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<br /> _ __ __ ��°T�lt8A8S4G�t��FlEN?�3ttDEl�tstn�tcisaQttfe�t�tedthts��;dayQt � tf� ����
<br /> _ `� .,�taaor�r�tedtnt�d�dsAltitesddeneadt�iameadan�euFPlementttieRitortQt�ogt?�e�.oaTrust,Au4fn:fierr�Ceat�titQaslM► „ �,
<br /> —_ - :��. •�8n�arintyt��um�tii�:ot tda�oatn�d�te qtde�by tha ueuleret�n�Q.�i�arelnatt��,ratsrra�t�aa ih8��BQtrrawa��io�r� . „
<br /> -=- . - .Q.olt�'�sr�sr�lc�l�=' '��'.�^!�°_f���!!!.�lN�2.a�1 tl9i,�.�c��!'1at��,:� _ - - — —
<br /> -- - , `� „ OMN�tSl�lN�,heroinattarfeterradt�aafiss°lartde�'.oltAea4madateandcoverin�,lhepropartydaac[10adt»t� Saaur�ry ,
<br />= — —--- . taatrumeat��,[oa�4a�a�,� . � _ , � . . . � .
<br /> - — ,. ` ` < 213 �TH QARR, GAANU ISL►111iD NEBRASKA 68$��I3� . ' . -
<br /> ; - ..,._.�._ . -- ,
<br /> -�� . WlTt�fESSEM: ` t�PertyAddc�as) _ ` . .
<br /> l .
<br /> � . , • - T ,. ' . - � . .
<br /> _ ' • �
<br />-�' _ �� -_ _--,--wk1EFE�IS.Bartgwar_an4 LenQer nave aD�eed tn�t anx.re±�ts ana protits atedk4tabte to tf��ro�e�ty slteiltd ironaLftata - �- _ -
<br /> = additia�tr8t seCUrity�tq the Lender for tAe Sayment pf the NAi0. -• -
<br />- _ NQYIF.THEREFORQitts�qreedtDat4ileSscuritytnstrumentehattbeamendedherebyanddeernedtolnctudethePottowMp .
<br /> °, i •; Pto�►tstona; . . . � ,. �
<br /> <
<br /> - !. �(Qnment of Rsnts a��rderRentaf Colleat�Rt9hts.Borrower hereby absotutety snd uncondillonatt�aast8ns ay1
<br /> - reaYr�,,is�ues and,prottts of•tt�A pro�serty to 6e�tef�ctary.Lender shati have the NOht� pGMrer end authority�dudtt�the
<br /> c��ot the Saqerity.ittstrumeM to coltect thg reMe,iss�es and protits o�ttie property and ot any personal R�P�Y
<br /> �=a� �y �{�4ed thereon.with or7utt��ut taWng pas3sesston�of the property aitected hec+�by.Lender;hc�irevar;Rara�y consen�e ta,
<br />� '� r'� BaitowePs coltectton and�tentlor+of eucb renta„issues and protite es tt�ay accn�e and Oecome payabi�so Icng as Borrcwer
<br /> , „r`K,�.: ;: � tt3 rtot.at suct►llme,ln detauit with�espect to payment o!any indebtedness secured Rereby,or in the performance of any
<br /> - - � �;;< egreementhereunder.
<br /> �""�=�-
<br /> ��"�' 2 AonaE�4ment of Receiver.If any eveiit of detaulf in respect to the S9cudty tnstru�sen�ishall have oacurred etrt�Oci
<br /> � • r• continutng,;�t?�er,as a matter ot right and withaut nottce to Borrower cr enyone ctaimtng�inder Borrower.artd wi4�ioLt -
<br /> ��"``�±.`. ' �-`'`_;=,� r�at6 tatP��taiu9 ot tAe irus!eatate or the tnteresg'���he Bo�awec thereln,eRat!Ravs t!�d M�o a — —
<br /> , -�. S Pi�Y tts asty coyrt lta�teg --
<br /> .��.`ti� :��"�_�,:,-� �`;. fuc�§@tctidtrt�oppoi�tarecetveroftheproperty. .:'� ;. . . . . � ,
<br /> ;-:,�-z. ._• :.�_ . .. . . . . .
<br /> - ' �'� �:�'>� 9. 8iar °'PQSSesston.in case ot detautt in the payment of ths said princTpBt Noie or a�+':P�ss�ot Sny p8rt thereof.as tt
<br /> ���� �,� . F�
<br /> _ ,�`� `=�'r-. . �';,.4. shail maturt�,�the case of iallure to kee�or peitorm any of the covenants or agreeme�"t�o�^n2ainBd in th9 Secu�ity tnstrt� .
<br /> � '.� .��•,,..�;�`;�= ment,tAen t�i,ender.Ita succ9ssor3 w.asstgns.shail be and ia hereby autQe�ized atu��et�fpowered to takA Immadiate .
<br /> - � y=� - - possesslon of tfie satd premtses therein dsscrtbed end Ro coitect tne rents thBreS�.^ati�;and to appty the proceeds thereot to the -
<br /> � ��. ..,, � _ -
<br /> ',` r- ,..��:�:, P8yI1l�11t Of the fV0!@. ' _---
<br /> _ 4. Aoolicatton of Rents.lsaues artd Fr�atits.�Att�a�ts coliected by Lender or-the receiver s�aatt be app�fed fi►at to payment -- __ _
<br /> '�'���' ot tha coste ot managetnent of the pro��.r0 co:��etion ot rents.tncluding,but not Ilmit�iu,�eceivePs fess.premiums.on � ��
<br /> � . ' °'��i. recetve�s bonds artd reasonabte attoreic��leesx a�i�hen to the suma secured by tAe Se�s+ci'�i{�strument Lender a�� • -
<br /> ,.: :; ;,�:; :.�e�p�;' . ' —
<br /> '.t:-';�y:�,.�__ �;,..- . ; :�aiver shstl he liabta 4o account onty for'tRosa i?B..:ts�ctuatty received. . '�..�� . : --
<br /> t. 3 ' ` . ���,:,:: � �=aK,�s
<br /> . �6. Constructton of Provistona EacA of tfie pro�ia�^c5 a;ontained tn this Ass�g;��e�3 oi Rs�+ts#itder ar:4 8�8ecu�(ty Ir►sf�p �� '�.�
<br /> ' _ mr�t ehall.untesa oMerwi8e specificalty required,'i���eatrued.:ir�accorda.�!ee+vitte N�7c�law.artt3�in the evgnt�r�y;: • �'� � _ ,.. .. ��
<br /> � � . provlsbn herein or therein contained shail 0a determined by a coct��compete�it�ar]sQi�t��Sa be unentcrceabla.the�; � �•�;��'''"�;:' � ' '
<br /> = -� � � � shall be conofited as though auch unentarceabte provis[on were not e paR hereot or ttt�l�: "�. •�' t� �=
<br /> : ,+� .' .,� ,
<br /> ' �;' - °-�� B �Heat ot Rider.Except ae epecifically modifled by or inconsistent with this Assignmeroi of Rents Ride�or by any oMer - ' ``��'-
<br /> , _ � :`'"s.� appltcabte rtder.all of the terms artd p�ovisions contained in the Security Instrument sAall conttnae In iWl torce and effect. ��` �; `1�• ���_�
<br /> t. �"� . �`_
<br /> ' �` ' � � IP1 WRHESS WHEREOF,Bonower has executed this Ass nment ot nts RI er n tAa dat�first noted above. � �
<br /> ; .� : • �. . , `.t.?: -,j._
<br /> . �. ..
<br /> ..�:� �' . 1�1 CHAEL GFILUAI�' eor r - �.
<br /> . : . ,`,�. . . • a- .
<br /> A'� • � •�/ �{��� _- ..N:
<br /> }.•` .;� Y� 1. 6 LV eorrower � ta�� � � �
<br /> • ,�•,.'�,:. . t,
<br /> �?�`�' � STATE OF NEBRASKA) ,1 • , •,�•, - ;�.
<br />_ , :f�n<�� � • �•,�:. . ". .
<br /> (sg: iS�<�,
<br /> c'•;: 1C: . ' yrr,w:. . ..
<br /> ..`� .,iw�'� COUNTY CF MALL w��:t�• _ '..r.';: . . �
<br /> :.R{,,�, . :
<br /> � ��` �� �` � � On thle �STM day of OCT08Eft �g 93 ,�fore me,�Cre undersigned a Not P�;.biic dulY commlasiened as�d �����'" '�`'
<br /> � Y: .. -� � .:.:..,:.ti�.�`\� � �R . . `:�R-'t�ftf �' .
<br /> . •;�,�,��- Qualitted for eatd county.personalty c,arrta mICHAEL GALVAN ANn mARILYN �. GALL,-��5, HUSBAN� AND WIFE
<br /> , .,y.F�.. ,.,
<br /> �r , �,f'�: ;���.
<br /> : .to be tne Identicai person(s}who3e name(s)Ialare subscflbed . ' '' `.'
<br /> i�,. ' . -� 4o the foregoing Instrument,and helshelthey acknovr►r:dge the execution thereof to be hiamerlthei�votuntary act and deed. � "
<br /> X.� , ',' .
<br />� 1�r . ; ` .:ti;'ti;� Witnesa my hand and NotaNal Seai at GRAND ISL�.!UD, NEBRASKA : � � .
<br /> ,:.,.
<br /> i� :�y�;,��;r�,. t�� .
<br /> ��.'•. ;:;,�,i-: In said co y, e daro afore tl - � � �
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