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<br /> n ._E� ai�t�ap���'a�,L�a�ar; I!anoix ts�ruioa cavara�e ttn��ainuupt��� �r�t'�a per'tod t�ut�L�n��iaq�ii�+e� ����
<br /> �o �
<br /> - -- ��: . viakdt 6y aa i�u�,7.a vad bY LeAdetie�ia bccainea availa�Ie�std I�o�t�Sned.�orro�rer enall�}i t�.g�s�i"
<br /> P�. 9P� cca u�` `.,
<br /> — ��au3co��o.,���n_mqrt�go inauran�e ia atf?ot,,ot�m pru�.de s�2oes.r�ervr+.ua81 tlto re�u3r�meat ior`m�t�� �
<br />-- _ _ ',� — i�sial�eeo � ,cn. �nyai �ag�?ee�ti�t�t �elwi��aAnaeioFap�-uc�o�etaR. .--- - � . �
<br /> - �f�.:in�pe�tiosi.Lend�t oi�t�s�n'E a�y�e rea�oz+s�1�eatrF�upo�asid inspectio�oY sDa t'eso�erty.l.eaderefi�ll
<br /> � „�ivo B�nACO�rer notit�4!�esiraapf�r or e�an inspecKioa spxetyinY rmsmmble cauae f�r the te�apecsioii. � ' `` � '.
<br /> r
<br /> ` 10 Goa��a�ri�t#t�a.`FQe � af arrgr atv�rQ�ct�im fur dam�age��ere�t ar co�eqi�aat3a�,ia ooaaecttoa�i
<br /> � uiy coa�dtn3latloa or.ath� �g of en�Psrt�4 the�Pmp�rty.or f�r caavaybac�iA lte�a�ooadeanastiaa,are fis�
<br /> -� ` , ,essi�aadahaU bepai�tal.endei�� . : ,� . : _ . _�
<br /> —_ . � ln tDe event of a t�d�l taginp ot the�Pmpatt,�r.ihs plsoceed�ebellybe sppl�cd to ttte sume secesred Uy tttis�ecurit�r �
<br /> � . . Xqst�ument��rhet�rur�ot t�iaadue.wlth aqq ex�pnid�o�orro�rer.iatheoventoiaparriel taf�r�of thtFroperty ia ` .
<br /> �_------------ - - - - �_wt►i�h tt�fair.�ark�t vatne a4 tlte I�ren�rtv i4etnediat�siv�befot±e th+�t�n,r,is,g+q1�1..t�otg��tltsn�tbe atnaunt of Y�..:_ .- _---- _ ._
<br />-�` „ suena eaau+ed by,this S�scusIty I�ruaien�iauaedi�telq'beiore tha teldng,us�l�s Sormwer and Leader otherw�so agree .
<br />�`'": ir�wrlttag,tt�a sama sxuted bq this Securit�I�stiumenc eaa11 ba nduced�by t�e emouat of tha prooeeds rau2tiplied by _
<br />-� __ �` � ` tAe to}towin�fiaatiun:{a)the total emo�mt of�he aums eecura!immediatelq before the taicit►g,divic�d bY Ii�Z t�he fair —
<br /> __ _ - tiaarYet vatue oi the Property iminediate�r befa�e ths taidn$.Any batanoo sball be paid ta Barrower.In the eveat of a
<br />-_ -- . partiat taYing�f t6e Prcperty sa wluch the fair market valus of the ProPeri9.immediatel,y�ra ttte takiag ie le.ss t�st ----
<br />_ the aniount of the sums ee+sured imm�;�y befqre.tt�e taking.unie�Borrower eud Lespd.r�otherwise agEe in writ�. � ------
<br /> ^; � or untes4 applicable taw aRhetwise�+o���:�araceeds shail be agplie�..�AEtce�,-sxtr�ed bY this Secu�Y �: -
<br /> ; IIISrltlmeAtWflCt$6i013�ft��8U1A88t�� . .; : ^= ,=z< .. ,.:,.> _
<br /> �' "� � I#the��'��ed bjt Bari+oacee'r;:�i�,�ter�aatscaby.�..e�a�������.�3t�i�<.�`�eroffeiisi'��;: . _
<br /> � ; � .�.ke sfl a �us���lsim Mt damag�v,�i;�t+fails�rr.�paad��rr H�a�r�?a�'�ia'�?�s,�,�.�e d�t�t�c � __
<br /> +�us
<br /> = � `�'� . �:� :�ce is giv���adei isaut�oiized w cotteat end s�g�3he prvc'�s,at its ap6s�n��ither�ti�r�sboretiria�r'sepair of 4he
<br />�, , '�` ��: }���Crty or totaes�ss�uredby thisSocurityI�le�►�'aihether or aot th�e dua. ' .�
<br /> �t�n,:�, :: :� � `�. Unless�.eader and Bcinower othetetise agt+ee in.trritiag,enY ePPlication of prooaeda m priacipal ehaiE not este�d or .:-
<br /> - '�. .: `�.'��:". .�pastp�ae ttte due data of�t�a monthiy pays.;eAts neierred to in parageagbs 2 aad 2 or ehange�he amount of e�h ""-Y°=-- —
<br /> paymenta =
<br /> 1l. BorroWes Not Rele�sed;Porbsaranoe By Lendep No�a�tlaiver. Batenaion oi the tima ior payment or
<br />_ ; .-`� � _. .�. madircadon of siaortizatloa oi the sums secwed by this Security lnstrument grented by I.ender to any su�cessor in =_—
<br /> ` � ;x��� inoet�.at oi Bustowar shall not c�perete to release the liability of the original Botrower or Sornower's auccessore in "
<br /> -� �y-�Y;���,; �iateresc.Leadec etisll not ba s�oquired to commence proce�dtnp a$ainst ar�y sucassot in intarest or refusa to exoend �=_,�
<br /> k?�::_��•�v ;: , ttma far peyinent or otherwisa aeadiiy emortization of the suma secured by thia Secutity lnsaument by reason of esay g:;���
<br /> �;'� demand made by ttie originet Bormwer or flomower's succe�ote in tntena�Aqy forbearance by Lender in esercidng "`---
<br /> .i�.'.:��::,.�,-..•. e---
<br /> � ;:;_� �•-. :� any dght ar remedy sha11 not be a araiver o�ot precluda tt�a eaer�cise oi eny right or rernedy. �-_ _
<br /> �r�;:�:.; :�.': `�`' !1.S�ca�xsEOrs aad Assi�ns Bound:loiut and Several Ltablfity:Co-slgncra TAe covenants and agreesrteats �_�_-=
<br /> _ % . ,:�..`.. � of thie Security lnstniment shall bind ond benetit tAe successore ead asaigns o!Lender and Bomnwer,subjact to ttte �
<br />