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<br /> �` {:�' - _ ~ . : ♦M�� �, `� K_ .`l r `� 11- �� R SS ��7 _
<br /> � -�r'._...._`�.. �Fs�.:r - } `a . . � . ' iT r ^ \e , , . _ . _ ° . _ �_�1`�� - `s`a a. '�^--
<br /> ...�'� . c. °` c�'. - . �^p� �' �` `� a . . , .. �•S •.
<br /> — — � ,r �. ' , . �,�, .� �,.' � � . . � � ;o .�' , �q ,�c• .
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<br /> — _ ' ' �. i _ . - � - _.,:_��f�l�_.—�� c,�:.
<br /> ` `y- < .. �.. ` . � .. . --r—� �1
<br />—_ . , � �. L° . . ` ���LTI�T�`1`��bJ��`I`�►���R�i�'E i���#t .. . ; `« ��.
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<br /> , . . .. ` c.. � • ` ` . ' . , p ` . � ` , ` ' .. .(�'�.� .t.
<br /> _ _ _ . ,� . ~TiiIS, ABl.�Fi!�A'&B R1D�R Os tn�ct�th€s, . . ' �Sl� Y ,.7. ' - �. � ,�sjr.ot .
<br /> � Q�to�e�.. ��� .`. � .. . attd t�i�raied tnto�d sRa116e decmcd�to at�d�
<br />_ - ` ths Mart�ge. �sed;oY'thW or'5tcci�ity tk�f ["Sesurity� tnstnimcni"� oi tlie satrtc datc givcn qy Ghe �..,�.,_
<br /> - .. � « p _� . � � �� <. �. . .
<br /> --___—_-- _---� ---------�_�'Bamwer"�to�ara Ba�rawerS Htite t i�!�te)�o----- ,--`�— . . . �� . .
<br /> : - _ _r _---�- --. .. .
<br /> _- . � - , ���os �a� s�vucva � .. ,.. . --- - . _ :
<br /> - . , ..i�e°Len�of the same date and eovering the pioperty�ri6ed in the Secudty Inswment and Ioeated a�. � , �
<br />_ < < . �
<br /> � ' . 215 8�AIlSHtIIa'1'011- ` .. `
<br />_ � � � . ��R�1@�ISL$�IAr.1B 68801 .. . _ . . .
<br />�s�, � -. . - . IAupe�tYAddtessl� � ; �,
<br /> � • ,
<br />��` `�'z�`����y� . _'!'fIR NOTL� CON�AINS `pR01lISIONS�ALLOWLNC �OR CHANGF.S IN •THL . ' -
<br /> �����a � - - -- - � -
<br /> ,�:_:�_�»�s�n.�a � � �(�'f�[iEST RATE AN4 T�� MONTHLY PAYM6I�F'� THE NtITE a.IE1q1TS Ti��
<br /> �;,,�=- � Ai�?'�'HB MAXEMUM RA7'��'NL�BOI3�tOWER M[I5'�PAY.
<br /> ��� � .
<br /> ���� . . � . � . . � ..
<br /> �``�,.:-:�����?"� _ : .;.� . : , . � ` ' :
<br /> __— � •�_.., , � .
<br /> � ;.����:'.;�Y4 , aiadr iu ttte Secutit [nstnmi�t:
<br /> :`-`.`° ":� ' In a�o» to the cnveaanu and agroe�n�us y
<br /> - �.f�::+s_�r��,;.�; , .ADDITtONAL COV�FAMS. .
<br /> �1.�'_'•�•�i Q���A.l�. ' . , '
<br /> �,-,.�;-_;�, �.� Ba�sower and Lender furthera�edant aad ag�ee ac foltows:
<br /> ;�'`t�, .},;:;: ;� . - �
<br /> .1�-. Fi._ . . . . .
<br /> ,,�F��}',::'�� - � 11�9ERES!'RATE AND MQNTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES . . .
<br /> ._�a�, ^F.. ' , .,
<br /> ',":���` - -`:` (A) Change Oate January 1. 1995
<br /> ' `}}:'.',�J�;�"*��°`F<``': 'i'he intetest rate may chzmge on Ihe fir�t day of .artd that day of each s�ding yeu:
<br /> '`:;��a, >€
<br /> �e ' � . .•� ��'1.=: ..
<br /> .,, •'• •� ,-,� �,��,.< "Ci�ange Date"me:uis each date on which the inteces�rate couW change.
<br /> � :�: .,3���2,.,
<br /> ���s_..> .;;,
<br /> t"�:';'.,°': ' :.��:•:l._�.;�k (B) 71te index
<br /> :�°�'�.`•�'•``c�•`�`"�`s' , . Heginning witfl the first Change Date the inte�l tate will be baeed on an Irtdex. "Index"r�s the weekly avetxge
<br /> ;fti�. . p� .
<br /> ,�r.:: ���...,:�i`l�,f.�7r�
<br /> - - •.{:�...:t� ..��1\ .
<br /> r ;�,wa�,.,;: yietd on United States 7teasury Securities adjusted to a constant maturity oi one y�.�a�made avaitabie bp t�F�kta�
<br /> •'' � ' '' ',, Reserva Board. "Cument Index"means ihe most recent lrrc1�a figure avaitabte 3U days bc�fare the C6ange Dat�3�ti�a Index
<br /> f`` � ' � ' (as deMed above)is no longer availabie.l.ender will�se as a new Index any index gre�cn'6ed by tire Secretary.�iSs used in
<br /> i,,4�,,. �:. �
<br /> �t��,�.'.�.. '' ,. , . this Rider."�ea�ztary means the Secre�ary oC i�ousing ac�Urban Development or his an c�r des��zee. L.endet will give :
<br /> • . Borrower notice of the aew IndeM.
<br /> .��`' ��� � , � (C) Calcufalion ot Ini�est L�ate Changes
<br /> ;,,;�'.;� ' � Before each Change Uat�e.�.eader«�itt calculate n new interest rate by adding a r,�gio ot
<br /> � <?`•. � .
<br /> ,,;. . , percentege
<br /> ; .. � «,.. . Two
<br /> _ '.�;:;,,� ` `,,�;��i�,' potntsQ.0000 ''�) lo i�m current index und rounding U�e sum ro thc neares� oae�eighth of one Qercentage poi�t
<br /> '':'���'{�` • �0.12S9b). Subject to�he limi�.s ctnted in Por�Fraph(D>a6�hic Rider,this rouncl:d arrxs�nt wi0 be the new interes!rate undl
<br /> �' . . . :,, j, �.
<br /> - •��' :��t:" the neat Change Dnte. _
<br /> ,�::
<br /> � '�a '• `��r,�._�,`�•;
<br /> i'.' . ,
<br /> ± ; $_ .� ..:':�,��,.:;_; tDl I.imlls on Interest Rate Changcw 4
<br /> ; :� '� , •,:+��r��;,,, 7'6e Interes�rate will never increase or dccrcase by mc��e than or�:Fercentage point t 1•0%)on any single t�rat�ge Date.
<br /> ;��"``=�;'•'� 'Ifse interest rate wilT never be enorc than�ve percentage po:r,:s(S.U''/c)higher or lower�han the initial interest rat� _
<br /> S T' : . .i�ti�"d•
<br /> ,%k�.- � � � �Ft� ., �GI {.a�GII�IIIOtI Of�asr�rnt Chan�e ..
<br /> ;.• :"'t� ' if the intcre;t rate ch�c�o»a Ch�sge Uute,4e�Kter wi�l ca�culate tl�e amaac�e nf monthty payment oi principal and
<br /> ' �3: : � ' �:.+,t;r:;;� . interest which woutd be necessary tu repay the unpatd principal bulmice in full at�hc rrr�tadty da��nt the new interes►rute
<br /> -' ; ��� :'..?3;�t�.: thmugh substnntially equal pay�ent.4. In ntaking such�atcalatiun.Lender will use th+�unpaid principal balance which wauld
<br /> =�.. ;..•,:,;��
<br /> ��• ,,,;,ei,t.,',,. be owed on the Change Date i[thcre had been no defanl�in�aymcnt on Ihe Note.reduced by the amoum of any prepayments
<br /> �• ���: •' "`'''� ' ` � to pr�ncipal. The resWt of this calculation wili be the artrourst nf the new monthiy payment oiprincipal and interest.
<br /> �� y�' .. ' ..
<br /> 1 i•';` ��
<br /> •., . ,'� ��� , (� 1�I01�CC Ot CABD$29
<br /> � ''��'z�•.' �. Lender wiil give notice to Horrower nf any change in the interest rate and monthly payment emount. TAe natice must
<br /> � ' ���'��'�ti �':• be given at teast 25 days before the new monthty paymcnt amouN is due.and must set forth(i)the date of the natice.
<br /> �� ,� {�'. � tii)the Change D a te.(i i i)t he o l d in teres t ra te.(i v)t h e n e w i n t e c e s t r a t e.(v)t h e n e w m o n t h l y Q u y m e n t a m o u n t.(v i)t h e
<br /> � � � o`� �4 . Cwrent Index and tGe date it was published.tvii)the method of catculating tAe change in monthiy payment amount.and
<br /> < ;.. .: �
<br /> � � �� '� (vill)any other infom�ation v�hich may be requiced by law from time to time.
<br /> ; .:<",.• am
<br /> '` :-��,. ot�lawmnmsFa�me■ -
<br />-_ ... •.:i;cn:".� ' fTEY6Sffi(91d11 �P�+Xfluj2pvg�tl ToOed�dR t�006510909�OPA118167Y1•ft�1
<br /> __— .r_�: .t.---',_� � f, •���� _.
<br /> ` ' �": �4:. �-'.:"'.,'
<br /> t
<br /> _ � .}�-_.�.,.. ,. :.
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