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99 110157 <br /> GXf1IflI'l' "A" <br /> Part of the East One Ha].f. of tl�e So�attieast fauarter ( E.1./2 SFL/4 ) of Secti.on <br /> THenty (20) , 'I'ownshj.p C.Leven ( il ) North, Renge t� ( 9 ) Wec3t of• th� F th f'. Pt. , <br /> Hall County, Nebraeka, more particul.arl.y de�scrl.bed �s .fo1..Lowa: at <br /> a point on the Souther_l.y l.ine of DeJ. Moni�e Avenue, point i� "1'hrPe <br /> Hundred Fifty Two (352) Feet Southweaterl.y from L.ot CJne ( 1 ) , Blocic Five ( 5) , <br /> Bel-Ai.r Addition to the City o:f. Greand Is.l and, Nebraska; t:hence r•t�nn_i.riq <br /> Southeaeterly a.long end upon �-� ] lne �ar��l l.e:l. with the :�;outitiweet.erly L,ot <br /> of eaid t_ot One ( 1 ) and 'Three Ilundred F'if ty Two ( 35?_) !•'eet dist.ant ther�efrom, <br /> for a distance of One Hundred 7'wenty Si.x ( ].26) Feet) 't.IIPRCP runni ng <br /> SouthNesterly or� e line para.l..Le.l, with t,he Souther]_y line of De.t MOT1t.P Avenue <br /> for a distence o� Seventy (7Q) Feei.) tIlPT1Cf3 Northwesterly on a ].ine <br /> parallel with the Southweaterly Lot o.f. sa�.d l.ot One ( 1 ) , Hlocic I�1_ve ( 5 ) , <br /> Bel-Air Addition and I�o�ar Ilizndred Twenty Two ( 422) f•'eet di�tant therefrom, <br /> for a dietance of One Iliandred Twenty Si.x ( 1.2.6) feet to the Southerl.y ].ine c�f <br /> Del Monte Avenue; thence rur�ning Northeaster.l.y on and upon tt�e So�athPr.l.y .l.j.n� <br />�f Del Monte Avenue �or a dietance of Seventy (70 ) Feet to the }�oj_ni, of <br /> beginning. <br />