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.—s �1 3'` t '� � � `v' ' �' t; r - <br /> � . .... 7� . ' ��.a.'� �� tC� .�. <br /> � � ' � , z <br /> �l �E'*� - f��''���' �¢�.�T � .- � .. � - �... �- � -- -�------ <br /> x <br /> -, =.` `- ' k �:;° 1'__ y��� - {` ` .'' � - - <br /> - .l� - - ia.a,u '" - - _°°`� . . -°---- <br /> � V cs}} .�` � . ` � ` . �,. �, ,` e^. ,. ` � '-` . . '��;^�_ <br /> -�.�iR ' _ ` , i ( �. . . . . ' . .. ' . tl°A���� , ' ;,wf. <br /> --- --- �19.'i'rn�s�r o�e@�Pho�er a 8eaetidal tnteres3 tn Borrtneer.If aU o: :. g�ec af�ke Prpperty or eny iqfe.�est ir�if' �' <br /> - ----- - ie sotd ps uansfetned dor if�6�he�clal Literest in Bormwer is sold or ttunsferred atad�wer ia uat`a aatural p�r�on)withar� ` <br /> _� . <br /> J�' —.:._�_` I�e�ctc�r's.priaT wrttten_conscats--LcnARr_m�y.itt tts opdan; t+e�ai�e i�nmediate p��nt in tiaft of all sums �by tttm <br /> ---- —___ .-�.�nl:Aocveve���sog�oas�lti[o`t,b��by3�deriP�ee��at9-�t��r��t�wssuf�tteta=__ ', --- <br /> . of tAis Sesvnry Inswment. < � . ,. : .. <br /> ` If Gender�xercIs�s this aptton.t.ender skall give Boxruw�r teauilce of ecceleratis��.Tt�e notice shati�+ovide a periad uf nQt _ <br />_�° . less thalt 3Q days,from tlie data the no�ce is dellverad or maited wlt�in whtcd B�nawer must pay e!!sums savs+ed by ti�ta ,. <br />- Secutity Ins4eumr�nt.IP Bomower fufls to pa,y►these�aums pr�or ta t�e eApirtttion of tdis period.LenQet may u►voke sny�es <br /> A <br /> - pem�ittod� tNa Sc,curt�yr Inst�vment wIthuut tiuther aodce Qr deman�on Bom�wer. Bomutv�r�shail Aave the rjgM w Qave <br /> m y <br />-_ 18. Borrower's Right to Refastate. If Bnrruwer meets c�rtal� wudidons. _ <br /> enfomacene of this Secariry Ia�wmeIIt d3suontimied et s�r time pr�or to the eazlier of:(a)5 days tor sucD other period as � � <br /> -�. _ applicable taw may_sgecit�r fo� reinstate�ent)�efare sate of the Propeny purs�ant to any power af sale eo�rtalned ia tt:is ' - - <br /> -____ .__ <br /> _ i -�_ _ _ geauity j���m-�i:ar(b�entry ef a judgi�ent e�ti�g tttis Secvriry Ltsa�seat.'i�ase cosditians�eis ehau Sonower:te)pays-- ---- _ <br /> Leartec all sums wtdcb taen wuuld be dua und�r tLis Sect�rity iasuument and the l�ote ra�;if no exeterat�an had oaurred:N) -- <br /> - � ` ^' aues aay,default of any a�er oavenaats or agc�eement9; (c) aii'eapeuses iasrumed ia ent'oidng this SocurIry I�tcameQt,. _ _ <br /> = � inct�.but not Wnited to.reasonable atwmeys'.fees;sad(�takes such acdon as.tea�er.may reasonably require w acsure ' <br />_ - that tDe�ien of tA3s Se�vrIty'Imsonm}em.Iander's r�ghts in the Paogerty and Bnrmwer's obiigatioa to pay the sums seaered by <br />= - tGis Socuriry�It�sd�uffient shalt oont�nue unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower. this Secnrity lnsorument and the <br /> fi �•-:�. obli�akons secure�hec+eby sLall remain fuliy effeMive as if no aooeleration had aceunad.Howe�rer,tflis right to reimstate sha11 _ <br /> 1{ y'l <br /> ; �� not appIy in the c�of acoeleration under paragraph lT. . <br /> �,_,.: _�'� 19. Sal�of Nat� Change af Lnan Serv[cer. The IVote or a pardal�interest in the Note(together with this Securiry _ <br /> "�``���` > '`�• Instrument)may be sold oae or raore times withoui paor notioe to Borrower.A sale may zesult in a chaage in the entity(Emnwn --�'--— — <br /> - � •...�:::, .�.��,'�_ - <br /> . . �4 �;,��N --: as the'L.oan Servicee°)that calleas inoathlY PeYments due umder the Nate aud this Seairiry Inswmeai.'i�ere aiso may be one =-_-. <br /> ;� ,��,�"�'V�'" *` or mote cdaages of the Lvan Servicer natelazed to a sate of the Note.If ther�e is a ct�ange of the Loan Seivicer,Borrowet will be ---_ _ <br /> �;.:� . �.:.. - ..�._ - <br /> ' ,.z��t, :�_�:: °'�:' given written aohoe of the change in acooidauuce with paragruph 14 above aa�appliraDle law.The notice will staze the aame ead �.:.� <br /> a <br /> - �'� {,� address of the new Loan Servtoer aaci the address to which pay►uents should be made.The notice will also oontain any other <br /> Y�j . <br />_ #'� , . ` ' information required by applicaGle[aw. ' � � <br /> s �_ .� . ' Z0. BazaMous Sabste.IISes.Bosrower shall aot canse or pemut the presencs.u�.disposal. �r^�e.or,t�e�e of any z�:.-_---- <br /> - -`'�< �� '�k" Hazandous Substances o»or in the Propecty. Borrower shall not do, aor altow anyone else to do,anytding�ecting the �•��,=;_- <br /> x.�:. `N . . . 7.... . _--: <br /> �':�"o:..� �-i • �":'f t�iViRYiY�F-_ <br />_ , .4;. . Propeny tl�at is in violation of any Environmental Law. Z3�e praoeding two seatences shall not apply to t�ie preseace.ase,or ;��r_,:__,�_, <br /> , storage on the Property of small quandues of Ha7ardous Substartces that aie geaerally remgnized to be apPrapriate to normal :. ::����.�F_�_-.:-_-: <br /> l��•.•ty �-=�--- <br /> _ � ,.���':` resideatial uses aad to maintenance of the Pnoperty. . , �, �;:_ <br /> � , ,���r�:_— <br /> Bos�ower shall promptly give Lender wiitten notice of any invesugation.claim,demand, lawsuit or other adion by any �'���-.•� <br /> .�.,,._ <br /> ��,,�....i. � govemmeNal or regulato eacy or pdvate party invo[vin the Pro and aay tIar�daus Substance or Eaviruamental Law h.��"��''"'- <br /> r5►� � FenY �. :�r�y-.r�.: <br /> _ of which Homnwer has actual knowledge. If Borrower learas. or is notified by any govemmental or regWatory authority.that . �""";.;_��- <br />- � .. "�-L,.•.' any removel or other i+emediation of any Hamcdous Substance affecting the Property�s necessary,Borrnwer shall pmmptly take ' ::'=:3•.- <br /> '� _'.`.;., all neoe�sary�eatedial actioag ia aeoordance with Envitanmental law. -. ' - — <br /> .��: <br /> • ,s' :�:.�.:`_ As used in this pazagraph 20. "Hazardous Substances'are those svL*�nces define�as maic or hazardous substances by � =--- <br /> Enviroumental Law and the following substances: gasoliae. kerosene,�er tlanunabLe or.toaic petrotewn prodacts. toxic ; 4 J �-,� <br /> ..; � 7 <�; r' - vi o .�� <br /> ;�:s=t��� ,,;, .�� p�xic�ss and hecbicides,votaute solveats.materials containing asbestos ar formaldehy�de,and radioactive materials.As used in ;- �• • r <br /> .. �.:. <br />-' � °.� tiu��agraph 20. "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wltere the.Pcupetty is located that ' �. ° �„ � �c <br />--�' � • • . ' reF�[o health.saf'etyr or envimnmental protection. � ��,''`"•"T��': <br />� ' ' ' �VON-UNffORM COVENANTS.Borra�and I.ender funher coveeant and agree as follows. � �" � ��t -� <br /> '` ' ��i' 21. Aocel�atfon;Remedies.Lendee sF�saG�give notke to Bosr+a�ver prior tu aooeteiattoa fo�Borrnwet�s breach "" °"` <br /> ���ti� �. <br /> r '- '�• ' of any cnvenant or agna�t4 in t6[g Secar�ty Insdvment(6W not prFor ta aaeleration un�r p6aragraFL 17 untess ` ' ;.;�'�- <br /> - ; �.� �, � appllcabte taw ptnvid�atherarise).The nottce shaU spec(fy: (a)t6e default; (d)the adion requft�!to care the defaWt; < <. ,t;.� _ <br /> ' � ° (c)a date,not tess t6an 30 daf3 from the date the notEce Ls given to Borra�ier,by whlc8 tlte default must 6e cured;and �� <br /> =v t. � , (tn that failure to cure t6e ttefauit oa ar ipefose the date specified tn the notice may resvlt i��seeleradon of the sums ',�`-` <br />��.;� ;s �. � ` secured by thts Security Iastnuuent aad sate of We Propeety. 74te ao¢ice shall ttuthee lnfor�i��+n�ser ot the rtglit to , ," � _ <br /> }' reia�tate after aeceterat�on and the dght to being a court actton to asseri the non-existence of a defaWt or any oWer � '' <br />�s� g� :<;:='..�,. •'' .. .. <br /> . . , '; defense of Borrotiver to accele�atEnn and sate. It the deFautt ts not cured on or A2fore the date specliied W the notIce, . � �;^'_ <br /> � ; • • �.:���.;� Leacdar. at itss optton,may rea�au�e immedlate payment[n full oY aU sums secured by thfs Secarfty Ltctrsms�t��vithout � - . :';:: <br /> �� . '• lta�c�es demand and mpy invo�t�e ihe power of sale and eny other eemedles permitted by appllcaR�de�aw.�r shall be •- . • �',�.: <br /> y;�: ' • � '. ertu¢Ced to colled ell expeases incurred in pursWng the reraedles pr���i�d in this paragraph Zl,na�dwr�nng,but not Ilmfted �;�},:�., <br />__, ��::... , ,;.: � ' � ��::.-, <br /> ' � to,i�awnable�rneys'fees apd costs of utte evtdencc. �`<}••° -� <br /> �.' � � :�t.,.' U the po�of sale is invoked,Tnictee shall record a not[ce of ce�sult in eac6 counri 6��ch any part of the . , � �''�`.'y���\`;:� <br /> ' ;� •;�:��� Pta�erty is lacated end shult amall copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applIca�te taw to Borrower and to ' • �'��:.�"��° ' <br /> � ' the other persoac presrr�bed f�b•applicabte la�v.After the dme required by applia�6le ta�v.Tn�stee s�all give publtc notice � :-��; •_ <br /> � ;;��l5�-'..' _ . <br />__ '.����-` of sale to the pPrsons und id�e mamter prescri6ed by applicable law.Trustee, aii�cout demand on Bomower,shdl sell � `;`;i;, " <br /> ` . -. . the Properly at�u6D'rc atiti�ofl Qo the highest 61dde�at the time and ptace and nades¢he tertns destgaated in the potIce of '. � -�� � <br /> : : . sate!n oae or morr I �, •�" � <br /> , , paraeiy acsd in any arder Tnutee determines. Trustee may post�oae sate mf all or any parcel oY the .•,;:,,�.• . <br /> ' � � Fro�crty by p�btis annpuesccwnent at the time and place of eny previuusty xch�duted sale. �ec��icr or its deslgnee may ' " �``�� �=: �• <br /> f°' ,'� . pa� the Progrerty at ang sate. � . . <br /> �t. . . • . <br /> , },� . . <br /> _ �, . ;:t;. <br /> �._ I.. ., , :'���•., <br /> �``�' � Facm 3028 8/3Q . ,,.'�,t� <br /> �, i_:t",.1`�,i-� vape9oe e . ,'\' <br /> :,-,�. <br /> �. ,;�yy°{c; . <br /> t i�.t�y�i i�b�;�' , . <br /> .';,�t)i�=F��i' � - • ` � ; <br /> '�a�.�t�'f`�?\`��y.�• �� :� . �.t <br /> s'k��,��lt` t� 1� ���-�,..-...--�- �_ , ..' . .;\� <br /> \ 4 �'� �'t.��'T`�' `.?:-:':�.'�':"t'`'•'`7.'"..__•--��y-.. <br /> .�� � :�?��. ' � . . , tl� �`�,��'' �11�i�`•� . .ti 'f ,� . . . . . . . .. . • . . . . <br /> 1 � 2`,' }, l <br /> ��,_ •.. . ,�.. �•'A��` ri' ; 7 , , • . . " ." . • .. • . <br /> . ,•t ; . ,i: <br /> _Q, - ... . i . . .-L. ` . .. , . . � . <br /> a + �� ' . �' . . . . , �1�' . • . „ . , <br /> ;�':: • ' .. . . . , ,. . ,. • <br /> ��. � � , _ . " , . • • .. ' <br /> . . • . • . . . . • ,. . <br /> • .. • ,, • , , . • <br /> . . , . . ... • . .. • . . . , <br /> • ��- • • � � . � <br /> ; , . . . _ ._ <br /> . ; , . _ . . <br /> , . . , <br /> . .t_ . . <br /> . . . . . . <br /> _ _._ __— _ _ .-- _ ._ __.- - _---- ---.-- - --- --•-- -_._— _.___—_.___...,.__....�.________---- - <br /> _ -- �_,_._t__.__—.___:.--...—.—•-- •------ - -�- <br /> -_._ , ---•- -- � ----- — --- --- - --- _.. ... •---- ------------. ..- <br /> -�..- ---T- .r --°-•, - - - --- - . - - - <br /> „� . : � -� . . .. . . . .. <br /> ' { �i .1 • ' , .. ' ' ; - ' .'" � . .} ' , . <br /> ;>., � .� �� �. ' • ' ' . � ''', . � ` , .�: <br /> . <br /> . . ,- _ ____ <br /> ,. , .:t..... .. . - . - -- .. . __. _ , _- <br />