C r��y���'i
<br /> "1� E. � �'�-,� .�. , _ r `. __ _ . _ . . � G e c �c st �ds - _
<br /> - t `\f� �?"�)t.,r<... _ � . _ ` � _ — — -- ----
<br /> . ._; —� . --°k,.c---= — _ . . _ .. 1-"^ ._ .. .
<br /> � ._ t o.M1._- �—" -,--�. _. _
<br /> a
<br />�:' l 4��1._�:_ ' " .. __ t' _ _" � " " � `_ . '_ ` .__ ' ` C -� .� t'.
<br /> _-�� __ ti. `:'•• ., _. . ,.. �l' . ,`�••• ,: . _ _' . �_ ' } . Y^' C:` . . .��_ ,�.�' C. "_ xs
<br /> � . C�
<br /> � .. stL�stauti�tltY equiv�Ie�t aiortg88a tasu�+`ce��oar e is.�.�t ava4l�ie:Ba%rower sH�it��y to�r rac�wa��s�an�e�tp��
<br /> . , an�i�telti�o�tAe�y �t . bX-�r�ho�r whe�t�e_#usar�mca�av�a ots�ed�ta n .-
<br /> . 5a�ns�ffecx.Le�dei�� "as<at�ss e+eser�r��n�liw oY a�nrtg�gc�'inxymACO. �..°"i+p�rvg,: . .e�::�:
<br /> n � °
<br />_ _- _ _ � . �ta ma�no longea be *&t ' er It'�iioatgaga ihsvrsuoa covcragc(in tha slna�sau.auc[for tlsa p�ciioi[__��. :�,
<br /> iznct�r cr�Qu�aes)Pta . a�,ainbeoomes av�abie�#s�6lAined.�os�vter s,�3t�ia}t� ��:
<br /> — _ _Ty—_--. _..�_...�- ._. � . _.. � �°�'�i��i�QY�SS�f�'3 °�.�f�[�.�. ,������� � � —
<br />-- � 3i�St1l8ri0,C CRds�t18f�R�8t1CC`Wltb 8Dy W1�tt61�8,�!1TCfiwEGII�Otl�6WC!8IId LCIIdEt�8p�1�C�1I0 I1W -
<br /> � . � �9.L�ct�a.I.ender oF ite ag�u maY matie reasonsble.entri�s upun aAd in�pxduus of the Frope�ty..�der r�alt giv�:,. : , :,
<br />- Bmmvre�r aotice at the ti[a�of v�t p�Far tr,aa ins�ion aptclfying reasonabl�rausa for ttte�aspec�tton. - �;.�
<br /> .10. �Aad�nattou.7%Arooeeds of a�r awarc!or ctai�n for damages.dir�t ar wnseq�teutial;,in Qonneedon,wltli.ang'��' ;;
<br /> nse
<br /> - aond�or�or ot�r taki�g of any part af We�coPertY:or for ooaveyance in tie�t of coademaationy�e httebg assi�d and ��°, ,. .
<br />� ahall be�i d to Lender. � � � � < . �
<br />�. - Tn the event of a total taking of the Property.the prboeeds shall be applia!to tIle sums sec�ued by tins Sa�if9 Insaument+ ,��� ;
<br /> . o ia wb�the�ir �
<br /> -------- -- ----- osaQittt�due,�heoY-a��afd�o ktarc+�t�,In the.e_ve�t.of aparbal.t�.f th�.Pio�rty__ _�_�._____ ___.._
<br /> masYet watue of tIIe P►vperty itnrm�ty befoie the tal�ng is equat to or gi�eater thau the aatnunt of�e sums�ecurad by�ts -
<br />_- ! So�rity Iusuv�tm�nediatety be�re tt�taking,unIess Banower aad Lender atbern�se aga+ae fn arritIng.We su�s�. .
<br /> rnI
<br />_ �this Senuity?nstcnmeat.shalt 6a rednoad by the amount of the pacsceeds mnttipliat bp the�oliowi�q fract�on: (a?d�e �.,�. _
<br /> �amonnt of th�s�ma secuted immnediately befose the taIong.divided bY(b)the fafr mark�vatae of the Prapecty i�ma�dIat+�i}� .
<br /> ma
<br /> . before the ta�Cing. Any balance shall be�sid W Bonawes. Ia the evea►t of a p �of the P�+uperty in�rL�the fair
<br />_ maticet vatue of the Property immedlatsly before dhe taking is iess tbaa the�� .'_.. swom�secured immad'eateiy 6efote the
<br /> 6efo e
<br /> _ �,unles�Bormwer and Leader oWelwlse ag�ee in writing or untcss spplicab�oi�,provides,the pmoeeds sball � '.
<br /> be applied to the su�s secvted by.this SecyirIIiy imsuumeni whethe��aoi tha sams ate tben�.;-':.
<br />_- .If.the property Ls abandoned by Boirawer.orif.after.nn6ce tsy Leader w.Bomower.tltat`�;a�indemnor.affess.w m�ice aa
<br /> award or seute a ciaim for damages,Bormwer ffi�7s�.respoad w I�eader within 30 daya ef$�'tt�e date die swtFae is givc�. . _
<br /> Leader is am&o�ized w wtle�attd spply the piooeed..���ts optioa.efther to restoratiost or tepat�,of the P�ogerty or to the sutms , _
<br /> � � sc�cured by ttis Sec�rity�nstmment,ahet�er or aot th�'�e. . :
<br /> Uniess LRnder and Bo:mwer otheawise agrea in writing, any:application of pmceeds�o principal s6a11 aot extend or •
<br /> �.,�. :,.�>> •: , , postpone the dus date of the moi�thly payn�e ts referted w in hs i end 2 or ehauge tA�eamount of such paymeats:
<br /> �f � ` ` "`� • 11.Borrower Not Re�eased;Forl�earanae By I.ender ot a aiver.F.xtension of the time fo:payment ar mad�'icatian . —
<br /> ,';`::�,,:�•';r•'=..
<br /> s T ' ,,� of amortization of the sums secured 6 tLis Seauity Inst�ument giraniLed by L�tQ any succes�or in interest of Boaower sii�ll .
<br /> _ z�=:��:;1:._: ti y �18 , „
<br /> �:,;.��.��_ r not operate w retease the lia6ility of the on g i n a l 8 orrawer or B ormwer s suo�us in�n t e�e s t.L�e r s l�t x�t b�,r�i�t a----:•`..��—_—
<br /> ,;•; •��•,.�_..: �. oommence pinoeedings against any sucoessor•m mierest or iefuse to extend timef�t y�ayraeat or otheraise modify am�ordzation
<br /> _ '. . '`�� .>� . of d�e snms secured by this Securiry Instnuuent Dy i�eason of eny dea�aud ma�e,by We original Borrower or Bomowes's .-���--
<br />' �' ..�{'.,i Y'S. ' .
<br /> -, � �� suoaessois in interest.Any fot6earance by Leader in exerr.ising azry nght or mane�}r,shal��ao¢6re a waiver of or piecIude�dte
<br /> � .Jf.•�� •.�.t.:�'�'�... � . . . :
<br /> :,;, , �... ,,:�... e�cecc�se of aay rig6t or remedy.. .-`��i�ants ead agre+ements of tbis �
<br /> n.•;_:,. � • ,,`.�' !Z. Sttoocsors 8nd A�s Hound;Joiut aIItl Seveial Ltabilitys C�.'- . .
<br /> , $�rity inctnmrent�]l b3tW eIId beue6t tTte suooessots eIId essigUS of LeIId�c��w�t. snbject to the pmvisioms of
<br /> '�. _��.,: -. • paragraph 17. Bormwer's wvenants and agreements sball be joint and sever�. AnY.�a�er who ��o-signs th�s Security .
<br /> : `-_,:;.tl�, : _` ��- Insbum�t 6ut dacs aat exeaite the Note: (a)is oa-sigaiag ttis Security Insunmedt onty��rtgage.Srant and conve�:t�iat - -
<br /> ,� .;.. � Boirowp�s�t ia the Property under the tern�s of this S�ocurlty Iastrument;(b)is not p�snr�aaliy obli g a t e d to yay the�
<br /> { ,;� '� secured�g dpi�Sec�nty Iasuument:aad(c}egrees that Lender and suyi other Borrower may agree to extend.modify,fmbe�s Ar
<br /> su
<br /> , .r++: •�s iaake auy accammodadons with tegard to the terms of tUis Securiry Inshvment or the Note without that Bmrower's consent. _
<br /> 13.Loan Chaeg�.If the loan secwed by this Security lnstnunent is sutr�aa to a law which sas maximum loan charges.
<br /> _ �:4:;V_,�:, �. and that Iaw.is finaUy interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coil�aed or to 6e collected in oonnection wittr tLe � , _ -.
<br /> �, ,, loan exceed the Peranttec!linuts.then: (a)any sucfl toan charge shall be reduoed by the amot�.ueoessazY ta reduae the clz�sge ---------
<br /> �'' ��,�• � to the pe�itaad limit:and(b)any sums already cullected from Borrower which exceeded pe�:•tted limits wiq be refuu�d.to �'�`.=
<br />- ` � ''�:` . Bomuwer. Lender may chaose to make this refund by reducing ihe principal uwed under tHe Note or by malang a d"arect —�
<br /> , �•r,. . paymeat to Bomower. if a refund ceduces principai, the reducrian w�p be treated as a partial Prepayment wiWout aay ';.,�;�'�-
<br /> ;�;: . pregayment charge under We Note. �i '
<br /> , . ' . 14.Not�ces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall De givep by deliveriag it or by mailing �����
<br /> ? ... it tiy first cl�s znaii unless applicable law requires use of another method.The nodce shall be directed to the Pcoperty Adclress •-'�'
<br /> ' ' or any a�aadress Borrower desi �' s b natice to l.ender. An notice to Lender shall be iven b first class �to . '���,=
<br /> t: j` _ S� Y Y 8 Y • ,r.`�:.,.:---
<br /> :•, • � • Lender's�',,�ss stated herein or any��:r address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any nodce pmvided for in�bis ---
<br /> y ''.,..." ;•..,''�--
<br /> Securiry Instrument shaSl�e deemed ea ta�•e been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in[his paragraph. • �-.-
<br /> : �a;`i: � � 15. Govemiag I.aa�; Seve�y. This Securiry Insm�ment shall tre gos�esned by federal law a� the lawof the .. • ' �$.• .. ` . -
<br /> - :;••�:.:�,:, . � . : "•-�,•:
<br /> ; >•,��.tia��_ � � . . . j�risdiction in which the II�mperty�s d�cated. In the event that an rov�s�on or ctause of this Security Inswment or the Note ` . • � �:�`°�:.
<br /> ,,,.:- .. _ j yp . . ��' � : -.-:��•-�
<br /> ` ;,,�:' ao n f licts wit h app i t e a b le I aw.s u c i�co�:ct shall not affect other prov�sions of this Securi t y Instrument or the Note wtuch can be . , _,... �._.�
<br /> ' � �� � � `'����;: iven effect without the oonflicting Fsrtrz�sion.To this end the pmvisions of this Security Instrument aad the Note are dect�red ..' �..�,{x�-. ., :�:'
<br /> �.,,.. . .
<br /> '�` ,;' o be severable. - `���-
<br /> ., ` 16.Borrower's Co�y.Borrower shaU be given one confortned copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrnmen� • • -�' .:.'.
<br /> � � '. 17.TransPer of t➢rz�roperty or a Beaefidal tnterest in Borra�rer.If all or any part of the Property or any imrrest in it � •. �� �� `�, �'
<br /> � ' is sold or transferred(or i�a beneficiai interest in Borrower is satd or transferred and Borrower is nat a natwrac persan)without . , . �
<br /> �� Ler�er's pr�or written consent, Lender may. at its option. reyuire immediate payment in full of all sur�s sec�ed by ehis , ��;;;..;�.'
<br /> ' ` ".`� ..r:';��' Searaiey ELStrument.However.this ogtron shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fe�eral!aw as o€th��ate • �
<br /> '� � ' _ `• of this Secitrity Instrument. � ' .
<br /> � = � If L.ender exercises a�.�s option,Lender shall�ive Borrower notice of ncceleration.'the notice shall prove�a period of not '. , . �
<br /> " ?��;' , � '� tess than 30 days frorrr tt�date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ali sucxs securetl by this • .
<br /> ;;�;` .�` Security Instruiaent.If�arrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expirat9on af this period.l.ender may imnke any�todies , . -
<br /> ,.4,� . , l : pemuttod by this Security Inst�w-neat�•i�.hout further notice or demand on Borrower. ••
<br /> 1 ` :;.� _ , 18. Bosmwer's Rlght to 1K�bu�aie. If Borrower meeu certain conditions. Borrower sMall have the right r.o Erave ,�:"'�:�.�
<br /> ��;�- �`i::��`;?,'. enforcement of this Secudty Instrcrarerct discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) S ci�ys(or such other g�in�fi as .
<br /> s s `?�� applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property punuant to any gcuer of s�le contained �n this •
<br /> ���, � � Security lnstrument:or(Ts)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrumerit�Those canditions are that Borrawer: (a)pays . .
<br /> ' #i. � • ..,' • Lender all sums wtrich then would be due under this Security Instniment and the Nate as if no acceletation fa�d occurre�: (b) .
<br /> i '•��'' cures any defautt of any other covenants or agreemenu: (c)pays all expenses incuned in ertforcing this Sec�urity In�twnent. � . •
<br /> n. ,,.,�
<br /> . - ' � including.but rtot limited to.reasonable attorneys•'fees:and(d)takes sach action as Lender�sra�reasonably reqmre ta as:�ure
<br /> c!� �.� .,�. that the lien of this Security instrument,l.ender's nghts in the Fropetty und Borrower s obliga�on to pay the sums secured by •
<br /> j. � •�• this Security lnstn�ment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secudty lnstrument and the
<br /> = �� , � _ obli�arionv setus+ed hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration ha�accurred. However.this right to reinstate shall
<br /> '`� �� � • � . rtot apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> ' 19. Sa1e oY Note: Change at I.oan Servtcer. The Note or a partial intcrest in the Note Itagether with this Security
<br /> �•,,� � � ' instnunent)mt►y be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale muy result in:�change in the entiry(known
<br /> as the"Luan Servlcer')thnt collecu monthly payments due under thc Note und this Security Instrument. The�r also may be orte .
<br /> � � • or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to o sale of the Note.if there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Barro�ver will be
<br /> • � ' � � given written notice of the change in accordance with para�raph 14 above and applirable law.The notice will state the name:ind
<br /> ..�., . •
<br /> � . add:ess of the new Loan Servicer end the address to which payments should be made. 'fhe notice wilt also rantain any other
<br /> ' infom�ation nequired by applicabte law.
<br /> t `+ 20. Hnmrdous Su�stance9. Borrower sh�ill not c�ause or Qermit thc prcsence. use.disposal. storage. or relw..ve uf any
<br /> Hauudaus 5u6stsutres un ur in the Fmperty. Borruaer shall nut do. nur alloa• :u�yune else tu du, anything ufferting the
<br /> ' Property that is in violation uf any Environment:il l.aw. The preceiiing twu sentences shall nat apply tu the pnyen��e.use.or
<br />_- ,-
<br />