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<br /> caadamitiaa a c�bei tat�i�of my put of the Pr�pecty.�.tur.catv��ae in.tieu�r.�iadem�a�ia�i.m ireerby uFip�ed�d�
<br /> �if 6�p�id tu Iae�der. . ��� ' .
<br /> In�he�eva�af a tatat uJcing of�Ptnperty.tfie sltali:be a�iiixY�+?,�e��� �i�'���Y .
<br /> te�ituRient.vrhedKr ar nvt the�due�witl�•any,exaess . ' to&mt�KCt. �n.ttMt.ew,�pti�E�►����of the Ptaperty io
<br /> wbichsAc fair awti•et�atuc.atthe P�upr�imm�di�tcl�6efine tha wking,is�i;to�ois�er tts�n tNe anx�unt of the sums-
<br /> secw�ed b�tbis Sc�cuci�+Insttumax immediatet�.6efn�tbc totang.unWs,c B��ntiti�r,anA��i�othr�isc agrec in w,riting..
<br /> �hr wms securod by ehis Security Instruinent sh�lt 6e�educed.by�the aanauqt,afcih�����tluttSplied by thc fdbwin�e�
<br /> fiactian: (a}the tda?�naunt of Ute swns secured:immadiatety,bettma thc tui:ing,divi�ksi;b}����tt��fai�muket value crf tl�e "
<br /> Ptoperty imme3'u�ety b�iae tf�takin�. My 6af�re shai�,i�a paid,ia,&►Rrn�,�r;-.��'fh��s�t�of�pseti�!i�lE'sng�Eb�t._
<br /> ptopeity�wt�ich We fair•mu�ctt w�lue a€itte Propcett•,immedisNCl�:6efixv Iha.titi�ipg�f�.l�s ttuut 11x:unaesnE nf 11s�sumg
<br /> secwed immediatety t+cfix�the taicing.uniess Scxnower and;l:enck�.oth�nvu�a�a.ul,wsiting ar unk.�.s�pp[�abie I�vv:
<br /> othecw�ise p�o�ides.�he p��eeds.shall Ueapplied co the sums secuc�ed d}�utis Sczvrit�tit�teln�mt�i�Wheth�cur nottfY:sum�ave.
<br />--- tlKn due._ _
<br /> if Q�PtupoRB��banciat�d by.Bartnu�tr.or if.�ftes n�xir�b��.tendt:r ttt�BcsmK+as,�h�ti�ttlR ccxtidemnor offe�s to rtwkG�
<br /> an sm'atd aa seule a claim fix dam�ges.HoROwer tuiis:w n'sp�x�d'w•I:Cacit���thiA:�(t,•dth�F�Nitrslttc dtite the twtice i.s givert�.
<br /> L��dcr is authori�.ed ta coNact and uppty.the proceeds,at its:optiaa.eitl�r ta,�tutqai#�n�t�r teFaii af the Ph�penj,oc w d�c.
<br />= sums�secu�cd by this Salsdty[nsmimrnt.wlaeiherar noc then due. -�',�
<br /> �.'nTess Lendec and BoROw�er othciwis�e apee in,writmg:.aa�r,�p{icutirnt,ifi�to principal�ful�mt e�[end ar,
<br /> = pnstpanp tta dut date af tbe manddy�•I�aYmer�t�+iefeRedta ut p�uphs..li��a�jet�ethe amount.af such payqnentw
<br /> ii:_.Hi�o+�er Mt �etra�edi.Fa��Y:l�der :MaG:s:.�A�1�tt+iAf:•: F,�cta�siai of the time far.paymcnt•:a+r:
<br /> - . �fica�i�n of.amortization of the swns sac�uzd�by,this Serudt�t In�ttumaai��mted by tender to�►y sueces�ar in inten�t
<br /> -= of.�o�aer sAafl aa oper,ue to Tek�sa tha liabitiiy.af:the aa�inaliBa�m+�vmaa�urrowa�sucoeeswrs iR intete�l�ender
<br /> - - . s8a11 eat:[�c� aired�to cammerce Pta�edin&S.a�SNns��au��t.;yuccesxm ii�.iatimnt;ms refuse to eatrrd time for pay�ent ar
<br /> ---- ottie�wisct tnadit �rtiortizatian af ti�c sums se�w�ect b�ctGir Sacudt!►.�lnstttmtant=tij4saaion of�y detrtiuid maQe by We arigi�i.
<br /> _ Barowe's�ar.a�K[oA'tr�sacresso�in,int�ri�'ar; A�,-f�1�y1L'�de�iii;aic�is�n�an}`.rigdc or mne,d�shal!-aat.be a
<br /> -_•; ` , w�tiver.pf"ar�e�ludo thG oxercise ttf unystfi'�fN,onn.�ncdy: . �:, , �: .
<br /> - �. i.Z:-.�iiaif;A.��xJoWt�snd�bieve�ads[:ipiiAil��+r�,�1C�:s�qtrs Thern�eamtsa�dapeemea�sofd►is ,
<br /> - :�Seeutity.�Yhsutimxuttsli�ilib�nd�nnd hcne�if i�fie stiviceisircr�a�d�a�i��i�fada;"un�f Bnmawer,'•s�uD,�ect tQ tfie p�uv�s�ats of _
<br /> p�h�t7c•Anrnnhw's'ca►��anis and�a�reem�nis sltaihbe jAinr'tattfft�veiati Aasr &x�uw�er who co-sigru�his Security -
<br /> _ . . ..=.Idsi�i�b�st�doesiw'tiiexe�tadie il�attC:.Ctlt.i�.c!n?sa�itl�•this{.S�g�Y`t�tc�re�tiinl}r to mortgage.grant and camey Ihat ��-
<br /> Hb�►inw�ar:�ittirrest•in rl�e Praperty:undtir.tha ttmtis�df�Q1lf.Ser�tdt#i�frtsh��en� Ib)is not peesonally o6li�tted to pay the spms �-�-=-_
<br /> ��:s` _ .:.;sernred;iiy��tiis�ecurity lnmumenti aitd tai:�a�thki�itend�ar.�d'aaptother Borrow•er may agree m e�tend.•modify.forbeac :_-_-_
<br /> �. :ar m�idA s�} aecnn�asudaUoas with ie�ar�d�td;thd't{ei��,f fie�SS�curity instnu�tent ot ihe l�tae without that BomawePs a —
<br />, ° -`"'.O�ilsent. �'.•:, �'-�=�'�.._-
<br />' �__ �' , , �,.._
<br /> •13:-Luan Ci�arges. If tiiQ taan•socuiv��ti�ti�flii�3ecuriiy Iasuument is subj�ici m a{aw ahicQ sets rnaximum to�n �.��.-
<br /> �'�"`� . � chu��s;.2uM:that law is 6naUy intetpreted.sb th�t•tiie inteaest or otl�er t�an churgcs cniL.�ur w iie cotlec[ed.in connection.
<br />