.Bomoa,er ahali pm�ttq take . " _
<br /> : �r • � alt ne��e��ctions in accardance wah�s�runmenta!Iaw. � �L
<br /> ' ' As.•used ia iiQis�ag�aph 20. "Hazardons S�auces"are tAose s:.tis��defined as toxic or�s�cs substanoes 6y
<br /> -�; �f, �':,.,� V ��`� �mic�«a��.acr aea�ihe fallowing substaaties:.�sotine, kennsen�_ui�z�ammable or touc peani�c pmducts..toxic �• _ --- �
<br /> «. <�.�,
<br /> �%.;��j:;:r�:,�'�`�;`•`'r���r",�� �esticcd..�s�clhertricides.volatile solvents.a�ateriaTs wntainiug ashescos arfQ�a':dehyde,and sadiaaetiva materials.As�so3 m _-
<br /> - � '='`;=`��;'`t�;� chis p�agraph 20, "Emimnmental Law" means federal laws aad.iaws of tfi�e jari.sdictioa cvfaere the Property is loc�ed that _- - -
<br /> �`'.;,":'`'`°��''��`�'t'�'`�. retate to health.safety or emimnmental pmtection. � ��-�=-
<br /> � �'•':=':: ':
<br /> i.;'_ ,,,:;� , :`.�.::: NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender fuither covenaat an�d agree as follows: ���
<br /> - '�'•''' ` ` ' Zl.Aeceleratlon;Remedles.Lender s6e11 give aot[ce to Borrowes pslor to aoceteration following Rorrower's 6neacG `•l���lr
<br /> - ti�.�':;":��:` .'� '� of any oovenant or age+�eemmcat in tdis Security Iustniment (but aot prfor to aece�eration under Rara�rap6 17 uniess �"•----_�-..-„�
<br /> ;.��:,`;.� _� appUcable la�r pmvtd�utherwtse).The aotice shall specify: (e)the defaWt; tb)the action reqWred to cuer!de detault; �'`����
<br /> . • ° (r)a date,not tesc tdan 30 days trom the date the notice is given to�omuwer,by w4tcb tbe default musi 6e cured;and :°'< •_,: —_s
<br /> ��: � � (d)that tailure to cure the defaWt on or before the date specit�ed in the aotice may�stult ia aaoeteratton of the sums ,
<br /> � se�vred by thls Secur�ty Iagtrument and sale of the Property.The notice shall ft�Mher tnform Borrower of the rfght to ' ' �'; i�-
<br /> ' � � retnstate atter aoceteeation and the right t o 6 r i ng a c o u r t a c t t o n t o a�s e r t t h e a o i e e x G t e n c�o f a d e t�ul t or aay other ` � �""F „
<br /> �{ } • _.�' � � . defwise of Borro�rev to aaceleration and sale. If the defautt is not cure�on or before the date specif[ed tn the noHce, .. .. :���-�
<br /> - � � .� j'�� � I.ender,at its optton, may sequire immediate payment in futl of aD sums secured by this Security Iactrument�rtthout ;�`��, ..
<br /> � �'�`r --
<br /> ' further demaad end may ipvoke the po�r•er of sate and any other remedies permitted by appIlcaDte ta�v.Lender shall 6e � :-��.��. ��=. :-
<br /> i ; �,�\` � ,,J entitled to callect all expect�es incu�sed in pursuing t6e remedies provEded in thls paragraQb Zl,incfudIug,but aot litaited '� �. ;;����
<br /> � 3� ' . .. to.rPasonabfe attorneys•fees and costs of tide evidence. � ° �±"'';'"=
<br /> • �• If thepower of sate is invoked,Trustee shall �+ecord a notice oi d�antt tn eac6 oounty in a�£cd any part of the � :'_. •y���=�:'
<br /> _ ' � Propeety is l�cateci and shall mail wpies of sact�nottce in the manner ps�ssribed by appllcable taw Qo Bocrower and to �' '� ' �
<br /> ' �..4,; t6e other pe�sons prescribed by ap�af�cable fati..Afte�the ttme required by applicabte law,Trustee st�all give pubiic notice �= '' .'�
<br /> _ � '�`���'�i . ot sate to the persons and in the en�n�r prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,�vithout demand an Borm�ver.shall setl .�.'��.,�.,_ �,
<br /> • . .j`:';::�` the Pmperty at publtc suctton to tde dtgh�l6idder at the time and piaoe aad under the ternis designated in the nottce of � : �'
<br /> � "t' � sale tn one or more parceLs and in any order'���stee determines.Tru�ae may postpone sale o!�11 or any�tat+cel of the � : , �:
<br /> .� ;F.;�`��°.;;� Pe+uperty by publlc announcement at the time amd place of any previo�►�scheduied sate. Lert�w ar its deslgnee may �� �`:��: .
<br /> + . � pur+c6�ce the Property at any sale. , . . . .
<br /> �' . ,
<br /> t.?.i ��f:_, ' . � ,. � . :
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