' . �"" ; f.t:�.. S rr
<br /> � `'~ � , • ^~ �?t c�` _ - — ;' . . � � � — __— .
<br /> v ji:t�,:�..�:� '_ �- _-1 _ c� _ s - _c s _
<br /> _ , .�"1 '. ,'� s+'�- 'x _ ,�..ti?Gs t. _. . � , —
<br /> -. : _t:. .< � ` � � . .. . . -� �c . � " . . . . .-. . : �'�-;�—
<br /> _ �a .� • . p � . � . , z� , c ,e5 r. . :. .
<br /> ' ' i', � - . . r ' :� � - •• -
<br /> t •
<br /> - — �': . � -`" 1'�.�'r�asfe�ot tt�#4iapei+ty.flr a fieae4tdal inta+e�t in Ba�o��.If ati oz ��f ttioe,�rope`ety`'ar ar�interen�rtit� . -
<br /> , , , , .
<br /> � � � � . ls sold ot�tinsfe�+ed tor iF a bene&clat int�e:+�st tn Bori+�vver is scr� px eeuasfemed and onawer is�L�aaturaf�sdn�withaut �. .
<br /> - —°-.-_.-.,_��-� . � ' i��p�}m�t��'�t!:o��=�uas�� 1t �-.
<br /> _ ��� � _ _
<br /> _ iv-Itt��r�:u�-€�ter�r;=��=���- - ,-_ -
<br /> �� ��• �Ste�ri I�tsttum�nt.However.tbia eptton shal�not t�e�xercised y EetNiee fYexecriss Is pmniDitcd by fedc�taw es�f tice daM`--1-��_ -
<br /> — - . . •o�d�s�Sarnrianlr�S�e�imeat. . � � _ --
<br /> _--_-_-__-— � i�.Le�ader�e�e�cisss ttis opt�on,Leuder st�lt give 8omower notice of s�eceletat�on.The nottce sAalt provide a peniod of uat. .
<br /> - - t�ss.th3a 30 de►ys from iha date eha aotIce ts deliveiod or maited within whicB 8ortow�er must pay aU sums s�ured Dy tlus
<br /> -- Sc�it�"in�tniment.If Boran�t ta11.g W pay these sums pr�or to tM exgiratioa of ttds perlud,Leuder amy i�voke any remedies
<br /> —__- _ - � �rmitted thts Suu�ity Insdr�meut witftout further uodae or demasd on Borrower. •
<br /> -_ _ l�.�orrD�ver's Rfght M Reiestate. If Barrower ffieet�c cenaia ooaditFons. �oaoqrer shaft hav$ ihe right to huve
<br />_ enforcement.a�this S$curity tnatcument disoontinued at a�r aime prior w the earlier of.(a)S days(or s�ceh ather period as .
<br /> .�. ,
<br /> ;�; .
<br /> ..
<br /> ---_- ap�l�ble_t�w:-m�y.sge�ifg_for reinst�ten¢ent?before sale of th�Property pu�sut co 8nY puwer Qf sale oonraiaed ia - -- -
<br /> __ _ � -- -
<br /> - -- -SanuitY ta�vmmi:or @?eauy of e jadgmertt enforctng mis Sernrify Instrumeni.TMse co�aons are ti►at Boiro�vec:(a)PaYs �
<br /> t,onder aU sums swhich tiien��voutd Ae due under this Socurity Insaumeut aad tha Note as if�eooete�ioa tiad accur�+ed;(b)
<br /> - = aues any default of aayr other oovenants or agreements:(c)I�Ys all�eapeases incutced in enfunEng tLls SeauIty Iasaument,
<br /> inctuding,6uc not limited to.reasona6le attomeys'fees:and(d)takes such action as Leader may reasonably requ�e to assur+e
<br />�'� that t�e t{en Qf this Sewiityr Iastniment,Iander's righte in the Property aad 8oirower's obli�atioa to�ay ttte sums�ecured by
<br />=::e,' this SeAUiqi �asuument shaU oontinue �anged Upon :eiastate�nent by Bomnwez, this Sea�nty InstiumeQt and dte
<br /> - � ohl3g�ttoas sec�+ed heneby sball remain fWly effective as if ao eooeieiation had oa.vsed.}towever,tbis.right to reiastate shall
<br /> ne
<br />-� oaE,a,p�1y in the case of aooeteaatioa uader paragraph 17. �
<br /> ';�;_ .I9. Sate o�Not�Cbange oi Lean.Servioer. 'i�e Note or a partial interest in the Noie(together witti this Seoutity
<br />��;. Iattrumcani)may be sold one or more times withont piior uodce to Eorrower.A sate raay resnit in a change in the etuity(known �
<br /> -. _ as the'i.oan Sen►icer�that ooltects monthty payments due under the Nate and tkis Se�ry Instrumeat.Tt�ere aisn a�ay be oae
<br /> - ,,��}. or maie chan�s n�tiie.ioan 5ervtcer uarelated to a�le of the Note.If thece is a e6ange of the Loan Servioec,Borrower w�71 tse —
<br /> _=.' -.��,'`--.:. given writteo npnce of ti�e d�ngc in a000zdauce with patagraph 14 above and appUcable Iaw.The notioe wili s�ate the name and • �__
<br /> � ,,t�,F�1,� '' address of the new Lvan Sen�icer aad the address to w6ich payments shoutd De made.11►e nutice�vW also oontain any other
<br /> ;-_ � � . .�'. infom�ation irqnired bY aPP��ie Iaw. �.�,."�"�_ :--
<br /> 'i:F'.. ��`::. Z(i Ha�rdons SnDstt�uoes. Eorcower s6a11 not cause or t the resenoe,use, , sto e
<br /> ti ' :.-' � `__� �=_—__
<br />_ �..,ti j� Fe�mi P disPasal isg , or teiease of any _
<br />�,,;� ) s'ati.'.,�:'3';�'�+`
<br /> � ��;�- Hardrdous Slt6��tanoes on or in the Progerty. Bomower s6alt not do:rtor altow anyone else to do. anything affecting th�. . _
<br />=,� .�� Pmperty tflat�is.in violation of eny Envimnn:enta!iaw.The preooding two seatenccs shall not apply to the preseace,use. or .
<br />_��' �:::'.': .�� :�,.-:��� starage on the Prope�ty of smaU quantities of Hazardaus Substanaes that ane generally recognized w be appmpriate to nom�al = -
<br /> � ""°`���=;=�:,�` residential uses aud w maintenance of the - _
<br /> : :�''�=:':. ProPerty �_�—
<br /> _- z nri,�:u;e'v..,: � Borrower shal!pnsmptly gitie lxnder wreuen stntioe of any invt�gaiion.claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by enY - -
<br /> ° ,�;.::,,�-�:�� . � ._ 8ovemmental or regWatory agency or private pa�ty involving the Property and any Harardous Substance or Eavimnmeatal Law � .�,fs:-_
<br /> -'+4:�<.�• :'��. '.�.;�• of whicd Bomower has�actual Imowiedge.If Borrower teazns,or is nat�fied bY a�►5'govemraental or�+egWazory authority,tdar � : _- --
<br /> _ y .. ,�'• :...,r;Y '.��4 eny removal or other remediation of any Haza�dous Substance at�e�ting the Properry is necessary.Borrower shall prompdy take �"
<br /> _.- :. ;�.<<:,��'f.•:'•;,•:�< �?�_
<br /> '�,,'yrr,;,�„. ;:,,�:. _ all neae�sary r�di�i actions�n acoordaace with Envimamental Law. .
<br /> �;��•-->
<br /> :i t;;.-�,�a:t.;'•,�t;;:},: �As ased in t6is paepgfz�ls Z0. 'Haiardous Substanoes"are those substaaces defared as toxie or hazardous substanoes by ����—
<br /> > :: -'�J�._`•;�•`,�.�.;-.�...�..' 'Emmonmental Law am!tb�.(ull�wing substanoes: gasoline. Iceroseaq utheer Qatnmabte or wxic petroteum pmducts. taxic -
<br /> � r
<br /> ' ,:�`� �,�s. : • ..:` pesticides and IneFbicides,voiatfle solvents.materials containing asbestos�ar formaidehyde.and radioact�ve materials.As used3'n:�.•� ---
<br /> X."< ;.,.. •�.:�`.:,�y.. , :,: this paTag�ph.20. °Snvimrunental Law" �eans federal laws and lav+�of the jurisdictton whece the Property is lacated that .� -
<br /> �k; '' `;' • relate to healt6 safety or envirnnmenta!pmtection. . � .
<br />�3;�t= ��� �'�� � NON-UPiI�ORM COVENAPITS.Borrower and I.ender further cavenant aad agree as follows: �` ..� °�m"�:_
<br />--��., :+:;::�t�>�
<br />- �, �.:��,:.:�... ' 21.Aooelerattua;Reraedies.l.euder shatl give notice to Borrower pdor tn soceteratton fol�owtag Bo�rurrei's bresc�.,l"�
<br /> " ;.� ,r;��?t;��?:} ;: - of auy wvenant or sgre�n�t in thtc Secwity Instrameat (6ut not prlor to aaceleration undee paragra� 17 aW� . �
<br /> �� �:,°:�. •.,. . :�: . .; aPPIIcahle law videg atheewise).The notice shaU s •���"�-
<br />-,�,t: ���: [� [��� ta)the defaWt,(b)tlte actlon t+equtred to cure t@e detaulq : r...{: '�;_
<br /> {;;� �'�`'� •���': '. •�;+• (c)a date,nat[ess than 3D days fmm the date the notfce Ls giveo to Borro�ver,6y w61cb the defaWt mu�t be cueed;ead�= �+'�_ :� �: • n��
<br />����;� � -, ,��!��t3t (�that faidiueCo woe the detault on or 6efore the date specitled in tRe nottce may.�.sult tn socelaation of We su�ss _ �. � - ��'�_
<br /> , . u�s
<br /> � �'` " `<�_ s e c a�f by t�Ts��ecuri t y Iastrnment and sate of We Prape r t y. 't'IIe notice shall�rther Wform Borsowes otthe rf g 6t to ` �,:
<br />-_- t '�..;t��i�;;,:i: ` ;; ;,.: 4;r..:,':' , . -_
<br /> r�nstate aRer acceterat[asn aTSd the right to brin a court aeUos to ascert the noa�exLstence oY a default or an other ���,�. ` ' • '' •
<br /> -� .: x� `,�l � S Y � ,r.�::�,
<br /> , .� ; �r�_;. :, �=.':�::�.,..: „�,. _� � " -_
<br /> .,.,.�, .,,; ...: defacse of BaROwer to ac�fesation and sate. If the defaWt ts not cnred on or Uefore tAe date specIfted in tGe notIce, ,. . ;< �� .,. .�.
<br /> . . .��':��i'�•' Lender,at iis op8oa,may reqWre immedtate payment in fiill o�aU sums secured by t6ts Security Iastn�nent�r�thua�t �' . : ..•k,�=-
<br /> ;a�.'� `'� ����� . Nrtker demand and may tavoke the power of sale and auy other remedtes�ermitted by appllcabte law.Lender sba0 6e `� '�' � • Y�' -
<br />_, . ���:�`� �... , . .:r�'�':_-.
<br /> �j��;:; , . entttled to colteM all expenscs iacvn+ed in puisuing the remedIes�d�ed in this pardgrapL 21,inctuding,bnt not ltmit¢d . �. - .-
<br /> ���'.':��� ,
<br /> -�r � � ��„. : ' to,reasoanbte sttomeys'fees and costs oi title evidence. - ° ' �:;�;��
<br /> . If the pawer of sale is invoked,Trustee shel!recnrd e notfoe of dePault in each county In whlcL any part o!the • • ` �'�•3 n��`
<br /> ' Property Is tocated end shall mai!copies oY such natfce i'n the ma.�ner prescribed by eppltcable taw to Bor�er and to ' - � ' `�'`
<br /> :. � , '°° ��' the other persoas presc�ibed by appltcable law.After the time rcq��a+ed Dy appltcable Iaw,Trustee shall give publtc aot�ce ' r �"..
<br />�,�1` • ��:°�';�,�'��� .,�:� oYsele to the petsons end in the manner prescribed by applicabte fi�w.'Fn�tee, �rithout demattd on Bormwet,sliall sell � � ';��-,,;,���.��
<br />-- :,_;,,. • ::� ,Y,• �,,�;: the Pe+operty at public suction to the Wgh�i bidder at the time arc��f�.�ce and under the ter�as destgnated in We nottce oi .
<br /> � ,�,.;;;;.•',;.. - 'I`i?` s}�a.l.e�in one or rtiore parcels and(n any ardcr Tcustee determines.Yeustee may postpone sate of all or any parcel oi the °:#�.�; � .
<br />' ' F ��i,,fF��'��1y'•' ' � -'��� Sl1ijlCrty by public annouacement at the time and plrtce of any �Peafously scheduled sale. I.ender or its destgaee may � >> . ;�. �- �� .
<br /> ,�;:��,
<br /> ` .;'`���".:.�: purchase the Property at�y sale. ; � .
<br />_ �:�,� �,.�,�,�°�::,.. .
<br />:?���' •� �� ` , ..
<br />�i `��� �� � � � Fartn 30Z8 9J9a .
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