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<br /> - ,'�(�(�$JI'['�R'�I�H aU`l�t�. QitiMit8.IIoN E7f �tet Cf�QOSCd�OR.Ltle �p`.'�uEd 11�;`Ei9AlR�. �,�F:`�
<br />- - _ � apgiartenuic�s,aru��iriiirmno�i ar h��a p�rt oishe p�a�r.l��gl�m�+a���dtlit��at�ilt�be•oo.�d:' � ,
<br />-- --- • , . >bY tf�s� ty�tlst�ment��iI!o!thssfos�i�,g is e�fear+ad to in t2uaSe��ui�Y���t�s�hs- Prs��.R � •_�. � . � _
<br /> - - --= : ` � ��$dRR�,. tl�T�N'I'S t'Aat�omo�ren��S IawitiU,y alsed oi heraby co�►�cye�a�d hag tt�a r��i��r� . .
<br /> �."�.C�- �°��. � -
<br /> - - -- - ------�- -- -- -- - -- - ---
<br /> _ _.._, _. ...-- -- ----� - - �- -�-- , - °
<br />_ —___�:. - .,. �an�oaav���yeu'��t��'t9-i�u�►��pt'aar��raacm�orraoot�. :.
<br />— — � �varr�nt��willdefa;n��eri�al�,1►ti�etittototl;,,aP�opertysy�inssvtcLimst�damia#�,subj�ct�aeay�ei�cun}b�ixwa`=` .
<br /> � � , . � . . .
<br /> -��fYI�S S�CURTf1(1L1�S�'itUI�N'�aombine��uzdfQras oav�aaa�a iar esttonil usei aad tmtt`tniitorm auveaants�th . . � .
<br /> -- -- - Gm�tnc�vulsttostis.6y�d'ict�`aa to oos�tutaa us�itorm sec�titY i�qortent ouve�ing r�i progeriy. ., . ,. —
<br /> _ ' � `• UATlP02tM ETAYBNANTS.Sorra�res sad Lea�cav�ataad s�+aeas folto+x� _ ` . • `.
<br /> . � � f.-Papmasat a�Fiiaci�1 and G►terea�Ptep�Yment aad Late C�rSea.8omowerstislt�nomPti�►P+Y whna dve ._ ; - ,
<br /> °', . -. thoQtiRCIgaf olaudintenx�taathed�btevidanced bytmtet�To�satid aaY P�Y��tand la�oo due tmdat theNo�s
<br /> . : u xa
<br /> _..
<br /> - _ - _ _ _
<br />- . ---,— --t-Y�ds�'i'a�es�d Ynsw�zce�:Subjectto app2ica�IQiagr-or� ' ' -0�- =--
<br /> . - a r ,- �r
<br />-'-� p�y�i I.eaderoa theday moathlYPaYmeatsared�uuder the No�►uutilti�e I�Ta.teis patdinfiill.a svm�t'Fimds'D�t�
<br /> �.� {a3 Y�Y mses sa4 ass�ssments whirh may attain priority over thts Secueity lasteument as a lien on the Fcopert�;�(b�.-
<br />=� i�noi�v��uffi���a�,������,,if enyr.(c}yearly hazard ar.�smp�ty insuraaoa pr�mius�
<br /> _'�� cd)yearty ftooQ��nam prenuums.i#eny;(e)YeaztY mortgaga insuraaoe pnmiums:it any:aad(f)sAY�tms P►Yabte �
<br /> = bY Hosmnres to Leader,in aowrdance witD ttie provisioaa ot patag�h 8:in fieu ot thep�qment a!mortgage�
<br />"ti� premiuma TRe�a iteaas are caited'Ssanw I�ea�°Lender may,at aay tim�ooltect sad lwld F�mds Ia aa amou�ndt
<br /> t�e�ed the maginnu� amouat a leader for a federelly celated mortgage Ioan msy requira tar Bonpwar's ncra�►
<br /> e�couut u�er the Qaleral Real�stats Setden��at Pe+cmedure,s.Act of.1374 as amended.icnm.time w tim�1Z UrS.0.. .
<br /> . Secdoa?d0I et aeq.('RBSPA').unIes anoth,er:�fi�at eppli�w to tha Fand�s+e�s a tes�cr amouat U so.Leadar mep,
<br /> at aqy tima.caltect and h�qld F�mds in ea am�aut�,o exceed the lesser aaeount i�eader may estimsta sko amous►t oi
<br /> �:.��; Fuad�dua mt the basis oi c�nrentdata uad reasoi�te:�stimut�atespendi�res oftut�a+e F�craw Items or ot�er�i�r.a.
<br />- aoonrdaaoewitbappkcablelew. � .;` _: - ...��:.
<br /> ' '� ., .1 �� TQe Fuads shall be hetd in aa insiitution cvhosQ deposts ace i�sured by a fedeeal egency��nstriunentatity.or entify ��,,,_.._
<br /> F 1.1..:�. . .. . __
<br /> �-,.;,,.-�,:::-._;r�.:.� �� (including I.ender,if Lender ia susn aa arstitution)or ia any Pederal giome Luaa Baa�.Lendcr s!►all apply tha Funds to �..�:-
<br /> — -�t:+ �::••s=��`� the�e�.�eoiv Itema Lender maq not c Ho��ver�a�haldi aad a t ' dte- a�suaity eua��ts�,the— - _'-'.�°._��° -- -
<br /> t��k:�' '' ••' � '-__"
<br /> ��.t'.�:
<br /> - < .,.:.�, , r: �cow acaouat,or verifying tAe Fs�ca�v.Itea�.s,uWms I.ender papa Bomo���t au t�e Fumds and applicable la�v __-
<br /> - :,,, _�i�....- -- —
<br /> �.• �.��--��-
<br />_ `:�z�, y. P e�m its Lender to make suc� a char�e. Howaver,Leader may requira Bomower ta pag.�oue-time charge for esr -_-- -,-_
<br /> ��::•:�-• :::`;' • indepeudent real eststs tas reporting�rvice�e3 by Lender in connection witD tlua loan.�mleas appliwtste law provides � =�_.�'_�-- -
<br /> - '= � ' � .o�hciwisa Untes9 aa agreemeat ie made or applicabte la�requires interest to be paid,Lender sl�all tiot be requircd to �.��:��_
<br /> - ,;.�,�',.. ,. � ..� . m�::.��
<br />_ V',���..,. .��. P�,Y Bonower aay iaterest or earning,s oa tl►e Funda 8orrower arid Lender neap agcee in writing.howevea.tUs�iutetest "�_—v
<br /> shall be paid on the Funds.I.ender sball give to 8orroner.without charge.an anaual aaooun of the�undsi,sDn ��`=�.;-� -
<br /> , `. � .,•. . h�. � � �;��..Y�=.�-
<br /> ��. :'_�~_�:.:� �� �� credits end debits to tha Fimdq sad tke purposa for atuc4►eaca det�it to tAe Funds was�ada The Funds ere pled��' • �,,�-,�'�
<br /> - �:�.-_T.�- ..-:� .. sdditionat�nitqfora11sumasecuredbythisSecirrit3►lastru�ea�. � . t`�'",�•�----_ -
<br /> , r ... .� ,,. >.;.r.
<br /> ,- <f a.` �`"s----
<br /> If tAe Fuuds heId bp'Lender esceed tAe amounts permitted to be held by applicabta taw,Leader ehall s000wit t+o' z��'�;�__------
<br /> ;��L .' Botmwer for tse esc�.s I�tAa�ds in eocordanoe with tl�e requu+ements of applicabla law.tt tlte amount of the Fuuds retd �?�v�,,,�,...,,,, _�
<br /> � ;. ', ,: by Lender at aay time is���nt to pay the Fscma Items when due,Lender may sa notifp Bormaer itt writing, ,���� ��"�';;
<br /> _ '' �;� ; and,in sucb case Borro�vei stialI p�sy t+aLender the amonnt necessary to make up tha de�acncy.Bornower sluull maToo ��,�,;? k�
<br /> � ; ';� up tha deficiency ia ao aiore t�3wiefve montNY PeYments.at Lender's sole discretion.. '�,; '�<:� � �.
<br /> � •��' :����','. U n ment in full of aii sums sacured b this Security lnstevment,Lender shall �
<br /> ,.S...,.. . Po PaY Y P��F�Y refund to Borivwer •,.
<br /> - �,�:�t�;�;��., � ar�y Funds deld by Lender. It, under pasagraph 21. Lender shali acquire or seU the Property,l-eade�, Prior to the - -
<br /> . �._;,, . ,. �,
<br /> _ :.r:...
<br /> ,.:�:,?:4�._. ,, < acquisition or sale of tha Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition c.rc�e as a ctedit .� „
<br /> . against tAa sums secured by thie Security Instrument, 1 '��'i
<br /> ;�.� �'. .,�:: ::. �-. ';.• ,, . _.
<br /> 3.Appl�c,ution ot Paymeat� Unless applicable la�v pmvidas otherwise.all payments t�eceived by Lender� �
<br /> . i .. . . . . . ... . . ..+:'r. ':
<br /> ' , patagrapds 1 aad 2 shall be applied:first„w any prepayment chaiges due under tha Note;second.W amounts pagat� ` •:-s. .. _
<br /> . ga . - .
<br />-- ' `;. .. uuder paragraph�third,to interest due;4ourth,to principal due;and last,to any late cAarges dua under the Note. - . � . .
<br /> �,�,��.��.� ` . 4. Charges;Lieas. Borrawer shall pay all taxes.asse�ments. charges,fines aad impasitions attributabletothe t���,- ' . . '
<br /> ���,k,�,� : , P s a p e r t y w h i c h m a q a t� p r i o ri t y a v e r t h i s S e c u ri t y l n s t r u m e n� a n d i e a s e h o l d p a y m e n t a o r g c o u n d r e n t s,i f a n y. ������ � � u �;�.
<br /> 'Y-: . 8ortower�adl gay th�abligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner. �`�!`��` . . t '`:
<br /> Hnnower 2,. . .:.,�-�;v .
<br />- � shall pay tt�on time directly tn ttte person owed payment.Borrower sAall pmmptly furnish to Lendet all notia�s o! ' �s�•"��a;
<br /> �`s - .. . . amounta to�e paid undes this paragra;sh.If BorroNer makes th�sv payments d�rectly.Bomowes shali promptly f�r�cish � •.' . . �. s�, �'� .
<br /> .,. •_��;�
<br /> � � � . � to Lendet receipts evidencing tha payments. ` . . .` �
<br /> , : `. . , ' ,' . Horrower shall ptomptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unt��otrower:(a) ' „� .
<br /> • �� , agroes in writing to the paymert�of�he obligation secured by tAe lien in a manner acceptable to Lende�r,E���n��n ,�• •:
<br /> �'��;' ." � gc�od faith tite lien by.ar defer�s against enforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings ahich in the Lender's api�ion ,� � '
<br /> - • �r�,;�:::�,•= � � operats to prevent tha enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures itom the holder of the lien an ag�eement eatisFactoppto . , . ,.
<br />- :.' �r° � Lender subordinatiag the lien tu this S�utity]nstrument.It Lender determines tAat eny part of tha Property is suBject ��
<br /> °'`� � to a li wtuch ma atra:i.n riorit over this Securi Instrument,Lender may give Borm�rer a notice identiiyin the �
<br /> ��`;: S:,'i�, :,. �. � ' Y P Y tY g . .
<br /> '� ::�,..<�; ,;. Fien.B�rrower shali sat��g�e lien'ot take one or more ot the actions set forth abava within 1Q days of tha giving ot �
<br /> ' ;''���.. ' � notice.. � ':�
<br />- .:�: :`, �`.:.,`j(^ . , `�. .;_' ;,:
<br /> �` .�`,D . `r,,1+ ,��� r - .
<br /> • �• -'�"`j:�, form S02a 9/90
<br /> ,�'�� '�, :°'f�'•;:;;:�s;: •' �6R�Ijproio5�o� vaa.:ar e IMtialt t .
<br /> < �,,�§.::,�•.. ,
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