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<br /> �l._1.i!. ( � � "� � ;T . . . ' .. .� ,` • - ' .. �� . . ` � , �
<br /> ��� < ` . �S!'H$R 1V17H�a1�.t4ce.imgrot+emei�s aow or ner�af+De�{ es+rcted.oa th3apro�r��►.s��en�eci `,
<br /> ; : .. � aPPurt��ve�.snd�i��aow'or Qereaiter s p�rt o!�Q property.Ail reglacemen�uid adQ�ttans a�i a1aa be coi�� � ����
<br /> �-.=..-_ ���SEClliityYt183td1ilCi1�A�1'�t�OfQl�O�U�iQ1�9�EPi�.SO�D�ii9$QClift��B2f7tffi�t6'4t��Fl�C�ty.�-- „=- _:..._. '-- - —-
<br /> -_— - — . �c7itRVw CvV131v1i1�i8��`ar u�"w ��Ia�ty�se3�`o���a[6fii�e-reby��av���tTia�i�- .
<br /> - � � geant aud ccave�r�Pteperty ans!t�st the'Prapony�$vaencumt�ered.eaceAt for eacumbranas�s4�ecor9.Hor,no�ret. "
<br /> __ � atascaats and wi11 defand goneratly the titte ta the Prroperty against nit'ciaims Dad domands.�sub�xt to es�y encumbrancr�;:.
<br /> � o�reoora: • . � . . ��- . - , , ; ..
<br /> — - _-- THIS S`LCCTRITY INSTRtJMBNT oosnbines vaitorm cova�sats far netienal usa aa�aa�vnifonn obven�nts witl� . � —
<br />_ - - limited vatiettvAS 6y jurIsdiction to conetiwtsa wnifosin securIty insorument cavering seat property.,
<br /> — ---- . ' UNiFOts11�C�VBNAN'I�i.Barrowor and Leader aovaaant attd agt+ee ea follow� � -
<br /> 1.Faymaat of Prladpsi aad Yaterost;Prapsyment sad d.ate Cha:ye�.Borrower shall Fi'omPtiy Pay whan d�re
<br /> �__ - _- ---theprincipal of arid date�+e�toa t1�a.debtevs'ttenae8 by tha Notaend e�Y P�Y.meat end latacharges due undar theNote. �
<br /> - - ___ ----.
<br /> � �.�Fua�fui*�'Teies aad Tnsuiaaca 5-ubRaE to eppticafiia Ta�►o=to a writosu wsiver Sy Lender,-�arrowar slialT_._-.- _--
<br /> � �� � ' pay m Iander oa tha day moatblp payments ara due under tAe Note��mti1 tIle Note ia paid ia fuli,e sum("Fimds'}for. � ,
<br /> - (a�yearly teaes and es�sments which may attain priority over thie SecRUity Instrument es a lien on tAe Pra p e r t y;(b) �
<br /> � �I�� � earlp leas�Mld paymenta or ground rea�a oa the Prapertq.ii aq�:(c)Yea�'IY hezard or pmperty insw�nce pnem�wn�
<br />- _---- :�Q}YeaziY flood msuranc�e premium�iP aqy;(e)Yearly martgage insuraace Preaniums�ii any;ead(f)aoy.sums�yable
<br /> bY Borroa►er to Lender,in acoordance witD tha provisioas of paregraph 8r ia lieu og t6e paymeat of nsn��i,ns�trance
<br /> _�-''� premiwns.These iteme are called'Bscruw Item�'Lendet may.at atiY time.oollect ana hold F�sads ia�a amouat not .
<br /> -�""=���-�-��! to esceed the masimum amount a leadet for a federally related mortgage ieaa may�quire Cor Hofm�+ei!s escraa.
<br />—�--:��, -
<br /> 4�,; ea:ount uadet the federaf Reat FBtaLa Setttement Pracedur�es Act oi 1974 as e:aeade�from ttate-w tim��t2�U.�G
<br /> _�-�_�n Sectfon 2b01 et�q.("RBSPA°I.unl�s auothec!aw that applies to the Fuads sets a tes�er avsotm�If w.�maY. � -
<br /> �'= ;��.�-.� at any time.oollect and hold Funds ia ea ama�mt not to esceed the less�r amouat�.t�nder�;�8f�s�aixm[ffiYa€ :- ,. '. ---
<br /> �.rz, ��� � Fun�l.s,due orx t�e basis o!ca�t data ead ressoflable�ates of espenditua���sttesre F�.+a'��tems�nr�se e�� :.=�
<br /> ;��.�`a" k'`4 � accor�ance���li�b2e��..' � ; ' '�� .�� . : �: . :: � . .:. � �
<br /> }'i�� ".--_
<br /> �, ��� ` ,,,��? The F�n�s��LTa hei�ia an insti��s��a,�e��ta are��.�cfl�a fe��t� ,.s�c.s�e4�sl�ty,�`e�¢�`. �
<br /> r;.r�� ��,�� t�at,,�;,,;-< ' (iucluding I:c�s�,`€.�7:end�r issuct�s�.i�i�D�r ta a�y Fed�fl 3E�ocaeF:oa��.$��i���s*'a.�9 t��ds�►,: � --
<br /> ;,F ��`�.��`�'`� " :'.' : . pa�*•tt�e FaY+orr�ils.Leu�ea�may not o�ge.�for hoi�ing a�agpT�.g z�'��ad���lg ac���,g i�� . � "`"",�� -- _
<br /> �i d�
<br /> �.>�f�.���t���y= � �v accottnt,or verifyissa;+;�Fscrotv.Ite�.ura[ess B;;�der pays B�n+n�ver i�+���t��ii�cs a�d�g"i�b1�s?ax�z� � -°- -
<br /> `rf���� Y s,; gei�znits Lender to mate su�a c6arge;�iowever, �it�r may require Bom�A�r tG�gaY a:an�-time s,?�87�E Por`e�: �- --- --
<br /> �� t;��^�'� ` in�ependent real estate tas reporting servic�esed by I;snaer in coanectioa with this Ioan.unless applicab2e��mvid:sa' �,�
<br /> : �,L�. '�,x
<br /> ';�, � ,�_ oth�rnrise.Unless an agreement is made or applicable ta�requirea interest to be paid,Lender ehall uot be�quired to � °�°
<br /> arn
<br /> j.�:�,;..;�,� ; .-� pay$orsower any intetest or eaminga on tha Funda l�azcower and Leadet may agrea in writiug�however.t$at interest =�---� �
<br />— '.'•' ' %` ,-� eha11 be paid oa the Furtda Leader eltall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accouAtin$of tAa Funds,ehowing �`:W"=--
<br /> - � ;.,�'t`��,''�'�`� c r e d i t s a u d d e b i t s t o t h e F u n d s a a d t h e p u r p o s e f o r w h i c h e a c h d e b i t t o t h e F u n d s w a s m a d a.T h e F u n d s a r�e p l e d g e d e s �";-� _�_.
<br /> addittonal security for a11 sume secured by thiaSecurity Instrument. � --
<br /> . t `.4 ',, '' �' I!the Fundg hetd b Lender eacaed the amoun� �---
<br /> . ,�:.� �.�.,: : y permitted to ba held by applicabla law,Lander shaU eaaouat to
<br /> � - � 8 orrower for the escess Funds in accordanca aitA the requirements of applicable law.It tAa amount oY the Fuada Aeld �`�--
<br /> . +. . . - -
<br /> = -.k� • �' by Lendar at eny time is not suf�iclent ta pay the�scrow Items whet�due�Lender ma so nodt Horrower in writi '�"�
<br /> end.in euch casa 8oerower eha11 to Lertder tha amount n y y �� '�'% �
<br />_ , ..04 . Pey ec�arY to maice up the deticiency.Eorrowee sha11 make
<br /> up the detictency in no more tAan twelva montNy paymenta.at Lendor's sole discrettoa. -J �
<br /> , � Upon payment in fu11 of e11 sums secu�d 6y ttia Security Instrument,Lender shall prumptly refund w Horrower � ��
<br /> • � " , _ _ . ony Funda held by Lender. I!. under paragceph 21. Lender sha11 acquire or selt the Pcoperty. LSndes, prior to the � £A-W�;
<br /> e uisition or sele ot tAo Pro .shali a ! an Funds held by Lender et the tima of a ws�tion or sate as a credit �" ":� �� ,�
<br /> ;'.: : � • •. � 04, i�Y PP Y Y �q � - ,. :s
<br /> � . � � aga�nst tha suma secured by thia Secur�ty lnstrumen�. . x�
<br /> 4'� ��,", ' 3. A Iicattoa of Paymeata Untess a licable law mvides otlternise, � `�Y�`��
<br /> {:; •,' PP PP P all payments received by Lender uitder ' .. �a�,.��-
<br /> ,� .. • parageaphs 1 and 2 ehall be applied:�rst.to any pre�ayment charges dua uader the Note;second,to amounte payable , � .�'..:1_M1---
<br /> ; � ., � ' under paragraph�third.w interest due;fourtlf.w pnncipal due:and tast.w any late chargev due under tha Note. � . -_
<br /> . :,, �`.. 4. C6arges: Liena.Bornower shail pay all tas�,assessments.charges.raes and impositions amibutabte to the �. . � °;�{:�:a`
<br /> �' Pro which ma attain norit over ttis Securi lnstrument,and Ieasehold gro ' '""
<br /> r. ' . P�Y Y P � 9 ri PaYments or und rents. if eny. .-. r ?-
<br /> � Borrower sha11 pay thesa obligations in tAa manner pmvided in paragraph 2. or if not paid in tbat manner,BorroHer �' '•�"
<br /> Y , ; _ . .• . . � , ,..}.;-_,.�?:•r�
<br /> , shall pay them on tima dir�tly to the person owed paymen�Borrower shall promptly furnisli to Lender all notices ot -�,•�-���;����:�
<br /> - � �. . amounts w be paid under this paragraph.If Bornower makes these payments directly.Borrower sAall promptly turnish � '»`�;�.�`z;
<br /> . . . w I.ender receipts evidencing the payments. " ,.�. ,+: , ,���;:,,:,,
<br /> :' .�',..: .,: ..
<br /> �. � Borrower eha11 promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument ualess Bmrrower: (a) � ,;.� .,; ,,: t
<br /> - �-F��,��'��� .., ��,_� ag�es ir►writing to the payment oi the obligation secured by the lien in e manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in -:�;;' .. . ' ;.. .,
<br /> `,� _;:.:�:'
<br /> ,�.`... g�d faith the lien b y,or detends a g ainst eniorcementof the lien in,le g al pmceedin g s whic h in t he L e n d�r's o p i n i o n .'����:� :•�,�.� �. .
<br />- � �� ` operate m prevent the enforcement oi tha lien;or(c)secures from tha holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to ' ��� :�.����•• ��� �
<br /> - `" Lender sobordinating tha lien to thia Security Instrument.l4 Lender determines that any part of the Progerty is subject ` � � �
<br /> + `� � � tv a lien which may attain priorIty over this Security Instrumen�Lender may give Borrowee a notice identifying tAe � � � �
<br /> °�� : `"` ��� lien.Borrower shall satiaty the lien ar take one or mor�of the actions set forth abova within 10 days of the giving ot � , �
<br /> -' ��-�s•��. notice. '. '
<br /> ;;� .; .: ' � . '
<br /> Farm 90Ya 9/80
<br /> ��.. . , . ..
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