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: : . - <br /> __� -T—._. -- .a.:' �_'__ C'._' ._�.�__. .__� .___��..�i ...ti�_ .. ._�._.� Y'—.."—__-. . <br /> -i"i��it . ` a;.` '�k•�`-a 1�.�.:et' _F-_ �.�c . - t . . ( � - ` . „ ` ` - � f �� ��f-, <br /> .�,r.���!!�� - . _-_� �. - R�, 'S�Y. . .. _ ^ ' -- '- � . .- .' . �� -_ <br /> _�sP � . t . -- - �- - . - - - l -- ` - - —�- • � _ <br /> -� � �;. ��. . . � ' :�-_ � ' . . ��� - ' _ a � ' : : • <br /> � �-.iir:: ..3 . �, . . - - :�. • . `I .. , . <br /> -°° tw.���_���� ��OW�������I������d . . <br /> �� ���1����.���Y�1�PI00���AY�iv�1�L�1�'�I��.N MM.��{�f10�f�e p100�� <br /> _' M•l�PMlt.�tor�aa'di�ion ar�o�NMM ar tQ-�ao��ws a n0��1M t�ndr a�►eb ad P�lI tot rA�lr M � ' <br /> = ��t�.1�'1M�i+�a1 q�Ptq�rh►�nd���i it�ls l�t�s RoP�l�l t�bR's�eliar�er�►�+dt P,��rrl►a�s� �� . <br /> � !y a:/wr MiolF:!wa P�a�1Ais e�a�l� ��t� poaL P�l�!0����s 14��M�d �M�bO a+:f6e <br /> r ltiopwA►to��rM������11��on u�rr W�P�P��.LaiQu Qio�e nr�t h�rt to cio so' ` < <br /> _ � /l�v awv�* �� b'p L��ds und�r�ia PraOwpR ? sh�i b�ooe��ad��orni�alrt d_�araw+r ��d b!f`1Nt �wtl/ . • <br /> � IMM�wml. li� l�an�aK! LriQr:ap� to albr 1hns.d p�thw �,ah1 6�r iA�wt #an tIN dM� d <br /> alpYifw�lR�I.�R KOie r��nd�i a p�y�EtR wtlt 4Mrwf.tqltn eo11o�tain L�ds b BonowiR nqu�g P� � _ <br /> - --�_� �.MQf.�E��..(1 L��dr e�i�d ma1p�Y�i�lriotaR�ao��fo��d n�trg�11M tos�s�ard b11 1� �rl► ° -- <br /> - .��"-- b�M,,,�w�, sar�w�r.h! vy�A•a�i+ws nqi�d w nr'win th.,*aifp.o.tnw.ria � �c I��won. a.�oa�s • _ ---- <br /> bw1�1r�mr�r�e r�id bf►«��:a a�rs to 6s h:iat BqnoM+r dW P�!►1M P�� ���O a01�tn aYw� � . -- <br /> r - ��+ll wl�m�•'^a��101�b Mra.�t s c�od aub4�Mr•4+�+�b 1ne coat t�eanaw�r oR tM_ ._ -' <br /> - �y�qR twij0oa praNaudr in �Ct. �an an�In� mwlp�tnnurr �ppcwrd bf► Lrnds. N a�frMi�j► �k�4�P • �--------- <br /> - i��.�!�il�fE..n�R sribM�8araw�r a1W P�l1�to l�ndrr.�A maAh a aum qu�I to oe�rtw� ti�t y�y a�o�q�Y�In��aia► ��. <br /> -- i����i f!+�6!►Bonowr wlw�tAt few�s�o�oor��P N�d ar d�nt!14[�te ict taid�r w�aowPR�w and rM�i►11we �.._�� - -_- <br /> - . i pry�Ms+a t;lo��wvs iri f�u d mo�ll�p�im�ur+�noa l.o�s nssr�Pyn�Ms��n11����H4�.at tAt apron d L�idr.� �_�-� <br /> iaarg�p�i��ww�oa aa���P fn 1hr seouR and�or AN pwbd tl�t L��da nqissl prakld bY ai trwurrr aptnowd b�►�wdr�r — -_ <br /> ..� - �.. ,. .� d�,+o�rs�Y�i1YE Ihd iR aOdUNd. Boi1oW�R sht py th�P�����to n�lY�in mor1�II�fuu�ot h��i.or b poYW!t ' _ _— � <br />- - - =� � _ bu�ww�YrM116s n4������P��+��Qs(n aeaordr�ca wiA an�/wrMln syr�rit bMwMn 8onowr►and E��or , <br /> _ � �`-"" <br /> �:: # �d . �'� �_, ` - ;�. . . � . .�.a <br /> q��'�► �i1QR Q �f �t-TIM� :l�kf fMWB�fe A��i 1Q01� ild"��Cf 1b! 1�O�ly Lwl�f'-� � '� �f � -- <br /> t---:c.. :� �'- , <br />� '�" %` � H�noww eiaiio�.it thr Y�ns d a pfa b�i►;�4'����r�tor tA�froP�cffon-, �_ <br /> ��..l.,,,;.�,_ � fQf.�• Th� D�'bcwds, pf:�u7/-wwrd ar d�m far d�mrQ�.6ne!.as ea�tslweli�R fn ao�an wMh �ny -� �- - -- <br /> �z°= � oondRllf�on ci.i[�ollw tiMUq d�11 i�9lf(�R�pi�tY•ar to►.eotMyw�in DI's'a!Condrlle�lTo�1R�t�n65►r�1q�d and=hi h� . <br /> ._ r Y:��".-._ . �`� - :i.._ i. •: i: ` f: . . ' �'. . ' - <br /> - � �:1�.��'Id/+• . . �.,,.., � . <br /> .~;,-�:-r ;:. .': .N:�s�rw�t M t fodl titdig d iAR:iltpAy.tlK pocwds ahr 6�app�d 10 tlf� wms s�vwl b1t fKs S�orrf/NN�'un�1i1�;WI��► �,.: .� �- <br /> ��dr•riio�th�dult tr�lt a1N�s p�td t�Bon�w►.:;.In 11N�nt ot s pwid faldr�d tM Ropwb�whid��hs t�ir n�kM�d ih� _ - <br /> __. , •:• p�pp�y i�pl�Edon t!N 1�15 Is�4r 1oE or�pMMI th�rt tIN anatnt d 1fN a�ms suv��l bJl Mi�3�wRlf���� . „' ." -_- - <br /> W�oF�fh�t�dfi�unNst Bartaw�r sid Lw��ap�qM����auns s�a��d by Ws.+ea�tly hatu�fl e1W b�nduc�d �, __— <br /> . . - ._...�..__ by�:�so�M:d 1ht Prt��1ct�.n�+llblt�4 b7f��KI*�4(�)the toh{�n�o�ud d th�s�ptle.:seaRed ineMd�hhl 4�as 1!M tiWrg. r, n�;;;:;_.. =�' <br /> - - dYtd�d f1M t�ir msic�t v�r ol tM Ptopwh�M►b�aa tAs eYdr�.MY b�t�w►_�r-ttiiA.Ed p�id to'Barow�r.t�fM�v�t d s .. :�:.t : <br /> 6Y lb) . - :_- . <br /> '� nriY t�t�g d 1tK RW�eN N whieb th�t�ir n�kat value d tM P�+ap�h�h►�4���9 is trss tl�th��rnouirt ot tf� _:.:•. � `'.: <br /> :��`' . stslls s�CnrM!:imnld�fih► dMo��11N iMdig. uM�ts Bortow�r and L�ntls o1h�vFte a�et MR,V�t�ny a�a app/e�l�Yw oll�sx�� ;." :�-:'E. . -5=;';�. <br /> � poy��p��i��i b��ppi�d to ths sums ara�sd bY tAis$�auflY tns�umimt wl�elhec a nat tl�e a�n1s s�thrn du� ; i : <br /> . r th.Roo«d�abr,donea by�8anowM a il,altar notlee byr L�d�m eonowa,Uiiid.are oandsmor ollss to mrae an�rd or ._;� f �•; <br /> a r F �T; <br /> s�lY:�-tiinr iot d■��Da. Bont�v�t�s to rwpo�A to Le�within 90 drys Nter the d�0i•tf`Ir�n�pdce b�irw�.lend�t is�At�o�tc�d to ' i ; __ - <br /> == eroMrct•�d��Phf 1��i�Yon. �itlNr ta t�ar�iva';a np�ir d t6s Piopwty:cr.tis ths aums a�ax�d by ttiGb�S�xql/� ' - ��=L; <br /> Yon .... .. <br /> .:t�� �. llslrotl�nb wfiMfNr Or t�ot thwt d�R: _ :;: ; � _ -- <br /> . ?: urY�.s Lmd�ana eonowR ol�ir.�as a�c�f�r.wdlig. +mr+pv�a a��v�!�P4 sHd noc atene o.postpaR.a�.a,e ':� <br /> :�+�' �� QNr d fh�!naMhy P�ymwRs nlw�U"r in p�rq�pFa t�nd 2 a elwise the anbunt of sw��,?eMS. : � , � � • � <br /> F, .. .�,Y�. <br /> , ff.6���orwr Na!RN�Fal�arana B!I L+N�Not a Waiv�r.'6a+ai�idn d tti�• tir�e tar phR�x�s .a � <br /> �' ' � modktforr W�ma�lton of ttM Oamms a�cur�d bY thls Secudh Inshument gcanted by I.�dar �:.�!I sueoessor tn htarost ot Borrarrrr . <br /> stiY nol opM�f�to raN�a�the id�Y ot the orfylnN Bortower or Botrowds successor�Ut.nru�t. Lander a1W not b�ro�iced to ; �� <br /> • oomra�nce•p�'oc��a�r�s�+nl�suxesaor h iMarest or refuas to ectaid tine tor payrtner,t or othswiss rtw6fY m�orBa�ot ths < < ; <br /> oomra noe : <br /> aums s�r0�1 bY thk S�airflyt Instnunent b71���of�ny dec�nd made bY the att�c�at BoROwer or Barrowds waoessars tn Manat , ::`z: <br /> . /{ny iqprinnp hy Le�du tn�p anf►�ht a�an�dy aha/nat be a w�kar oI or pradude ths axarclss ot wsy ri�M o►��►. r , <br /> 12..SI�M�s a�td AsN�RS Bound: Joillt snd S�rKa�Usbilily; Co-d�tNra. Ths cwsynts rid q�ements of ; <br /> • tl�t�S�arr�f lnsbwrw��ahY bl�d raf benet the suocawrs ind asslg�s at lendv md Bartows subl�to the proviNons ot Or+�+�D� : . <br /> 1�Baaqwrls aovwwRS �nd�a ah�A bs joht�nd aeverd.My Baraver who wsiyns this S�r(tY Irutrunent b�d Qas not i � . <br /> �a�oe-t.hs Nob: (+) b co�g this S�wkS►tnshumaft onN to moR9�9e• 9m.and canraY tMt Bortowerb Mtarest in tha Prop�lY � • • <br /> txlQll t1iR tRnts ol flds B�a�Aty ttatrumanx (b)Is rtat.(70(sonMy obY�ted to pty ths sums seWrod by thi3� k!I�+'1tum�nk and(C) �, <br /> " ��M�IMI�wl��Afly df�IR BOffOWR IfrY.��B 10 AiQEfld.fY106h/�10ib0�f 0�IIYk!i�lY�IIOd�1�Ofl�W(Ih f0¢d t0 t�lfll�O� ; . . <br /> flfi�S�C(/Ny h1ihW11Nlt Of tlt�fVOt�WilhOYt tlt�l BCRONf!►�s C0115ef11, i . .` <br />� -- 43.IAMt CIMf�M. H th�tw�n s�cur�d bll 1hle 3ecufilY Inatrumrr►t is subJect to a kw whkh aats m�drt�tm lo�n efar��! `, . <br /> �� <br /> flf�l i1w f��t���)so th/ths(nt��st a othw Io�n chuges cokcted a to be coMectaO i�connectlon wYh ths(on�cwd thr ' ° '+ <br /> p1rn�N0 Imipb th�n, (�)anS►weh lom chr9es ahal 6e ndueed by ths anwurA n�cess�Y to rodues ths cfwq to ttn prtnitl�d Uni� � . ,< <br /> and(b)anY�s�N�Ncx�d irom Borrow�r which exceeded PerR*tted li�w�6e rdundrd to Barower. landw mry ehoose to. <° ., . <br /> mrks�thi�r�MwtO bY nd�inp the{Mncip�l owad uiMer ths Nate u by m�kN�y a dk�ct P�lm�ant to Barower. H a r�d reQuce�1 prindpv. . <br /> �11�eeducflon wi b�tn�d a a P�P�aPM�wNhaul.anY tr�t char�e under the Note. •- • <br /> � 14. NOIICM. MY nodce t0 Barrowa P��ta in thi��cu�tY Instrument shaY be gtven by deWYer(n9 it ar by m�ng N bY MR <br /> �g nyy �n�s appyc�bls I�w nRUfre� use ol�totha mettioC The noUee ahal 6e 6rected to the Properry +r►Y other � <br />� sd�a 8araww'dKi�tes bY rtotics to lertdef.My nottcs to Lender stuY be given by first class m�il to Lertd�'e address,sfattd hareh <br /> ,'��• � ar�Iny WMr addnef L�ndu desigt�tes bY aetia�to Borrawer. My natles provlded tor in thls 8ecurily Inadvment ahar be dNrt�to <br /> ��• �: '�fi t�n b�w�yhian to Bortower or lertd�'v�than gNen aa P�►ided in this paregaph. . <br /> . .� �''�� 1$. QpyN'f1�11�1,iW:$�lily. This Seeurityl tn3uur.+mt shall be govemed by tederal f�w and tde I�w a!!he pulsdlctlon In , <br /> '���;;`,:��'� whfCb th�ptop�rly b loc�ted In thd av�nt th�t any provtslon cr eiwse ot thb Seauiry UsWment or the Nots conlUtb wRA appNcahla <br /> hw.wot►ca�t eh�not aftec!olhu Provlaiona of lhl�Secwfty tnatrumerA a ths Note whieh an bs ghran elfeel wilhout th�con�clin� <br /> ` piovMia►. To this�nd fh�prwl�ions of thb S�cu�tty Ins6umeM and the Note arr Qalrsd to b�sera�ahl� � � . <br /> ' ; 1A� �ft'Owlf'!COpy. 8a►owr ah�be glven ane conform�d copy al the Not�and ol ttils Seauity Instrurt�nt. <br /> • 17.Tan�fi►d Uf�Prop�rly or a B�nrHcial Int�r�st in Bona�rrr.- tt aY a any p.rt of�i�ProPerty►oe ar+Y a�tenst . <br /> �j k ��a ym{�b (pr H � bet�ldd �terost 1n Bortower is sold or Uansterrcd and Borrawer ls not a r�luwt p�:)wilhoui <br /> � dAndrr's pda w�ift�n ccns�nR L�nQ�r mafR af ib apticn.requke irrn�ediate p�ymr�t in fuY ol aY sums securad bY lhis SecurrY lnstrurt�ant <br /> lbw�v�thb oplbn atW no!bs aerd�ed bY�mda i1 excrdse is Proh�ited aY tedeat te�"'aa ol the Gta of this Se�uitY tnatrumenL <br /> � H Lendu axerdu�this optton.I.ander shal gtve Bartower notice o!accel�raUort.The notke shaN prwtde a pedod M not fess ttwn 3:f <br /> - - ,`drys fian ths d�ts fM notlee#s dW+rered ar maited witG�whict►the Barawer must pay aU sums seaued by thl9 Sew►ilY bsLU�L tt .. <br /> ;. Bortawrr i� to py thaes sun»prbr to the explratbn of thls periad. Lender may hvoke anY rene�Jies P�� bY �� �!nh <br /> : �It wMheut 1uAfw nWice or d�nrnd art Berrower. <br /> .;,.� ' rasrn 5'J:s 4�i �- - <br /> _ ---_ _..�_.��_:_ . _ . _ _ . <br /> . __ . . .. . —Pdg93019' — ' -�- ' <br /> ' F1Q29tlMQ{�) . <br /> �. . . . _ _ _ . . � - <br /> . .. .. . , F - . � . . � <br />