�'q �'��� . ':�� �f-� . _ ' �c ' U -"! -
<br /> ' � .'�-..�` . �» � -_ �S . � . `." . . 5e �y��� ----
<br />� �'v Cv`4, _ �;y�'•. �"'��' ` _ �, - - _ � �. _--
<br /> ^jt �,^V 9. c - L` -�.-Z<` - . , T+' .-_- _ ._.
<br />�_ C.�,� tlC -u `�a 'C ,u.. ` _ . . . _, i'-r• ,_ -A 3 �� . � . . r -C .t.. _ —
<br />� ll� •` `. ` . . . ` c ., ... .__ ` � . �,�' .
<br /> � �T�`�4- . . �<t,` ` , . , ` . .a . L. . , ` " . • ���. . . t f . _
<br /> — . • D� �}.i.,.i�i��Jil �t �C���P ��iY�M CWMi,7�uL`,W__r•Y�_{fI67�1VRMUR!auu��G+O�.QU+{}����}.�.I,�����w :��^7�_':•�P � ``
<br /> . ..
<br /> —.M�3if�.T�W�A�_f�-�_iiiC���W1L�W_L4G_�C�•YAi9N��f'_�a-`eDC~�.�'LWG[�1 lllki4� _ . . — �.
<br /> - - - - Qtlf�3 O!QQO�D$•fUf 9P��!�iCt1QpI 1�j111iC9�t1�.t'f41��E.�.R�tlSttC9t100 9���10�S�il!li�CB�,�---�Wl1II��W� QCf10�
<br /> - � thas I:end�r requ3rtw.'fhe insuranoo csurier pmvi�ing the�t�uian�sP�atl be chosen by,Brncrowcp su'bjec�to Le�er's approvaI � .
<br /> - — which s�il!�mt bt nareasoaa4�iy wItNrsids if Sorrower frt�i[s to mmiataln coverege descetUcd ebo've.i.effier may.at La►�r's
<br />_— _ � option.obis�n aoverage tv gmt0ct Ls�nder's dgDts in the�rope�ty►in a�000rdmace with par�pb 9. ` : � �
<br />� -. AiE u�saraaoa�tacs ea�re�ewals'shtill6e aoo�tab2e to I.endei e�d shatl Incivd�a stsc�daid mott�ge ct�.Lender �
<br /> - . ehall II�ve di�•rlght to ho2a the polici�s aad reuewais.If I.eadeir e+aquIres.Bu�maer s6s11 pramPdY gira w I�e�er all�oeipts o'� , .
<br /> paid piemiums and reaewa!notices.In the event of loss.$onawer shatl give pmmpt nattce to the�carrter a�l+ea�dtr: �
<br />�=�°-_°--- L�dsrm�tm�Empmof of lo�if notmadep�an►gdy�y�+orra�s.__- _ � � � - ------ . _ .
<br /> - - � - - _ ..
<br /> '.�.�"' UNea�I.cnder and Bonower ot�nvi3c agcee 1a wrltiqg,insmance pmceeds sDalt be applied ta icsiomdon or reg�r of tl�- -- -_
<br /> � ptnpe;iy�.if the c�estoiation or zepair is emao�icalty f�'bSe ead I.ea�der's s�uuityis not lesse�ed.If 1��taration Q�
<br />- cepair is am eonnnm�rally fea�2e or Leade�s seairity wauld be i�d.the is�u�toe proe�ds shstl:be sppli�d to t6e samts
<br /> s�by_this 5ecurity Iusttumeut,�w�et�er or na[the�due:.with aay exoess paid to Bosruwer. IF�onmYer abanda�the
<br /> _�� Pmpecty,Qr does not aaswer within 3Q days a nouae fmm Leada tt►at the insivance carder I�s offeced�to�ttIe g ciaim,thao �
<br /> — -- trendes may ooll0ct the insuraaoe pmceeds. Lender may use the�prnoeeds to repair or restore the Ficdpetty or ta.Fsy:sums
<br /> �_�-'� `seaued by this Seauiry Ia�t,wI►�th�r or not th�due.'If�s 3Q�day per�ad will begin arfleu the aotioe is giv�. . _--
<br /> _,.-�.r„� Uni�Lc�der aad Bormwer otherwisc�COe ia arriting, auy applicatioa of proa�eds w principat sLall aat ex�d or .
<br /> ��:��r,�. ,� �
<br /> ���. Pustpoae the due date of the atantWy pay�ents c�efer�ed w in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change.thesmonnt af the paymeats. ff
<br /> -- �- ,_ -- uuder panagtaph 21 the$ropeity is a�quited bg.i.ender,Sorrower's rigRt to aay insuzance policies and prooeeds�+esniting ftom =—-
<br /> n.u.-•. ,
<br /> _.?�-�:,.__���; , damage to the Pmperty prFor to the aoquisitioa shalt pass to Lercder to the exteni of ihe svms s�auod by this Securiry Iasttumeat =----
<br /> �� n '' Iatmediately prior to the aoquisi6on. . � _
<br /> � � �" 6.Q�eu�^,...acy,Pr�,1W.sisslea�aee s�Penlertioa of t�Pra�ety;Boreotve�s Lo�n Appllc�tioa;F.eas�old�. � 4��a-_—_-�-
<br /> ��.;'� _ r: �,.;,.- . ' __
<br /> .� : .��`°.f:.1:�. Smxower s6all oxugy,establish.and use the Pmperty as.Haaewcr s priaapal msidenoe wii6in sixty days after the eae�a►tion of , -----
<br /> _ :3:.=:• , � this�ecurity Inswmeat aad s8all oontinue w uocapy the�riuperry as Bomnwer's priacipal residsnoe for at least ame year aRer =.
<br /> uo
<br /> _ � ��'�r'�_~ � t��of oocupancSt,ualess Lendes atheiwise agrees in writing��VLIt�I ODaSCIIt Sb3II IIOt�nnrnacn_�,h[y.��,or un2ess �_��--`---
<br /> --. ";_'4' ��',���:_ • exGa�ating ci�tano�s exist whic6 are 6ey.ond Borrawer's aontrol. Eornnwee shall not dcsuvy,c�amage or impair tha --- _
<br /> � Pmpeny, a!!ow the Propeity to deteriorate,or oommit waste on the Properiy. Borruwer shall be in�'aiitt if atry forFeiture ��:�
<br /> �, . � ��=._ • `�J action or p:aoeediag,whether civil or rriminal.is 6egun that iu I.eadePs good faitb judgment cou[d resvtt ia forfeiture of the -yw,�.� _
<br /> —;� i��t�,� i�' Propeny or ottternise materiaUy Impair the lien c�eatad by ttris Seauity In�uumeat or L�ader's secvrity inte�est.Bomnwer may �
<br /> — r;'',� ;^ vfd in h i b causin ttee act�an or to F�dismissed�;iith a nttiu ��s���_
<br /> �=„..�:r•.' :_�;' curesudtadefaWtandreinstate.aspro ed paragrap 8, Y 8 F��B 8 r�-.�—
<br /> ', °''� ✓ i6at. in I.ender•s goad faith dctermiffition. pcecludes fort'eitu�of the Horrower's inteie.st in the IR+operty or other material �—_
<br /> .r�. . �`��� impairmcnt of th�lien creatad by this Secati�y i�strument or Leader's secvrity interest. Bortawer�l also De in defaWt if =-=_= m
<br /> ' Bomower.during the loen application proaes�,.��e mateeally fatse or inaccviate infounation or�u to Ixnder(or failed . � -_ �—
<br /> .�'o , ' � to�as9Qe Irender with any mat�ial infvan2tiaay in oons�cuon witb the loan evideace�k hy the Nate,iacluding,but not limited ,�,�r�s�h , -
<br /> �' to, msemations oonoemia �ec s an of gco ag a rinci al�.If this�Secvri I�tnt is on a f,;�; �`�T��'':
<br /> , >" � 8 �P �Y � FenY P P . �" ,.,.{��3.�'��r,
<br />- �._.�'�,��:.' . ':, teasehold, Borcower shal! oompty zvitH a!l.the pravisions of tbe lease. If Borrowet acquires fae title to the��Ry.dte ..s:.,:,j ,,.-�,�=;,
<br /> � teasehold and the fee titte shatl not merge untess Lender agrees to the merger in wrtting. `{r �`
<br /> � ° ._ ��.._
<br /> i•� , �.►� 7.Pe+utectlon of l.eade�s Rig6ts in the Paoperty.If Borrower fails to perform the cavenants aad agreements contsined in� � �:_
<br /> :''�': � ' s�
<br /> �r : _y�?:�:;;, •: • � this Securiry Instnunent.or there is a legal procealing tDnt may significantly at�ect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a -.', 4 .
<br /> ' ��'�`'�, � � rooeedin i�banknt t robate.for oon�emaarion or fotfeiture or to enforce laws ar re ons).then I.ender ma do aad . ��'!•,`�.:�?:`���'
<br /> ' �` > .'��„`".. ...,� P S P�Y.P �l � Y :.,:;i�;c�aw. . �.,:-;�
<br /> _ ? • � � pay for whatever is necessary to protecl the value of th@ Pnoperty and Lender's righu in the Propetty. Lender s actions may Y rs�+s;�<;:•, •
<br /> �:�� �� , � �:-
<br /> . ' include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priarity over this Securiry Inst�ument, appearing in court. paying � :--
<br /> '_ ,..".::: _ .;..���_--
<br /> � .� . • . �� c�easonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to muke.repairs.�[c!iough Lender may take action under this paragrapb � ` ��.'-
<br /> � ��� � � ° 7.Lertder does not have to do so. ,� t �� .�:'::; j+.;�
<br /> P�ty amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additiraaal debt of Borrower sec¢�:d by this `::���'t�.�����''�:• .� '�'�
<br /> �. ' ' . , :.`� : x�•�. : .. ;:
<br /> Se�ur��•Instrument. Untess Borrower end Lender ssgree to othertem�s of payment.tiv�e amounts shall bear int:s*:st from the '��:�`r. "�. ��
<br /> '. � ° date of disbursement at the Note rate and shnll be payuble. with interese. upon norice from Lender ta Borrower reqttesting '•�• �;;,;,;:,';
<br /> ' �i_, ��,�,
<br /> � �" � payment. , .E:i:,k,,.
<br />_ �' '•� �` , ����� •, 8.Mostgage Insw'attce.If Lender required mortgoge insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security . .. '`�'��`
<br /> � Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums cequired ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason. the ' ' ° `4
<br /> , �� . .
<br /> �� " mortgage insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceasea t4 be in effect. Horrower shall pay the premiums required to ' � ��;�s'.:�`;;,:,;.�: �
<br /> >-� � � obtain coverage snbstantially equivalent to the i7ortgage insurance pre��iausty in effect.at a cast�u�s�rantially equivalent to the ' • ..:;,��;?;-:5f;;
<br /> i `'�' '• " cost to Borrower of the mort a e insurance reviousl in effect: from� altemate mort a e insar�c roved b Lender. If ' ���'�`�+��-
<br /> e 8 8 P Y S b �PP Y ' ' ... ;;�..'i`�'�`:
<br /> �`:•. - ;.:.',-���..� : substantially equivalent mortgnge insurance coverage is not avaitabte.Borrower shall pay to l.znder each month a sum equal to � ' ' � � .��;'
<br /> .,,,_ :
<br /> �,:}•; ,�;,}?�K�`_1�• �. � one-tcarelfih of the yeariy mortg�insurance pmmium being•paid by,Borrower when the insurunce coverage lapsed or ceased to � � . , ,
<br /> r;.�' `;�j�i3;`?.:. be i�s effect.Lender wiU accept.a5e and retain these paymem�as a loss reserve in lier� of mortga�e insurunce. Loss reserve �
<br /> 't?�� Fotm 3028 8/90
<br />� - i+� _ �,:�°t��,�:;;� aa7�3efE - , :'�� �
<br />- r: •� t!.�':5�!4',� - '
<br /> �;;� ��aq'i.t�, ' \i;�. . • . � ,
<br /> �f`. 1�```ili�A`.i;�:'t i..+. ,.
<br /> .`
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