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<br /> �: � � TO(�tH�R wl'(H au dir impev.�man�s now`or�erec�i an�ptope�ty.aad at!we4dmts.�ppa�es.-
<br /> � ` �d fixl�es tq+r�or�radMer s�rt ai 16e p�opeey. �ilE ttpi�oemenb and ,a,fid�tion�sW1E also be tovf.�bY!�� .
<br /> t�nM. AUait6tfoc�tjoi�iststertedwindds5ecuntyta�rwnrnt.as�be. Ropetty' � �
<br /> . HORROWF1t COVENANTS thu Bo�tower is bwfully seised ot 16e Est�r baeby wa�reyed�ed`6as 1be tight 10 p�Ot .
<br /> aM oa�ntirsy the pkopetty and�t tbe cs�beccd.exapt for e�annl�ances of cecad. Bamvrer warr�nts�nd � .
<br /> �. ' alt cUums aod dem�nds.subject t�arty rncurnbt�naes of recad.
<br /> Mrill ddC����►tht titk q thC P�ope�ty a�
<br /> � 'EHIS SF�iRITY INS'iRUMENF cambina unifcxm co�ceoaotx fa n�ionat�sc�nd aoa-w�ifam cavawus xiih ...
<br /> �,� Wnited v�as by j�aisdicnoe t�c�or�atiwte a unifam sewrity��t�+►etin8+�P�D� -� � -
<br /> � lJNI�URM C�dYENAN'i'S. Bormwe�and E+eo0ecoo�rem�and agnx as fdbws: - .
<br /> � L A��atlriu�d an�taiere�t:i�e/�l�eN�i L�� ���t premptlY P�Y whea due the
<br /> prineipsT of aqd i�m the debt evidenced 6y tLe Note and�Y P�+�WY�t aod iate dprSes due uoder tbe Nde.
<br /> 2. i�ti�sfirTazesa■il��I�G-.S�eto p� lawartvawtimea�vaiverbYl.ender.Iiarowashaltp�yto
<br /> t.aidet aa die dig mond�iy psymeats arc due w�dec tLa S�utq�tbe Nae is pid in fai�a swn t"Funds°)for:ta)Y�Y
<br /> . ttaes aodas.sess�nents w6ich aray awin p�iurity a+rer tLis Securitjr Tnsinanait ag a ti�t an tbe P1vpe�ty:.tb?Y�Y.kasehoitl
<br /> - ?`,empsnfeoCS o[g�t�is�the Aape�ix.�any; tC?S^�Y �a P�'oP�nY ittau�r�e pmniums; (d)yartY 11ood
<br /> --- -- •;�¢dsutanoc penumns.�3 aaY:[e)Y�Y�S��S�z F�if auy:ar�4fl amy surt�WYaMe bY Harrower w. - -
<br /> - �.in acoo�da�we with tUe pmvisiaas oC par�ph 8,in�ieu o�tUe p►ymeot of moctgage ins�rr�nce pemiwas• Tsese
<br /> c ifans are caIIed"EsCmw Itemc.' t.ender m�►y.at any time.ooltat and hold Cv�tn an atmunt not W exead the m�xuirun
<br />_�� amoaat a Ieader for a federally atated moctgage ban may Rquine foc Basowers escrow xcuuM u�der t1�federal Real
<br /> Ectate Seuka�au Ptoc�edu�es Act of 1974 as ame�ded f�om time to dme.!2 U.S.C.4 2601 a seq.("RFSFA").unkss u�otUer
<br /> Isw th�t applies to the Cvqds sets a lesser aanoun� If so.I.eader may.at any time,colkct w�d taW Fvnds ia an amourK nut ta �.
<br /> � exoaed tlie kss�r unao�. I�ender may est�te the anw�me af Eiulds due Qn ttx basis of cua�ent dua and�e�bk =-.
<br /> = ; esdmates uf expen�w�es af fatuce E�ow Items a ot�erwise in accadant�with appiicabk law. . . �
<br /> -_- 'ilie lin�s shall be IrcW in an insvtutian�vAost deQosics aR i�by a feQeial agency.,instraaaitality,a nxitY '=' ,
<br />=�3=-s � tinetuding l�fef if LRr�der is such�t institutio�f or in�ay Federal Hane Lo�n BaNc.�Lender sl�ll appiy the Fvnds to psy � , ,
<br />��- �e Esetvw Taems. La�der ma�not-cl�uge Bam�rer fa 6otd'mg aod applylog the FvMs.annwUy analyzing th�escro.r .
<br />- ' accaun�rx verityirtg the Fsc�ow Itemw.unkss Leoder pays Bamotvtr inta�est on the��ds and applicabk law�permiu
<br /> � Lender w make such a chugc Hawever.[.ender may require Bonower to pay a anatirtte charge for an indtpendent real ' —
<br />. - esta�tax tepating savice nsedby t�er►der in caaaection witb tlus toan.onless applica6k law psuvides atherwise. Untess.aa -
<br /> • �grcemrnt is made ot applicuble la�c requires intmst to be paiQ.I.ender shaU not be tec�ired to pay Borrowex a�r fdurest or`
<br /> t' . .-'. eamings on tfie['vnds. Barawer and Lender may�gree in writing.however.that interest shall be pard on ttie fuads. Lender
<br /> - ` - shafl give to Horrawer.without clnrSc.an anaaaf accamting of tAe Funds,showing crediu aad debits w the.�unds and tir� .
<br />-��'�'� purpase fa whicb each debit to the Fands was made.,The Funds are ptedged a,s additional securiry for all sums sec�ard�
<br /> � � this Sec�uity InsTrumeat. `
<br /> . . If the Fund�beld 6y L�enA��r excad the amounts petmitted to be hetA By applica6le law.ixnder shall account[o
<br /> • Bortvwtr for the eacess Funds in accadance with the regu�n�ments of�ppticable U►w. if the amount of the Funds hetd by
<br />• . '"�r Lender at arry time is not su�cient co pay ttie Escrow Items when dae.i�der n�ap so notify Borrower in wti6ng.and.in
<br /> ,. , ` . such Sa.se Borrower shnl! pay to l.ende�the arnount necessa�y w m3ic�up 16e�deficiency. Barower sfiall malcc up thc;.. '
<br /> :�;. � �ciency in ao mone thAn twelve monthlY P�Y��ts.at L.ender's sole�-5ecetiat •::S: �: _
<br /> . . Upon payenent in full of atl sams secured 6y tl�is Security Irtsvmnen�l:ender sh�ll promptly refund ta Bamower ac�y_,:'':" ----
<br /> F Funds hetd by LenQer. IP under paragraPb 21.txnder�hall acquire or selE the Ptoperty.Lender.pnor,to the acquisition ut�. .'` ;;';�:�
<br /> ^:,;..y : sale of tha Prupeety.shull apply any Funds hetd by l.ender at the time o f acquesi�:on ar sale as a credit against the sums -�_-
<br /> - r"��" secated by this Security lnstrumenl. , ; .`'� :
<br /> ;� ;�f�; • 3. Applicat�on af P�ymeet� Untess applicabte !aw pravides oti�erwise.a1 1 payments receiveA by i�.mder under _ :• 'z=;
<br /> �. ; paragraphs f and 2�hall be applied:fa�t.to any prepayment charges due imder the Note:second.to amaun�s payable under �_,•:.:,�:;"
<br /> - �:�� :• paragraph Z:third.to interest duc:fourth.to princ�pal dne:and last.to a�r late cGarges due under the Note. _ • ,..
<br /> . 4. C b a�e s; L k e s. B o m nw er shall p a y att ta�ces.assessmcnts.c h a s ges. �nes and imposiGons attriiwtable to the .� :�:'.
<br /> �� `-` Property which may attain priority ovee this Secuc'sty lr�strumen�and leasehotd��men�c ar ground rents.if any. Borrower ��:
<br />,,�;�, � shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.ar if not paid�that manner.Borrower shall pay them on
<br />- time ditecQy to the person owed paymert�. Bomnwer shall promptiy h,r�sisb ta Lender all notices of amaunts ta be paid under
<br />`.::`�:;°; ' Ihis paragraph. if Boaower makes tAes�paymen�q directly.Barrou��si�afl promptty fumish to Lender receipts evidencing `•r"
<br />'�i` ;. the paymenta :� � ' �
<br /> Horrower shall promptty discharse any tien which has prioity avet this Securiiy Instrument untess Boaa�d•er:(a)agreey .
<br /> � �-•� in wridng to the payment c�[he obligation recured lry the lien iri a manner acceptabte to Lender.lb)contests i:��'ood faith the . -
<br /> ' ' • �� . lien by,or defends against enfacement of tl�e lien in,tegal proceedings which in the Lender's apinion operar�to prevent ihe _
<br />;t� ', - . enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from ihe holder aP the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lcnder su6ordinating the li�n
<br /> Y;:;i , } to this Security Instrument. If I.ender determines that any pan of the Property is srbject to a lien which may attain pri��,
<br /> ;;;. . - �,= . over this Security instnunem.Lender muy give Borrowcr a noticc identifying thc lien. Borrawer shall satisfy the lien ott�Ace .,.
<br /> •• .J J� �•�. , ont or more of the actiacl��et forth atravc within 10 days of fhe givin�of notice. . � �
<br /> • f�.. � 9. Naza�d or flrop�rLy lesurance. Horrower shall kcep the improvements now existing ur hereafl'�:�".�ted on the ,',
<br /> .�� �`~' . �� Ro Nsured a ainst lass b flre.h�zards inctuded within the term"catended coverage"and xny other it,::�3s.including
<br /> �r% •'. PenY� S Y
<br />'``: - -'`�;%; : • floods or fiavding. for which Lender requires insurance. This:n.�c;rance shall be maintai:�in �he amouats anA for the
<br /> ���'',r�' �'�Yjf. . � . � . ..
<br /> :%°` • �crzt3Y:!! 9'9� ipn.ee2 nititv+e•+) '
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