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<br /> — s� ° . � . � - ��T�ieL������ � , �� .' .
<br /> _` �� � ,� , � , � �(1 Yeter Tct�x�y iader—Rai�E�p�� ' . ' .
<br /> — , _ . � , , � . 0420028T30 . . . .
<br />-- ` - ..° '[Y�9AD1t1STA8�RATERIDBRfsmsdctt�is �15.?H �Yoi OCTOSER, . ' `�19 93 �,aadia .. �
<br /> - i�o�porated Into�aud s�all be detmcd to ameatd and suppicm�i sDe Mort�a8e�DeGd�f Tcust oi Setiuity Dot�(tha �
<br /> � "S�urttS►tustrameut")of thesame datc8iv�a 6Ytheuadersigaed(the"Borrower")tp saaue Borrowec'sAd�usta6�0
<br /> : � Iiste'Note(ttte"Noie")cp t6a Eaaftnb`Ta 9uitding nn6 loan Agsncintfon of arand talartd,MnDeas�e� 1t � �
<br /> -� - ---- =--�-—�edetaf#��avit►gs-BaMr- � - - _ --, ---(i�e"I.eadsr''�of_th��dais��e�8-tl��Fim- .�r[�.►��_._ �_ � _ ___. .
<br /> - ` In ths 5ectirlty+Insm�ment aad lac8te�at: � . � . —
<br /> ,
<br /> �- 1746 & OOREEN QRANi3 iSLAkA, NEBRASiU� 688Q3-6t 21 . .
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> - ne�rss
<br /> - . tT'mA�Y ]
<br />- � tNeNOS�cro�r�NS�ovtsc�NSauowu�oFOac�a�ca��Nn�i�ar�►� -
<br /> a�n{E�Q�a.v���a+c�n�no�uMrrs n�e as�ouM�eo�aov��s
<br /> .. � ROWE�i N1UST PAY. '��� . ,
<br /> : .;.,,����t � ADDFTIONAI.�VBNANTS.Iu addilicn to tfle oov�ats end agreemeAts made in the SecurIt�r��� , • -
<br /> �'.: ��� 0 4 —
<br />- . .,;s�.',�...�.:.';�.,xz: Bo�av�r and Lender further covcroaat and a�ree as foltow�t _ . _-__. ---
<br /> ����.. u''��� ``� A.IIwTE�ST RATE AND MONTHLY RA�NT CHANGFS .�: —.
<br /> �c�''�#��� � 'I9ieNoteprovidesforaainitinlint�,strateof %.1lieNotepmvidsforchanSesinthe�cateandthe
<br /> _ ;��; _ :., . • 4.�'S0 • ,
<br /> - ��f};-�-.: ` a:;:,Y�� s - - , � IIIOnWy P8YI11EIIt$�8S fOuOWS: . ' _—..
<br />_ :.T•yy,�•Y•.�t'y'�({3?t�:
<br /> ;a��'=�- _}.'.�.,� � -
<br /> ;<��-'-:.<<•. ' ..���:. IA)(�nge patea —
<br /> ,,�;��,�r�*` _ '+,��-•. TheinterestratelwiUpaymaychaageonthefi�stdayof NOVEMBEft ,19 94 .aadoatdatday �V
<br /> <`";;�+�: -_ •�' � �. ever5►12th month thaieafter.Each date on wtuch my interest rate cauld chau�e is calted a•'Change Daie." �
<br /> ��,` �.- .:�i�:3�s�` __ --
<br /> •�.Yf`.. '._«b{���� _ _ . . "_--
<br /> . �j..p ... . �'?p /p r� . .
<br /> -.s.?�J�.s'-�:",�£��. lY� ■4�.��. ' . �t f�
<br />- � .: :�.`: �Ft�nB with the first Ch�e�ate,my interesc rate w�l be based on an Iade�"�he Iadex is the:weelcly _—.
<br /> `��`���. . . average yIeld oa United States Treasucy securities adjusted to a constant�t�►af#.3�ac,as made avaitable by -
<br /> : .< , '£:;,. :
<br /> "�',itt' .:�� • :..
<br /> �;t`_� �' . ,,.°�:.. ..� the Federal Reserve Hoard The most receat Iadea flgurc avaIlable as of the 3aie��xPays before e�di�b.ange Date �-,;
<br /> . .��' - , - >:' '�. ... is called ttte.••tautent Index." • � � . -_
<br /> a4Ai•c•:.; �•. " - ; - . - ___°.
<br /> ��f��� .=' � •.,�� �� � I�s�;Utde�t is no longer available.the Note Holder will chnose a new index w�ic�is based upon comparable --=__ _-
<br /> :�•.�: �
<br />_ .�::s��;`. -` inforcya�o�.The Note Holder will give me aottce of this ekoice. -=
<br /> � ;� ;�=P.�t,_`��-
<br /> ' , 1 ,_: - • __
<br />_ . =`?�`:,; � . (G�Catcalutian oY Changes ','_ �.>�.�.=
<br /> ' 'ttiViQ ��h;�•;�`�,��
<br /> 8efore each C6ange Date,the Note Hotder will catcutate my new inte�sate by adding :�t,�:... ,.. ,�_
<br /> ' '.��5' � percentage points( 2.000 %)to the Current Inde�c.The Note Holder wilt then round �v;��` � ' �
<br /> :,�„ .r�-:.:._'��-•
<br /> -`'`�'�. � . the resuit of this addition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage poiat(Q.tZS%).Sub9ea to the limits stated : _ � � '�'�� ''-
<br /> �„ . . ;:.,. , :�• �;�,
<br /> �:�;,
<br /> ' In Sectlon 4(D)betow,this rounded amount wiA be my new interest rate unt�7 the next Change Date. � . �.-
<br /> '.�,`�:.'.: . � . • .�5�=:
<br /> The Note Holder wIll then determine the amount of the monthly paymeut that would 6e suf�aeat to repay . ,,.F_�
<br /> ;'�''�- ` � the unpaid princlpal ttiat I am expecced to o�P at the Change Date in fuU on the matuiIty date at my new interest , •� • :°���.._
<br /> i:�_ � . rate ia aubstantially equal paymenu.The resutt of this catculation wlll be the new amount of my moatNy payment. � - • �'.�,_�-:
<br /> ,� • ��
<br /> i � .. � � ` :.i:.` c�':
<br /> �:;,
<br /> ,:'%':'..�,�.' . . � <, N)IJmtts on Interest Rute C68nges �° -�- �
<br /> 4'�.}.�:,`.r'..� . . ' .. '
<br /> �`�fk;'��`:. .' � '17ie Intar.st rate I am cequired w pay at the�rst Change Date w�i nat be�tEraa 6.7 50 %or less Wan . ; �°: .'�. � ��
<br /> .h.��, .
<br /> ' �t�`t'�•� ; . � 4.00 °lo.Thereafter,my interest rate will never be iacrcasec!vr�Cec�eased m�any single Change Date by '�" • `
<br /> � `.. . �,�. ..Sx,�;+�_��
<br /> , t,�.�. .. ,�:�„�a' ' more than two percentage pointa(2.0%)from the rate of interest E E�ave Laea payiag for t�e pa�oeding tweive moath9.My .'• {;,.,, ; ,
<br />- f.,,,,. , %. y� $ �°`�.
<br /> � ,�-.:�,. .. .�' ��` '� iaterrGSSt rate w�l never be grcater ehan 9.7 50 .�,. �•
<br /> e
<br /> � �,:- ::' . .� u` (E�Effective Date ot Cbanges � � �� ' . • .
<br /> �" My new interest rate will beoome effective on each Change Date. I will pay the amouat nf m�new monthly �
<br /> . ��!� ' �
<br /> t.r �� � '�� • Dayment begtnaing oa the first monthly payment date after the Change Date until the a�aunt of ary�ttontWy Day- : `
<br /> ;:� • , •,��y�:;��. mentchangesagain. �,:',�; `
<br /> .. �,.. � :'�tt.�11�r`,.�: :yi��1,��i � _
<br />�, : , . c�Noa�or ceanges - --=�:�1��. —-
<br /> .T_-,_-:_.;�,�:�•'=�— 'Fh�Note Holder wlll dellver or mail to me a notice of any changes in my interest rate and the amount of my
<br /> ,t�� , ' � monthty payment before the effective date of any change.'I'he notice wW include information required by!aw to , .
<br /> -. ��1`;s��. � �`'' �� � be given me and also the title aad tetephone num6er of a person who will answer any question 1 may have regarding •
<br /> �'�:G�•',,;:�,:;;`.Y�:'`� the nottce.
<br /> #,. . ..,� ,
<br /> a� �•.;'.:<:..r;,+�tir_n, s�,- ,,- .
<br /> •�����,:,��1�,,�;r::, B.TRANSFER OF THE PROl�fls7'It OIIt A BENEFiC1AL INTEREST 1N BORROWER •
<br />-�;� � �: . ``����t�,:���;i;�.' Uniform Covenant 17 of the Securiry lnstrumeat is amended to read ae follows: �
<br /> `: ' • ��`"��;.:� �. T�enster of the Propetty or a 8enefIc�a?IIcara�sest ln Bon�o�ver.If aU or any part of the Property or any interest - .
<br /> �.::: . �.
<br /> ��' ' "� � � , :`�'` � in it is sold or transferred(or it a beneticiat i�ser�t in Borrower is sold or mansfened and Bonower is noi a natural
<br /> ! . � _. .•'•.\.�4'_ . '
<br /> - ���•��s�,��:,',, persoa)without Leuder's prior written conseac.Lender mey,at its option,require immediate payment in full of
<br />- . .�.�t;,:•s� ,
<br /> _ �;���:�;�;.' aU sums secured by thls Security U.�strument. However,this�pt�on ahall not be exerctised by Lender if e�cerctse is , , �
<br /> _ ..;��r��;f� : protiibited by federal law as of t�r date of this Securlry Iascr4ca�ent.Lender also shall not exercise this opdon iF:
<br /> � '`�'`�'� ` (a)Borrower causes to be su6mit4ed to Lender information requiced by l.ender to evaluate the intended transferee .
<br /> �' ''•� ��� � � ��' `` `` as if a new loan were being made to the transferee;and(b)Lender rca�aaably detemilnes tdat Lender's secudty
<br /> - • ;'��':.• :.;� .�� � w1U aot be impaired by tfie toan assumpHoa and that the risk of a 8reach ef�ny coveaant or agreemeat in this Securi-
<br /> � . � ';;.,;.•:,-'. ty Instrument is accepia8le to t,ender. . _
<br /> ° � i���,�;�.. To We extent permitted by a�plisable 1aw,Lender may ct�arge a reasonable fee as a condidoa to Lender's con- . ,
<br /> � � `.����:��:�`'.�; �� seat to the loan assumptIon.Leader may also require the trausferee to sign an asgum�tion agreement that is accept- ' � �
<br /> -- ' �---�L-----� ab2e w Len�aad ehat ob�gates the uansfesee to ke�p e!!she promises and agreea�ents made tn the Note and in =____V._...
<br /> , ��S ' �.- ` �•:•��� this Securlty inswment.Bortower wUl continue to be obligated under the Note and this Securiry Instrument unless
<br /> ,+�� Lender relea.ses Bonower in wdting.
<br /> '� ._ . , ..
<br /> .,,'�•' "��'• • MULTI9TA?E AAIU8TA81E RA18 RIDFA-ARM 6Y-Singte Famlty-Fnm�ie IHadFreddts Meo Ih�item�tnstrtuaam t` Fmm 81H a188
<br /> � •:., ;'; .
<br /> ` .. ���'�'A�lBOe� VYP MOi1T0AfiE FOHAAB�131312968100�1800►81tJ291 �
<br /> ��}
<br /> -' : ' `r
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