:•\ �w .V.Z ., **^,PrK`�5F4�''� t . �,� ��c j � ' • � _ � , ` . lSt F r
<br /> �� " � '�. .-�'T 'E`� � ., l °`_ c . .- - _�- - .... ��� -
<br /> .� - � • �,r_`,�a ?i'� e `.. _
<br /> �,�.. - --.- ::� - - - — —�-��-F-�=- - - — � --- -_,� — — - -
<br /> �--�` �,'-.�± - � . -- - • t, � . ' �• �`o ��v�
<br /> �. _�;° _�'-�� � � : . - -— . < -
<br /> ---� � i6�Borr+onr+�a+, ,�y.�e_cs�i�giv�t�nei�nfatmadc�,ppaisiieI�tc�teanf}bPt�i�Saciui'ty�iaiert.. �
<br />- ����= ,� - 1T.Tr�ss�al�e Frape� a:"a�Heael�cl�lats�e�.t in Hora�oRes:if a11 or any ps�t 6!the Fnopa:ti�cr any• " -
<br />= �t^�c3n{t i�sot�or#a��r�i�or ii a�aao4icia3 i�r�in Barrower is�td c�r�d nn�BatraNe��aot,s �
<br />-- gewrat�Q?'�r3ttiaupLeadar'e or airdt�en�iseat,Le�dar s�}r,at pts oa,raq�dre�mmedinto�ym�t in N1I of.;
<br /> aii,a�rma s�u�>b�;t�t�s So�rlty i�scc�mc�.�tOwdQer� Nia opstou�Aa1�dt be ea�c��d by Le�der��oYascise ie - — -
<br />_ - p�i�tt�by�.f���d��f t�isSecuretylaswnian� ' `- -- - - - - -
<br /> I!Leadei e�this optton.Leader�he1!give�mOwer aotiae af aooeteretioa TRe swt�ce sAil!ptovida a period �
<br /> o�notlesath�u�Q d�y,�Rrum t6e dsta tns noti�is dali�rae+adi armaited witt�w�ich Horrower m�po�a1f smms eccured -
<br /> : ' ;� :Dy thisS�ciuetir��an�If Bo.ROwar t�[s�P4Y thssa sum� s prtor ta thomcp,rauo�aoi this�rto�4ender rr�ay tnvoYe
<br />_- - M ..--;�" sqyrotnedtca�€xeni bythie�CUrltyInsuurnentaithautfurtaerautioeordemaaidonBu,imwer.
<br /> ' !8.8art��'�a�$#�ht to Rniaatate.U Borroarer nneeb cart�in oondtHo�.Borroaies eneit t�ave tl�e t��t to asvo
<br /> :�'� ��eniuroementai thi�S.�tdty�ena disoon ued ate�►time�rics�o YAe mrlier oi:(e?S d�s tor sucA othet�erio� _
<br /> � � s'� ,'`° as a 1isaAbs►ie►�r:mN�,�ty!oe reSas�tmnent�6ciore sala oi the putsuant w enypo�rex of s�ele coataunQd in -
<br /> c� sa ___
<br /> - _„� - � .,; - -=-t03s�ty��s►�ae{�}�g�#-� �ea;r�forcing ty�In�ment-Tli�coad'att�a nra-tt�--_ _--- _ ---
<br /> '�. : Barrower.ta} L�ar afi suma wbich��nn would ba due ui►der this Security Instrument aad�he Note as i!ao
<br /> M"
<br /> �.
<br /> �` -. acceterasion h�+rarut�t:(b�cui�se�y defavlt pf apY e�11er cavenants or agreemen�(o}Pays all ea�e�incurnd in --
<br /> ��.., ;_� �. _ ,. ---
<br /> � '�` " F'��T �: ; eaforcing this Scecuriiys Insitument�iuclerding,but nps limited to,e+easonable attarne�s°fe�ead(d�takas such sctton as ---
<br /> �`�.� � � .. S -
<br /> - '��;=:�' Lender mqy.rea,.acm�h�►require to sssure tAat the lian of tAis Securitq Instrumen�Lender's r�tts in tlio Praperty ar.d = �-
<br /> ` . �.��` . °;� �. Bon+oaer'sob�ig�tiar�sop�the�securedby tteiaSecurityl�strumentsh�lloontiaaeua�hs�ed.Upoaieinstatament.
<br /> �`> - �: �`� " � Dy Bomo�ver�thI� Iasn�umeataad tiie obligat'sonss�eivrad hereb�slmll ramain fiillq effectiveas ii aoe�aderation =
<br /> � ?�.: . -`' � had ac�treed.I�u�rq�tight m reir�tas�all n4tapp1y in tbe case of aooeleration onder pa�ragRaQh 17. =-
<br /> �:- . '. �. 19.SaLn at 113art�Caau�a of Loaa Sen►toer.T6e Note or apastial interest ia the Note(to�ether a-itb thiaSecusity =__
<br /> ��':�. �- - - Inswmeat)m����.mhtd one or�noratimes rvit�,outprior noticeto B m�mwee:A s a le map r�tt sn a c h a a g e ia d i aea ti t y =�_�
<br />_ � � (itnown as ttta`L�han Stesvicer')tbat coltects montblY P83►iinents dae under the Note end this Secusit�►IaswmeatTAera ���i-.—
<br /> - �' � also maq b�on�or Q1ore changes of t�e l.oan Sera+icer umelato�ta a sale o4 the Note.If�is a chaAge oi the I:oaa . �___._.
<br /> _ �Y . . - ,..,..�---
<br /> <, -- Setvicer.Borrotis�s�v,iil be�ven mit�en uotioe oi tAe c ga i�n�acco�+d�anoe witb paiagrsph� 14 above and app}�b2e law. s�:;s::�;�_
<br /> Tde notice an'11 ssttc�tite name aad eddress oi the aew Laan�Servicer and tae address to which payments should be mad�. ��:�:_y�
<br /> �. : --
<br /> . The notics ari11 a�o aontein any ather informatioa requirEd by app2icabte law. ``"""".=
<br /> • . '.. ?A.Nazarduu�.Subst�ace�.Bor�wer shall not causa orp�m it tha presenoe,use,dispasel.smrage�or releasa of ��.�; .F_
<br /> •.b---.:...-.��. azty Hazatdvus Su�mnces on or in the P�+eperty.BoeroHer shalt not do,nor allow eayone els�to do.aaY�nS���. �-�:���-�:�' __
<br /> 4:... the praperty that is iri viotation oi eny Envuonmen�l Law.The precediag two sentenoes s�aU aot appIy to the Frr�enca, �.�;,�'
<br /> u� or storaga on the Property oi small quaatities of Ha7ardaus Substaaces that sre generally ;ec��ized to be ,�:''��'�"�_
<br />._� . "� . .,.
<br />_ - appro�nate m nmmnt t�esidential us�s aAd to maintenance of the Froperty.. _.. _
<br /> � ' ' Bosro�rer chall pmmptly giveLender written nntice ufaay investigatcon.claim,demand,lawsuitor otheraction bg .�,: _`��
<br /> . . . at�y govemmenmi or negWatory agency or private party involviag ttie Pc+aperty attd an,y Hazar�dou�t Substsnoe oe ';: •�.. ,�.
<br /> . � � '. Environmento!Las�.�oi cvtuch Borrower Las actual icmowted�e.Ii Bomower 1�or is nosi�ed aY any governmental or �t��;,.'.:. —
<br /> a t o ry a u t t r u s i t�r:t 6 a t a a y r e m o v a� o r o t h e r re m e d i a n o a o f a n y H a z a r d o u q S u b s m a c e aft e c ti n g the Pro p e r t q is ��-�._�-�,;
<br /> _ � n��r y H a r r a n�r s h a l l p r o m t 1 X t a k e a 1 1 n e o e�a r y r e m e d i a l a c t i o a s i n a a o o r d a n c e with Eavimnmental Law. •"`4"�-:. ��'~
<br /> ,. , p � �:�,.:n_;. ��-
<br /> �yr`'--; -_- As�rsed ia ttris patag�aph 2Q, Hazardous Subs�ices are tAose su�defined as tuaic ar ha7ardous substanc�s ��'T'.-:_�-�___
<br /> g SP
<br /> r � � by Enviionme�ntal Law and stie follo�ving substanc�gamline.keraseae.otiter flammable or toaic petmletmn produc� �:�;:�_,
<br /> '�'�::
<br /> ,,_` ` • tosic pesdcides axttt.herbicides. volatite solvents. materials ooaraimng asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive� �:� _: ;� _ _ -
<br /> matenals.As usad in this patagraph Zi1,"Enviroamental Law'm e a a s federal taws aad laws oi the jurisdiction where the • ' '
<br /> a �,, .-
<br /> ; F,;:'� . � , ' FmPen3►is located EBat relatem health.safety or envis�nmental protection. � - .. .
<br /> '� ' NON LJNIFO�LM COVENANTS.HorraHer and Lender further aovenant and sgree as folloHS. =�;,. _.. ;.:�' �
<br /> : � • ° � . 21. Aovelesztttioa; Remedies. l.eader shall give noticc to Borrower prior to aoceleration following �t�>:. ,a:ti �'��.: `.'._
<br /> e �._.:...:._,.
<br /> � �: � . Bor�ow�r's bmac�.of any covenant or agreemeat w this Security lastrument(but aoi pstor to acceteration �;,� ,"�;:�,_�:-
<br /> : uader paragraph IT unless ap licabte law provides otIIecw�se�.The notice sbal!sptcity:(a)tIIe defavl��b)ttte +'�� - :'`�`�:=�_
<br /> t�." :: ;�;�:;�..r r •
<br /> : ;,-. .�� action requited ta cute the Sefanit; (c)a date. not tess than 30 days from tho date tIIe notice is given to �; .�.i,,;.,ti`�y���'�
<br /> ; � Bonower. by w6irL the detault must be cured;and(d�that failure to cure the deiault oa or before tAe date s',:�;;.t;-;:,��;_���;Y9
<br /> u � , spec�tied i�tda�totice may result in acceleratioa of tDe sums secured by tnis Securit�Instrament and site of ��:'�,_:,.:;;:.���4�r,ti;,�-_
<br /> • the Ptaperiy.T�ho notice shaU furtIIer inform Horroceer of the rlght to rcinstate aftes acoeteratioa sad t�e ; ��'>•�•<<�;��,+�"
<br /> •` '= ri A�ta brin a court action to assert the non-e�isteace ot a deiault or aay other defenso of Borrower to � ''���� `-
<br /> � � �:;,�t:�•,
<br /> ' ; aca:ieratioa and sale.If the default is not cured op or 6efore tQe date sp�3fi�d in tde notice.Lender.at its ��,���.;
<br /> . option. msy rr:r��ire immediate pa ment in fu!!oi aU sums secured by tLis Security Insiruinent withont `�Z',.
<br /> �� � iurtDer demacad and may invoke t�e po�ver of sale and any otner remedies Qermitted b�applicable Isw. _. �"��:
<br /> � Leader sLsll ba entitled to collect all eYpeas$s incutred in pursuing the remedies provided m tDls patagrapD '�'�
<br /> �; • Zt,includtng.but not limited to.reasanableattorneys'fees and costs of titteevidence. �k � ;i;.
<br /> ; � If the pa�vor of sale is invoked.Tr�stee shall record a notice o!default in eacb couaty in w6ie�any part oi
<br /> � � � the Ptopesty is lacated and sdaU r��i!copies of sucA notice in the manaer�rescribed by applicabie law to � ;':; ,
<br /> �`� 1' � � �•��� ` Bonower and ta the othet perso�s�xrescribed by appltcable law.Attes the t�me requited by epplicabte law. . � �;,
<br /> ��"�'��� ���'• Trustee shell giva public notice of sate to tde persons end in the neanner prescriDed by applicatile law.Trustee. �
<br /> : � ��� '�`�� �ithout dem�nd oa Horrosve�.shall sel!the Property at publie suction t�ahe 6igpest bidder st the time and •
<br /> - ' �� ' �;:T'��'�' +'` ptace and under the terms desiguated ia the notice o!sate in oae or m�re parcels aad ia aay order Trustee ;._, .. ' .
<br /> ' ' '`�'' ' de4ermiaes.Tvustee may�ostparte sa le o f a l l or aay parce l o f t IIe Property by pu b lic annouacemea t a t t ne :
<br /> �.`� ��• � . •�� time and pltco oi eny pseviously scizeduled sale. Lender or its designee may putc�ase the Ptoperty at aay ,
<br /> �`� : . sele.
<br /> ;:,
<br /> �.;� . �.;� .
<br /> ' `"�;'. Fcrm 9025 9/90
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