a .� ; -�'=�Y'Y .-ti�. �� S_<L c+�� E° �'`�``�`'�`y'.��•,;,� .t..� .� ' - � , -. - -� --c r `-' . _ , ,�- . � .
<br /> _,;`�p�. _ ���?��_ `a\ c�_. �? '�'���.._••_ �'I ' . .� ` y r =� _ __—....__. ._..
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<br /> � � , . . -—t - <--� �-a�'�ri:. '-�— - - -' �- - � - -�.-_:�.- - .�.� __
<br /> � .. . t :c+_.= 'a,. • � ` . . � � � •- • � . _ . - --- �
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<br /> •}•�,' '�Y� '� � ' , � 6i�i� � O�Q� ���� � �� .• ..�f�.� __-_—_
<br /> ;�:� .. , S►H��'Y�O�� 56�30W8 k0� f�0 �S
<br /> �s`:.-�" . �@���Qtt���DCSl3�E�WItTi�Q Qi4�°�i�IDOYCiB,$8��'�Qdh�'�tt�8► �04ld9 liE ..•..
<br /> _.. :. __ � --
<br /> �.-i - � ri �jpp�1g�P�!VlI�Gb�t(l�l�l'l'i��A�•7�9 jA�D Q�8�b081a�11�d�111hD�SIIa 1�Q!Qlb�i�-"�_=';
<br /> � ';`� �e t a s a t t�o o s h�t l�o C L�b y'B�e r s u b j a x m I�da's a p p i a v�t w6icb e�2aat .
<br />_�� ':f�+t,:�`..�: �Y;;t �'itiaias�caaai�rixov{dtag tas ----
<br /> >:. . �.,a,_y_" ,.+r:: . .
<br /> ->: . ,,<;,�,.�;_. :._� be nm�bt}r �u Basvw�fav tu m�iania oavr�age dG�alDed ebova Lmdsr m�y.et La�Ae�e agt���o�s, . . —
<br /> - >. ��:~�:<" .:;�':: , cpvaggoioptotoctlre�ra'et3g�►t�iat�Frog�cYtaeooaclJaaaewIBipe�teT. _---
<br /> �; ,, i`r , : ,vl�nsm�ae pol�es aod�wats s�n ue aec�tete m Lenaer aaa sban�S e standa�a mm�age c�e.t�tt ssan , =-__
<br /> ;����,��'`==�':.:�:;;;,' __
<br /> �; � save�s d�M w 6�L!tIIe po1�tm6 c�.If t�endss�.Bncmtwa eBotl�ptty$Ive w Iraadrr atl�+�� .. - -- _
<br /> - � ����` �ams a�d ccnewal aa�es.fn die�vmt ot tfl�v,Bamcowu shaII gtve�pt aot�oe o�the in�aQamce raaler es�LeaQar.IRmdes �=r -
<br /> �T _.._ }.:� .� =--
<br /> : :.�,. - �gwa�oo��8�i�s�tu�paam�9:�i►:Ho�mw�. - - -- - _ -
<br /> .`.�-' Un�,sa t�drs an�Bamawet ut�wtsa ag�e Ia an�8.ms�aace p�aoe�e�D�e�ed m re�mca�nn o=r�r nf 9� - -- , rt _-
<br /> " . Aflpe�ty Q�magal.u,d�a�n or rep�is eoo4om�aliy feasID2e aad I�eud�a•s sa�iW�S nat tes��.�f:�e resoorad9n� �f-���:�--
<br /> - tq�air Ls nM eoano�i�►feasIb3�ar l�Qet's saamii,y wou[d�e lesse�ed.the�n�gtna�s&hatl Ue eppHed m d�a sams ���.,�=`—_
<br /> .:`,�.�:s� seauo��p this Saaai�t I�umau.wh�thei ar not thm-due.witA eay exoess p�d to�Batmwa.If Satmwts obaadoaa dro�
<br /> • Pnap�a;p.ar dnes not susw�t a�t�30 dsys a not&�e fra�n Lead�tbat tDa�o c�ier.ha�affeted to&�e a ctaiim.�1� _
<br /> ;.4 ., Iwdtr maq aolk�tho im�aanoe p�000eds.Leadsz may usa�he p�maeeds m re�r nr teswte�s A�apa�ty ar to pay snms soct�o�� --
<br /> . by dd4 Seatrity Ias�umeu��oraottT�d�7tte 34�daype�ndwIDbe�io wP�tdenot�Oeisgiveu.
<br /> ' , -_.. . -. Ualess I�det ea�Bo�rower ol�swlse�Cea In ardting.saS►ap��On of p�ooeeds m��not e�teod.ar posQooua _
<br /> ; - . � the dne danaaf the monthlY P�v�►m rsf�ed to in pa�agiaFbs i an�2orc�ange tl�eaaooimtof thepaym�►IS.If�mdes�b
<br /> � � 21 the ptopesty is scqntceil bp I�ud�.Haatuwer's rignt m eny insutanoa polide.s end pmoeed9 nauttia8 ftom damaBe to dte
<br /> �=. : _
<br /> _ � .. � pcopeity pziar to the acq�dnn shari p�m I.endrr m dte e�cteat of thE snms saaued by tIlis Sec�inr Iaswm�t�mme�y
<br /> �° � ' � pr�m the acqedsiSfln.
<br /> --- ' 6.Qc�saty,Facs•..av�ttom,M�,int�anc�e t�ad Protecttun of the Ptop�t9: Bopsmv�e Losu Applleatton3 LeaseQolds. __ �� y- _ --,-
<br /> -.. ', . Boaower shall occupy.e�blisa and uqe the PcopPitS►a9 Basmwer's�al residence wItL'm�tq daps afi�the aceao�on of -
<br /> u
<br /> ��: "'_ � � diis S�Ia�m�t and shall wnfmua to occagy theProgeaty as Bosmwda p�incipal�denoe far atIeast one yeat afta dta
<br /> �� ' '� ' � daie of o�ncy,natess Ix�tdea otIlecwlse a�ees in wrldng.�vhicb oonseut sha11 not 6e�amablS►withhela.ar unle� _-
<br />-'`� � - :.�=�.;_ e�teauattng�ces exist atncA aie b�.yond Baaowe�"s oon�ol.Boaower sLaU not desuoy.dama8���P���A�Y•
<br /> ,, t � '�":.,,•�,. .. �� eIIow the P�opeity tn detrtlmate►or oommit wagte on the PtoPeztY.Hoaower shail be in defa�ilt if any farf�mne a�ian ar --
<br /> �.,:��_,�•.,�:; ';: �. :.:.� ptocoedmg,whether dvil mc alm�,is l�eg�m thai in Leader's goad feW�judgmmt aauld restilt In fa�famte of the Ptopaty� _-
<br /> : , ;:� ' . �� :'�� : - otheiwLge mate�iariY imPair t�e 1��r�eated by d�is Se�ty Iasuumeut or I�der's secariry Intaest.Baaower may cure sw;D a -
<br /> �^'f. 'f..;.,:. : , -
<br /> i ` �� z<�.�s.�>'�`=: �-::. defauIt mtd reit�te.a9 plOVided i�s paTBgiaph I8.bq�II�e Sr�iou or praoeedin$t0 hB d�niss0d wtdl a iuliag Nat,iA _ -�
<br />_�s,, `;;�-;:'4`;`" •�'<>., Leader•s gaod faitb��ete�ninattoa:.gr�udes f�ufeivae of tne�a�nower's int�crest in the Rope:ty or o�er watc�ial�me�t of =
<br /> . F;. ,
<br />-�,:.} ��, .�. ,; . . . the lica cr�tod by this S�urity Ias�eat or i end�'s seauIty inteacsL B�u�sbaD a]so 6e ia defentt it8oaowet, g e _ _
<br /> �°''�'` :;�?�,�..�� Ioan a�t�ion�oces4.gave tn�It9 false ar�inf¢�aflon or s�temer�m leader(or faited to�ovide I�ender with ''' _-_
<br /> `s � � .,��i:�Y`'��� apy mate�ial infa�anadon) in c�ame�o�arith We Ioan evideea�ct by the Note,includntg,but not 1�mited to,r�ttaus , - _:4��,:;;
<br /> :. �sz,,j�..��, oonceminS Baaowes's�Y�thz Froperty as a priaapab�ce.Tf ttis Secauityr Tns�mwent is on a Ieasehold.Ht�inwer ��u�
<br /> .�t �� , � 1� s6aII oomply wlth alt the provisioa4 of tha tease.lf Haaawe�r acquireafee title to thePe�opary,tIlo I�holdand the fee m1a s6aU � ' � _
<br /> , �' i��.. -�i'�- .< •.---:::
<br /> � notmetgeunlessLenderagrcestotheme�g�mw�ting. �-..�:_-. .:-
<br /> e�
<br /> 'r�'� �'�`. . : � , �. 7.Erotectton of L�dcr's Righb in the P�s� 1�Baaawear feils w pe�tb:m the wve�aants mid ag�eemeats oo�ad in . -' i
<br /> � � . - this Sec�ty Ir�umenl,or thcae is a tegal proce�ing that�Y si�Rc�ntly a�ect La�dar's rlghts in t6e Pmp�ty(s�cb av a . .. ��`'
<br /> , ',:�..
<br /> ` � .�� � . �,g in ban�ptc5►.Pmbat,�for conde�a6on or forfe�e aa to enfo�ce laws or re$ul2tioav).thea I.e�er mfly do and psy ,��;;:p:
<br /> for whatovea is neae�yr ou pmtect the vatae of the Ptope�tY snd Lw�d�s�ighta in the PYape�ty.Leadea's acdons mayr inctude � -
<br /> '� > .: T � paying anY sums s�by a tieA which Qa4 priosity ove,r dus Socudty In�t,aFF�� ��FeY�S���� � �, . --
<br /> : . � attomeys' fees and eAt�aoing on the Ptopeny to make repairs.Alt�avgb l.ender may ta�e a�inn�mder this pa�graph 7.L�cmdet .,: . ,
<br /> ;..... ea
<br /> > ::`:��=''�� doesaotbavawdoso. _ .�
<br /> 4 . • .,�=�;;,�:;:"'.•t . , � ' .
<br /> . ,,�5.:. � Any amounm d l s b w r s e d by L e n�r un d�r t h i s paregrap h 7 s'h a I i b e c o m e a d d i ti o n a!d e b t o f H o a o w e r s e c u r e d b y t l ri s S e p u i t y � �='t:`��t iE::.:�. ;:�
<br /> � `� Inswment iTntesa�aaower and Leaider agcee to o t hea tenns o f payment,t hese amoun t s s h a ll b e a r i m i r a�t f ro m 8�e d a t e o f . u:.:
<br /> � '' � : disbursementat t�elVa2s rateand shaallbepayabte.wtth�ntere�.ugunnodce from LeAdea w Boaowerm4i:�ing PaYm�� , . ,
<br /> _ � 8.1VSortgage Ia.saranc� If Lend�required mongage insuraz►oo as s conditian of ma�ing the Iaan sx�ed Dy this Seauity . ` �` �
<br /> t �•, .�. Instmment.B�mwea shall yay ths prwn�iums required ro ma�n tica mongage insurance in e8'ect. If,for aay reasas�.lhe . . _
<br /> ' ' :�"���! maitgage ins�e coveaage reqirired by Lemdea Iapses or ceas�s ro be m e�'ect.Bormwe�s h a U pay t he premiums�u i r e d to � :'ti - ,_
<br /> �� ' ' ' :::' � o b r a i n c o v e�a g e a�s b�a n 6 a U y o q u i v a l e n t t o the mo rt g a ge insurance p c c vious�y in eUect,at a cost subs�aally eqtnvalent to the ;�',"'.,�„
<br /> . ..��.,
<br /> �,� y� ,, >; , .� . , _ . �...t
<br /> .. , cost to Boaower oF t�a mortgage insuiance previously ln effea. from a�altemate moitgage insurer�roved by Le.ade�If . . �,,.,_..
<br /> ` 'i. subsmuda]Iy equivat�t mortgage iasuranoa coveaa�ge is not ava�ab2e,Hormwer ahaU pay to Leades eacb month a sum equal cu •::�1�..;:
<br /> _ ��.' ..'''..:�� ' �' "`_5:::. :: ..,:�.
<br /> .�• c ' onataretAfi of dte yearty mongage insurance pmaaium being paid by Hmmaea when the insurenoe coverage Iapsed or ceased to . ,...,.
<br /> �` � � - � be in e�'ect Lender w�l accep�use and retain these payments as a Iosa reseave in lieu of mongage insivaaoo.Loss res e �;::L,:;�:�: . .
<br /> ,s, :.,, "
<br /> ; t�` , Form 9/80 _
<br /> �. ' . .. . �-eR(NE7roa�z� aae•9ofe imaaro. �
<br /> i I4 •
<br /> {1 i
<br /> .
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