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<br /> ` , i1lR��7E�UIES OOW OT` g � ��`�OpCIt�TS' L •�+icws��:-' �
<br /> IIe�Cc�Ber part�f tLe�np��Alt ctp ments d�tdidaps&hali atsa�cd'vem�by�[ils��nru�ity�
<br /> � „ Insuuman�.All of tT�e farego�g is raf�nedto� 'Sa;�r�ty I�stnm�nt as s�e,'Ttapc�jr." . _ . � �`s . . �_
<br />— u •� BARRQW�R�OY�NANi�.t�at$�mnwsr is tawtuU�ae�of t�cslnoe he�eeDar conve}�d nnd�as nT�s rig�t to�t.• . � :.° �
<br /> — ' �wiIId�e�g+���tIiat tha3�pa�ay.i���d.exapt far e�a���of noaid 8armwez w�rruus aa�t_ :: ' ��
<br /> y the ti�to t�e P�opettq egaiASS�t ctai�sgnd demaucL�s�tD�t to anyen�auDnnocsnf reoard. � .
<br /> • � T�IS SBC�ft1'i'Y II�IS�tUMENI'cambi�es va�o�co�cnaqts�tr national �se,ar�i noii-uuifam�.00veaaats;wtth ` � `
<br /> _ — �mtite�variatiansb�,r jnrisdicRton toonnct�a tmifomt sect�icqr 9as�rtttover�n�c+�lgmp�t}►. . , `
<br /> __ _ ___�_ ------- _tINII�QRMQQ�/�VAIQTS:_Ba?aaa�raud.#�ad����ani.an�agte��f�olt�s�—` ---�=—=—���— ` � � __ - -------__-. ---
<br /> - 1. .�t of prindpai and Inie�resh,Fe�,paymeut aad Lata CRarge�. Bom�wrer s'aaIt�+omP�Y PaY wl�n due��
<br />�� - p�incipat ofaad iatereston tQa�ebe evid�ced by Me Notea�t eoY Pt�paymentaatt taie cbsugesd�e uadcrttc�Nape. • � ` •
<br /> � � ��uads iov�tes�nd Ins� Subject cti applicable Iaw ar to a aaiuen w3ive�by I.eudet.�otrowet sh�lt pay tQ . • . —
<br /> Lender on tIIa day maathly Qaymeats ate due uader t�e Not�unt�'1 tae�Not��gsid in fuU.a sum("f+�ads�f�i{a}yeady� .
<br /> _ — taass aad assESSmenta wtic�may att�n paaiitY.aver dua Seauity Insu►unent as a Uen oa t�e Ftoperty;(b�Yeor1Y leasehold
<br /> - -- paymenta or gmttnd c+eats on tae Pmperty,.if anY ��?Yeady 6a2ec�or pt�gerty insnrdaee piemiimna:(d��Y�9•�
<br /> iusnna�a.�aemiums.if aay;te1 Y�Y mo�gage imsurance pmemiums.if mn,au�tfl aW►svms PaYabIs by Bonuwer ro
<br />- - Lender.ia 8000tdaaoe aritn tLa provisions of pmagraph 8�ia lieu of the paymeent of mortgage igsurance�+�»�mg 7hG5e
<br />= item9 t{a'e calIed"$semw Ioem$-" Leader�ay.at eny tio�,oollect aad�kotd l�uda itr,�smount�i to esoeed tlffi mrocimum � �
<br />�.�, amaint a teader for a federally related mo�tgage.lo�mex requiie for Borrawer�es�.iow eoc�unt�mder tLe fed�al Real
<br />-� • B'tate Setueme�i Pt�+es Act of 1974 as amended Eraai tiute to.tirue.l2 U.S.0�2601 et seq.("RE.SPA'7.up2ess anoi�ra
<br /> . . taw tGat agplie�to We Ifitstds sets a lesser ammmt.7f so.Icuder maY,at aaY�me,collect and Rold R�ads in an amo�mt not tQ
<br />=- excood the tesser emount l.eader may es6mate the amo�mt of Rmds due oa tAs'Oasis of autent data and�m,asonable
<br /> estimaties of expendthues of futiue Fscmw Items or otDeiw�se in aocordanoe wIth agp�CaDle taw. :
<br /> iu
<br /> _ --- � � � 1�te�is sLall be held in an�tut�sn r�sa degosiis ere insured by a federai agency,iastrummtaL�qr;:�z`eutitY -- - --
<br /> _ (iucluding Leader.if Le�der is s�ch an institut�on)or ia say Federa3 Hoate Loatt Bantc, I.eadet sbalk�rpIy t6o€�ds ta pay
<br /> - the Escmw It$ms. Lender may not cAarge Bomuwer for polding and agplying tIIe l�uds,annu��: yziag thc,escYnw ,
<br /> axouat,or ve¢ifjriag the Escrow Items.untess I.�►dee pays Bon+awer iaterest on the R�nds and,��le Iaw peimits
<br /> � Lender tn matce sucL a cLarga. However,Leader may�niie Bmmwer w pay a oae-time chatge for an indepeqdent�
<br /> '' estate tax reponring service used Dy Lender in connec�oa ar�h tUis toan.�mless applicabia[aw provtdes othenv3,�:;#�inIess an_
<br />- ' agnee�ent is made m appHc�bte Iaw Tequiies interest to be�aid L�td�shall aot he required to pay Soaower a�.�teiest or
<br /> eamings on the E�nds. Bormwer a�d Lender may agree in wsitiag,hoeo;ver,d�as intet+est sl�aU be paid on the Fimd� L.eadet '
<br />- y sLall give tu Bomuwer.without chazge,aa�nua�acoouadng of the Fiu�ids,ahowin�credits end debits m the Puads snd tIle
<br />- . �, •- �far��debit m We�mds was mad� The Amds are ptedged as addiNot�l security for all sums secured by .
<br /> � �
<br />�; If the Prurds helA by I.ender exceed tho amounts permitted to be hetd Dy apglica6le law,Lender si�all acoount to
<br /> - � Bosrower for the eacess F�_ia accordance with the requi:ements of applicable.la�►_�if Yhe amnupt of tha Pluids 6eId by
<br />- :` '` Lender at aay time is not s�cient to pay tlte Bsctow Items whea due„Lender a�p sonotiffy Eaaower in wrIting.and,�n
<br /> ,'� " sucL case Bossowei si�ii fiaY to Leader the amount n w.make t�e�ien y8a��er sUa11 make u t�a
<br /> .s-� , 4. . .,r. ecessacY rcP cY. a 1 p
<br /> :, . � ., de6dency in uo�e diau�Srelve manihiy payments.at Lenderk soie dis�vn.
<br /> r�€: "''' `'� .. UP�PaYment in ftt#I c�atl sums secured by this Securiry Ins��it.i.�td�:r�raA pmmpUy teftutd to Borrowet any
<br /> ,<<.r�...�'';.''p �r
<br />�. , ��•�wc, ,;.,4;��,.� �ds hetd by Lender. �.�rpazag�aph 21.Lender st�alt aoguic+e or sell tha Ptu�ry,I.ender,prior to the acqnisition or
<br /> - � ''�'�?�: � sate of the Yco � -
<br /> ' ;��,.��,,;.�,�':":;:' perty.shatl?�Is�aay Atttds held by l.ender at the dme of acquisitia�or sale as a credit a We snms
<br /> �., � :.,�:.:. �' secu�edby Ws Seat�Ry'C.,�s�een� -._
<br />_;;`�` ... AI►pt�ia�m�'t'G�ymenta Untess ucaDle law mvides othemise.all a
<br /> , ."`,` � 3• ePP� P P Yments received by Lender under �.=
<br /> �'.°- ' �' paragtaphs!�d 2.�a3!fi�e�pplied:fust.to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second.to aznounts paysbla under ---
<br /> ,. ,:?;,' • . .. .:
<br />-`t�' . ' par�grap h 2;t h u i�ta�rterrss�are;fourth.to principa!due;aad tast,to an late c es due under the Note. S s '°_
<br />_ Y � �`Pr:__
<br /> , Q. Cbasges;II.c�-s �iomowes shall pay all taxes,assessments.cbarges.fines attd impositions atori6utable to the =, ��,�,:��.`,,�_:.-_-
<br /> • , ' F�etty whic6 may a t t a i n pri o r ity over t h is Security I n sWment,accd leasehold payments or ground�ents,if a�r. Bomower �'�""���`'
<br /> ., �.; ,
<br /> .• s ' shail pay these obligations in ttie manner pmvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that ma�uter.Bot�rwer shall pay them on � '��':n�
<br /> �, ,. _a�
<br /> • � .- �:•� • tiace direcdy to�he pe�soa owed payment. Borrower shall psompdy fwnish to Lender all nouees of amouats to be paid unQer ::�e;�x-
<br /> ,' �` this paragcaph. If Homuwer makes these payments di�+ecHy.Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing ��'—�
<br /> :.` : . the paymestts. ,:Y:,s-:-:—
<br /> � ��'-;:�: . Boaower shal! mm tl dischar e an IIen which has . '�::.: • �_
<br /> :..•�.<t.:; p p y g y priority over this Security Iaswment unless Borrower:(a)ag�+ees ,�,.
<br /> •.� �� •° • in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the ;,�.:�,�� z �_
<br /> - � -��•� �, „ � lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal prvecedings which in the Lenderh opinion operate to prevent tha � ' `��'"=
<br />_'`:'- ' ' enfonement of the lien;or(c)secures from We holder of the lien a»a�aeement satisfactory ro I.ertder subordiaati�g the lien �� ��:f�
<br /> ��� "�,•:y;,,, �.:��,. ; to this Securhy lnsaumen� If l.ender detennines that any part of tAe P�vperty is subject to e lien wMch may attaln priority `��: �'�a �� ����
<br /> -""• • �• {h�`��,': .. •: over this Secunty Inswment,Lender may give Botrower a notIce idenqfying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take � ,.•:�.�� ��,__ `�� '�
<br /> -k� �TM�'�`�'�'� one or more of the actions set forth a6ove within 10 da s of t�e vin of notice. ' �"' �
<br />_ �..;;�t'i�.:�,:�:� Y & P ;ti..
<br /> ' : ">:;•.t;!��,;b';+; . ,,: 3. Ha7ard or Pro p e r t y InsurancG B otrower s h a ll keep t he improvements now ea isdng or h e r e a f ter erected on Ne � .. �'
<br /> ;,,', -. :"� Pmperty insuced against toss by fire.haiards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards.including ' � �
<br /> ��� �� '� �'' `''` ' flaod�or ttooding.for whIch Lender requims insurance. This insurance shtill be maintained in the amounts and for Ne � �
<br /> ' ��,�_ _� �',`' i,`(l; �..«:.,::.. ' ..
<br /> :-. : ,��ti ,r,. .
<br />-'l�' ',�r': `c�a;�.�`,i; •,�,.r;, Form3018 9/90 ue2o6 a �;1',�' ; .
<br /> �: .� �R 8 I P Stil
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